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00:00 Hm. So when we talk about sensory system, we talk about somatic

00:11 sensations, stimuli that are pressure, or position of the joints and

00:20 body position. But there's also other sensations such as distension of bladder,

00:28 temperature of limbs and brain. Um the receptors in the smart sensory system

00:34 unique because the receptors are distributed throughout body and the face and the

00:40 So when we talk about the sensory , the visual sensory system, we

00:46 retina that contains photoreceptors. Those were receptor cells talked about auditory system,

00:52 hair cells that are the mechanical receptors processing auditor information. Here, we're

00:59 about the receptor cells and the nerve that will primarily respond to more sensor

01:07 , temperature, pain, appropriate receptor they distribute throughout everywhere throughout the

01:14 Uh skin where you have all of different nerve endings. Here in the

01:21 layer, skin is the largest organ the body. Arguably it's probably the

01:27 expensive organ in the body. Given much soap, shampoo, deodorant,

01:35 , makeup remover laser hair removal, of these things that we do throughout

01:42 just to keep up you know, good skin and without it, you

01:46 live. So people that lose big of skin due to burns or

01:50 they actually can survive. Now within , you have the hair, skin

01:55 the glabrous skin, like the dermis the dermis. And within Dermus,

01:59 see that you have different nerve So all of these different nerve endings

02:04 the peripheral axons that will come and the dorsal root gaum of the sensory

02:14 of the spinal nerve, right? there's a variety of them, Merkel

02:19 . So here, Mesner four apostles you have and core muscle here,

02:26 nerve endings very close to dermas rohe . So there is a variety and

02:35 and you'll see functional variety of these sensory nerve endings that will be sensing

02:41 information of touch, temperature pain and on from different parts of your

02:48 Now, when we talked about receptive properties in the retina, we talked

02:54 how the cells in the retina are equipped to respond to these center surround

03:02 uh light beams essentially. Then we at the receptive field properties in the

03:07 visual cortex and said they're the cells most excited by bars of light in

03:11 specific orientation. And in uh we had a retinoic map right,

03:19 point by point representation. Now you a map of the body that map

03:25 the body. Now you can think the receptive fields, a receptive fields

03:32 different sensations that we're talking about somatic such as touch. And it turns

03:39 that if you use this two point test and you can try doing it

03:45 yourself. Actually, if you have of the same objects, for

03:50 or objects like fingers, you can your face and you can very clearly

03:56 the difference that it's two fingertips that touching your face or your lip,

04:02 . And then touch your torso and that you don't know how many fingers

04:06 holding and tell me if you can tell whether you're feeling two fingers or

04:12 a single stimulus. And the answer that here, you would feel just

04:17 single stimulus. And that's because the and the receptive fields, how much

04:24 that information from the skin is processed variable across the body extent. And

04:32 the most sensitivity and the smallest receptive will be at your fingertips. It

04:38 be a lot of, a lot things where you have to depend on

04:42 , manipulating also around your mouth and . So you will have high sensitive

04:49 high spatial discrimination or spatial resolution by at your finger. Takes it in

04:55 thumb. Here. Again, if touch your forearm or with two

04:59 you ask your front to tap you two fingers or one, you won't

05:03 able to tell, tell the difference . OK. So now lifts

05:09 are very small here. You can the size of the receptive fields in

05:13 forearm and the uh uh back especially here at the level of the

05:20 gets to about 42 millimeters in So this is 4.2 centimeters, which

05:30 about 1.75, don't quote me or inches. So that means that if

05:36 two objects are less than 1.25 inches , you won't be able to tell

05:42 difference if it's one or two. if they're more than two inches

05:46 for example, or more than 4.2 apart, you'll be able to tell

05:51 you're definitely having a sensation from two objects. So this is the reason

05:58 uh one uses fingertips for brain And if you look at our

06:05 you'll have again, some overlapping nerve there where you have Ners core puzzles

06:13 also have processing from vici core puzzles the receptive field from a Perin core

06:20 is very large. So this is size of the receptive field that,

06:24 Perin core fossil processes and the size Myna's core puzzles, how much information

06:31 can pick up the receptive fields are small, giving it very high level

06:36 spatial and uh touch discrimination and And we know that because you can

06:44 the hand here and you can place electrode here in the median nerve and

06:49 can record a number of action And so it turns out that these

06:57 areas will have high densities of the . There will be many receptors located

07:02 the areas that are sensitive for us communicate or to touch things. They

07:07 have small receptive fields to have this discrimination. There will actually be more

07:14 space dedicated to your hands, then your entire torso at the level of

07:20 amount of sensory cortex, but your and your trunk is much larger than

07:27 hands. Ok. So more brain is devoted and we'll discuss it as

07:33 a caricature. We call the homunculus the very first slide and a couple

07:37 slides, we'll discuss that in greater . And there's potentially special neural mechanisms

07:42 are associated with this high discriminatory capability these small receptive fields with higher

07:51 And if you record these action potentials , from the nerve fiber, you'll

07:57 that it's not only the size of receptive fields by which you can distinguish

08:03 receptive fields. Mesner core fossils and , those large receptive fields will be

08:10 core fossils and ruin. And but also another feature is responsive, not

08:17 the size of the field, the discrimination of the size and that's field

08:22 space, but also whether it is or slowly adapting. So it's the

08:30 of these nerve endings and the rapidly my nerves and Virginian core muscles.

08:36 indicates a stimulus of touch. And Wisner's core puzzles or Virginian core puzzles

08:43 activated by stimulus. At the very in this recording of the action

08:49 they produce a number of action But this is called adaptation. They

08:56 to the stimulus and no longer producing potentials until you release the stimulation.

09:03 the same here, you produce one two action potentials at the beginning and

09:08 the very end of the stimulus, they're rapidly adapting, they're adapting to

09:12 stimulus and they record the touch, they are not persistent during the touch

09:19 firing activity. There's a reason for when you put clothing on, for

09:23 , you feel it and then you about it and it would be pretty

09:27 if you were consciously aware and your nerve endings wouldn't adapt to any of

09:33 sensory or somatic stimulations here. So you would constantly be feeling the clothing

09:41 you're wearing, the things that you're . And of course, if you

09:43 very tight or uncomfortable or something like or too small, you know,

09:47 will still feel it and they have adjust it, but they will rapidly

09:50 and then there's a reason for slowly . So some stimulant, we need

09:57 proceed for a long time and they serve different functions of Merkel and the

10:01 will be slowly adapted. You can that during the beginning of the

10:04 there's a lot of action potentials. then there is this sustained firing of

10:09 potentials during the stimulus, you can of other situations that sensory nerve endings

10:16 be reporting pain and that pain is . And that information needs to be

10:22 by a persistent firing frequency of the from the peripheral informing you there's pain

10:27 there's it sensation, there's something going there. Now that information, the

10:36 aerin information, right? So the are carrying information to the C N

10:42 . So you have the peripheral uh pseudo unipolar dos root gain

10:52 the cell that are located in the and you have the central axon that

10:58 the dorsal side of the spinal And the uh ventral portion is where

11:05 have the motor neuron axons coming out the motor component of the spinal

11:12 which is the efferent or it's going the C N S into the

11:18 And there are four types of fibers will carry the sensor information from the

11:24 into the spinal cord. So everything your head is basically processed through the

11:31 cord through the spinal nerves. And four types of fibers are group

11:39 the largest one about 13 to 20 in diameter. And they're also really

11:45 . They're the fastest and they're insulated they process proprioception of skeletal muscle.

11:53 , orientation location of the body of hands and so on, the smaller

11:59 are not as fast, they're still . And these are the kind of

12:04 of the skin. So touch location versus touch. The smallest myelinated

12:11 are the slowest. Also, they information in the slowest way and they

12:17 pain and temperature which are typically more sensations in general. And then there

12:23 a group or of unmyelinated fibers mixed within that somatosensory fiber bundle. And

12:34 are the slowest ones. They will responsible for temperature pain and itch because

12:40 can see there's overlapping functions between some these fibers. Also. Uh I

12:47 to use uh an analogy or a because stimulating your hippocampus for semantic memory

12:54 you're learning, uh complicated scientific information very useful. So let's imagine

13:02 we have a, a bucket of water and we're gonna put our hand

13:06 the bucket of ice water. The thing is you're putting your hand.

13:10 you know where your hand is, ? So that's the appropriate reception.

13:14 first thing, the second thing you're touch the ice warm. OK.

13:19 the second thing you're gonna feel is touch something different from air and that's

13:23 and maybe that's cubes of ice. . So that's the kind of receptors

13:30 . OK. The third thing is gonna feel temperature, cold,

13:35 Really cold. If you hold your long enough in that bucket of ice

13:41 water, you will start feeling So this is a good analogy.

13:46 the last sensation will be pain and . So you may have irritation on

13:50 skin after you take the hand out the ice water. There's itch.

13:55 . Another good analogy is mosquito. mosquito lands on your skin. You're

13:59 to swat it. So you know your hand is, you feel the

14:02 , right, you swat it you itch and then there's this persistent

14:08 and a little bit of pain that stays there and that's processed by

14:11 slowest filers here. So all of information again that we're talking about will

14:18 entering through what we've already described through different uh openings in between the

14:28 uh cervical thoracic. So you have cervical nerves, 12 thoracic, five

14:37 , five sacro and each one of nerves. When it comes out,

14:42 say when the lumber, when the uses thoracic like four or five comes

14:49 that sensory nerve that innervates here. thoracic five or thoracic six is just

14:56 process what is called a single So all amount of sensor information from

15:02 one side of the body, from front and the back through a single

15:08 . So we call dermato a skin by left and right dorsal root ganglia

15:16 the single spine segment on one And so we have a left T

15:22 dermato and you have the right T dermato, you have the left C

15:29 dermato, you have the right C dermato. And so all of the

15:36 it says here, C five, six, C seven, C

15:40 So if you touch something here, information is going into C five something

15:47 is going a little lower to C , something here is now going lower

15:53 C seven through these dermatomes. That's matter of sensory information that obviously is

15:58 be motor component for a spinal nerve have a motor component that will subserve

16:03 area also. But now we're talking some out of sensory components here and

16:08 is cervical. One will cover the back of your head for some out

16:13 sensations. Uh Remember when we talked viruses, we said that one of

16:18 good uses of viruses is for labeling tracing how neurons are interconnected with each

16:26 . And at that point, we several dyes and you may recall them

16:31 horse rider peroxidase for HR P. we said some of the viruses,

16:36 also have the ability to travel So from the periphery into the C

16:41 S and we can trace very nicely the axons are interconnected from the periphery

16:47 the SOMA. And then there are that we're going to discuss today like

16:51 disaster virus, which is capable of anterograde and retrograde. So you may

16:59 seen before COVID-19. Uh on top the Walgreens and CV S S,

17:03 were big banners that were saying uh for shingles and shingle vaccinations. And

17:11 you're 50 and over, you may shingles and you may have seen commercials

17:15 TV. If you're 50 and over or in 41 in five of you

17:20 end up having shingles. So what that? So, as Children,

17:26 of us were infected by this herpes virus, then we had chicken pox

17:31 chicken pox. We had these red spots on our skin. And after

17:37 week or so, we typically But then what happens is it says

17:45 of sight, it's not out of body, out of sight is not

17:49 of body, not out of mind this case, out of body.

17:53 this virus first, we have these , right virus now goes back and

18:00 dormant in the spinal cord. And for whatever reason, in one in

18:06 people, one in five people, virus reactivates itself when they get much

18:13 , 50 plus some years old. isn't clear reason why in some people

18:17 does and some of it doesn't if immune compromised or something like that,

18:20 not clear when it reactivates, it up in just one single spinal cord

18:28 on one side and it travels again the periphery. So it's capable of

18:34 a iron efi or retrograde and inter movements. OK. And when it

18:40 so it will light up and express on a single dermato. So this

18:47 just a single dermatome on the person's and it does not exist on the

18:52 side. So, it reactivates in one side in a single dorsal root

18:59 bundle. And it causes this, inflammation irritation. It can be very

19:07 . That's when you have hypersensitivity and can't wear clothing. So there's a

19:12 recommendation to look into the vaccinations so you don't end up having shingles.

19:20 right. So shingles is one that reactivates chickenpox is the initial infection and

19:27 shingles is one that virus reactivates. it's what we call nature's way of

19:33 the dermato. It shows us exactly dermatome, which if we compared it

19:38 our map here, we would probably it's lower lumbar, maybe we would

19:45 like lumber four or lum five. where this reoccurred, right? That's

19:54 that virus woken up and went back caused this, this problem later.

20:02 this is everything is coming from through cord. That's uh that's all of

20:08 information that we talked about. And course, information in the spinal cord

20:13 going to ascend to the dorsal columns sending information that will form the Thom

20:19 form the cortex and from different parts make us conscious of all the somatic

20:24 . And we'll study the pathway. what is the pathway in particular from

20:34 from the uh spinal cord will be through the second order sensory neurons eventually

20:44 its way into the primary soma sensory area. S one primary visual v

20:51 , primary auditory, a one primary sensory s one area and the thal

20:58 . OK. Now, so the cord, dorsal column, it's ascending

21:05 here, dorsal column nuclei over here once it gets to dorsal column

21:13 it crosses over again as a The way you read these diagrams is

21:18 is cut number one through spinal cut number two through Malaga and then

21:27 number three, which will include a of the thalamus here as well as

21:34 somatosensory cortex in the parietal lobe. all of the information that the long

21:41 dorsal called nuclear crossover, they become from that point on into the primary

21:48 cortex. All of that information is . OK. So if it enters

21:54 lower limb, it will travel abil through dorsal column. Once a DRS

22:01 moat crosses over. Now it's gonna in the contralateral thalamus, ventral poster

22:09 the and from post of the thalamus the primary somatosensory cortex. So all

22:17 the somatic sensation on the right, by the left, all on the

22:22 are processed by the right and the with motor commands, motor commands from

22:26 right will control the left side of body, the left, the right

22:29 of the body. What about all the information around your face? I

22:35 a lot of somatic sensations that are important for communication for moving, for

22:40 , uh for interacting with people These are the cuts. Again,

22:47 is number one which goes through palms number two, which goes to the

22:54 and some matter of sensory cortex at level of the ponds, the information

23:00 the face is carried by a large receptor axons from the face via the

23:09 component of cranial nerve five which is . So everything from here was the

23:18 cord. Everything from here up is going into the sensor. Remember

23:25 so much money, but it's it's both sensor and motor. So

23:31 is the sensor component of the The three uh branch nerve goes into

23:39 principals sensory trigeminal nucleus crosses over at level of the pollens, right.

23:47 from that point on, it goes the V P of thalamus and a

23:52 area of the face area in the somatosensory cortex, right. So that's

23:59 of the information from here all So matter of sensory cortex, the

24:09 of sensory cortex here in the parietal , the matter of sensory cortex area

24:15 123 a 3d. Remember this primary tertiary cordinator there's association area with somatic

24:22 and there is blending of all of sensors together through a joint association

24:29 So to speak, the matter sensory receives dense input from thalamus, ventral

24:36 nucleus of the thalamus neurons and some of sensor cortex are responsive to some

24:42 of sensor stimuli. So, if were tapping a, a finger and

24:46 had an electrode in the opposite side some of senses cortex, the neuron

24:51 get activated if you uh impair or or have traumatic brain injury in some

24:58 of sensory cortex in area. S , you will lose the sensations from

25:03 opposite side of the body. both hand and phase because the lesion

25:12 to the somatic cortex, it's not , it's not to the hand,

25:16 not to the face. If you neurons in primary somatosensory cortex, they

25:24 a sensation as if there is a , we stimulate a neuron here,

25:29 will evoke a sensation of heat in arm or pain or itching depending

25:35 on the protocol for the stimulus. so there's a precise map and there

25:40 even a digit map and we'll look at, at, at how this

25:46 is organized and we'll come back to digit map. In the second,

25:51 talk about it in, in a . But let's look in general of

25:55 this map or somatotopic map, what call somatotopic retinoic map, tonotopic

26:03 this a somatotopic map. So this a map of the body that is

26:10 on the primary somatosensory cortex. And are certain features of this map.

26:15 map is not continuous in relation to body. OK. So if you

26:20 at this drawing here you have your and then you have your toes,

26:25 have your index finger and then you your forehead, which neither one are

26:30 close to each other spatially. So it's discontinuous. The map is

26:35 continuous. It's not scaled through the body because a huge amount of somatosensory

26:43 is dedicated to hand fingers and So it's not scaled. It's a

26:53 , this is what he is. a caricature. How much of this

26:59 is reflected how much space in the is dedicated to different parts of his

27:07 . So a hand look at the is this much and the entire trunk

27:14 this much. Last time I tracked hand is much smaller than my

27:19 But my trunk for some out of of cortex is not as important.

27:23 my hand that's important. So the gets more space and the hand is

27:27 for a number of reasons, you , for me to survive and eat

27:31 procreate and so on. The importance body parts, certain parts are more

27:37 . Therefore, it's going to be space dedicated to those body parts.

27:41 very important for you to move your when you're talking to show your emotions

27:46 the face. And also to to sensations on your lips and on your

27:52 , you know. So it's it's important parts of the body. And

27:56 you have these interesting features of this mountain let's look at somatotopic rodents.

28:04 actually mentioned it at the beginning of course, when I talked about Darwin

28:08 I said that, well, it where animals live and how they spend

28:12 time and what organs they have and those organs are connected to their

28:19 And therefore, there's not only the changes in evolution or the external representation

28:25 these animals, but also there's going be a brain map, but what

28:29 animals do and how they behave and organs they use. And if we

28:35 at the amount of to a you can call it raus mous rent

28:44 , you can see that this area , which is a whisker pad.

28:50 area occupies almost half of the entire of sensory cortex. It tells you

28:57 that the whiskers are very important for , for the rat. Do you

29:01 we have uh uh uh that much dedicated to whiskers? We don't rats

29:09 . And if you look at their somatosensory cortex, you should call whisker

29:14 the, you'll have 12345 rows of and primer somatic sensor cortex will have

29:30 rows of what we call Barres, one of these barrels, each one

29:36 these barrels processes information from just one whisker. So this is C two

29:43 C Whisker two. That means it's C Whisker two. That's the

29:49 So there's a precise, essentially whisker in the primary somatosensory cortex. And

29:56 is that so important? Because this how these animals live, they smell

30:01 they whisk around. They don't really things like we do and manipulate

30:07 They can, but they don't, of the time they get around with

30:11 touching and there's whisking motions that are at certain frequencies. It's a very

30:18 organ for their bodies. Therefore, is this barrel cortex. We don't

30:25 that. Not surprising, right? don't use whispers, we don't have

30:32 , we have facial hair, but don't use it to find food or

30:37 others uh in or objects uh with with the facial hair to get

30:44 So we don't have that. And is specialized knot, it's a specialized

30:50 , specialized environment, therefore, specialized in the cortex. This is structural

30:59 , right? There's a structural map this structural map can also reveal us

31:05 functional maps. So this is the , the ci that's connected to the

31:11 ganglia is a part of the trigeminal . It's coming from the states,

31:17 ? And that information goes on the side to S one. And if

31:22 wiggle wiggle, wiggle C two whisker in the third row, you can

31:30 the activity in just a single barrel the primary and amount of senses

31:35 So this is functional, that is anatomical map is a functional activity,

31:41 map of activity. Remember that we record maps of activity or function.

31:48 talked about calcium imaging. For we also briefly talked about voltage sensitive

31:55 iag. So these are experimental neuroscience that we talked about. OK.

32:01 so in, in this rodent when you wiggle C two whisker,

32:07 is the C two map that lights in the prime of cortex. And

32:11 can image this with calcium activity or activity. You're imaging that activity.

32:18 , so this is the C two at 10 milliseconds after the stimulation but

32:23 and 26 milliseconds after the stimulation, mob grows in size. So these

32:29 the brain maps and now this map spreading or traveling. So we refer

32:35 these as brain waves because they're traveling through the interconnected neuronal networks. So

32:41 going to association areas and other areas inform what that stimulus means. So

32:47 , it's a very small map but wiggling one whisker activates really large areas

32:53 the brain for that animal to process information from that single whisker activation wiggle

32:59 two whisker, you see slightly different for the barrel. So this is

33:04 barrel map for C two. This the barrel map for E two and

33:09 with some 18 22nd millisecond delay, see the expansion spatial temporal expansion of

33:19 cortical wave of activity right now in experiment C A Q X and A

33:29 . So all of the glutamate receptor , C N Q X will block

33:37 kate and A PV will block an A receptor. All of the glutamate

33:43 is blocked locally with the injection, blockade of the C two with chemical

33:50 of C N Q X and A D. Subsequently, they wiggle Whisker

33:56 C two and they don't get much the map, maybe some little residual

34:00 from the surrounding areas. But activity E two, glutamate is fine and

34:06 two, this is excited for glutar . That's what it tells you.

34:10 wiggle Whisker E two and you still a pretty similar amount like you did

34:17 this pharmacological blockade of glutamate transmission. it's a really cool system because it's

34:24 precise. It has very precise anatomy the periphery on the outside of the

34:29 pat has a very precise map, barrel cortex and there can be many

34:35 that can be done. So they be wiggling of the whiskers. It

34:40 be elimination of some whiskers. You also cut the whiskers during the early

34:47 and see if this will rearrange the of the barrel cortex. Like we

34:51 about the rearrangement of the ocular dominance and ocular dominance responsive in the cortex

34:58 that of course, it's going But these are great experiments that can

35:03 done to study plasticity in the system because it's so precise. Ok.

35:10 now let's look at this here. this is a map from the monkey

35:20 . And we already talked about how have the map of the whole

35:25 So high trunk arm, wrist, , chin, lower lip, there's

35:31 hand right here which has the finger . So just like you have digits

35:41 to 5 on each hand, there a digit map, one in the

35:47 SOMA sensor cortex for digit one one digit, two digit 34 and

35:54 , right. So mice have a for the the bristle barrel cortex.

36:02 have a map of fingers and in prima sensory cortex, this finger map

36:10 these columns and each finger has a of slowly and fast adapting neurons that's

36:18 each one of these digits, 123 four and five that are not showing

36:24 . So we have a map of and this is what the cortical

36:30 This is what the cortical map or look like. This is the actual

36:37 and this is the map map of . Yeah. So uh in this

36:45 , the monkey lost middle finger. I always have to recall the story

36:52 I say that because when I was graduate student in uh in New Orleans

36:56 Louisiana me uh L S U Medical , um there used to be a

37:01 room and we would come up to door and there was one monkey that

37:05 always flip people off with their middle because it was almost like waiting for

37:10 just to show up and then, know, we just do that and

37:13 things too, but we'll discuss So here, monkey lost the middle

37:21 . Let's look in the cortex, happens to the cortical mob? Look

37:26 happens. You still have the map D one. You still have the

37:30 of D two D four D But the cortex is no longer containing

37:36 map or D three. Instead the cortical areas for the adjacent fingers,

37:44 two and D four has increased the which indicates that these two surrounding fingers

37:50 the absence of the middle finger, two surrounding fingers become more sensitive.

37:55 more cortical area gets dedicated to the the surviving fingers. But this is

38:01 radical, right? But well, it's radical but it happens people lose

38:06 , legs, amputations, right? that mean it rearranges the map?

38:11 , it does even in adults. there's level of plasticity in adult.

38:16 is not a critical period of development we talk about adult brain snap.

38:20 you have to lose limbs or fingers order to rearrange the map in the

38:26 ? And this is both anatomical and rearrangement that happens because you have the

38:31 rearrangement in the periphery. In this , two digits, one is not

38:40 . Four and five are uns stimulated only digit two and three have the

38:45 disk and this disc just keeps spinning just stimulating these two fingers. And

38:54 you look a few days later, was some out of sensory cortex.

38:59 now see that the knot for digit and digit three have expanded and it

39:08 at an expense of the adjacent digit digit four maps because these two fingers

39:18 being repeatedly used. So there is structural functional rearrangement here as a function

39:25 plasticity that is activity dependent, activity . So these two fingers are getting

39:32 , there is increasing. These fingers not getting activity there. Cortical processing

39:38 maps and cortical space dedicated to those fingers is shrinking. It's decreasing in

39:46 and this is why I tell Can you imagine what a phone call

39:50 like? 40 years ago? 40 ago, there was this thing called

39:56 booth, uh quarters had to put the phone booth at home. You

40:01 maybe two phones, uh They were them landlines. Uh And uh there

40:12 maybe a couple, you know, how you would use the phone 40

40:19 ago or even 30 years ago for matter, you were born uh after

40:25 cellphones were already widely accepted and widely use. Um So that came until

40:33 1995 96 96 is when I had first cell phone. Um before,

40:42 most of you are after that. , um before that you would go

40:48 you would pick up the phone and phone was stationary and you would either

40:54 or you punch in the numbers and you wait for the beep and then

40:59 picks up and, uh, you a conversation with them. If you

41:04 like, really cool, you have like, cool court. So you

41:08 actually walk around, pulls you you know, you go back to

41:13 phone and then you talk to somebody notes and then you hang up and

41:21 you do that like two or three a day, you know, a

41:25 , maybe a parent, maybe a or something like that. And that's

41:32 . You know, unless you you know, phone dispatcher and you're

41:35 the phone, you're doing a phone you're obsessed with somebody, you

41:40 just like, not normal. but other than that, this

41:43 this was just, this was you know, and that was our

41:49 map for, for the phone calls for the phone usage in general right

41:56 , what do we do all day ? Swipe, swipe, swipe

42:01 tap, tap and it's just really two fingers. So you're holding your

42:05 typically in one hand and then after 34 hours, it's like, why

42:09 my finger hurting? You know? , you know, and then you

42:13 at the end of the day, like eight hours of screen time.

42:18 that's like affecting your vision because you're at something small and with light,

42:25 are typically in the digital neck either typing on the phone, then

42:32 like my shoulder is hurting. So , something is wrong with my

42:37 you know, and you're like, maybe I should crack my neck or

42:40 this and then you hear all sorts stuff in there going on, you

42:44 . So this is, this is happening in the sense that we're adjusting

42:50 bodies and our brains to technology. of it is good. Some of

42:55 is bad. This is not so for our vision, not so good

42:59 our necks and, and really it our somatosensory map because now we have

43:08 dominant fingers and then you're like, a second. Can I even move

43:12 two fingers? Oh, I still . You know, it's like a

43:15 , you know, my, my teacher used to do like you have

43:18 do eternal like middle finger in the , you move two fingers up to

43:24 the back. It's called the And you have to keep doing that

43:28 that keeps the dexterity across all the fingers. So it's important for a

43:33 , but actually, it's really important almost anything you do every day and

43:37 do that for a minute. It's my finger is sore. My pink

43:40 sore. The most thing is sore just from this, you know.

43:44 we, we arrange our maps and keep doing that. You know,

43:48 rearranged our visual maps, we rearranged sonata sensory protocol maps with just the

43:55 of light that is being stimulated. then um we'll see what the long

44:00 repercussions are uh on, on, a lot of these digital devices.

44:04 know, if there's gonna be higher of vision, for example, or

44:12 or other changes that are associated, know, like neck problems and so

44:16 . But let's all be conscious of , that our brains are plastic and

44:20 can change them when we're changing them day. And in particular, with

44:23 habits that, you know, that eight hours long, sometimes a

44:29 OK. And for the last section we're doing really good on time today

44:36 I won't even pause. We're gonna a talk by Doctor Roma Chandra.

44:43 this talk is really one of the talks in Neuroscience. And it's still

44:49 difficult to find really good neuroscience There's a couple of good podcasts.

44:54 when I look for my classes and look every year, it's really difficult

44:59 find really good neuro talks, you , by professors and such on TED

45:04 are free, you know, you to take their courses at other

45:08 But this is a really good He's gonna talk about three conditions,

45:13 neuropsychiatric conditions, he's gonna talk about out of sensory cortex. He's gonna

45:19 about plasticity, learn paralysis, stuff that I'm gonna take notes here on

45:24 three conditions. And uh I would for you to remember certain things because

45:29 ask you questions on the quiz in exam on those three conditions.

45:34 So here we go. Um as Chris pointed out, I studied

45:42 human brain, the functions and structure the human brain. And I just

45:46 you to think for a minute about this entails here is this massive jelly

45:52 mass of jelly. You can hold the palm of your hand and it

45:56 contemplate the vastness of interstellar space. can contemplate the meaning of infinity and

46:03 can contemplate itself, contemplating on the of infinity. And there is this

46:08 recursive quality that we call self which I think is the holy grail

46:13 Neuroscience of Neurology. And hopefully, we'll understand how that happens.

46:20 So how do you study this mysterious ? I mean, you have 100

46:25 nerve cells, little wisps of protoplasm with each other. And from this

46:30 emerges the whole spectrum of abilities that call human nature and human consciousness.

46:36 does this happen? Well, there many ways of approaching the functions of

46:39 human brain. One approach, the we use mainly is to look at

46:44 who have sustained damage to a small of the brain or there's been a

46:48 change in a small region of the . What then happens is not an

46:53 the board reduction in all your mental . A sort of blunting of your

46:57 ability, what you get is a selective loss of one function with other

47:02 being preserved intact. And this gives some confidence in asserting that that part

47:06 the brain is somehow involved in mediating function. So you can then map

47:11 onto structure and then find out what circuitry is doing to generate that particular

47:17 . So that's what we're trying to . So let me give you a

47:20 striking examples of this. In I'm giving you three examples, six

47:24 each during this talk. The first is an extraordinary syndrome called Grass

47:30 If you look at the first then uh that's the temporal lobes,

47:34 lobes, parietal lobes, OK. lobes that constitute the brain. And

47:39 you look tucked away inside the inner of the temporal lobes, you can't

47:43 there is a little structure called the gyrus. And that's been called the

47:48 area in the brain. Because when damaged, you can no longer recognize

47:52 faces, you can still recognize them their voice. Say, oh

47:56 that's Joe. But you can't look their face and know who it

47:59 right? You can't even recognize yourself the mirror. I mean, you

48:02 , it is, it's you because you wink it winks and you

48:05 it's a mirror but you don't really yourself as yourself. OK.

48:11 that syndrome is well known, it caused by damage to the, but

48:14 another rare syndrome so rare. In that very few physicians have heard about

48:19 . Not even neurologists, this is the graft delusion. And that is

48:24 patient who's otherwise completely normal, who's a head injury comes out of

48:28 otherwise completely normal. He looks at mother and says this looks exactly like

48:34 mother, this woman, but she's impostor. She's some other woman pretending

48:38 be my mother. Now, why this happen? Why would somebody that

48:41 person is perfectly lucid and intelligent in other respects? But when he sees

48:45 mother, his delusion kicks in and , not mother. Now, the

48:49 common interpretation of this, which you in all the psychiatry textbooks is a

48:53 view and that is that this chap the same argument applies to women by

48:58 way. But I'll just talk about when you were a little baby and

49:02 young baby, you had a strong to your mother. This is the

49:06 called u complex of Freud. I'm saying I believe this, but this

49:09 the standard Freudian view. And then you grow up, the cortex develops

49:15 inhibits these latent sexual urges towards your . Thank God. Otherwise we would

49:20 be sexually aroused when you saw your . And then what happens is there

49:25 a blow to your head, damaging cortex, allowing these latent sexual urges

49:30 emerge, flaming to the surface and and inexplicably, you find yourself being

49:35 harassed by your mother. And you , my God, if this is

49:38 mom, how come I'm being sexually on? She's some other woman,

49:41 an impostor. It's the only interpretation makes sense to your damaged brain.

49:47 made much sense to me this It's very ingenious as all Freudian arguments

49:55 didn't make much sense because I have the same delusion, a patient having

50:00 same delusion about his pet poodle. say doctor, this is not

50:05 it looks exactly like fifi, but some other dog. Right now,

50:10 try using the Freudian explanation there. start talking about the latent beastiality in

50:16 humans or some such thing, which quite absurd. Of course. Now

50:20 really going on. So to explain curious disorder, we look at the

50:24 and functions of the normal visual pathways the brain. Normally visual signals come

50:29 into the eyeballs, go to the areas in the brain. There are

50:32 fact 30 areas in the back of brain concerned with just vision. And

50:36 processing all that, the message goes a small structure called the fusiform

50:41 Um where you perceive faces, there neurons there that are sensitive to

50:46 You can call it the face area the brain. Right? I talked

50:49 that earlier. Now, when that is damaged, you lose the ability

50:53 see faces, right? But from area, the message cascades into a

50:58 called the Amygdala. In the limbic , the emotional core of the brain

51:02 that structure called the Amygdala gauges the significance of what you're looking at.

51:07 it prey? Is it predator, it mate? Or is it something

51:11 trivial like a piece of lint or piece of chalk or, or,

51:15 , or I don't want to point that but, or a shoe or

51:17 like that. Ok. Which you completely ignore. So if the Amygdala

51:21 excited and this is something important, messages then cascade into the autonomic nervous

51:27 . Your heart starts beating faster, start sweating to dissipate the heat that

51:31 going to create from exerting muscular And that's fortunate because you can put

51:36 electrodes on your palm and measure the change in skin resistance produced by

51:41 So I can determine when you're looking something, whether you're excited or whether

51:45 aroused or not. Ok. And get to that in a minute.

51:49 my idea was when this chap looks an object, uh when he looks

51:53 his, any object for that it goes to the visual areas.

51:58 however, and it's processed in the gyrus and you recognize it as a

52:02 plant or a table or your mother that matter. OK. And then

52:06 message cascades into the Amygdala and then down the autonomic nervous system. But

52:11 in this chap that wire that goes the Amygdala to the limbic system,

52:16 emotional core of the brain is cut the accident. So because the fusiform

52:20 intact, the chap can still recognize mother and says, oh yeah,

52:24 looks like my mother. But because wire is cut to the emotional

52:28 He said, but how come if my mother, I don't experience a

52:32 or terror as the case may right? And therefore he says,

52:39 do I account for this inexplicable lack emotions. This can't be my

52:43 It's some strange woman pretending to be mother. How do you test

52:47 Well, what you do is if take any one of you here and

52:49 you in front of a screen and your galvanic can response and show pictures

52:54 the screen, I can measure how sweat. When you see an object

52:58 a table or an umbrella. Of , you don't sweat. If I

53:01 you a picture of a lion or tiger or a pinup, you start

53:05 right? And believe it or If I show you a picture of

53:07 mother, I'm talking about normal You start sweating. You don't even

53:11 to be Jewish. Yeah. Now happens? What happens if you show

53:18 patient, you take the patient and him pictures on the screen and measure

53:23 galvanic skin response, tables and chairs lint nothing happens as in normal

53:29 But when you show him a picture his mother, the galvanic skin response

53:33 flat, there's no emotional reaction to mother because that wire going from the

53:38 areas to the emotional centers is So his vision is normal because the

53:43 areas are normal. His emotions are , he'll laugh, he'll cry so

53:46 and so forth. But the wire vision to emotions is cut. And

53:50 he has this delusion that his mother an impostor. It's a lovely example

53:54 what the sort of thing we do a bizarre, seemingly incomprehensible neurop psychiatric

53:59 and say that the standard Freudian view wrong that in fact, you can

54:03 up with a precise explanation in terms the known neuro anatomy of the

54:07 By the way, if this patient goes and mother phones from an adjacent

54:13 phones him and he picks up the and he says, wow,

54:16 how are you? Where are There's no delusion through the phone,

54:21 she approaches him after an hour. says, who are you? You

54:23 just like my mother. Ok. reason is there's a separate pathway going

54:27 the hearing centers in the brain to emotional centers and that's not been cut

54:32 the accident. So this explains why a phone, he recognizes his

54:37 no problem when he sees it in . He says it's a, he

54:40 it's an impostor. OK. How all this complex circuitry set up in

54:44 brain? Is it nature genes or it nurture? And we approach this

54:49 by considering another curious syndrome called phantom . And you all know what a

54:54 limb is when an arm is amputated a leg is amputated for gangrene or

54:59 lose it in war, for in the Iraq war, it's now

55:01 serious problem. You continue to vividly the presence of that missing arm and

55:07 called a phantom arm or a phantom . In fact, you can get

55:10 phantom with almost any part of the , believe it or not, even

55:13 internal viscera. I've had patients with uterus removed hysterectomy who have a phantom

55:21 , including phantom menstrual cramps at the time of the month. And in

55:26 , one student asked me the other , do they get phantom P MS

55:31 subject ripe for scientific enquiry? But haven't pursued that. Ok. Now

55:36 next question is, what can you about phantom limbs by doing experiments?

55:41 of the things we found was about the patients with phantom limbs claim that

55:45 can move the phantom. It'll pat brother on the shoulder, he'll answer

55:49 phone when it rings, it'll wave . These are very compelling, vivid

55:53 . Patients are not delusional. He that the arm is not there.

55:56 nevertheless, it's a compelling sensory experience the patient. But however, about

56:01 the patients, this doesn't happen the limb, they'll say doctor, the

56:06 limb is paralyzed. It's fixed in clenched spasm and it's excruciatingly painful.

56:11 only I could move it, maybe pain will be relieved. Now,

56:15 would a phantom limb be paralyzed? sounds like an oxymoron. When we

56:19 at the case sheets, what we was these people with the paralyzed phantom

56:24 . The original arm was paralyzed because the peripheral nerve injury. The actual

56:29 supplying the arm was severed was cut say a motorcycle accident. So the

56:34 had an actual arm which is painful a sling for a few months or

56:38 year. And then in a misguided to get rid of the pain in

56:42 arm, the surgeon amputates the arm then you get a phantom arm with

56:46 same pains, right? And this a serious clinical problem. Patients become

56:52 . Some of them are driven to . Ok. So how do you

56:56 this syndrome? Now, why do get a paralyzed phantom limb? When

56:59 looked at the case sheet, I that they had an actual arm and

57:03 nerve supplying the arm had been cut the actual arm had been paralyzed and

57:09 in a sling for several months before amputation. And this pain then gets

57:15 over into the phantom itself. Why this happen when the arm was intact

57:21 paralyzed. The brain sends commands to arm, the front of the brain

57:24 move. But it's getting visual saying no move, no move,

57:30 move, no. And this gets into the circuitry of the brain.

57:35 we call this learned paralysis. The brain learns because of this Heben

57:41 link that the mere command to move arm creates a sensation of a paralyzed

57:47 . And then when you the this learned paralysis carries over into

57:52 into your body image and into your . OK. Now how do you

57:57 these patients? How do you unlearn learned paralysis so you can relieve him

58:01 this excruciating clenching spasm of the phantom . Well, we said what if

58:07 now send the command to the phantom give him visual feedback that it's obeying

58:13 command, right? Maybe you can the phantom pain. The phantom

58:17 How do you do that? virtual reality, but that costs millions

58:20 dollars. So I hit on a of doing this for $3 but don't

58:25 my funding agencies, what you do you create what I call a mirror

58:31 . You have a cardboard box with mirror in the middle and then you

58:34 the phantom. So my first patient came in, he had his arm

58:39 10 years ago. He had a abul. So the nerves were

58:43 the arm was paralyzed, lying in sling for a year and then the

58:46 was amputated. He had a phantom , excruciatingly painful and he couldn't move

58:50 . It was a paralyzed phantom So he came there and I gave

58:53 a mirror like that in a OK, which I call a mirror

58:58 , right? And the patient puts phantom left arm which is clenched and

59:02 him on the left side of the and the normal hand on the right

59:05 of the mirror and makes the same , the clenched posture and looks inside

59:10 mirror. And what does he He looks at the Phantom being resurrected

59:16 he's looking at the reflection of the arm in the mirror and it looks

59:20 this. Phantom has been resurrected. , I said, now, look

59:24 your phantom, your real fingers or your real fingers while looking in the

59:29 . He's going to get the visual that the phantom is moving,

59:32 That's obvious. But the astonishing thing the patient then says, oh my

59:36 , my phantom is moving again and pain, the cleansing spasm is

59:40 I remember my first patient who came . Thank you. My first patient

59:49 in and he looked in the mirror I said, look at your reflection

59:52 your phantom and he started giggling so can see my phantom, but he's

59:56 stupid. He knows it's not real knows it's a mirror reflection, but

59:59 a vivid sensory experience. Now, said, move your normal hand.

60:03 phantom, he said, oh, can't move my phantom. You know

60:06 it's painful. I said move your hand. And he says, oh

60:09 God, my phantom is moving I don't believe this and my pain

60:12 being relieved. OK? And then said, close your eyes, he

60:15 his eyes and move your normal Oh Nothing. It's clenched again.

60:19 ? Open your eyes. Oh my . Oh my God. It's moving

60:22 . It was like a kid in candy store. So I said,

60:26 , this proves my theory about learned and the critical role of visual

60:31 But I'm not going to get a Prize for getting somebody to move his

60:34 limb, completely useless ability if you about it. But then I started

60:43 maybe other kinds of paralysis that you in, in, in, in

60:47 like stroke, focal dystonia. There be a learned component to this which

60:51 can overcome with the simple device of a mirror. So I said,

60:56 Derek. Well, first of the guy can't just go around carrying

60:58 mirror to alleviate his pain. I , look Derek take it home and

61:02 with it for a week or Maybe after repeated practice, you can

61:06 with the mirror unlearn the paralysis and moving your paralyzed arm and then relieve

61:11 of pain. So he said, , and he took it home.

61:14 said, look at that for all take it home. So he took

61:17 home and after two weeks he phones and he said, doctor, you're

61:20 going to believe this. I said , he said it's gone. I

61:23 , what's gone? I thought maybe mirror box was gone. He

61:27 no, no, no. You this phantom I've had for the last

61:30 years, it's disappeared. And I , I got worried. I

61:34 my God, I mean, I've this guy's body image. What about

61:37 subjects, ethics and all of And I said, Derek, does

61:40 bother you? He said no, three days, I've not had a

61:44 arm and therefore no phantom elbow no clenching no phantom forearm pain.

61:49 those pains are gone away. But problem is I still have my phantom

61:53 dangling from the shoulder and your box reach. So can you change the

61:59 and put it on my forehead so can, you know, do this

62:02 eliminate my phantom fingers? He thought was some kind of magician. Does

62:06 happen? It's because the brain is with tremendous sensory conflict. It's getting

62:11 from vision saying the phantom is On the other hand, there's no

62:15 , muscle signals saying that there is arm right in your motor command saying

62:20 is an arm and because of this , the brain says to hell with

62:24 . There is no phantom, there no arm, right? It goes

62:26 sort of denial. It gates the and when the arm disappears, the

62:31 is the pain disappears because you can't disembodied pain floating out there in

62:37 So that's the bonus. Now, technique has been tried on dozens of

62:40 by other groups in Helsinki. So may prove to be valuable as a

62:44 for phantom pain. And indeed people tried it for stroke, rehabilitation

62:48 You normally think of as damage to fibers, nothing you can do about

62:52 . But it turns out some component stroke paralysis is also learned paralysis and

62:58 that component can be overcome using This has also gone through clinical trials

63:03 lots and lots of patients. Let me switch gears. Now to

63:07 third part of my talk, which about another curious phenomenon called synaesthesia.

63:12 is discovered by Francis Galton in the century. He was a cousin of

63:16 Darwin. He pointed out that certain in the population who are otherwise completely

63:21 had the following peculiarity. Every time see a number it's colored five is

63:28 , seven is yellow, eight is nine is indigo. OK. Bear

63:33 mind these people are completely normal in respects. OK? Or C# sometimes

63:38 evoke color C# is blue F sharp green. Another tone might be

63:44 right? Why does this happen? is called synesthesia Galton called it

63:48 Mingling of the senses in us, the senses are distinct. These people

63:53 up their senses. Why does this ? And another two aspects of this

63:56 are very intriguing synesthesia runs in So Dalton said this is a hereditary

64:02 , a genetic basis. Secondly, is about and this is what gets

64:05 to my point about the main theme this activity is about creativity. Synesthesia

64:10 eight times more common among artists, , novelists, and other creative people

64:16 in the general population. Why would be? I'm going to answer that

64:19 . It's never been answered before. . What is synesthesia? What causes

64:24 ? Well, there are many One theory is they're just crazy.

64:27 , that's not really a scientific So you can forget about it.

64:30 ? Another theory is there are acid and potheads right now. There may

64:34 some truth to this because it's much common here in the Bay Area than

64:37 San Diego. OK. Now, third theory is that, well,

64:43 ask ourselves what's really going on in , right? So, but the

64:48 area and the number area are right to each other in the brain,

64:51 the fusiform gyrus. So we said some accidental cross wiring between color and

64:57 in the brain. So every time see a number, you see a

65:00 color and that's why you get Now remember that, why does this

65:05 ? Why would they be cross wired some people? Remember I said it

65:08 in families that gives you the And that is there is an abnormal

65:13 in the gene that causes this abnormal wiring in all of us. It

65:18 out we are born with everything wired everything else. So every brain region

65:23 wired to every other region and these trimmed down to create the characteristic modular

65:28 of the adult brain. So there's gene causing this trimming. And if

65:32 gene mutates, then you get deficient between adjacent brain areas. And if

65:37 between number and color, you get color synesthesia. If it's been tone

65:40 color, you get tone color synesthesia far, so good. Now what

65:44 this gene is expressed everywhere in the ? So everything is cross connected.

65:49 , think about what artists, novelists poets have in common, the the

65:55 to engage in metaphorical thinking, linking unrelated ideas such as it is the

66:00 and Juliet is the sun. But don't say Juliet is the son.

66:03 that mean she's a glowing ball of . I mean schizophrenics do that,

66:07 it's a different story, right? people say she's warm, like the

66:11 , she's radiant like the sun, nurturing like the sun instantly, you

66:15 the links. Now, if you that this greater cross wiring and concepts

66:20 also in different parts of the then it's going to create a greater

66:24 towards metaphorical thinking and creativity in people synesthesia. And hence the eight times

66:31 common incidence of synesthesia among poets, and novelists. OK. It's a

66:35 chronological view of synesthesia. The last , can I take one minute?

66:44 all syntheses but you're in denial about . Here's what I call Martian alphabet

66:49 like your alphabet. A is A is BC, is C different shapes

66:54 different phonemes. Right here. You've Martian alphabet. One of them is

66:59 , one of them is Buba with Martian alphabet just like. So he

67:05 this in this lecture. But let's this experiment here. So one of

67:11 is Kiki, one of them is . How many of you think that

67:17 is, how many of you think this is Kiki? Yeah.

67:26 Very interesting. Right. Let's see , what uh the alphabet A is

67:32 B is BC, is C different for different phonemes. Right here.

67:38 got Martian alphabet. One of them Kiki, one of them is

67:41 Which one is Kiki? And which is? How many of you

67:43 That's Kiki and that's Buba. Raise hands. Well, it's one or

67:47 mutants. How many of you think Buba? That's Kiki. Raise your

67:51 . 99% of you now. None you is a Martian. How did

67:54 do that? It's because you're all a cross model synesthetic abstraction. Meaning

68:00 saying that that sharp inflection key key your auditory cortex, the hair cells

68:06 excited key key mimics the visual sudden inflection of that jagged shape.

68:12 this is very important because what it's you is your brain is engaging in

68:17 primitive. It just, it looks a silly illusion. But these photons

68:21 your eye are doing this shape and cells in your ear are exciting the

68:25 pattern. But the brain is able extract the common denominator. It's a

68:31 form of abstraction. And we now this happens in the Fuso form of

68:37 brain because when that's damaged, these lose the ability to engage in Buba

68:43 . But they also lose the ability engage in metaphor. If you ask

68:46 guy, what all that glitters is gold. What does that mean?

68:50 patient says, well, if it's and shiny, it doesn't mean it's

68:53 , you have to measure its specific . OK. So they completely missed

68:57 metaphorical meaning. So this area is eight times the size in higher,

69:03 in humans as in lower primate. very interesting is going on here in

69:06 Anglo because it's the crossroads between hearing and touch enormous in humans and something

69:13 interesting is going on. And I it's a basis of many uniquely human

69:18 like abstraction, metaphor and creativity. of these questions that philosophers have been

69:23 for millennia. We scientists can begin explore by doing brain imaging and by

69:28 patients and asking the right questions. you. Uh So what do I

69:35 you to know? I want you know the three conditions he was talking

69:39 uh outlined with Capra's delusion, phantom , anesthesia. I want you to

69:44 the brain areas that are uh involved , fusiform gyrus face area connected to

69:52 , emotional centers. So visual input from monitor, input phantom limb.

69:57 talking about some out of sensory motor cortices, but we're talking about plasticity

70:02 learned paralysis and also can be replicated stroke. And an again, there's

70:08 area where you have a lot of , this association area that associates that

70:14 , color, tone or sound areas the fusiform gyrus and angular gyrus.

70:20 a genetic trimming component now that the doesn't happen properly and some people will

70:26 sound and color, others will see and in, in color and and

70:32 so on. Uh it's due to cross wiring and we're all extracting this

70:39 he calls a common denominator through our uh associations and the brain structure and

70:47 through the circuits that we have built through this, built in wiring.

70:52 And in this case, uh some wiring. Uh now, in each

70:58 , it was really cool that he back and used something very simple,

71:02 very simple technique, galvanic skin response at how uh conduct all your skin

71:08 because when you're excited and you there's higher conductance across his skin,

71:13 know, and the Phantom like mirror , you know, and it's interesting

71:18 talk is, you know, uh 2000 7, I believe this

71:23 right? So he says, with virtual reality, but that costs

71:28 . Wouldn't it be interesting now to that same topic, Phantom Limb,

71:33 I haven't done within the context of reality, which is no longer costing

71:39 millions of dollars with literally just hundreds dollars and really much more accessible.

71:45 I'm, I'm sure that there's a science and new science, new

71:49 new neuropsychiatry that is being developed based virtual reality for therapeutic purposes and learning

71:58 as well. And finally, Um Yeah, we all uh so

72:06 a certain extent. So on that , we end today's lecture, I'll

72:12 everyone back here on Wednesday and I keep you updated about the quiz on

72:17 . Let me check my email. , not yet. So I'll just

72:29 updating
