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00:02 This is lecture 22 of neuroscience, hmm. This is lecture 22 of

00:17 . We developed this concept of brain when we talked about multiple things in

00:24 course. But we talked about maps calcium fluctuations at the synapse. And

00:31 talked about synaptic transmission and we talked barrel cortex and somatosensory barrel cortex and

00:40 . And how you when you activate whisker you see a map of

00:45 So there's a structure that represents that barrel and there's activity within that barrel

00:52 represents a matter of sensory or touch on that single whisker. And we

00:59 that these maps and some out of cortex if they start from a single

01:04 those maps of activity. They spread the adjacent interconnected brain regions. The

01:12 of activity can be described as a wave or a wave of traveling electrochemical

01:21 through the interconnected neuronal networks. We looked at the examples of brain maps

01:32 the olfactory system and what happens when is proceeding certain smiles. We saw

01:40 certain structure of the olfactory epithelium. had a variety of receptor cells.

01:49 receptor cells that all expressed a slightly receptor protein and that receptor protein was

02:02 to certain odors in the environment. we have a variety of these specific

02:11 protein receptor cells. In fact we cells that process these olfactory stimuli.

02:21 talked about how Alana bell factors stimuli Turpin's and they can be synthetic molecules

02:30 most of our environments. Most of experiences we encounter a lot of organic

02:37 nature produced our beans and that there a whole map and that map exists

02:44 the level of bill factory, both the glimmering light where you will have

02:51 sense, producing a different map of minty versus fruity within the olfactory evolved

03:00 the glamorous life. That information is throughout the cortex. Mhm. And

03:09 the interconnected brain regions. And that's we talked about how smells. Although

03:17 will say it's a psychological effect of smell, you're clearly seeing that there's

03:22 physiological effect on the brain activity which further influence your mood will influence your

03:32 . We'll tell you I'm going to this and we'll tell you maybe I

03:36 this person or not. So it not just psychological, it actually will

03:42 a lot of new motor output physiology the brain which is intertwined with physiology

03:50 the body. So we have this maps or smell maps and when we

04:02 in the olfactory evolves here. The technique that was used was calcium

04:10 And that's an important technique especially within olfactory evolved because most of the deep

04:16 and the olfactory receptor cells comes from dependent chloride channels. And when you

04:24 calcium, you measure activity. So measure calcium in this case you measure

04:32 only increases in calcium but you're also the deep polarization of the membrane

04:43 So these maps that are created and waves in which they travel are similar

04:54 they're unique in all of us. smells and how we perceive the smells

04:59 dependent upon what we've learned. Not the structure that we have built

05:05 but also the environments that we have exposed. Two. And I was

05:12 telling you about the smell maps of city, which is an artistic

05:21 But I challenge the class yesterday saying if blind people had an additional map

05:32 their environments of their community, of city? And those were the smell

05:40 maps that they could read in So what maps do blind people read

05:51 ? Oh there is no sound map , there is no tape that I

05:59 up or recording or app that tells this is the sound, the map

06:04 you of age, it doesn't So there is braille maps but braille

06:14 are pretty complicated. There's a lot things in there and this is a

06:20 simplified smell map that could be laid the city braille map also in

06:26 So when we talk about these things you think, oh it's just fun

06:30 , that could be really serious signs it could be helping another tool for

06:36 people. For example, if they a smell map of the building,

06:40 they could also rely in addition to spatial map because maybe they're special orientation

06:47 upset. So they are not sure direction they really turn and with those

06:55 then smelling, having another sense and on that is another tool that they

07:02 basically live by. So yeah, what is the threat of the wind

07:08 ? That's a great point. So the direction of minimal change and

07:16 you're inside, you know, sometimes heater will kick in and sometimes

07:20 C. And this will change maybe the smell. So the way

07:24 move through the vans. Yeah, there will be variability for sure.

07:30 then at the same time, you that you have the locations of sewage

07:36 and those typically don't change. And this is this is there permanently.

07:42 some infrastructural things that have strong gardens and maybe you could say in

07:49 springtime this will smell like flowers and the fall of this will smell like

07:55 , you know, something like So I think there's there's something to

08:00 . I'm just throwing all of these out there for you guys because you're

08:04 future of this world and you're gonna doing all of these things in the

08:08 . Now. Go away, please you. Yeah. Alright, so

08:16 we're going to look at another very technique that also allows you to experimentally

08:24 activity, neuronal activity, neuronal number deep polarization, hyper polarization. And

08:33 technique is called voltage sensitive dye And before I explained to you this

08:40 , I wanted to tell you that general when we talk about imaging,

08:45 talking about multiple levels at which this can be imaged. So when we're

08:52 about macroscopic level, we're talking about Primary Somatosensory Cortex S one Activity And

09:06 Visual Cortex V one Activity. This macroscopic. Or if you may holistic

09:14 of the large area swats of the that are activated, then if you

09:22 into one region like the one you now at this mezza SKOp IQ

09:31 And if you know and recall the of B1, there's a certain structure

09:37 the cortex recall that cortex is a layer structure so laminar and also it

09:44 columns so it's columnar laminar and columnar . And within the cortex you also

09:52 a certain circuit and arrangement. 80-90% the cells in the new cortex are

10:01 to Graham in all cells, 10-20% inhibitory into neurons. But you've also

10:08 early in this course that the diversity the cellular subtype population comes from the

10:16 cells. So excited to results are excited to re long range production cells

10:25 interconnect different regions of the brain and cells are locally controlling these excitatory cells

10:34 there is a variety of these inhibitory and how they can control the excitatory

10:39 and how that output is going to communicated. This approach is circuits

10:45 so for circuit centric approach, you to know the players that are involved

10:51 subtypes that are involved connectivity and the by which that circuit functions a rule

11:00 example of feedback inhibition. When there a lot of excitation, there's unsanitary

11:08 will activate inhibitory cells and the inhibitory will inhibit the same excitatory cells.

11:15 there is arrangement, cellular arrangement, in that circuit. And there are

11:23 by which these circuits function. There's ultimate, there's inhibition, gaba,

11:31 color laura been Afrin serotonin and there rules by which these circuits function.

11:39 you can get to the circuit centric and understanding understanding what understanding what these

11:48 do during a particular phenomenon. Let's your visual cortex is activated by an

11:57 and you want to know what are inhibitory subtypes of cells doing when they're

12:04 when they're silent, What are they ourselves doing at what time and when

12:09 that information being communicated and propagated into adjacent interconnected brain regions. If you

12:19 that level of understanding on a circuit , the connectivity, the communication between

12:25 cells. You can now go down the cellular level. So there are

12:33 techniques that will allow you to go to a single cell level that is

12:41 because you can image activity in one and unlike recording electrically from two or

12:51 maximum, I think the record is simultaneously wholesale recordings individual and the slides

12:58 eight cells simultaneously is the record. believe in the world. Although it's

13:02 in the Guinness world records. If are doing imaging when you're imaging circuits

13:10 you get down to cellular level with imaging techniques you have capability of tracking

13:16 and hundreds of cells at the same and thousands of cells at the same

13:21 . That's something that the recording electrode do. You simply cannot stick 200

13:28 underneath a small objective and you certainly do it in vivo. You cannot

13:35 so many electrodes to pick up intracellular . I'm not talking that there is

13:41 electrode erase of going to the If you follow some of the multi

13:47 eraser called it would be implanted. will have hundreds of electrodes for experimental

13:53 . But here we're talking imaging imaging and hundreds of thousands of units if

14:03 even have greater resolution. And if have certain dyes certain tools and you

14:12 certain dyes and certain tools you can to the sub cellular level you can

14:18 to a level of a single synapse a synaptic button, of the synapse

14:27 a dumb drive of a dendritic spine you can get to that sub cellular

14:35 . So you need to use really microscopes. If on the macro side

14:42 don't really need to magnify you know talking about four x four times magnifying

14:50 signal that you're looking at. So magnification on this sub cellular side.

14:57 you have to have really powerful microscopes can have very high spatial resolution.

15:08 so when you talk about functional neural imaging, you will often hear this

15:16 of space or temporal resolution or spatial pattern of activity special and temporal.

15:28 you're talking about resolution, spatial temporal , you're looking at resolution in

15:35 How powerful are these microscopes? How are the cameras connected to the

15:44 It's not only the microscope that image through a camera, a digital camera

15:50 is connected to a computer so that can visualize these beautiful images on the

15:57 . So how powerful is the How many pixels does the camera

16:03 In other words, how powerful is objective is on the microscope? You're

16:10 right? It's an objective your magnifying times your magnifying 100 times your magnifying

16:16 times now you're getting down into the cellular level. But how good is

16:22 camera? How many pixels? The mounted on your microscope? How many

16:27 does it have? Is it about pixels. What does it mean if

16:31 camera has 10 pixels there is an of an apple and it has like

16:38 interesting things here and some color blah blah blah. Maybe this is like

16:46 , Some image. Right? And you have your camera that has

16:57 10, 11, 12 pixels. means whatever is in this pixel is

17:02 get averaged over and you're not gonna much of the detail that was buried

17:09 have a camera that has a lot pixels. You will get much higher

17:18 resolution. So how many megapixels does iphone have anybody bothered to know?

17:26 not the last five years. Nobody . But you used to buy these

17:31 expensive cameras like Canon pay $500,000 To like 12 megapixels and things like

17:44 And it has been replaced by cell cameras that approximately the same resolution.

17:51 way of thinking it is the less resolution that has the blurrier than the

17:55 gets, The more spatial resolution the more detail you can see.

18:01 that's for spatial resolution. Now this that is processing the spatial information also

18:10 to have speed sampling speed. What what is your video camera sample on

18:17 phone? Phone has like 2000 We only use three, we don't

18:24 know what it does. So um 30 frames per second. You will

18:30 30 FPs that stands 30 frames per . What does that mean? That

18:36 that whatever happens in one second of is segmented into 30 windows. So

18:45 I'm reaching over one second alright, will be segmented into 30 samples of

18:53 image like that and very slow. have a 60 frames per second is

19:01 to be twice as fast you have T. V. Maybe you

19:08 What's some things there's this program, mythbusters. It's somewhat scientific but they

19:14 different myths and they have super fast resolution cameras so they can show you

19:20 plumes of smoke or explosions of breaking . Can you see that with 30

19:27 per second? No, you need super fast cameras. So the things

19:34 have to match if you're imaging fast , if you're imaging fast activity on

19:40 single cell level, you better have really powerful microscope. You better have

19:44 good spatial resolution If you want to electrical activity, actual potentials.

19:50 P. S. P. What's the duration of an action

19:54 Mm hmm millisecond to milliseconds. How is that? A second? One

20:03 is 1001 1000s of a second. means if you wanted to capture that

20:11 millisecond. Long action potential, you to have at least twice at

20:19 You have to take two samples of action potential. And that would be

20:25 samples. So two kilohertz. if you wanted to see all of

20:29 details as many points along this action . If you just took two

20:35 it might be here in here, on your speed. This is your

20:41 rate. If you increase the sampling . Now you can track the action

20:47 . It's every. What are these . Okay now now you will have

20:54 really beautiful representation. So you have match that whatever you're gonna put in

21:00 system whenever dies you're gonna use that dyes can track as fast with

21:09 electrical activity in the movement of the . That the cameras can pick it

21:13 and the cameras can process it. the other thing that happens is that

21:18 you collected the data and a lot these experiments are very difficult and 10

21:24 and you have to have die. these dyes are genetically expressed in

21:31 You have to have tissue prepared You know, it's usually 23 people

21:36 hours of work to get there. know, another eight hours to get

21:41 done. We're going home exhausted. have four hours of data. It's

21:48 probably take you five times as long analyze that data at least to extract

21:56 most meaningful information. So after you , after you matched everything up there

22:01 post experimental processing of data. You want to filter the noise out in

22:08 signals. You may want to filter noise out in optical signals. You

22:11 want to zoom in on an area interest and zoom in on another area

22:16 interest. If you zoom in, you want to go down to single

22:20 resolution, if you have that data and the speeds that are necessary for

22:27 to understand that date. Yeah. these are different levels of imaging.

22:33 this is one advantage of genetically encoded indicators imaging is that it can cover

22:42 spatial scales, resolution coverage raging from whole brain to dendritic spines. So

22:49 are certain dies. And in this it's genetically expressed voltage die.

22:55 so let's let's understand. What are voltage dies and how they work.

23:01 these voltage dies are really great for cortical dynamics. And you can image

23:09 cortical dynamics in vivo, which is the whole animal. And in vitro

23:15 you're imaging activity using these voltage sensitive , you're still typically imaging activity from

23:24 100 to 200 micro meters off the after activity. Now you will say

23:32 . But what if I had a powerful microscope and that microscope can go

23:39 and image deeper? Well, if had come focal microscopy you could go

23:44 a little bit deeper and you can in on a certain focal plane.

23:49 called in the microscope a little bit . But still, most of the

23:53 that you're going to observe is going be on the surface. And so

23:58 when we saw these beautiful orientation, columns and their colors blue,

24:05 yellow. And I said that these all of the different styles reacting to

24:09 orientations in the optical columns in the cortex. Those experiments were done with

24:15 imaging with imaging voltage sensitive dyes. the way this works is these

24:21 they can be genetically expressed within the or in this example in this

24:28 And another one that I will show . These dyes are embedded into the

24:32 membrane. So you can apply the on the surface of the cortex so

24:36 can apply the dye on the surface beautician. And those guys are like

24:40 little squiggly warms and they will penetrate the plasma membranes of the cells and

24:47 squiggly worms, they have a certain to them and they have certain reflective

24:54 absorptive properties. That means that if shine a light on it like a

24:58 light, it's gonna reflect at a wavelength which indicates it's confirmation all

25:05 Now, once voltage crosses through the channels and there is deep polarization across

25:13 membrane, these dies in the plasma will change their confirmation. The warm

25:20 gonna bend in a different direction. as they change their confirmation, the

25:26 properties are going to change. So deep polarization they will change their confirmation

25:32 one direction and the reflected is going increase. So the areas where there's

25:38 polarization and the conformational change are going be indicated optically as active areas.

25:46 then when the cell hyper polarizes this dies will change into a different

25:53 And as you shine the light they reflect it in a different way,

25:58 that there's cu essence or silence or in those particular areas. So the

26:07 thing here that has shown is that is a blue trace and the red

26:15 in this diagram here and the blue the red traits are virtually indistinguishable.

26:23 , one of these traces is an potential recording with an electrode. Just

26:29 we studied traditional electro physiological recordings of . P. S. P.

26:34 . And action potentials throughout this The second color recording is an optical

26:40 that is picked up by this very camera. So what that tells you

26:48 and I'm not gonna ask him to which one is which, because I

26:50 remember which one is which. The is that both its sensitive died imaging

26:59 directly correlated to the changes of the member and potential. And it's very

27:10 . So it can pick up a PS. It can even pick up

27:15 potentials, individual action potentials. And this is a an image where you

27:21 a macroscopic. So you're not really it that much. In this case

27:26 not as much worried about a single resolution. But you want to see

27:31 pinwheel cortical Structures and neurons that are to one Orientation vs the other.

27:39 now you have a window, you an electrode. This is your electrical

27:45 into the tissue into neuron and you the microscope which is only a portion

27:53 the microscope that has shown here that imaging inside this window here and the

28:00 that is being collected by this fast . So those cameras to capture action

28:07 activity again. Think about the speed the scales would be in kilohertz.

28:13 want to have four kilohertz, 10 of optical imaging. You want to

28:20 thousands of pixels of resolution in that data files thousands of pixels, 10

28:30 of imaging data for two minutes. like a two GB of data.

28:37 running an experiment for four hours. can you can you can count how

28:41 data storage you need in the computers files and transfers and backups and things

28:47 that. So it's a lot of . But so now this is an

28:52 and you have a visual stimulator for animal. And instead of just recording

28:58 an individual cell like you would in orientation columns, spoke in one

29:03 What is this cell responsive to this of that orientation? Okay. The

29:08 day I'm gonna poke another cell. me eight hours to get there.

29:12 orientation without orientation. So this was evolution of understanding the primary visual cortex

29:18 understanding orientation columns. Is literally poking by cell one by one until we

29:25 imaging techniques until the intrinsic optical signal the ocular dominance columns. Until you

29:32 more spatial resolution in the microscopes and cameras and faster dies that we're able

29:37 reveal the orientation column structure and the that we saw in the visual

29:43 And so this is the precise experiments these are the multi sensitive dyes that

29:49 talking about. Let me make sure have. So now we're going to

29:59 Movie number one as I call. and Movie number one is called epileptic

30:03 waves. And these are the recordings were done in the movie that was

30:07 by me and my students. And will comment as we watch this movie

30:11 you should be able to recognize some the structures like the hippocampus stimulation of

30:19 and you can read along. Thank you. 40 Hz stimulation of

30:38 . This black thing is a stimulating will produce currents of stimulus rather than

30:53 . Okay okay so it travels in certain despise what we call the temporal

31:02 . Green is like clumps of cells don't have a single resolution err So

31:07 little mountains represent to too few cells per pixel. Now it's the same

31:13 but it's apoplectic condition, it's the stimulus that gets produced. But the

31:20 the environment of the tissue has been the chemical e convulsive pro epileptic bro

31:28 same stimulus. Now you can see first of all you're seeing a lot

31:35 red which is a lot of signal lot of activity here. That signal

31:44 massive. It's huge. It's no very precise. It's spatially temporally has

31:50 recognized reorganized into a big med puddle activity. This is electrical activity looking

31:57 have and it's persistent that way to there, the stimulus was the same

32:05 stimulus is in the first image. now you can see this persistent epileptic

32:11 of activity standing, this is without . Without stimulation. You can observe

32:19 activity. You will see that there's burst of activity that generates right there

32:27 it propagates over there. This is hippocampus, this is dente gyros,

32:34 is C. A. Three and is C A C A one area

32:37 we looked at earlier in the course we studied the diversity of the

32:41 this is individual cortex. You guys the structure of the cortex? Let

32:47 remind you. This is the superficial . So this would be layer one

32:52 is the most deep layers. This be layer six. What happens here

32:57 activity comes from sub cortical layers and moves up the column because you have

33:03 column of structures, if you recall have inter cortical loops and it will

33:08 activity coming into four going into What happens in 23. Activity spreads

33:15 . Okay, it spreads laterally. can then travel back into the

33:19 Can get communicated back into the This is an epileptic form condition but

33:24 highlights the cortical connectivity that we talked the course. And so now you

33:30 this burst originating deep, it's traveling the column, It's spreading laterally through

33:37 23. This activity it's going back the column. Okay? And as

33:44 goes back into the column, it up into little pieces. So if

33:50 is a map or smell or different , there's also a map for regular

33:57 . There's a map for thoughts, a map for emotions and there's a

34:03 for epilepsy and seizures. And this a map of epilepsy and seizures.

34:11 can be a lot of mathematical studying can be done on these maps.

34:17 example, you can overlay the contours activity over the structure. This is

34:26 the contours of that previous activity and traveled the most dominant activity. You

34:32 make a drawing underneath it of the structures of the layers and the

34:37 You can mathematically reduce, Deduce these . There are very fast waves of

34:46 . Excitatory and inhibitory activity that travel ? Mhm. Red blue, red

35:03 excitation inhibition, excitation inhibition, excitation . These waves are passing and finally

35:12 is a little bit of artistic chaotic orchestra of ripples, ripples are

35:20 very fast waves of activity That happened 200 Hz per second. But we

35:27 different rhythms of activity. We have slower waves of activity and faster waves

35:32 activity depending on whatever you're processing whatever thought pattern maybe or the output

35:38 Well just imagine that these are your and these are your brain maps in

35:44 artistic rendition as you listen to this , this would be our auditory neurons

36:09 activated auditory cortex being activated. These being translated swished around between different areas

36:17 the brain. So that's the end this and I have to give credit

36:31 uh mostly to my graduate student who these experiments in Newcomb has ra he

36:38 his PhD in my lab here using . And these fast voltage imaging sensitive

36:46 sensitive dyes, they're called voltage sensitive because they're sensitive to voltage. So

36:51 imaging the voltage because these dyes are to voltage. So he perfected and

36:58 these techniques here that you have a then did his postdoc at thomas Jefferson

37:04 and moved back to India where he originally from as a faculty.

37:11 so this is uh the aluminum knows still playing this video to to the

37:20 . So thank you very much. you very much. Um This video

37:27 the third place here at U. H. For three dimensional renditions of

37:32 data. So we we we came with this video because we wanted to

37:38 in the competition and we won the place with it, which was really

37:43 and it was completely different from everybody's else's three dimensional graphs and models that

37:50 presented and I think maybe the music does get the third place.

37:57 so we're we're venturing into this really understanding of the brain connectivity of the

38:04 maps. We already talked about We already talked about development. Critical

38:11 of development. We talked about tonight sensory information. We talked about learned

38:19 that you learned during the plasticity. we're gonna watch today to talk.

38:23 about 20 minutes longer. 25 23 minutes long. So it may

38:28 talk much during the talk. I review what we watch today but it's

38:34 three symptoms syndromes and I will write down the step as he discusses

38:40 Perhaps one of the best ted talks neuroscience today by dr Ramachandran. Mm

38:50 . Mhm. Um what is um pointed out, I study the human

38:55 the functions and structure of the human and I just want you to think

39:02 um chris pointed out, I study human brain the functions and structure of

39:06 human brain and I just want you think for a minute about what this

39:11 Here is this Mass of Jelly, of Jelly, you can hold in

39:17 palm of your hand and it can the vastness of interstellar space. It

39:22 contemplate the meaning of infinity and it contemplate itself contemplating on the meaning of

39:29 . And there is this peculiar recursive that we call self awareness which I

39:34 is the holy Grail of neuroscience of and hopefully someday we'll understand how that

39:42 . Okay, so how do you this mysterious organ? I mean,

39:45 have 100 billion nerve cells, little of protoplasm interacting with each other and

39:52 this activity emerges the whole spectrum of that we call human nature and human

39:57 . How does this happen? there are many ways of approaching the

40:02 of the human brain. One approach one we use mainly is to look

40:06 patients who have sustained damage to a region of the brain. There's been

40:10 genetic change in a small region of brain. What then happens is not

40:15 across the board, reduction in all mental capacities, that sort of blunting

40:19 your cognitive ability. What you get a highly selective loss of one function

40:24 other functions being preserved intact. And gives you some confidence in asserting that

40:29 part of the brain is somehow involved mediating that function. So you can

40:32 map function onto structure and then find what the circuitry is doing to generate

40:38 particular function. So that's what we're to do. So let me give

40:42 a few striking examples of this. fact, I'm giving you three examples

40:46 minutes each during this talk. The example is an extraordinary syndrome called cop

40:51 syndrome. If you look at the slide then that's the temporal lobes,

40:56 lobes, parietal lobes, ok. lobes that constitute the brain. And

41:01 you look tucked away inside the inner of the temporal lobes, you can't

41:06 that is a little structure called the to form gyros and that's been called

41:10 face area in the brain because when damaged, you can no longer recognize

41:14 faces, you can still recognize them their voice. Say, oh

41:18 that's joe. But you can't look their face and know who it is

41:22 you can't even recognize yourself in the . I mean, you know,

41:25 is, it's you because when you it may winks and you know,

41:27 a mirror, but you don't really yourself as as yourself. Okay,

41:33 that syndrome is well known is caused damage to the face of interest.

41:36 there's another rare syndrome, so rare fact that very few physicians have heard

41:41 it, Not even neurologists, this called the cab graph delusion and that

41:46 a patient who's otherwise completely normal to a head injury comes out of

41:51 otherwise completely normal. He looks at mother and says, this looks exactly

41:56 my mother, this woman, but an impostor, she's some other woman

42:00 to be my mother. Now, does this happen? Why would somebody

42:04 this person is perfectly lucid and intelligent all other respects. But when he

42:07 his mother, his delusion kicks and it's not mother. Now, the

42:11 common interpretation of this, which you in older psychiatry textbooks is a Freudian

42:17 and that is that this chap and same argument applies to women by the

42:21 . But I'll just talk about guys you were a little baby, when

42:25 young baby, you had a strong attraction to your mother, This is

42:28 so called Oedipus complex of Freud. not saying I believe this, but

42:32 is the starting standard Freudian view. then as you grow up, the

42:37 develops and inhibits these latent sexual urges your mother. Thank God. Otherwise

42:42 all be sexually aroused when you saw mother. And then what happens is

42:47 a blow to your head, damaging cortex, allowing these latent sexual urges

42:53 emerge flaming to the surface. And and inexplicably you find yourself being sexually

42:58 by your mother. He said, God, if this is my

43:00 how come I'm being sexually turned She's some other woman. She's an

43:05 . It's the only interpretation that makes to your damaged brain. This never

43:10 much sense to me this argument, very ingenious as all Freudian arguments are

43:16 hmm. It didn't make money Much sense. Because I have seen

43:20 same delusion, A patient having the delusion about his pet poodle. He'll

43:26 doctor, this is not Fifi. looks exactly like Fifi. But it's

43:30 other dog. Right now you try the Freudian explanation that you have.

43:35 have to start talking about the latent and all humans or some such

43:40 which is quite absurd, of Now, what's really going on?

43:44 , to explain this curious disorder. you look at the structure and functions

43:48 the normal visual pathways in the Normally, visual signals come in into

43:52 eyeballs, go to the visual areas the brain that are in fact 30

43:56 in the back of your brain concerned just vision. And after processing all

44:00 , the message goes to a small called effusive form gyros um where you

44:06 faces. There are neurons there that sensitive to faces. You can call

44:09 the face area of the brain. ? I talked about that earlier.

44:13 , when that area's damaged, you the ability to see faces,

44:17 But from that area, the message into a structure called the amygdala in

44:22 limbic system, the emotional core of brain, and that structure called the

44:26 gauges the emotional significance of what you're at. Is it prey? Is

44:31 predator? Is it mate? Or it something absolutely trivial? Like a

44:35 of lint or a piece of Or or I don't want to point

44:38 that, but or a shoe or like that. Okay. Which you

44:41 completely ignore. So, if the is excited and this is something

44:46 the messages then cascade into the autonomic system. Your heart starts beating

44:50 You start sweating to dissipate the heat you're going to create from exerting muscular

44:57 . And that's fortunate because you can two electrodes on your palm and measure

45:00 skin change in skin resistance produced by . So I can determine when you're

45:05 at something, whether you're excited or you're aroused or not. Ok.

45:09 I'll get to that in a So my idea was when this chap

45:14 at an object when he looks at any object for that matter, it

45:18 to the visual areas and however and processed in the future from the

45:22 And you recognize it as a pea or a table or your mother for

45:27 matter. Okay. And then the cascades into the amygdala and then goes

45:32 the autonomic nervous system. But maybe this chap, that wire that goes

45:36 the amygdala to the limbic system, emotional core of the brain is cut

45:40 the accident. So because the future intact, the chap can still recognize

45:45 mother and says, oh yeah this like my mother. But because the

45:49 is cut to the emotional centers is how come it was my mother?

45:53 don't experience a warmth or terror as case may be right. And therefore

46:01 says, how do I account for inexplicable lack of emotions. This can't

46:04 my mother. It's some strange woman to be my mother. How do

46:08 test this? Well what you do you if you take any one of

46:11 here and put you in front of screen and measure your galvanic skin response

46:16 show pictures on the screen. I measure how you sweat when you see

46:20 object like a table or an Of course you don't sweat. If

46:23 show you a picture of a lion a tiger or a pinup, you

46:26 sweating right and believe it or if I show you a picture of

46:30 mother, I'm talking about normal you start sweating. You don't even

46:34 to be jewish. Now. What ? What happens if you show this

46:42 ? You take the patient and show pictures on the screen and measure his

46:45 skin response tables and chairs and Nothing happens as in normal people.

46:52 when you show him a picture of mother, the galvanic skin response is

46:56 . There's no emotional reaction to his because that wire going from the visual

47:01 to the emotional centers is cut so vision is normal because the visual areas

47:05 normal. His emotions are normal. laugh, he'll cry so on and

47:09 forth. But the wire from vision emotions is cut. And therefore he

47:13 this delusion that his mother is an . It's a lovely example of what

47:16 sort of thing we do take a , seemingly incomprehensible neuro psychiatrist syndrome and

47:22 that the standard Freudian view is That in fact you can come up

47:26 a precise explanation in terms of the neuro anatomy of the brain. By

47:30 way, If this patient then goes mother phones from an adjacent room,

47:36 him and he picks up the phone says, wow, mom, how

47:39 you? Where are you? There's delusion through the phone. Then she

47:44 him after an hour he says, are you? You look just like

47:46 mother. Okay. The reason is a separate pathway going from the hearing

47:51 in the brain to the emotional centers that's not being cut by the

47:55 So this explains why with the he recognizes his mother. No

48:00 When he sees it in person. says it's a he says it's an

48:03 . Ok, how is all this circuitry set up in the brain?

48:08 it nature genes or is it And we approach this problem by considering

48:12 curious syndrome called phantom limb. And all know what a phantom limb is

48:18 an arm is amputated or a leg amputated for gangrene or you lose it

48:22 war. For example, in the war, it's now a serious

48:26 You continue to vividly feel the presence that missing arm and that's called a

48:30 arm or a phantom leg. In , you can get a phantom with

48:33 any part of the body, believe or not even with internal viscera?

48:37 had patients with the uterus removed hysterectomy have a phantom uterus including phantom menstrual

48:46 at the appropriate time of the And in fact, one student asked

48:50 the other day do they get phantom subject ripe for scientific inquiry but we

48:56 pursued that. Okay, now, next question is, what can you

49:01 about phantom limbs By doing experiments? of the things we found was about

49:05 the patients with phantom limbs claim that can move the phantom. It'll pat

49:09 brother on the shoulder. It'll answer phone when it rings it'll wave

49:13 These are very compelling, vivid Patient's not delusional. He knows that

49:17 arm is not there. But nevertheless a compelling sensory experience for the

49:22 But however, about half the this doesn't happen. The phantom limb

49:27 say. But doctor the phantom limb paralyzed. It's fixed in a clenched

49:31 . It is excruciatingly painful. If I could move it, maybe the

49:35 will be relieved. Now why would phantom limb be paralyzed? It sounds

49:39 an oxymoron When we look at the sheets. What we found was these

49:44 with the paralyzed phantom limbs. The arm was paralyzed because of the peripheral

49:50 injury. The actual nerve supplying the was severed was cut by say,

49:54 motorcycle accident. So the patient had actual arm which is painful in a

50:00 for a few months or a And then in a misguided attempt to

50:03 rid of the pain and the The surgeon amputated the arm and then

50:07 get a phantom arm with the same right and this is a serious clinical

50:13 patients become depressed. Some of them driven to suicide. Okay so how

50:18 you treat this syndrome now? Why you get a paralyzed phantom limb?

50:21 I looked at the case sheet. found that they had an actual arm

50:25 the nerves supplying the arm had been and the actual arm had been paralyzed

50:31 lying in a sling for several months the amputation. And this pain then

50:37 carried over into the phantom itself. does this happen when the arm was

50:43 but paralyzed? The brain sends commands the arm, the front of the

50:47 saying move. But it's getting visual saying no move, no move,

50:53 move, No. And this gets into the circuitry of the brain and

50:57 call this learned paralysis. Okay. brain learns because of this heavy in

51:03 link that the comeere command to move arm creates a sensation of a paralyzed

51:09 . And then when you rotate the , this learned paralysis carries over into

51:14 into your body image and into your . Okay now how do you help

51:20 patients? How do you unlearn the paralysis so you can relieve him of

51:24 excruciating clenching spasm of the phantom Well we said what if you now

51:32 the command to the phantom but give visual feedback that it's obeying his command

51:37 ? Maybe you can relieve the phantom . The phantom cramp, How do

51:40 do that? Well, virtual reality that costs millions of dollars. So

51:44 hit on a way of doing this $3. But don't tell my funding

51:50 okay. What you do is you what I call a mirror box.

51:54 have a cardboard box with a mirror the middle and then you put the

51:58 . So my first patient Derek came . He had his arm amputated 10

52:02 ago. He had a break in . So the nerves were cut and

52:06 arm was paralyzed lying in a sling a year and then the arm was

52:10 . He had a phantom arm excruciatingly and he couldn't move. It was

52:13 paralyzed phantom limb. So he came and I gave him a mirror like

52:17 in a box okay? Which I the mirror box right? And the

52:22 puts his phantom left arm which is and in spasm on the left side

52:26 the mirror and the normal hand on right side of the mirror and makes

52:30 same posture. The clenched posture and inside the mirror. And what is

52:35 experience? He he looks at the being resurrected because he's looking at the

52:40 of the normal arm in the mirror it looks like this phantom has been

52:45 . Now I said now look wiggle phantom your real fingers or move your

52:49 fingers while looking in the mirror. going to get the visual impression that

52:53 phantom is moving, right, that's . But the astonishing thing is the

52:58 then says, oh my God, phantom is moving again. And the

53:01 , the clenching spasm is relieved. remember my first patient who came

53:07 my first patient came in and he in the mirror and I said,

53:14 at your reflection of your phantom. and he started giggling so I can

53:17 my phantom, but he's not He knows it's not real, he

53:21 it's a mirror reflection, but it's vivid sensory experience. Now, I

53:25 , move your normal hand and he said, oh, I can't

53:28 my phantom, you know that it's . I said move your normal

53:31 And he says, oh my my phantom is moving again. I

53:33 believe this. And my pain is relieved, OK? And then I

53:37 close your eyes and close his eyes move your normal hand. Oh,

53:41 ! It's clenched again, Okay, your eyes ! Oh my God !

53:44 my God, it's moving again. it was like a kid in a

53:46 store. So I said, this proves my theory about learned paralysis

53:52 the critical role of visual input, I'm not going to get a nobel

53:55 for getting somebody to move his phantom completely useless ability if you think about

54:03 . But then I started realizing maybe kinds of paralysis that you see in

54:09 in in neurology, like stroke focal . So there may be a learned

54:14 to this which you can overcome with simple device of using a mirror.

54:18 I said, look Derek. first of all, the guy can't

54:20 go around carrying a mirror to alleviate pain. I said, look,

54:24 take it home and practice with it a week or two, maybe after

54:27 practice, you can dispense with the , unlearn the paralysis and start moving

54:31 paralyzed arm and then relieve yourself of . So he said, OK.

54:36 he took it home. I Look, it's after all, $2

54:38 it home. So he took it and after two weeks he phones me

54:41 he said doctor, you're not gonna this? I said what? He

54:45 , it's gone. I said, gone? I thought maybe the mirror

54:48 was gone. Okay. He said , No, No. You know

54:51 phantom I've had for the last 10 it's disappeared. And I said,

54:56 got worried. I said, my , I mean, I've changed this

54:59 body image. What about human ethics and all of that? And

55:02 said, Derek, does this bother ? He said no. Last three

55:05 . I've not had a phantom arm therefore no phantom elbow pain. No

55:11 no phantom forearm pain. All those are gone away. But the problem

55:15 I still have my phantom fingers dangling the shoulder and your box doesn't

55:20 So can you change the design and it on my forehead so I can

55:24 know, do this and eliminate my fingers. He thought it was some

55:28 of magician. Does this happen? because the brain is faced with tremendous

55:32 conflict. It's getting messages from vision the phantom is back. On the

55:37 hand, there's no appropriate reception, signals, saying that there is no

55:41 , right? And your motor command there is an arm. And because

55:44 this conflict, the brain says to with it, there is no

55:48 there is no arm, right? goes into a sort of denial.

55:50 gates the signals and when the arm , the bonus is the pain disappears

55:56 you can't have disembodied pain floating out in space. So, that's the

56:00 . Now, this technique has been on dozens of patients by other groups

56:03 Helsinki. So it may prove to valuable as a treatment for phantom

56:08 And indeed people have tried it for rehabilitation stroke you normally think of as

56:12 to the fibers, nothing you can about it. But it turns out

56:16 component of stroke paralysis is also learned and maybe that component can be overcome

56:23 mirrors. This has also gone through trials helping lots and lots of

56:28 Okay, let me switch gears now the third part of my talk,

56:31 is about another curious phenomenon called synesthesia discovered by Francis Galton in the 19th

56:38 . He was a cousin of Charles . He pointed out that certain people

56:42 the population who are otherwise completely normal the following peculiarity. Every time they

56:47 a number. It's colored, five blue, seven is yellow, Eight

56:52 chartreuse, Nine is indigo. bear in mind these people are completely

56:57 in other respects. Okay, Or Sharp. Sometimes tones evoke color.

57:02 sharp is blue. F Sharp is . Another tone might be yellow.

57:08 ? Why does this happen? It's synesthesia Galton called it synesthesia a mingling

57:12 the senses in us? All the are distinct. These people muddle up

57:16 senses. Why does this happen? two aspects of this problem, A

57:20 intriguing synesthesia runs in families. So said, this is a hereditary

57:24 A genetic basis, secondly, synesthesia about. And this is what gets

57:28 too. My point about the main of this election, which is about

57:32 . Synesthesia is eight times more common artists, poets, novelists, and

57:37 creative people than in the general Why would that be? I'm going

57:41 answer that question has never been answered . Okay, what is synesthesia?

57:46 causes it? Well, one, are many theories. One theory is

57:48 just crazy. Now, that's not a scientific theory. So you can

57:52 about it. Okay, another theory there acid junkies and potheads.

57:56 There may be some truth to this it's much more common here in the

57:59 Area than in san Diego. now the third theory is that?

58:06 , let's ask ourselves what's really going in synesthesia. Alright. But the

58:11 area and the number area right next each other in the brain in the

58:14 form Gyros. So we said there's accidental cross wiring between color and numbers

58:20 the brain. So every time you a number you see a corresponding

58:24 And that's why you get synesthesia. remember it. Why does this

58:28 Why would there be crossed wires? some people remember I said it runs

58:31 families that gives you the clue and is there is an abnormal gene and

58:36 the gene that causes this abnormal cross in all of us, it turns

58:41 we are born with everything wired to else. So every brain region is

58:46 to every other region. And these trimmed down to create the characteristic modular

58:51 of the adult brain. So there's gene causing this trimming. And if

58:55 gene mutates then you get deficient trimming adjacent brain areas. And if it's

59:00 number and color, you get number synesthesia. If it's been tone and

59:04 , you get tone color synesthesia so so good. Now what if this

59:08 is expressed everywhere in the brain. everything is cross connected. Well,

59:12 about what artists, novelists and poets in common the the ability to engage

59:18 metaphorical thinking, linking seemingly unrelated Such as it is the east and

59:24 is the sun. But you don't Juliet is the sun. Does that

59:27 she's a glowing ball of fire? mean schizophrenics do that but it's a

59:31 story, right? Normal people say warm like the sun. She's radiant

59:35 the sun. She's nurturing like the instantly form the links. Now if

59:39 assume that this greater cross wiring and are also in different parts of the

59:44 , then it's going to create a propensity towards metaphorical thinking and creativity in

59:51 with synesthesia and hence the eight times common incidence of synesthesia among poets,

59:56 and novelists. Ok. It's a friendly logical view of synesthesia. The

60:00 demonstration cannot take one minute. Okay all sinister deeds but you're in denial

60:09 it. Here's what I call martian . Just like your alphabet.

60:13 Is A B. S. C. Is C. Different shapes

60:17 different phonemes. Right here you've got alphabet. One of them is

60:22 One of them is bouba which one kiki and which one is about how

60:25 of you think that's kiki? And buba raise your hands? Well it's

60:28 or two mutants. How many of think that's bouba that's kiki raise your

60:33 99% of you now none of you a martian. How did you do

60:37 ? It's because you're all doing a model synesthesia, tick abstraction meaning.

60:42 saying that that sharp inflection ki in auditory cortex, the hair cells being

60:48 , kiki mimics the visual inflection, inflection of that jagged shape. Now

60:54 is very important because what it's telling is your brain is engaging in a

60:59 just it looks like a silly But these photons in your eye are

61:04 this shape and hair cells in your are exciting the auditory pattern. But

61:08 brain is able to extract the common . It's a primitive form of

61:14 And we now know this happens in refusal form gyrus of the brain because

61:19 that's damaged these people lose the ability engage in bouba kiki. But they

61:25 lose the ability to engage in If you ask this guy what all

61:29 glitters is not gold. What does mean? The patient says Well if

61:33 metallic and shiny it doesn't mean it's . You have to measure its specific

61:37 . Okay, so they completely miss metaphorical meaning. So this area is

61:42 eight times the size in higher, in humans as in lower primates.

61:46 very interesting is going on here in angular gyrus because it's the crossroads between

61:51 , vision and touch enormous in humans something very interesting is going on.

61:56 I think it's the basis of many human abilities like abstraction, metaphor and

62:03 . All of these questions that philosophers been studying for millennia we scientists can

62:07 to explore by doing brain imaging and studying patients and asking the right

62:12 Thank you. Sorry about
