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00:06 I guess I had just never I . I paused it right after I

00:11 it. Okay. Well in theory working now. All right. So

00:19 I want to do is I want talk about the eye and we're gonna

00:23 through structure first and then we're gonna through function. Right? The eye

00:27 a very very complex structure. It's spherical. It's not exactly spherical.

00:33 in the orbit of the of the or of the skull. Excuse

00:36 Around it. You're gonna see fat cushions in place. And there are

00:40 basic layers that we're gonna need to with. All right. The outer

00:43 referred to as the fibrous tunic. concludes two structures called the square in

00:47 cornea. Then we go into the so that middle layer, the sandwich

00:52 . This is the vascular tunic. where all the vasculature is. It's

00:56 you're gonna find the iris facility. the core oid. We're gonna talk

00:59 what each of these do. And finally the interesting layer, the inner

01:03 is the retina. The retina is neural layer. This is what the

01:07 light. Alright, so there's two in there, there's the pigmented layer

01:10 then there is the neural layer where actual receptor cells are located. It

01:17 if I actually Alright, so before go on I need you to understand

01:22 little bit about visible light. It's of the electromagnetic spectrum. We've already

01:26 this at the front end where we you know there are other organisms that

01:30 detect outside of this visible spectrum. for example, you got UV light

01:36 infrared, which different organisms can We're kind of stuck in this small

01:41 band of visible light that we can with our eyes. Excuse me.

01:48 this picture does not do it But when we think about light waves

01:52 electromagnetic radiation, we see that it in ways. These are photons,

01:56 of energy that uh move in a like fashion. I want you to

02:01 to Wikipedia and just look up electromagnetic or visible light. And you're gonna

02:07 this image here. That is actually gift. And it's basically moving.

02:12 what you have is these waves are to oscillate back and forth wires.

02:17 waves in a different plane are oscillating well and I can't describe it.

02:23 don't understand it. It's something that's based. But the wave is different

02:28 just taking a rope and snapping Alright, So there's two aspects to

02:32 . There's both an electrical and a field that are part of this

02:36 And so what I want you to about when you look at visible

02:39 when you see these things, what looking at and this is true in

02:43 . Maybe not so true in Alright. But in biology think of

02:47 , those wavelengths as representing a packet energy. Right? So as the

02:54 changes, you're changing the energy of photon. All right now, the

03:00 represents the intensity when you're talking about . Alright, so different wavelengths are

03:05 give you different uh spectrums when you about amplitude, how tall it

03:12 You're talking about intensity. So again light right there is very intense.

03:16 means it just has a high amplitude like not so intense and has a

03:21 amplitude, so bright light versus um you know, dim light would be

03:28 . And when we're talking about uh height, what we're doing is we're

03:33 the peak versus the trough and it's distance in there that represents amplitude.

03:42 eye protects itself. Alright, you eyebrows. Eyebrows actually serve as a

03:48 , like a headband to cause sweat drip away from the eyes. If

03:52 go look at the shape of your , you're gonna see it's kind of

03:54 a widow's peak like this. And basically pushes um uh sorry, sweat

04:01 the midline or from to the lateral . We have eyelashes. Eyelashes are

04:06 fans that keep dirt and dust away our eyes. It says go

04:10 Right? All right. Lastly, have the eyelids themselves. These are

04:16 big old shields that basically cover up protect the eyes. We have a

04:20 from. They call them palpable They have this fibrous core plus some

04:24 and there's glands in there, all of fun stuff. Um And what

04:29 do is there's two of them and they open and close, that's gonna

04:33 light to come in. But when close them basically you're protecting and covering

04:37 the front of the eye. All . If you look at the eye

04:42 so that space is just referred to a palpable fisher. So when your

04:45 are open that's just a wide. widened the palpable fridge fisher. When

04:49 close your eyes you've sealed them. right. We've talked about the space

04:53 right here. That is called the Mulcair uncle. I don't know if

04:57 remember me talking at the beginning of semester because I said let's all say

05:00 word car uncle. It's kinda like uncle, your uncle. I don't

05:03 why words that end with Uncle Sam . They just do all right.

05:08 that's where we're gonna get this gritty matter when you wake up. I

05:12 know what you call it sleep. know what I think my parents taught

05:16 to call it. Don't remember at point. All right covering the eye

05:22 a protective layer of tissue called the , basically a stratified screaming epithelium.

05:28 can see it here. This little line that comes up and comes around

05:33 what it does is it creates a between the external environment and the internal

05:38 of your body. Alright. And covers over the square a of the

05:43 but it does not cover the So on this side on the backside

05:48 the eyelid, it's called the palpable . When it's attached to the eye

05:54 , it's referred to as the ocular you bend over something that's referred to

05:58 a foreign X. So that would the for next right there. All

06:02 now there are goblet cells in there helps to moisten the i uh there

06:08 some vasculature that's located there that helps the nutrients to the eye on the

06:14 . It's loose enough that you can your eye around. It's not gonna

06:16 tight. Like like um saran wrap if it was tight then you wouldn't

06:21 able to move your eyes even though have muscles to move them. So

06:24 just loose enough so that you can your eyes around and keep them

06:28 Did you guys get to dissect an in the lab? Are you gonna

06:32 that today? All right. When comes you're gonna see basically going to

06:35 corner and you're gonna see that skirt a conjunctivitis kind of sitting off the

06:39 , right? Because when they cut eyes you leave a portion of that

06:43 associated with it. Alright, so is highly, highly innovative, highly

06:48 arised. And then of course when get an infection of the conjunctivitis,

06:53 gonna happen is those blood vessels And then so you end up with

06:57 pinkish looking eyes, it's basically that's the conjunctivitis, not actually in the

07:03 itself. So again, does not the cornea because you want light to

07:09 less layers as possible to get through . So, tears are a way

07:14 your eyes are protected. So it's just those physical structure that protected.

07:19 this this tears that the lacquer Now your lack gland is not located

07:25 . It's actually located on the lateral of your eye. And what you're

07:29 is you're leaking those fluids, you're producing them secreted them. And what

07:34 do is they go and travel over surface of the eye towards the

07:38 Uncle and at the core. What you're gonna see is there's gonna

07:42 two little tiny canals that are going form on either side of the

07:47 Uncle. And the opening is called punk to all right. The canals

07:51 are called curriculum because they're little tiny . And what they do is they

07:55 into the lacquer mail sack. And where the tears go and they empty

07:58 into the nasal cavity. Now, do we know? And can remember

08:02 ? Think about when you cry, happens your tears fall. But they

08:07 still keep going across the surface of eye and they get into your nose

08:10 you start making those horrible noises right the water drips down the inside of

08:16 nasal cavity right now. You also from those glands that are found on

08:22 edges of your pal pobre, they're pretty. They produce kind of this

08:27 this oil. And so it keeps tears from just rolling off your

08:31 It keeps them on the surface and by the palpa bray of the

08:38 So you're always producing this stuff and a little tiny thin layer of water

08:43 , a lot of lot of proteins well as some bats as well.

08:52 . Why do we cry? I I don't know the answer to why

08:57 is an emotional response. I don't man. I don't know. It's

09:04 don't know why it's attached to That's a really good question. I'm

09:07 there's an answer. I've just never it. Um What I would say

09:12 like I said there are other proteins there. So like the structure that

09:17 most of the I. G. . In your body are the lack

09:19 your glands. What is Ig immunoglobulin basically an antibody and what it does

09:24 binds up to bacteria, bacteria What do they like? Warm and

09:29 And what are your tears? Yeah sweet sweet things to eat and

09:35 Right. Especially the tears of my . No no but bacteria like to

09:40 into that. And so there's lots I g a lots of antibacterials that

09:44 there to kill and destroy the Huh? So pink eye is an

09:50 of the conjunctivitis. Right? So why the eyes get all pink because

09:55 the blood vessels dilate. Now it's than just conjunctivitis. But it's but

10:00 similar to that's the same thing you're on the surface. Not just in

10:06 tears. Tears move very very quickly think about when you get something in

10:09 eye. What do you do? eyes start watering little bit more and

10:13 get enough and it pops it off out. Yeah. Sure. Everything

10:22 stress for me. Mhm. What's website that that came from? It's

10:38 . Yeah. Oh if it's from grenade. You know that's why you

10:45 the guardians called the grenade because they're for their misspellings cancer in C.

10:53 . I. Pub med. That's first place you should go see tears

10:57 or lack of your glands and emotional . See if there's anything that pops

11:02 . Um We talked about the extrinsic muscles. Again, I'm not interested

11:06 memorizing them but just know that in to have your eyes move around,

11:09 gonna be eye muscles attached to the surface. All right. They're attached

11:15 that fiber tunic. The fiber tunic the square in the cornea. So

11:20 you say the whites of somebody's you're talking about this clara.

11:24 It's basically continuous with the Durham So you can imagine very very tough

11:29 to break through provides eye shape protects eye and it serves as an

11:34 The cornea is the interesting structure? . It's a vascular but it's still

11:40 tissue. So it gets its nutrients the Lakmal secretions on the front end

11:45 on the back end by uh the humor that's going to be secreted on

11:51 side. All right now, what does this clear living tissue allows for

11:58 to pass in. And what we're try to do is we're gonna try

12:01 get light to that retina. so this is the first structure.

12:05 because it has this compound back what it's gonna do is it's gonna

12:09 bending light and pushing it towards. just gonna point it right here to

12:14 structure in the back. That's not only place where the receptor cells are

12:18 . But this is the central This is the phobia of the

12:22 The densest concentration of those receptors are to be located. The next layer

12:30 is the vascular tunic. Alright, we have square cornea, scleral protective

12:34 allows light in. All right, vascular tunic has three parts. This

12:38 where the intrinsic muscles of the eyes located. Alright, so the core

12:44 is basically all this stuff going around edges. That's where all the blood

12:47 are. This is what provides nutrients the school era as well as to

12:50 retina. So it's the it's the where all the nutrients are coming

12:58 All right, the meat of the . All right. There's also a

13:01 bunch of melanocytes in there, The are there to absorb light.

13:05 when light enters in, it doesn't traveling through Similarly light can't penetrate through

13:13 square. I mean it can but doesn't penetrate very deep because the melanocytes

13:18 there to absorb light as best as . So that really there's only one

13:21 to get light into the center of eye to the retina is that's through

13:26 cornea, ultimately through the lens, through your pupil. This structure here

13:35 referred to as the silly everybody. two things in there. Alright,

13:39 have the celery processes and again, just these kind of little extensions hanging

13:43 . They produce the acquis humor. humor is going to roll into this

13:49 up and around the lens and into area that sits just underneath the

13:57 All right. I like saying this . So just say it with

14:01 See that little tiny dot right that represents the exit point for that

14:06 humor because you're constantly using it. that's where that eggs out. That

14:10 tiny canal it's called. You don't know this. I'm not going to

14:14 you. It's just a fun The canal of slim named after the

14:19 who discovered it. Say slim. . See that a fun fun

14:24 And now you can answer a trivial question or bar trivia. It's the

14:28 of slim. All right. We have muscles. These are the intrinsic

14:34 muscles as well as the muscles of irish. But we're going to focus

14:37 on these intrinsic muscles. Salieri Their job, they're attached to a

14:42 of ligaments. They're associated with the . So, you can imagine what

14:46 doing is they're pulling on ligaments that on the lens and change the shape

14:49 the lens while we're focusing on Lastly, we have the iris iris

14:55 a bunch of smooth muscle. Its is to determine or to not

15:00 but allow the right amount of light the center of the eye.

15:06 so smooth muscles. There's two of . They're one. I think the

15:10 slide one that's going to cause be tile in nature. One that's radial

15:15 nature. So, the contract I is the sphincter, right? When

15:21 contracts. That's parasympathetic. What it's do is it's gonna make the hole

15:27 less light. So parasympathetic stimulation causes light to intern to the eye.

15:34 dilator pupil based causes the eye to . Makes the pupil lighter or are

15:42 and so more light is able to into the eye. Now, go

15:49 and ask your question here. Any like, make the muscle relax

15:57 . Yeah, it's like, oh , man, it's cool.

16:02 Right. So, basically you're interfering their ability to to contract. All

16:08 , now you guys see, I'll to your question. See the big

16:12 black hole. Right? See the the little black hole. Right.

16:17 you're doing when you're looking at the is you're actually looking into a person's

16:23 , it's not a surface. You're looking beyond the lens and looking into

16:28 eye. The difference is is that is not bouncing back at you?

16:32 you don't see anything. It's like into a dark closet. Light goes

16:36 but doesn't come back out. All . So, when someone looks

16:40 deep into your soul, that's where looking into your deep deep eyes where

16:45 light doesn't come back. No. we'll get to that in just a

16:54 . Alright. And it kind of of talked we've kind of talked about

16:57 being able to see way out here being kind of fuzzy. Right?

17:01 has to do with those receptive But what that means is there's Or

17:05 receptor cells that are detecting light that me to have that broad field of

17:13 . That makes that makes sense. . All right. So, the

17:22 is a transparent structure. It's again up of living cells. All

17:27 And it's shaped determines the degree of . That's going to be found in

17:33 ligaments. All right now, remember dealing with the spherical structure here.

17:38 . The celery muscles are on that structure. So when those muscles contract

17:45 they do as they pull away. , they pull away from where they

17:51 Because Right, when I contract them this direction, when I relax,

17:54 fall forward. Okay, make sure going to double check to make sure

17:59 saying no, no I said it . My mistake. See this is

18:05 I have to double check. It's to get these two things backwards.

18:08 . So when they relax, what do is they go and when they

18:14 they move forward, they move towards lens. All right now what they're

18:19 , remember they're attached to those the ligaments attached to the lens.

18:22 when I'm relaxing, what I'm gonna is I fall back and I pull

18:27 the ligament harder, right? So like I'm relaxing but I'm taking the

18:30 with me, I'm going to contract I go the other direction and so

18:35 I'm contracting the ligaments gets loose, I relax, the ligaments get tight

18:41 that's going to change the shape of lens. Now, what you're doing

18:46 you're changing the degree of focus for lens basically farsightedness versus nearsighted Now,

18:52 is what I do remember this is easy way to remember it when I

18:55 relaxed. I kind of zone don't I? My eyes go out

19:00 focus and I'm looking off into the so when my muscles are relaxing

19:07 I am farsighted. But when I'm my muscles are moved forward, I'm

19:13 focusing in close, that's how I which one does, which Okay,

19:20 though I said it backwards before I at Mhm. Okay. Right now

19:27 process of changing the shape of the is called accommodation. All right,

19:35 are contracted, ligaments are loose. , muscles are relaxed, ligaments are

19:42 , lens is stretched. I'm now far away. Switching between those two

19:48 what we refer to as accommodation. we mentioned the term refraction. The

19:53 we talked about refraction is because light being bent every time it goes through

19:57 structure of a different substance. So now air is moving, light is

20:03 through air but when light hits a or you know, water or

20:09 that light is going to change speed then it's gonna refract and move at

20:14 different angle than it was initially. so every structure that light needs to

20:20 through is going to change its speed its direction. And so our eyes

20:25 shaped to make sure that we're going take advantage of that bending.

20:31 when you go through a substance that concave, right, what's gonna happen

20:39 uh So here in the middle, gonna happen is you basically reflect light

20:43 or refract light away from the focal . Now, obviously our eyes aren't

20:48 this instead. What we have is lenses and everything else are our convex

20:55 nature, they're thick in the So what happens when light comes

20:58 It gets bent towards the focal Now, if you've taken physics,

21:02 got to learn that in physics to optics. Yay, All right.

21:08 our eyes are going to take advantage this so that we can get light

21:12 the focal point. The focal point that structure called the phobia in the

21:17 of the retina. Now there are of the eye. This is that

21:23 behind the lens of the posterior The space in front of the lens

21:26 referred to as the anterior cavity. in the posterior cavity is filled with

21:31 goo like substance of gelatinous fluid called humor purpose is primarily to hold the

21:37 of the eye. Your eye is hollow. It has a chewy center

21:41 a, I don't know, fruit or something like that. I don't

21:45 , you don't want to bite into . It'll squeeze out all the gooey

21:48 . All right. It is ah or less, you know, lacking

21:57 substance in its when light travels through , it doesn't, that light doesn't

22:01 anything That is also not 100% Have you ever seen floaters? You

22:07 , if you look at something like a clear wall and you see

22:09 thing isn't that is that frustrating. . And you try to focus on

22:13 . What does it do? That's actually dead cells that have flaked

22:19 the walls of the retina Sitting in vitreous humor and so light is reflecting

22:24 that and creating that unique shape. , you can't Yeah. Sorry.

22:32 know, I actually can see a vessel in one of my eyes because

22:37 something very similar. And my my also told me I have an eye

22:42 which I don't know what that You know? But she's she's going

22:46 watch it I guess. You going to turn into a horrible tumor

22:51 of my eye or something. I know. That's because think since I

23:02 Mhm. Four. Really? Starring on my he's gone,

23:21 I don't know. I mean that's know, again, you're entering into

23:25 realm of doctor Wayne going, I know. You know, I mean

23:29 it went away pretty quickly then It may not have also been when

23:33 think of scars, we think of wounds. It is probably fairly

23:39 right? It's enough to interfere with , right? Because as light hits

23:45 , even if they're small, it create massive differences. So what appeared

23:50 be big for your eye was actually small, relatively speaking. So that's

23:56 what it is. But I'm repairing quickly. I don't know.

24:02 so in the anterior chamber we have acquis humor. So the remember is

24:09 by the silly everybody's what it It flows over the front of the

24:15 passes out on the other side of iris empties out into that anterior

24:20 And then remember the exit point. that canal of slim which again I'm

24:25 gonna ask you what the exit point but its purpose there is to provide

24:28 nutrients to the cells um Of that oh just as the tears do on

24:34 front side, that's what it does the backside, I just show this

24:38 show you how much bending of light , right? So basically light gets

24:43 , you know multiple times. And what you're doing is you're bending each

24:47 you pass through a different layer so pass through the cornea, you bend

24:51 go through the Equus humor, you it, go through the lens,

24:53 it go through the vitreous humor, bend it again. And ultimately what

24:57 is is that you're bending light to . What is called the phobia centrales

25:02 this is the place of highest density cone cells. That is one of

25:07 types of receptor cells that we Moving into the retina. We said

25:14 are two layers, We have the layer which were really interested in and

25:18 have a pigmented layer. So what want you to do, don't you

25:21 where we are, light is coming this direction, right? So you

25:24 , So what it's gonna do is gonna first come into contact with the

25:28 layers and there's multiple layers of cells that neuro layer. The last layer

25:33 comes into contact with is the pigmented . Alright. And the purpose of

25:37 pigmented layer is very simple. It light. So, the idea

25:41 light comes through. If it doesn't anything, it will hit that pigmented

25:46 and it gets absorbed. It doesn't back or bounce around the inside of

25:49 eye. It basically eliminates stray um . All right. The neural layer

25:59 of photo receptor cells and a series neurons that are responsible for pre processing

26:05 before it gets up to the nervous or the central nervous system. And

26:10 these photo receptor cells that we're most in and their job is to transducer

26:15 light energy. Those photons into the that our brain then interprets as what

26:21 seeing. Alright. So, action are gonna be developed through this

26:27 Now. The names of the We're gonna start down here, the

26:29 nearest the pigmented layer. All These are called the photo receptor

26:33 There's two different types. There's rods there's cones. Why do you think

26:37 called rods and cones? There's See how simple am P is.

26:42 at the name. Okay, I it. And then we have bipolar

26:46 . Why are they called bipolar They're bipolar in shape. That's why

26:51 called that. They're the two there's cells in the body that are bipolar

26:54 shape. We've already seen both of today. The first one was the

26:58 receptor cell. Right. That was bipolar cell had cell bodies. And

27:02 on either side. One being an 100. Here's the other one.

27:06 right. And then this is another of bipolar cell. You can see

27:09 has extension. The third is the cell. All right. Now,

27:13 you look at these, their cells not very large. So they don't

27:17 action potentials. They produce a greater that cause the release of a neurotransmitter

27:21 stimulates the next cell that caused the of neurotransmitters through graded potentials which then

27:26 the cells. And they are the that produce the action potential. See

27:30 gangland cells, their axons are converging they're forming the optic nerve. So

27:36 retina, which is basically all the of your eye is filled with these

27:41 of cells. And then we have types of cells that sit in between

27:45 . There are horizontal cells episode between photo receptor cells. The bipolar

27:49 Their job is to modulate the signaling takes place between those cells. And

27:54 we have a macron cells and these modulate signals between the bipolar cells and

27:59 cells. But their role in understanding is very, very complex. So

28:04 just going to say that they're Okay. Right, well, so

28:15 will happen is if it hits a receptor cell then it's gonna stop

28:19 But let's say it somehow sneaks all way through. Hits that photo or

28:23 that pigment itself then instead of it back out. That would be

28:27 Instead of going through that would not helpful. So it gets absorbed

28:32 So the pigment is there to not it. It's to absorb it to

28:37 the energy and make the inside of eye black. Yeah. So what

28:47 do is you steam well. So happens is you stimulate the sound in

28:49 signal that's being produced right? Not light but the signal then returns back

28:55 . Yep. All right so there's types of cells called photo ganglion ICC

29:03 . So they're ganglion cells. There these types of cells and I mentioned

29:07 because they are light sensitive in other they respond to light but they don't

29:12 you to see light. They don't you to see things they're responsive to

29:17 . Which means when light hits them create action potentials and then the brain

29:21 those action potentials. To help us that really it deals with our internal

29:30 is really kind of it deals with circadian clock. So you can be

29:34 blind right? But you know time day and you know whether or not

29:42 light out because you have these P. G. C.

29:50 You also have that retinal pigmented epithelium we talked about is there contained melanin

29:55 absorb light. That's what allows the not to bounce around the inside of

29:59 eyes. They also serve a second which is historic vitamin A. And

30:06 they do is they also help cycle um uh one of the chemicals necessary

30:14 the eyes to be able to process . So retina neural layer receives

30:27 turns that into an action potential pigmented gonna absorb light. Does other things

30:34 are important with regard to producing that potential to sell? That's most important

30:39 this case is going to be the receptor cells. And what we're going

30:43 see that the photo receptor cells play major role in converging information towards the

30:50 cells. Now, I'm just gonna a little hyperbole in math here to

30:53 you understand or help you understand for ganglion cell, I'm making up a

30:58 every gangland cell. There's going to multiple bipolar cells. Right? And

31:02 every bipolar style there's gonna be multiples photo receptor cells. Right? So

31:09 visual receptive fields are dependent upon the of photoreceptors that are associated with that

31:16 cell. That kind of makes Yes, now, kind of sort

31:22 So if you had to give me message, you are all connected to

31:25 , right, It doesn't matter who the message. As long as you

31:29 it to me. Right, and I'm the ganglion cell, you guys

31:33 the photo receptors. Right, stimulate there. I can stimulate up

31:37 I get the message that's kind of that works. We'll see this a

31:41 bit better. All right, the rods and the cones, the

31:45 , there's one type cones. There's types uh you can see in terms

31:49 structure, they're very different. What have in the rod cells is you

31:52 a series of uh and the artist a poor job of this. They're

31:57 pancake like structure sitting in there. , these discs, they're called membrane

32:01 disks. Uh In essence, what do is you just have that

32:07 I hate that everything is over on side. I gotta remember that.

32:10 , what you do is you take rod and what you have is you

32:14 a series of discs inside there. , when we're focusing on what it's

32:17 this is what we're kind of focusing is on those discs. When you're

32:20 with the cone, the cone is differently what it does. Instead,

32:25 membrane kind of does this so you have the membrane bound disks.

32:30 you have the membrane itself behaving like membrane bound disk and that's where all

32:36 activity is going to be taking Now, what I've done here is

32:40 tried to separate these things out to these compare contrast. Alright,

32:45 when you're looking at the retina, , I remember the retina is on

32:48 on a globe like structure, spherical . And what I want you to

32:51 is I want you to imagine taking spherical structure and I want you to

32:54 it out. Alright, so in middle, that would be the bull's

32:59 of the dartboard. Okay, that be the phobia centrales, right?

33:03 if I'm at the phobia central is where the greatest concentration of cones are

33:08 . But as you move further and away, you're gonna see more and

33:13 rod cells and less and less cone . Okay, that's the first

33:19 In terms of the concentrations, there's of more rod cells than there are

33:25 cells. Almost tenfold difference. All , Rod cells are responsible for night

33:32 and when I say night vision and can't see in the dark, but

33:35 can kind of see in the right? When there's a little bit

33:40 light, they respond to very, low levels of photons that excites a

33:46 sell very easily. You don't need lot of photons to do it.

33:49 so that kind of gives us a of shape and structure that's around us

33:53 give us clarity. It just kind , we can kind of see

34:00 right? So what we say is they have high sensitivity but very low

34:08 with regard to cone cells, there's be three different types and what they're

34:11 . They're responsible for us seeing in light. So in day vision,

34:17 ? It takes a lot of photons excite a cone And when you do

34:22 basically you get really, really high and the reason you get high acuity

34:26 also because of their density and the of cone cells associated with an individual

34:32 , it's almost a 1-1 ratio which talk about. And that's what I

34:36 here. Is that last one? here there's a high degree of convergent

34:41 . Alright, so you can think it like this when I'm looking at

34:44 cells, I'm gonna draw this So if I have a bunch of

34:50 cells, I can have a whole of rod cells and cone cell.

34:54 cell. Rod cells. Right? these rod cells can converge onto a

35:00 cell and then those can converge onto single ganglion cell. So my receptive

35:06 for that ganglion. Now is this thing. If I stimulate that rod

35:10 , I'm gonna be stimulating that If I stimulate that rod cell,

35:13 stimulating that ganglion cell, right? they're all connected, they're all on

35:18 same field. This cone, on other hand, is has a very

35:25 degree of convergence. That cone cell converge on a bipolar cell which will

35:30 converge on a single ganglion cell. ? So I can only stimulate that

35:38 to stimulate that ganglion, right? I have another consul over here,

35:45 cone cell only stimulates that one All right, But if I get

35:50 whole bunch of cone cells that are that low degree of convergence jammed up

35:56 . That's very similar to having whole of. Well, I'll show you

36:03 , hopefully this will make sense. be easier if I show you.

36:08 , this kind of shows you the of the eye here, we flattened

36:12 out. So here on the periphery have a lot of the blue,

36:19 is representing the rod cells, the represent the cone cell. So in

36:23 phobia you can see lots and lots lots and lots of cone cells.

36:27 so if you looked at it, it out and say look here,

36:30 got lots and lots of rods. then all of a sudden when I

36:32 to the phobia, nothing, almost rods, only cones. And then

36:37 here on the periphery there's very little and then again, moving outward lots

36:41 lots of rods. So again, want you to look forward for a

36:45 for me and I want you to at the periphery, you know,

36:48 over here, is it well focused here? No, you can see

36:54 happening, but you don't see things focused, right? So light is

36:59 in and hitting rod cells over here the periphery, but it's not giving

37:03 a high degree of acuity. It's kind of saying, yeah,

37:05 there's something over there. And if want to have greater acuity, what

37:09 I do is I turn my head focus my light onto that phobia.

37:14 whatever it is, I'm looking at now comes into uh becomes very,

37:19 cute. All right. So, phobia centrales is the region within this

37:27 area. So you guys who cares darts? All right. So,

37:32 have the bull's eye. And what you have inside the bull's eye?

37:38 it called? Alright, you guys played darts, then you've seen

37:43 you've thrown darts, but you're playing . That central thing is called the

37:47 eye. The one that's in the center is the double bull's eye.

37:51 worth double points. Mhm. You to go out and play some

37:56 See this is your homework. Now out to a bar, learn about

38:04 , right? Play some darts. . The macula, sorry, the

38:09 Lutetia is like the bull's eye. phobia centralizes like the double bull's eye

38:16 right inside the back. So that's all the light is trying to be

38:20 . That would be what the light looking like. So, what this

38:27 trying to show you here is how eyes adjust in different levels of

38:34 Now, these are pictures. So they're trying to represent something. So

38:41 it's light out right when there's more available. What happens is is that

38:48 photons overwhelm the rod cells and they bleach out. They turn off in

38:55 . And so now only the cones active and they're the ones that allow

38:58 to see things with a high degree acuity. This is what we refer

39:02 as foe topic vision. So things clear, we can detect colors really

39:07 , we can see details clearly, ? But when there's low light

39:13 there's not enough photons to stimulate the cells. You're now dependent upon the

39:17 . Some cones might be turned on allows you to kind of see a

39:21 bit of color but not quite a right? You can see different degrees

39:26 light and dark, but you really determine color. This is scco topic

39:32 . So this is predominantly through the . All right. And you've you've

39:38 this, you know when it becomes , like right now like 8:30

39:42 when things start getting dark, Things get harder to see right now

39:46 because you don't have enough light to the cones. And so the rods

39:50 now starting to take over your Your moving from topic to topic when

39:54 begins getting light in the morning, happens is you go from a scope

39:58 tufo topic vision and this has to this adaptation. This idea that when

40:04 is around cones are able to adapt respond very very quickly. But rods

40:11 , they basically get bleached out very . It takes a long time to

40:15 ready to start responding to light, do I want to say about this

40:27 ? Mhm bipolar cells, what do want to say about this? So

40:35 way that I described it earlier, said, look, we have got

40:38 bipolar cell that's associated with a photo cell or bipolar cell? Multiple photo

40:44 cells. The truth is, is very often you'll see two bipolar cells

40:49 with one cell. And depending upon field, you know where that cell

40:55 within the total field, it's going determine the response of which bipolar cell

41:00 turned on or gets turned off. right. So the idea here is

41:05 bipolar cells are modulating responses before it to the ganglion cell. And what

41:10 image is trying to show you here there's an on and off pathway.

41:17 if you look at our our network , we have cells that are in

41:22 center and we have cells that are on the outside you see that.

41:27 these would be our outside those would . So, you can imagine that

41:32 each of these cells, there's another cell that's associated with them and another

41:40 cell. So depending upon which cell being stimulated. So if light hits

41:46 here, It might stimulate this bipolar pathway in that one. So you're

41:52 you're telling your brain light is hitting outside of this photo receptor or this

41:57 field. But if it hits then what it's going to do is

42:01 going to stimulate the other pathway and off the other one. I want

42:05 to think formal about. Just look somebody and look at the light reflecting

42:08 their forehead or their face or their , right? That's going to be

42:13 center when light is being in the of something and reflecting outward. It

42:17 a sense of three dimensions, doesn't ? So part of that understanding three

42:23 is not just our binocular vision, how light is hitting different receptive fields

42:28 where it's done and that processing is place at the level of the bipolar

42:35 . You guys remember that, that meme that came out two years ago

42:38 the dress. You're right, The yellow, the black, whatever we

42:45 a group of bipolar cells that are when blue light hits versus yellow

42:51 And so it's like, is it ? Is it yellow? So if

42:54 blue, the blue bipolar cells turn the yellow bipolar cells turn off.

42:59 yellow light hits the yellow polar bipolar turn off. So one of the

43:03 that we distinguish colors is which pathways turned on. Alright, so the

43:08 here with the bipolar cells is that starting to pre process information based upon

43:14 light is hitting within the context of receptive field. All right, So

43:21 information. So this tries to show that receptive field again, what I

43:26 trying to demonstrate here is that the the receptive field, the more cells

43:30 going to have. So here's the cell The ganglion cell represents the size

43:34 represents the receptive field. So it matter if I hit here or hit

43:40 . I'm stimulating that gangland style, ? The only way I'm gonna stimulate

43:45 ganglion cells if I hit this So if I have a whole bunch

43:48 these very, very close together, can have really, really acute

43:53 All right. Let me show you you guys familiar with TVs? You're

44:00 familiar TVs you guys familiar with? games, eight bit video games,

44:04 bit video games, 16 bit 32 . You know, people are going

44:09 what? Alright, video games made the eighties look like garbage,

44:13 Compared to Call of Duty and all four K. Stuff that you can

44:17 away with. Now. Right. are more acute versus less acute.

44:23 , this is standard death. This what I grew up with. I

44:27 grow up with black and white. grew up with this. Alright.

44:30 from back there. Can you tell that is? Can you tell what

44:34 that is? Yeah, it's basically a mountain back there. There's a

44:37 . Gotta gotta gotta Standard definition says you didn't know is that there are

44:43 pixels from the top of that picture the bottom of that picture right

44:47 All right. So this is a size, right? So it doesn't

44:52 which I'm looking at right there, the distance is two ft, there's

44:57 pixels. So those pixels are fairly relative to the full death. High

45:01 is how many pixels? 10, . Right, so that means there's

45:07 pixels from the top of that picture the bottom. So those pixels are

45:10 than those pixels 4K. What do think that means? It's me it's

45:16 to mean 4000. But yeah, the standard as you're doing 21

45:19 It's stupid. Right? But is picture clearer than that picture?

45:25 because there's more pixels from top to from here to there, there's more

45:29 from here to there. I than than this one. And what's

45:33 here is you're jamming in tinier and things. So you get greater and

45:38 acuity. Alright, so we talk cones, What we have is we

45:43 more cells that are jammed close And each of those cells, each

45:47 those cones are associated with one ganglion . So if I stimulate that one

45:52 cell, I'm only I'm or that photo receptor, I'm only uh stimulating

45:57 one ganglion cell downstream. But if have a large receptive field,

46:03 That means it doesn't matter where in receptive field, I'm going to have

46:07 security because it doesn't matter if the hits over here over there, I'm

46:11 stimulating the same cell. So it me like, oh, lights coming

46:15 over there someplace. And so when looking out over here, when you're

46:19 at the periphery, that's why it's of fuzzy, right? But when

46:23 look at directly at light coming into phobia where you have that high concentration

46:29 cones, that's why you get high of acuity. When we come

46:43 I'm just gonna skip over the slide we kind of already talked about

46:47 When we come back, we're going deal with how the eye turns light

46:55 a message. The take home of last little bit, which I know

46:59 very, very confusing stuff because it's of dense, right? The idea

47:03 is how does the I manage to things clear for me, right,

47:10 by basically focusing the light on an where there's lots and lots of these

47:15 going down to the ganglion cell. have fun dissecting your I just

47:20 it might squirt out at you if press on
