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00:02 This is lecture 22 of Neuroscience. before we talk about brain rhythms and

00:10 as a rhythmic disorder, just a with some descriptions from your book on

00:15 matter sensory system, the rearrangement, and therefore functional rearrangement of cortical organization

00:24 cortical connectivity by reshaping these maps that responsible for digits because we looked at

00:32 experiment where in monkey two digits were stimulated continuously and that resulted in the

00:39 of the brain space in the somatosensory that is dedicated to processing information from

00:45 these two active digits. There's also interesting description here that talks about violinists

00:55 it says the functional imaging of S . So soens cortex, one shows

01:00 the amount of cortex devoted to the of the left hand is greatly enlarged

01:05 string positions. So if you think violence, most of the time it

01:12 being held like this and these are active fingers and what is the other

01:16 doing? It's doing this. So not really not much digit movement

01:23 And therefore there is a lot noticeable here now. So it's likely that

01:28 is an exaggerated version of a continuous process that goes on in everyone's brain

01:34 each person's life experiences a diary. that's why we have different levels of

01:42 . We have different talents and We're never the same. We perform

01:48 . We perceive things differently. We things differently because we are sliced variants

01:53 each other. And we have different and different arrangement of the brain because

02:01 our own unique sensory. It's a sensory all sensory experiences and uh the

02:08 that we're surrounded by. Uh when, when we talked about uh

02:15 , we talked about how the anesthesia you recall is another interesting component there

02:22 everything in the brain, there's way cells and synopsis when you're born than

02:27 you're adult, there's a lot of that's nonspecific. And then as you

02:35 all of these unique sensory motor, experiences throughout your life, you undergo

02:41 process of plasticity. And part of plot process of plasticity during early development

02:47 trimming the connections, trimming the And uh Doctor Ramachandran talked about this

02:55 that has a number, the color the tone areas very closely anatomically spatially

03:05 in the brain. And therefore, would be like cross wiring and

03:10 And he suggested that there is a component, the gene that's responsible for

03:17 this kind of a trimming that allows the connectivity to become very specific.

03:23 this is an article about 10 years . But it's still relevant, the

03:27 , more common autism. So a increase in synaesthesia prevalence and autism suggested

03:34 two conditions may share some common underlying . Future research is needed to develop

03:40 physical validation, but it is almost times greater than in controls. So

03:48 Annes, there's three times greater possibility prevalence of synaesthesia in patients that have

03:56 autism. Um interesting to think about very early discussions we had about autism

04:04 disorder and fragile. You recall, talked about how the dendritic spine anatomy

04:12 determine connectivity will determine function. And is an example that was an early

04:17 disorder too. And this is an of, of of kind of a

04:22 under the autism spectrum disorders of, know, uh abnormal connectivity in a

04:28 or cross cross modal connectivity between different and their interpretations. Remember the slide

04:35 showed you at the very beginning of course. And I think now you

04:42 a lot more about neurons, you how individual neurons function, you understand

04:46 glee are involved in supporting neuronal function also very actively is involved in synaptic

04:53 , synaptogenesis, uh neuronal neurotransmitter um ionic uh regulations supported by

05:03 But then you have neurons that form networks, these networks form nuclei,

05:07 nuclei interconnect that form systems that we those visual system auditory system. And

05:14 you have the lobes that have their specific functions. And I think that

05:19 looking at the slide, you probably a much better and more interesting understanding

05:25 interpretation of this image than what you . Hopefully, when I showed it

05:30 you the very first time in this , so neurons eventually form networks and

05:39 networks oscillate. So the way networks and engage each other is they have

05:46 produce a rather strong synchronized depolarizing It has to typically repeat that depolarization

05:54 that signal repetitively and communicate that to interconnected adjacent network. So one network

06:03 start being active and it will typically start getting active at a certain frequency

06:10 it will essentially oscillate at that frequency it will inform its own interconnected buddy

06:17 . But look, I'm active and going up and down here in activity

06:20 a certain frequency. And these it's like loosely coupled uh oscillators,

06:27 connections to the other structure, they , oh there's something going on and

06:31 they now synchronize their activity to the of the input that they're getting is

06:38 input is all synchronized. And the we understand the rhythmicity of the brain

06:44 from the E E G recordings and E G recordings are electrodes of follow

06:53 these recordings that are performed when you a cap on the surface of the

06:59 of the brain and you pick up underlying neuronal activity. And what was

07:05 interesting is that the E E G So these patterns that we record in

07:11 E G are characterized by amplitudes and and in particular frequencies that fall within

07:20 dominant frequency bands. And that these frequency bands represent a different state of

07:32 a different behavioral state, a different state. So alpha beta delta theta

07:43 , they're all different dominant brain rhythms are produced by synchronized cellular activity in

07:51 cortex. And it is picked up these E E G electrodes on the

07:56 of the scalp. Alpha is corresponding relaxed wakefulness. And it's typically 8

08:06 10 Hertz frequency beta, intense Matal activity and its 13 to 30 Hertz

08:14 delta, low frequency oscillations and beta as a pathology doing what wakefulness but

08:22 learning with beta is 4 to 74 turn 10 Hertz and gamma. And

08:29 are even faster frequencies in gammas. Vertz. What does that mean?

08:33 10 that means that the cells synchronize they fire action potentials and they oscillate

08:40 whole network oscillates 40 cycles per 40 Hertz really, really fast,

08:47 , really fast oscillation that is communicated the interconnected networks. So you can

08:53 that these are different E E G and amplitude and frequencies that represent different

09:01 states, excited, relaxed drowsy as deep sleeve states. On this

09:07 there's also a demonstration that beyond the E G recordings which are noninvasive because

09:14 simply placing a cap with the electrodes somebody's head, there are invasive

09:21 electrical recordings that are done in rare intraoperatively during operations or during the surgeries

09:29 the operating room. If the for example, has abnormal seizure activity

09:35 we'll talk about and that seizure activity generated in one specific area of the

09:41 . If that person is not responsive medications, one of the alternatives is

09:47 resect or cut that piece of the out. And in that case,

09:53 you cut any piece of the brain , you have to really pinpoint the

09:59 that might be responsible for that whether it's seizure pathology or maybe cancer

10:07 . But you'd want to cut out smallest piece of the brain possible.

10:11 you don't affect important functions. You affect parts of the brain that are

10:16 for for really important functions and minimize amount of the cut tissue. So

10:22 would then place these electrodes into Here. It's intracranial recordings inside the

10:31 . The skull has been open. is the window. This is a

10:35 Treon nation, a big opening window the placement of these electrode grids on

10:42 very surface of the brain to before surgery to confirm the precise site and

10:49 smallest possible resection site for that particular . Uh This is done by phd

10:56 typically in the operating room that understand really well understand electrical activity in their

11:04 . So a lot of times we have here even in, you

11:08 Methodist or different uh uh university operating operating rooms, neurosurgeon is typically going

11:16 be working with a neurophysiologist to interpret the activity from the surface of the

11:22 and maybe neurologist which will be working , in interpreting the brain signal.

11:30 what we call the brain waves or brain rhythms. So they're really

11:33 right? They're rhythms because they occur different frequencies. That's a slow

11:40 This is a fast frequency and this how your brain networks synchronize and produce

11:47 different rhythms, right? We call rhythms and when these activity or rhythms

11:52 across the brain and the interconnected we call them brain waves.

11:58 how do we kind of uh perceive of the brain? And I I

12:02 this book, you don't have to it. But if anybody is interested

12:06 rhythms of the brain or neurology or , neuronal activity, how to interpret

12:12 uh both physiologically biologically but also that's a great book, Rhythms of

12:18 brain. But you and so the relationship between space time is packed into

12:27 concept of space time, X Y T X Y Z three dimensions in

12:35 time, the fourth dimension oscillations, synchronized activities by networks oscillations can be

12:43 of and displayed in terms of either or time. The phase plane of

12:47 sinusoid harmonic oscillator is a circle. can walk the perimeter of the circle

12:53 twice of building the so that we get back to our starting point.

12:58 has been is what will be and has been done is what will be

13:01 . And there is nothing new under sun. This is the circle of

13:04 and our walk on its perimeter is as dislocation. That's the circle of

13:10 on the top left. An alternative this periodicity view of the universe is

13:15 display periodicity as a series of sine . Like on the right now,

13:22 can walk along the troughs and peaks the line without ever returning to the

13:28 point time. Here is a continuum the cycle as its metric, the

13:34 are identical in shape and the start end points of cycles from an infinite

13:38 into the seemingly endless universe. So is uh April 17th and there's gonna

13:45 April 17th next year and it's a cycle that is gonna pass and things

13:51 gonna be kind of a the same , the earth is gonna be situated

13:54 respect to the sun and the moon about the same position, but nothing

13:59 gonna be the same room because you time is a dimension. So we

14:05 , when we talk about activity in brain, when we look at those

14:09 , we're looking at the activity now E E G recordings, always talking

14:13 spatial temporal patterns of that activity space in space is that activity generated?

14:19 in time is that activity generated fast and the pattern of it, how

14:24 it spreading? Is it spreading through networks? Is it spreading through the

14:28 brain and so on? How are different rhythms created? So again,

14:34 the slowest rhythms, if you think the slowest rhythm in the brain is

14:39 diurnal rhythm is your day, night that is controlled by the circadian master

14:47 , master clock body regulator, super nucleus. Remember that super cosmetic

14:54 it gets very small input from the to let super cosmetic nucleus know whether

14:59 light or dark outside. So super nucleus was not configured in our primal

15:08 right formation here in the exhibit Instead it gets this input of

15:13 It's know it knows it's it's light and it starts expressing certain transcription

15:19 it's getting cut off a little So I'll exit out of this.

15:22 starts expressing certain transcription factors in the . OK. Start expressing certain molecules

15:30 the cell that tell the whole brain body it's daytime. And then about

15:38 typical, you're 16 depends on the day night cycle that you have different

15:44 of transcription factors get turned on to different molecules. And now it informs

15:50 brain and the body, it's night and you have slow rhythms that are

15:54 rhythms. You have slow rhythms that uh metabotropic signaling. Why do we

16:01 all of these different rhythms at different . 1.5 to 44 to 10,

16:06 to 30. How are these rhythms ? And why do we have so

16:12 of them? So from the very , we talked about different cellular

16:17 And we said that you know especially in the hippocampus and also in

16:22 cortex. If you look, we that these different neurons and in particular

16:28 their inter neurons, they speak these subtypes of cells, they speak a

16:34 different dialect where their main language is action potential. But the pattern,

16:41 frequency of these action potential generation is different in all of these cellular

16:47 So some of them are slow, of them are very fast. Uh

16:51 a super, super fast. So having this variety of special inhibitory cells

16:57 a certain connectivity by which inhibitor and is also connected in the brain,

17:02 capable of producing different network rhythms because have individual cells like the players in

17:09 orchestra, we have really fast flutes we can engage really fast flutes and

17:13 will roll really fast rhythm, Or we can do the timing really

17:18 and we have those types of cells . And that's how we generate these

17:22 fast and slow rhythms in the Now we have neurotransmitters. So it's

17:31 just the action potential frequencies and We have neurotransmitters, gao glutamate excitation

17:38 condition but then we have neuro the means or beer and they change

17:44 they influence these patterns by which individual fire and therefore by which the collective

17:50 within the networks is going to be or modulated by them as well.

17:56 entrainment. Let's think about what is entrainment, this sensory experience of stimulations

18:02 are receiving constantly, somebody likes to to really fast music, you

18:10 electronic techno, some people like really music. And why am I talking

18:18 that? What does that have to ? The internal train as well?

18:23 sound frequencies are gonna be slow, ? And that's gonna be in training

18:28 to react to slow frequencies and and types of music is going to be

18:34 . So you have different stimuli, only can perceive 20 to 20,000 Hertz

18:42 , but we have different stimuli, to 700 they all come in different

18:46 . They're like waves of activity in frequencies and amplitudes. So this is

18:51 I mean by external entrainment is that are getting a certain input, we're

18:55 process that the output from a certain is gonna be a certain output from

18:59 brain. If we change the if we change the input, the

19:02 is also going to change. Why so many aci regimes? So

19:07 we're describing a few of them because have multiple tasks, cells have multiple

19:13 , neurons have multiple tasks we as have multiple tasks, our bodies brains

19:18 general, some of them are very and fast, others are very

19:23 And by having the variety of different types and the variety of these dominant

19:29 , we're able to produce distinct levels computation, sometimes parallel and parallel along

19:37 or three different frequencies within the same and encode that information and compute that

19:44 . And then when we need to that information such as memories such as

19:48 tasks and other types of performances that put these rhythms here. Penton and

19:55 in 2003, looked at L N here uh natural log and they see

20:04 frequency and they take these dominance uh that are recorded by E G

20:11 And they're seeing that they fall somewhat integer apart on this L N scale

20:19 is it the classes, this is frequencies and this is the integer scale

20:24 . So it's kind of interesting that they're trying to do here is they're

20:27 to ask the question. Is there mathematical way to explain this is a

20:32 system? Because in the end, talking about computational processes in the brain

20:37 processing the incoming inputs and sensory information such. OK. So here is

20:45 example of a happy student sitting with E G cap, noninvasive eyes

20:51 She has algorithms certain amplitude, certain beta waves eyes are open, the

20:57 decreases the frequency changes, eyes it goes back into the alpha

21:02 And this is pretty classical. You actually detect that rhythm. Now to

21:06 that rhythm in E E G, have to synchronize a number of cells

21:12 you can see this, it looks a very busy cap in the sense

21:16 it has what maybe 64 electrodes. there are 64 different probes that are

21:22 on the surface of the skull. have to interpret it where it

21:25 some of them are temporal lobes, of them ex frontal and so on

21:29 so forth. Yeah. So it's complicated. But in order to pick

21:35 the activity under one of these you actually have to synchronize hundreds if

21:40 thousands of cells, right. So is again, there's a larger image

21:45 distinction that E E G is non . But when we talk about intracranial

21:51 physiological recordings that typically is related to procedure and it is invasive and it

21:58 require opening the brain and placing the of the electrodes directly on the brain

22:04 , right? It's something for you to now keep in mind there are

22:10 oscillations. And why do we talk brain rhythms and epilepsy? Because one

22:15 the major definitive diagnosis for epilepsy is . And the way that you diagnose

22:22 is not just by observing a person's but actually recording their brain activity,

22:28 the E E G patterns using the on the surface of the skull that

22:35 were discussing. So what what typically done here is a, here is

22:41 a an interesting pattern in the We may have seen this image before

22:48 has 16 electrodes distributed in different probes different parts of uh uh of,

22:57 the head. And in a this is pretty calm in this person is

23:04 what is called an aura. So lot of epileptic seizures will be preceded

23:09 aura. Aura is typically a feeling something is going to happen. Some

23:14 feel horror. Some people uh feel satisfaction from that feeling, but then

23:21 happens and that is seizure. And can see that in B at the

23:26 of the or there's already synchronized activity , you cannot really detect any dominant

23:32 in any of these electrode traces. when you do electrode recordings, you

23:37 electrode activity and electrode nine versus 10 to 11, 11 versus

23:41 And so on, you don't see really distinct rhythms in any of these

23:46 traces. Each one of these lines the one probe, one of those

23:51 probes in this color. But and b you start seeing activity and

23:56 activity is a rising, maybe I say somewhere here between 9 14,

24:03 , 15 electrodes and sometime later, happens is this activity that means it

24:11 localized and starts locally in a certain , it starts locally in one

24:18 Now, after some time, what is activity of normal synchronized activity spreads

24:24 the entire brain. And therefore, you see engagement and synchronized in activation

24:33 the entire brain surface, which typically referred as generalized seizure also and can

24:41 in the loss of consciousness. epilepsy is a rhythmic disorder and it's

24:48 as such and there are certain features of, of this ethnicity. It's

24:58 . Hm. OK. Chocolate. love chocolate chokes. OK. So

25:13 is part of this image shows that structure here is the hippocampus and the

25:20 is very susceptible to damage by And we studied hippocampus from the very

25:25 , we talked about different subtypes of in the hippocampus. We talked about

25:29 functions of the hippocampus. A part the limbic system processes memories, encodes

25:35 . It helps with the memory it doesn't store the memories. Uh

25:41 it is highly susceptible to damage by and epilepsy. In general temporal lobe

25:46 and it's located very close uh by temporal lobe. Uh The hippocampus is

25:53 most frequent source. The most common of epilepsies are temporal lobe epilepsies.

25:59 therefore there's substantial damage in these areas associated with seizures and pathology.

26:07 when, when these networks synchronize what's happening is that you can think

26:11 everything being short circuited. So just in your computer or when you put

26:17 in a plug in, it starts of a spark up, it's getting

26:21 circuited. So this abnormal synchronized activities of like spark up abnormal sparks in

26:27 brain that can eventually kill the These are neurodegenerative disorders. So,

26:34 is a neurodegenerative disorder because if you contain seizures and 30% of patients are

26:40 responsive to pharmaceutical treatments. If you contain seizures, there is neuro degeneration

26:47 cell death with repeated seizures, Ramonica over 100 years ago. Think about

26:58 . Think about this drawing how forward he was. He said that there's

27:03 connectivity, there's certain way directionality we know about the backdrop of getting

27:08 But nonetheless, he talked about also the rearrangement, you know,

27:14 he didn't see uh uh E E recordings. I don't know if he

27:19 . He may have seen E E recordings. So he really came into

27:22 in the 19 twenties when we're picking activity from the surface here. This

27:30 the cortical surface. We're really picking activity, remember the six layers of

27:35 cortex and that we have the parameter projecting their apical dendrites. We're really

27:42 up activity from these apical dendrites of cells. And it's not just one

27:49 , you have to have synchronization of if not thousands of cells. So

27:54 activity can be picked up by an E G recording electron. Um We're

28:04 skip this and move next to what Um Actually let me pause here.

28:13 I can. But with uh with slide shows when the boots back up

28:33 , what this slide shows is that actually, when we talk about different

28:39 of cells, we can record, can place inside the brain, these

28:45 electrodes that will have multiple reporting sites them. We can use triangulation laws

28:52 mathematics to determine what subtypes of cells when they fire to produce these different

28:58 , right? Because they said you these different subtypes of cells, let's

29:03 in hippocampus, you have over 23 24 different subtypes of cells and they

29:09 speak different dialects and they produce these . So the next logical question,

29:15 you can pick up this rhythm with E G recording on and basically understand

29:20 network dynamics. What are the underlying cellular dynamics in generating these rhythms?

29:28 so there are some answers that were achieved in understanding different rhythms that showed

29:35 different cells will be active at different with their respective frequencies and amplitudes of

29:42 of action. For controls neurons and have a characteristic behavior. They produce

29:53 spikes. That means that I if place a, a cap E G

30:00 on a normal person, you will see any synchronized activity. If that

30:04 is epileptic, you will start seeing we call per multi depolarizing shifts or

30:11 spikes. Uh And they're about 5200 in duration, 20 to 40 millivolts

30:19 depolarization with a number usually few to action potentials riding on top of this

30:29 . And so this is a repetitive activity and it is formed because cells

30:35 different ionic channels with different properties. , it's intrinsic properties of neuronal membranes

30:42 they have and also synaptic connectivity and signaling, inhibitory exci fast, slow

30:51 and so on. So this is really interesting is that you have this

30:57 activity and this repetitive activity will be . And in order to have this

31:03 like activity, that is typical synchronization hundreds or thousands of cells in order

31:09 pick up this activity in the Although we can pick up that activity

31:14 individual neurons as is shown here. this is the intracellular recording in a

31:19 cell. And this is extracellular recording shows us that extracellular recording picks up

31:26 from hundreds of neurons in the vicinity the tissue. So it's somewhat close

31:32 or more representative of the E E recordings. Extracellular recordings will pick up

31:39 activity of local neuronal networks. So shows you that individual cells will be

31:45 these bursts of activity as well as will be synchronized within the networks.

31:49 whole network producing these abnormal inter bursts activity. A person may have a

31:57 or two or three and then they go into a doctor's office and have

32:02 place for four hours and they may have a seizure and they may have

32:06 come back and do 24 hour recording they still may not have a

32:10 And there's still limited understanding of what's and where it's happening in the

32:16 So in those cases where again, cannot control seizures, a person may

32:21 to stay for a few days in medical facility with the E G cap

32:27 in order for neurologists and the doctors see what exactly is going on and

32:32 , what is the right? What the? So this is happening in

32:38 areas of the brain that are responsible generating seizures. Right. Again,

32:44 not happening everywhere. Typically, there a source of seizure and then there

32:48 a spread of that seizure involving larger of the brain. There is an

32:54 of excitation and inhibition typically to generate seizures and to have abnormal synchrony because

33:03 like symphony is abnormal symphony. You not see this kind of a repetitive

33:11 , empirical bursting in cells networks or G recordings in normal brains and there's

33:19 a rhythmicity to it. So it's from these other dominant rhythms. So

33:23 could be overlapping in frequencies with some these dominant rhythms that we discussed.

33:29 if you have imbalance of excitation and , you typically have too much activation

33:35 glutamic system, too much of activation A and MD A receptor is too

33:41 of glutamate release. If glia gets , they actually start releasing more

33:48 producing calcium waves, calcium waves and can cause what is called calcium cytotoxic

33:57 glutamate excitotoxic and start eventually killing neurons blue cells. So, uh you

34:07 , let's keep talking about hyper There are some specific currents that can

34:12 these bursts. There's involvement of leon glia is regulating potassium glia is regulating

34:20 . In particular, glutamate reuptake glutamate into glutamine and also glutamate release on

34:28 own calcium regulation because they have calcium , uh glycine to a certain

34:36 which serves as a an MD, cofactor release. So they can influence

34:41 MD A receptor opening also through the regulation. And typically the, the

34:53 , if you recall, we talked neurotransmitter systems. And when we talked

35:02 inhibition, we talked about Gaba. this is the glutamatergic system that's typically

35:11 and enhanced and increased and it's enhanced increased for a number of reasons.

35:16 a number of different causes of, , of epilepsy. Yeah, but

35:23 glutar system is enhanced. And uh we talked about gag system, we

35:33 about how Gaba will bind to Gabba receptors and it's an agonist and it

35:40 increase the inhibition. And we said it also has other different binding sides

35:47 ethanol. But also for benzodiazepines. a lot of anti seizure drugs will

35:56 Gabba a channel. A lot of will be agonous for gabba a receptor

36:03 to increase the inhibition. So, of the treatment and epilepsy is still

36:10 try to increase the inhibition to balance this abnormal hyperexcitability that is happening through

36:18 glutamatergic systems. Uh Now, uh lot of my years uh here at

36:34 of age, about 10 or went into studying Drive syndrome or severe

36:42 epilepsy of infancy. Uh And uh , I think we're gonna leave the

36:54 of that. And the reason why started studying Dr Syndrome is because Dr

37:03 is a mutation in voltage gated sodium . Yeah, I'm a lot of

37:11 and the other reason, but it's because of that is because these kids

37:15 you see here that have a Drive also known as severe mylo epilepsy of

37:23 . OK. I do, I . OK. So we're gonna look

37:31 this again because when we record E , we have this difference in electrodes

37:36 , we're picking up on the This is a much better representation.

37:41 why I was like I have a representation of this. This is a

37:45 G electrode. When the neurons are , it's typically the surface neurons closer

37:53 the surface of the neo cortical neurons they have to synchronize. So you

37:58 to have a lot of hundreds of of these cells underneath the single electrode

38:03 be active in order to pick up of those synchronized spikes or one of

38:09 rhythms of activity. Uh And this an example of six cells and they're

38:16 receiving inputs. And when these inputs coming at different times, each cell

38:22 of has its own thing that it's . And if you some activity across

38:26 different six cells, you don't see of the kind of a dominant either

38:31 or amplitude pattern. But here and these traces represent when all six of

38:40 cells receive the same common input, very strong input. And what it

38:46 it then engages the cells, all 12356 to respond at the same

38:51 And the sum recording of E E or network activity now represents a dominant

38:57 and amplitude of this oscillation. So this is like I said,

39:02 just going to reinforce it in a way. Now, epilepsy, this

39:07 the slide that I was missing. let's talk about epilepsy because I said

39:11 it's important to understand is the developmental . Is it a middle age

39:17 We talked about several neurological conditions and is a U shaped curve for the

39:23 of new epilepsy in 100,000 people. affects about 1 to 2% of population

39:31 general and most of the incidents or and diagnosis of epilepsy occurs in early

39:40 . Then you have a slowdown and you have again an increase in epilepsy

39:45 seizures in the population 50 and So 55 over, you also are

39:50 susceptible to degenerating to having Alzheimer's And there's actually overlap between the

39:56 If you have Alzheimer's disease, there something like 50 times more likely to

40:01 seizures and epilepsy too. So there's between some of these neurological conditions.

40:08 is more common in developing countries. Naturally, it's not as good of

40:14 health care. The higher rates of childhood epilepsy, high rates of infection

40:19 pre and post natal care. Who ? I think we have there for

40:25 prenatal care. It's being regulated uh politicians all the time that occurs most

40:33 in young Children. And among the childhood, epilepsy is usually congenital.

40:39 caused by genes and mutation in genes disease or abnormality that is present at

40:46 or developmental abnormality. Elderly tend to so congenital versus acquired epilepsy. Chore

40:56 is a consequence of conditions such as , tumors. Alzheimer's disease,

41:01 many different causes. Uh uh that lead to it. Epilepsy is more

41:08 a symptom of a disease and in , uh it, it is typically

41:12 now by neurologist as epilepsies because they be so different in how they uh

41:19 seizures happen. What parts of the are involved, how it affects the

41:23 lifestyle and their livelihood. Uh tumors is a common cause gliosis,

41:33 reactive gliosis, scar tissue formation the tissue blood vessels that start growing

41:40 the tumor space. They all can to formation of seizures and epilepsy,

41:47 , traumatic brain injury, repeated concussions penetration or penetrative traumatic brain injuries such

41:54 shrapnel from explosive device, which used be just in, in wars.

41:59 now we're fighting wars in this country day with having um not skiing every

42:08 . Uh genetics. So genetic genetic components, mostly childhood epilepsies,

42:14 dysfunction, infections. What are viral infections such as bacterial infections,

42:22 infections, both meningitis can be Bacterial or viral source? There isn't

42:27 much reports from COVID-19 and seizure So there's a few but it's,

42:31 not emerging as a as a really correlation. At least the last time

42:35 checked to my, to my um the vascular disease, abnormal

42:41 microvessels, shrinkage of vessels and so . Uh neurons need oxygen and

42:47 So when you start cutting them off that supply, they start either dying

42:51 generating abnormal seizure activity. Environmental, many case, environmental chemicals exposure to

43:00 , for example, or uh you can say, well, uh

43:05 mosquito bite that leads to encephalitis that to seizure sy epilepsy. Yeah.

43:11 You said that um the neurons die they don't get enough oxygen. Is

43:15 why? Like in some cases like in patients, uh they give some

43:23 . Uh uh hypoxia, hypoxia is one of the ways and one of

43:28 models in which you can induce Yeah. So, uh typically before

43:34 die, they go through some sort abnormal synchronized activity as their last attempt

43:40 , to, to wake up the autonomic system and everything and then

43:45 probably give up and they give up , they start giving up within two

43:49 . So if a person has oxygen , cut off for two minutes or

43:55 , it's, it's bad news and why a lot of times when a

44:01 , uh when there is a, a person passes out, they have

44:05 stroke or they have something like that they're revived a lot of times.

44:11 more, one most important things you to know. How long, how

44:15 was it before the person lost the and they were revived. And um

44:21 you hear like 10, 15 it's like, oof, that's bad

44:24 , especially without CPR, maybe with that can be prolonged because you're still

44:29 the blood and uh giving, you , oxygen supply. But without that

44:35 minutes, you know, the, survival rate of neurons decreases dramatically.

44:41 of the most sensitive cells in the to uh loss of oxygenation that hypo

44:47 this chocolate all over. Uh In cases, the causes of epilepsy

44:53 are not known. You simply don't . The doctor cannot tell. I

44:58 know if you have a mutation. don't know what happened to you.

45:00 don't know if you had a brain . I don't know if you have

45:04 . You have, you know the of seizures and sy. Now uh

45:09 is what what um happens is that is voltage gated sodium channel N ad

45:16 . Remember voltage gated sodium channels that responsible for producing action potentials. So

45:22 shows that there's multiple mutations. So mutations but sodium channel or subunits six

45:35 segments, S four is a voltage . This is the selectivity four between

45:41 five and the segments five and segment . And anywhere you're seeing these green

45:47 here, that means a mutation in gene. The codes or, and

45:56 codes a certain sequence of amino acids this protein can result in G EFS

46:05 which is generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures . So generalized epilepsy, you lose

46:16 , feb seizures is the most common of seizures. It actually occurs in

46:24 Children. Feb seizures are hyperthermia. just talked about hypoxia, lack of

46:35 , talking about hypothermia when a child a fever, an infection and their

46:43 goes up to 100 and four you call the doctor. One of

46:48 suggestions is that if you cannot not to a health care professional to doctor

46:54 hospital, place your child in an bath. Obviously, you know,

47:00 tried uh lowering their temperature with medications things like that and you shouldn't freeze

47:05 child, but literally lower the temperature if it goes up to 100 and

47:10 F. There is a fear that person may have a seizure and it's

47:15 common in Children and Children may go beyond 100 and four and they may

47:19 into this twitching like kind of a seizure activity and they'll never have one

47:25 or they'll be sick again two years and have one. It doesn't mean

47:28 have epilepsy. So to have you have to have repeated seizures.

47:35 when we say feb seizures here, , the Children that have this genetic

47:43 uh in anywhere alone, these green , if you mess up the sequence

47:50 the code in this voltage gated sodium , you end up with having G

47:57 F S plus. Um Now, does that mean? Does that mean

48:03 the body temperature in these Children go to 100 4 constantly and they have

48:09 ? No, they're actually a lot susceptible to small increases in body and

48:15 temperature. So 100 and four is 42 C. Our physiological temp body

48:22 is 37 C 36.6. So if normal Children of 42 C, you'll

48:30 a febrile seizure. Children that have mutation, their temperature, body temperature

48:36 go up to 40 C 39 9900 degrees Fahrenheit and they will have

48:44 seizures and it's not only the internal temperature, it's also the ambient external

48:51 a lot of Children that have this and have a syndrome. Their parents

48:58 happy when winter comes about because they that there is a reduction in the

49:05 of seizure seizures during the colder months the year. So they're very

49:11 not only to internal but also external rises. SME I stands for severe

49:21 epilepsy of infancy. And anywhere you a red dot that mutation along the

49:30 channel can result in the different sub of epilepsy. So everywhere you have

49:37 green mutation, you end up with . Everywhere you have a red

49:42 you may end up with sme I marron epilepsy in influence. It will

49:47 different but it's affecting the same channel a different sequence in this channel and

49:54 already causing two different syndromes. And just through one voltage gated sodium channel

50:02 and congenital. Uh epilepsies are not due to sodium channel mutations, it

50:10 be potassium channel mutations, calcium channel . You think about many different mutations

50:17 MD A Java and so on. can be involved in this exci or

50:22 signaling regulation. So these are the that have or had Dr Syndrome,

50:31 syndrome or severe myronic cap of infancy I um over 30% of these kids

50:39 unresponsive to pharmaceutical treatments. 20 or percent of these Children die from what

50:48 called severe, unexpected or severe unexplained . And epilepsy typically happens at

50:55 And that's why these type of epilepsies referred to as catastrophic, developmental type

51:02 epilepsy because it's catastrophic. Not only a child, it's also catastrophic for

51:07 family to have a, have a that suffers from uncontrollable seizures and,

51:14 the loss of life when you, you care for somebody and, and

51:18 love them so much. So, some of these Children have passed.

51:24 This is from the uh Syndrome Foundation E S F I was one of

51:32 scientific advisor for a number of And that's what really touched me to

51:38 on S N E I. And here at the University of Houston,

51:43 why I'm interested on showing you this I did spend 10 years trying to

51:48 the cellular mechanisms of seizures and network in a mouse model which had a

51:58 mutation in the voltage gated sodium which reproduced a lot of symptomology of

52:05 I. So these Children will have , they can have dozens of seizures

52:09 day. Sometimes sme I Children may have feb seizures, not always,

52:15 they may have them. And when common pharmaceutical drugs don't work, when

52:23 doesn't work, a neurologist will suggest second one. Um maybe the second

52:29 doesn't work, they may suggest a of three drugs. Uh And if

52:35 talk to neurologists, it's very difficult you're trying to interpret. Do

52:40 do these Children have a mutation Ok, they have a mutation.

52:43 you know something about it. What you don't know the cause of that

52:47 ? You're a neurologist, you are intelligent. You studied it for

52:51 you have these E G recordings, have to do something with the

52:55 The patient is having seizures. And you talk to neurologists of practice for

52:59 while, of course, they have lot of experience and they can be

53:02 in pinpointing the pharmaceutical treatment for certain and certain conditions. A lot of

53:08 they will say it's trial and So if this doesn't work, you

53:11 back three months later and you try different, this doesn't work, you

53:15 back and you try something different. these Children don't run out of

53:20 meaning that there is no more Plus you have to realize that if

53:26 child that has syndrome is taking a packet of pills like that every

53:34 um Benzodiazepines, for example, ethanol binds together receptor. So what

53:41 these Children feel like? They feel they're drunk, you know, outside

53:45 fact they're literally stumbling, hitting themselves the chairs and tables. It's also

53:51 burden on other organs. So we talked about, I want you guys

53:55 think about smart drugs. You we're gonna talk about medical cannabinoids,

54:00 in general, think about smart uh penetrable through blood brain barrier.

54:07 it is not easily penetrable to the , it becomes a systemic burden.

54:13 affecting your other organs. It's affecting liver, it's affecting your kidneys.

54:17 liver has to metabolize. Imagine you to take 20 Advil every day.

54:23 probably not recommended. You know. what happened with Drive Syndrome? And

54:29 why we start introducing the medical And then the cannabinoid system is a

54:36 of these Children were not responsive to cocktails of drugs. And so they

54:41 no alternative. And this is a , a story of Charlotte figgy.

54:47 is a girl that had gravity S C N one A is the

54:52 that codes for voltage gated sodium And she had a confirmed gravity syndrome

54:58 S C M one A mutation and were very conservative parents, both uh

55:06 and and tried all of the options their neurologist for pharmaceutical treatments. Moved

55:12 Colorado and started a drunkard therapy, means in addition to their existing treatments

55:20 a mix of cannabidiol and delta nine hydro Canino CBD and T H C

55:28 a specific strain of cannabis that was named after her in part called Charlotte's

55:34 . Unfortunately, this girl that brought to to this whole kind of a

55:42 uh idea of treatment of epilepsy, has been around for thousands of years

55:49 of epilepsy with, with cannabis But this renewed idea in legalized states

55:54 legalized cannabis where it was accessible because not really accessible through the pharmaceutical prescriptions

56:00 the pharmacies, but it is accessible these medical cannabis programs that are state

56:06 . We moved to Colorado and the was that this extract which had CBD

56:14 T H C reduced trial seizure frequency nearly 50 convulsive seizures per day to

56:22 to 3 naternal convulsions per month. this was a, this was the

56:29 stark example of 2014. And since , there's many different studies, reports

56:38 cannabidiol uh enriched cannabis and pediatric treatment epilepsies. Since then, there's also

56:45 drug that is CBD or Cannabidiol based we'll talk about in the next

56:50 I believe when we talk about more medical cannabis in respect of the cannabinoid

56:56 too. And really unfortunate. There's charlotte piggy pass lot here. So

57:03 , this is a devastating kind of and that's why people seek alternatives.

57:08 when there is no help that you find in the doctor's office and in

57:14 case, they found a neurologist which great and uh medical campus programs,

57:19 should really think about them. It's something that you have a card and

57:23 buy weed in the dispensary. That's medical, that's a pretense of medical

57:28 , to get recreational stuff. Medical you work with a medical practitioner and

57:35 this state in Texas or any other that have medical programs, people typically

57:41 supervising medical practitioners and understands these things Edward Mob, the first authors and

57:48 that work with Charlotte's figure have worked these preparations that are not from the

57:53 , but rather from the dispensaries or the producers. So it's quite interesting

57:59 brought to light a lot of things we have forgotten about. In

58:04 the United States government in 99 published patent cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuro

58:13 So, cannabis is still considered a one substance which in pharmaceutical terms,

58:21 means it has no medicinal value. highly addictive and dangerous. Uh But

58:28 the same time, there's this pattern treatment of diseases. Alzheimer's Park

58:33 even though non psychoactive can happen on dial. Um So the United States

58:42 America is represented by the Department of and Human Services. So what we

58:48 is as always, we have dual of one reality and then the

58:55 the legal reality of what's happening, ? We have the reality of abortion

59:00 and then we have the reality of abortion pills. Then we have a

59:04 of five more days for abortion pills then we'll decide what happens. So

59:08 it's, it's, it's everything is . So here it's a very strong

59:14 that even the US government believe in values that uh uh of cannabis

59:21 Now, the person that didn't believe medical cannabis was this guy Sanjay

59:25 He works as a chief medical correspondent CNN and I think he started this

59:32 Weed and I think it's up to now, maybe this is Montel Jordan

59:36 is uh uh treating his MS with cannabis and has his own cannabis

59:41 . Actually, this guy is got caught off Montel Jordan.

59:46 look into his biography. This guy bat languages. He's like a uh

59:51 , navy seal marine, like incredible but has a mask and has his

59:57 cannabis company and he's treating his own mess with, with these preparations.

60:01 so Sanjay Gupta didn't believe in any this. He's a neurosurgeon and he

60:06 into this, I think six or years ago exploring what's going on here

60:11 Colorado with this little girl Charlotte figgy other things. And he turned,

60:17 think within a year or so and being convinced that although there is no

60:25 uh pathway for cannabis plant or consuming smoking cannabis or something like that,

60:32 saw a real benefit in in many . Now we'll talk about the cannabis

60:37 its own negative effects. Uh It negative effects on psychosis, it has

60:45 effects on performance and memory. It negative effects on some people's personalities.

60:51 doesn't agree with people. You can in cannabis. Good news is you

60:57 die on cannabis and it stinks. your Children, when you bust

61:02 you know what they have, but cannot tell that about fentaNYL, which

61:07 really a lot more dangerous to And so this is what the the

61:11 that are getting involved in this medical processes, they're evaluating harm versus

61:19 What is, what is more what is more beneficial and how to

61:22 this lightly. And that's why I that medical candidates truly and cannabinoids that

61:27 through state programs should be physicians supervised regulated with their advice and their knowledge

61:32 understanding what's going on with these zoological far as negative effects. Uh,

61:38 address some of them again. And the fact that when I talk about

61:43 cannabinoids of most of these people, they talk about medical cannabinoids, they

61:47 about natural plant, the right chemicals than semi synthetic or synthetic in

61:55 which are completely different and can have very bad effect on your brain or

61:59 . Ok. Well, I'm here and we'll pick up, uh,

62:04 we left off at the next
