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01:11 Angela, are you back? we'll wait few more seconds for Angela

01:22 come back. Right, okay, start this next hour or so.

02:52 about salt and shale tectonics, primarily tectonics. Okay, so in the

03:02 we're we're here to spend about an or so on salt tectonics. Even

03:09 we started late, I think we'll landed around five p.m. I think it

03:12 full and on time. Okay. , so on the on our structure

03:22 of fortune here we're going to be about extension of salt tectonics in this

03:27 of the diagram and both thin skinned salt tectonics up in this part of

03:32 diagram, extension of salt tectonics and of small tectonics. So first we'll

03:43 about the physical properties, assault. factors influencing salt movement and then the

03:49 types of autochthonous assault structures. A assault structures are ones where the mother's

03:57 is still in place. The original is still in its original de positional

04:05 . Um Different types of a taco structures um are active cheers, man

04:13 structures and passive down building type We'll talk about mega flaps and overturned

04:21 related to the salt reactive dye appears the dye appear is filling in the

04:28 created by extension. And then we'll about a locked in assault structures with

04:35 has migrated up to a higher Higher strata. Graphic level informed on

04:42 and related structures at that higher structural . We'll talk about the influence of

04:46 false salt sheets? Assault corps Many basins and shale tectonics.

04:58 so what is salt? Salt is evaporate. It's a mix of common

05:04 mostly highlight and hide, right? typically intermixed with lots of thoughts of

05:11 beds and these are the average physical of salt and and hydrate the density

05:20 velocity in feet per second and velocity meters per second. No kidding.

05:31 the most important thing is the density salt. This compares the density of

05:35 as a function of depth to the of various sands and shales shown

05:42 And what this shows is that depth than about a kilometer. The salt

05:48 less dense than typical sediments. It's depth. The salt is more dense

05:55 typical sediments. And this is the driving factor in salt tectonics. Now

06:08 philosophies of salt are also important because generally the velocity of sediments is less

06:20 the velocity of salt in that shallower , deeper depth below about a

06:25 And then we'll get these seismic velocity down below the soul. These are

06:34 real. They're just an artifact of difference in velocity between the salt and

06:38 sediments in the shallow sediments. Um sediment philosophies are less than the velocity

06:46 salt. And that gives you these pull ups on that again, or

06:51 an artifact of the seismic philosophy and two different structures. Okay, so

07:00 are the factors affecting salt movement, , inversions or buoyancy, differential

07:12 density, extension, contraction and gravity . So these are all the key

07:21 influencing salt mm. And these are sections showing these different factors. These

07:30 factors affecting development assault structures. One just the difference in density leading to

07:37 . You load the salt here and , driving it into highs or die

07:43 in this location. All right, a different type of differential spreading here

07:53 you loaded in the middle and the salt evacuates to those points,

07:58 points where there's less loading giving you and ultimately things called turtles. In

08:06 location, gravity spreading telekinesis where the is less dense than sediments as it

08:15 up to the serial surface, it and it flows out sometimes even assault

08:24 and naps in the so a slope the gulf of Mexico group. But

08:32 also thermal convective telekinesis where you get convection within a big body of salt

08:40 itself like this and then an extension contraction extension. Whereas as you pull

08:47 apart, the sediments are extended in salt flows in to fill those gaps

08:55 by the extension of subsiding here, up, even extending to the surface

09:01 these relative highs um and in contraction forms the major detachment horizons gives you

09:11 according to clients like this and can the can conform the detachment layer here

09:18 to salt extrusion up shallow, following thrust trajectory. So these are the

09:27 tectonic elements terminology and cinematics for So in cross section, I'm showing

09:33 here and here too large salt True as you load the flying through

09:40 salt bodies, that loading drives assault the crest of the the salt

09:48 The salt structures are called salt walls appears or pillows depending primarily on their

09:56 . Um the areas in between our basins or mini basins or sinks or

10:02 clients. Bye. Okay, so a schematic showing the evolution of of

10:14 body and specifically of something called a . So we start with thick salt

10:21 here, begin to load it in centers here and here that evacuates the

10:28 from the point of greatest loading and them into the areas of salt.

10:36 highs the salt highs, creates sedentary over them as the salt continues to

10:44 eventually. This the salt goes away in the base of the sediments.

10:49 the basement floor here and this is is termed a Well, you get

10:54 here and one here. Once that is formed, the salt is no

11:00 , there is no longer free to laterally and so mm hmm. The

11:08 moves out. These fins are subside are deposited welded here and here and

11:19 themselves form local depot centers or mini and then continues to drive what are

11:26 is left out of these wells. and lows, resulting in this kind

11:33 structure called the turtle structure where you thick the thin on top bounded by

11:40 thick mini basins, with the sediments off to the flanks of the turtle

11:54 . Okay, how salt rises in crust. There are different mechanisms

11:58 one is called Reactive Pearson where the adjacent blocks are extending, you gotta

12:05 in here in the middle and the flows in to form to fill in

12:10 the scrub in. You get active where the buoyancy of the salt itself

12:17 it upwards and the forms are or the overlying sediments. This can evolve

12:28 an erosion along pierce mint structure shown where the salt flows up the bounding

12:34 flow down and once the salt reaches surface you can extrude Sylvia really along

12:41 surface. We also have thrust placements the salt is forms the Tacoma and

12:51 carried up along the thrust itself. dr pierce smith structures where the salt

13:01 flowing up due to its buoyancy, low density and the overlying sediments are

13:07 folded over it. So it's it's of a version of this where the

13:13 has continued to flow upward and continued deform the overlying settlements and then passive

13:22 mint like this where the salt just up vertically and pierces the bounding settlements

13:28 actually performing the overlying sediments. so a toxin. It structures our

13:39 die appears and canopies and we'll talk the geometry of each one of those

13:48 the gulf of Mexico. We have different salt tectonic provinces on shore,

13:55 , Onshore texas Louisiana. So here's the shelf, Here's the Louisiana

14:00 of texas shelf is back here. , the slope is here and the

14:06 slope is down here. I'm sure get these rollers, pillow stones,

14:12 appears all still related to the auto related to the original mother software.

14:20 you get to the shelf, we autocracy ist die appears in many

14:25 Were you um assaults have more vertical . You have time appears. Mm

14:30 . Many basins, big de positional , but the still the salt is

14:35 related to the in place Mother salt . As you progress out onto the

14:43 , we move into the gelatinous salt where you have di appears in many

14:51 , but they're related down to lock in salt, which has float up

14:55 the mother layer here to form a strata graphic level here, what's called

15:01 nap here and then that nap is by the overlying de positional centers right

15:08 finally progressing down to the edge of and the toe slope. You go

15:13 the zone of elephant assault canopies and appears where these structures now have been

15:20 loaded and extrude it upward to form naps canopies and some housing counties.

15:32 you. So these are examples of of the types of structures, ensure

15:40 get. Things like this that are pillows. Low relief structures where these

15:46 into high relief structures, they become or die appears all still related to

15:52 top mother salt layer on the We get talk to this guy appears

16:02 many basins, things like this where salts bodies are still related to the

16:08 assault layer of the original motor salt here, but they have been extruded

16:14 to where they formed some horizontal layers are then loaded to form. Mhm

16:19 basins depot centers and in successive di when you get down onto the slope

16:30 are totally locked in assault bodies like like this where here's the seismic

16:36 here's the top assault here. The salt here. Another depot center a

16:42 basin being deposited on top of the and the combination of that loading and

16:48 downslope base of the salt because the to move base inward and upward into

16:55 young into the next mini basin compressing next mini basin. This is an

17:02 of a seismic section across the map of the uh 60 escarpment. You

17:08 the salt body here, sediments sediments here and the loading of the

17:15 here dries assault upward and basin world driving assault in this direction. In

17:25 cases giving rise to overturned limbs beneath salt here. So salt flows and

17:37 . These things that we see both the on shore and on the

17:43 We have low relief pillows with primary . Send clients where the simulates sediments

17:53 Pearson die appears. Hi relief die that move up into the sentiments with

17:59 primary and secondary rims inclines, eventually to turtle structures where the dye appears

18:08 high enough and become cut off. get these bulbs and teardrop shaped salt

18:14 . And finally, as these as the salt moves upward and

18:19 it evolves into canopies what are called yours and salt sheets and tongues.

18:27 these sequence of structures represents different stages development, different stages of development due

18:34 loading and continued movement of the salt . So first the salt rollers and

18:44 . Okay, we see those on in texas and Louisiana right down dip

18:53 this, maybe a Taco Falsone. they represent structures like this low relief

19:06 where the soldiers evacuated in one area in another area. And you get

19:14 confident normal fault Robin structures evolving over flanks of where the salt has

19:25 Here's another example, this is a relief salt pillow from the nancy field

19:30 Mississippi. You see the salt down sediments overlying it here, folded into

19:37 dreadful old here from slight thickening of sediments off the flank of the crest

19:44 the salt party. The overall of relief and decline of low relief dome

19:54 increased relief. We get these intermediate salt down declines where the salt now

20:00 higher lease structure. More of it been evacuated into this area and as

20:06 moves upward. All right form's depot or rims in clients that then continue

20:12 collect sediment and continue to drive the by loading it here they continue to

20:18 it upward. The overlying sediments are into grabbing like structures and typically the

20:26 Robin fault extends into insoles into the body here with other secondary constant faults

20:34 up from that progressing effort from Here's a higher relief. Sultan

20:44 This is from the Pool Creek Mhm. Also in Mississippi. Somebody

20:51 , top salt here basalt here to . Finding sentiments here and here and

20:57 this crustal collapsed, grabbing over the of the salt. You see how

21:02 center is thickened from the crest to flanker assault on both sides on this

21:09 and on this side from here to that thickening loads of salt on the

21:16 and drives the salt into the structure drives it up vertically, resulting in

21:22 crystal collapse and decline. And again main crystal, the main fault to

21:27 crest of collapsed synagogue in decline comes and souls into the salt. So

21:32 salt surface itself sounds like a fault these other conjugate faults tip out into

21:39 salt body so bob's die appears and where we have higher relief cell

21:51 This is an example of a seismic from assault di appear. You see

21:56 nice domo folding of the sediments around salt. This happens to be the

22:01 reservoir horizon. Thank you. Gas contact is here. Water contact is

22:09 here and you have a nice bullseye of structure with assault type here in

22:13 middle. One of the difficulties in is determining where is the salt

22:20 As these beds get rotated up to and higher dips the imaging becomes worse

22:25 worse and you don't really know where bed where the sedimentary beds terminate in

22:32 the salt flank really is. okay, evolution of active salt die

22:44 . So you have cartoons here showing evolution from pillow stage here where we've

22:51 a little bit of loading ramps, formation off the crest of salt

22:56 Is this? These depot centers You get this thickening of the sediments

23:03 to the salt. These beds that thinned out of the salt right now

23:12 forced down here. So their fins in the lows. This forms what's

23:17 the rims incline. The loading progressively the salt upward until eventually the sediments

23:26 against where the base of the salt to be cutting the salt off from

23:30 supplies here and the continued loading These die appears laterally in the

23:37 assault near the on the subsurface at surface or near subsurface excluding the salt

23:46 a toadstool are are now time Right? This shows a sequence of

24:04 structures progressing from a relatively up to dip in this case, into the

24:10 of Mexico. Oh, Top It's salt in place here. Um

24:17 higher and higher relief structures as you into the basis, starting with low

24:22 salt, pillows and rollers top tip relief salt and declines in the

24:31 mm hmm. Progressing into hi released pillows and dieter of salt walls.

24:40 these extruded manicures from the tops of diabetes as you get further and further

24:47 depth. Mhm. The centenarian voting eventually pinch these off in giving you

24:54 terrible shaped soft money. Alright, structure contra maps of some of these

25:08 structures from the east texas basin. , hi relief salt pillow here di

25:15 here with essentially vertical sides. Toadstool , somebody's here, bones, mm

25:26 . Structure concerts on those moving up or less vertically or inclined with a

25:34 burn extruded for wider diameter section at top of the structure. And then

25:44 down dip. Further, you get simple salt and declines of rollers where

25:49 salt is essentially a plunging neckline. , all right, we see the

26:00 types of assault structures in other And this is the north west german

26:08 . United Kingdom is here onshore Netherlands Northwest Germany are here. One Norway

26:18 here in here, you have a of um Triassic salt deposit that's now

26:29 into a series of these same types structures and this is the paleo geographic

26:40 of this salt is Eckstein salt in Germany. All right. Um the

26:48 was deposited in these yellow basins, plastics and Sakas in these areas,

26:57 up the mother small layer at the of the Triassic in here. So

27:08 is the progression of salt structures that get moving mm hmm, down debt

27:13 southeast to northwest. We have progressively and thicker salt. First we have

27:20 low relief pillows, The salt stocks die appears hi relief stocks and die

27:28 here in salt walls where these die , Can grow laterally emerge into a

27:36 one continuous salt wall. The evolution these structures is just as we described

27:49 , where you start with the mother's in this layer here, when the

27:54 deposition, as you start to load , it starts to evacuate, forming

28:00 and highs the lows, then become centers or many basins and it's kind

28:06 a circular process where he deposited sediments , the loading evacuates the soul.

28:13 subsides and forms of accommodation space for more and more sediments, mm

28:21 And so as these things progress with salt thins thickens locally into these pillows

28:27 die appears and can extrude severe really the at the land surface.

28:46 so here's a detached di appear from Northwest German basin. Here's the 16

28:51 here assault has moved up this fault has been evacuated completely from the salt

28:58 by the loading along the flying downloading tries the small upwards, giving

29:05 to overturn beds beneath the flank of salt and this this canopy shaped domed

29:11 over the top of the salt, an example of a typical dome from

29:21 north west german basin, the greenhouse salt dome. The 16 starts

29:27 steeply dipping beds adjacent to the salt , where the salt is forced its

29:32 up through those through those sediments, to the Sylvia real surface where the

29:39 and extrude reform cap rocks and salt at the at the top of the

29:54 . Alright, so these are cole canopies from the salina basin in

30:02 Mhm. So here's a a cross , here's a three D diagram in

30:07 cross section. You see the what's of the thin mother salt layer

30:12 at the base, the salt has upward. It's been extruded from those

30:18 mother shot layer up to a shallow here and here. And is that

30:23 continues. These individual bodies grow and cole os. So you go from

30:31 bodies like shown here into one continuous . But your nap is shown here

30:37 three D. They look more like where you have a series of coalesced

30:42 bodies at the surface fed by individual stocks at various locations throughout the

30:55 Okay, the mechanisms reforming. These talking, assault structures and here.

31:04 Frankie the pillows, the dye bulbs and teardrops canopies and manicures and

31:11 sheets and tongues are related to the auction itself. Okay, so here's

31:18 example of a the salt pillow. is one of your exercises. You

31:24 the top salt here. Somebody here here, These flanking sediments coming up

31:33 the Domingo structure here, false up in the section high in the

31:40 Um, what I want you to is take a few minutes you have

31:45 in your handout right to interpret the , the faults and the sediments and

31:51 how they formed. And so you to take a look at this.

31:59 the fault up here. Extrapolate them into the, into the salt

32:04 decide where the major through going fault and what the consummate intersecting relationships are

32:12 the other faults and the salt body . So, uh, that's

32:19 I don't know, take 10 or , 10 minutes to work through this

32:24 then we'll bring it up and talk it. Okay, let's let's talk

40:14 one over. This gets, it's a little difficult just by the size

40:18 the seismic section defaults or not as results as they would be in real

40:24 . Um, so we have the of the salt here and you want

40:29 follow these reflections up to a crystal somewhere about here and then back down

40:35 other side. So these two salt connect up the base of the salt

40:40 continues through some horizontally like that on strong reflections at the bottom and then

40:48 gets you up into interpreting these crystal fault at the crest of the

40:54 Mhm. Now from the data that you the green was a little bit

40:59 on this side than on this So when you extrapolate those green events

41:05 , you end up with a normal on the green event in in this

41:11 . So that means that the master for the system has to be coming

41:18 from here down through about here, to create this normal offset on the

41:24 and then soling into the salt layer . And one of the key things

41:28 is done the dipping to the giving you this normal offset and soling

41:34 the salt body here. And then other faults are antiseptic and synthetic to

41:43 . This anesthetic comes down approximately yeah, intersects the main fault

41:49 synthetic fault comes down here intersects this here and this you get the sequence

41:57 fault just by working upwards from this , interpreting this fall. First This

42:05 . 2nd, because he's it looks the major off next major offset when

42:10 start to drive your orange up into and then the orange steps up a

42:15 of loops here and finally to here get the normal offset that's required by

42:21 basin bounding. Following on this flank salt is completely welded out. That's

42:29 by these two dots where the top the salt has touched down onto the

42:33 . There's no longer any salt present . And the overall evolution of the

42:39 comes from um the loading of the on the two flanks of the salt

42:46 and here. Mhm. The normal here and the slight thickening of the

42:51 on this side relative to this This has gone down great around this

42:57 accumulated more sediments than this side And that's a cute that's consistent with

43:04 welding out of the top and based over this area of greatest deposition.

43:14 . All right, did you did follow that? Did you see the

43:18 in putting those things together? Any or questions on that? Okay,

43:33 move ahead. Okay, so here's example of basically the same type of

43:43 our salt pillow here, flying sediments thickening downwards, rotating onto the

43:52 Assault, Meine falls in the festival and coming down through here soling into

43:58 top of the salt here and then other. Can you get in synthetic

44:05 , intersecting assault and intersecting each other higher in the section. Okay,

44:17 active. Die appears. These are appears where um the chairman of the

44:23 sediments is due to the buoyancy of salt and then we have passive di

44:29 we're molding of the original tabular assault down building creates a salt diet here

44:37 these two are kind of complementary. see that as we go. It's

44:42 to make a part and member distinction active versus passive. What are distinctly

44:48 are these reactive dye appears where you rise of salt in response to extension

44:55 faulting in the overlying sediments to pull overlying sediments away and create a void

45:00 the salt to move up into so diet appears. Those where Pearson of

45:09 sediments is due to the point of salt. Yeah. And those typically

45:17 at these depths below about a kilometer the salt is lower density, then

45:22 sediments due to that difference in the salt is going to move upward

45:28 to form the overlying sediments. Here's an example that where we start with

45:42 this is from the north west german . We start with the muscle mother

45:46 while you're here with the deposition and on the flanks, you get a

45:51 structure here with continued deposition loading on flanks. These parts of the soul

45:58 become smaller and narrower and the Celtics upwards performing the overlying beds here so

46:07 beds are not pierced by the salt and fold it up for an adjacent

46:11 the salt layer and as that you get a more teardrop progressively more

46:16 shaped salt body at the crest of structure. So here's a model showing

46:27 evolution of that stirring. Starting from with a small relief. I'm

46:36 Starting from here with no no Motor software here, slight filming here

46:44 as you move upwards this way until get a higher and higher relief pillow

46:50 here. Where while your pillow has evolved into sort of a diet,

46:54 more highly structured and as the voting , the salt body continues to move

47:03 and when you get up into that where the salt body is higher destiny

47:08 sentiments. Then you start to get lateral extrusion of the salt to get

47:13 teardrop shape. Okay, so here's example of the evolution of an act

47:31 salt di appear starting here with the salt layer. The original autopsy and

47:36 layer loading on the flanks here and , creating a low relief pillow here

47:43 progressive loading here. This subsides this that was then rotates downwards to get

47:51 rims inclines adjacent of the salt. salt excludes upwards, deforming the overlying

47:59 and eventually when this salt reaches the surface but excludes laterally summarily. Once

48:06 salt is now denser than the sentiments you this soft overhang. This toadstool

48:13 shape, but it's still shaped Now, the fault patterns we get

48:23 to these salt die appears are typically radio fault pattern. We're here.

48:28 looking at several salt domes here here and here. These are structured contours

48:34 the salt tone. Hatch your pattern the middle is the salt itself and

48:38 false radiate outward from that in this pattern. Here's here's another example that

48:55 and cross section here. Salt here contours showing the conical shape around the

49:02 body. Wow in cross section. here, you see the salt body

49:08 up here with these sentiments coming up to the salt, moving upward,

49:16 by the salt tracked out by the . With these radio falls emanating from

49:23 salt body. Accommodating the extension of layer is is forced to move out

49:30 to the salt. Mhm. Here's here's another example um um you see

49:42 chemical shape here, the crest of salt body here, structure contours on

49:47 map level the reservoir horizon here, radio fault pattern. Yeah. If

49:53 connect the structure contours across the gaps we did on the first day,

49:59 see these dip in dip in different , but each fault has only one

50:06 of dip no longer. There's no across no crossing of the fault contours

50:16 these gaps. And this again gives the sense of up and down up

50:21 down along each side of the Okay, passive di appears are down

50:34 and this is related to the differential of the sediments. And the idea

50:39 that the salt, it's all kind states football sentiments go down around

50:48 And so this was first introduced back 1933 by Barton Partners and the idea

50:54 that the tops of the salt layers passive on an emergent near the ground

51:01 of the sea floor and the flags buried deeper and deeper under the weight

51:06 the under of the surrounding sediments, the weight of the continued segregation.

51:13 down building requires differential loading an assault by the overburden. Mhm. In

51:19 original model, the salt is passive the sea floor. More current models

51:27 that the top of the cell it's determined by the deposition and erosion

51:31 history of the overburden and the dye that we see are typically formed by

51:39 . A combination of this down passing down building and active Hey

51:45 Oh, I want to say about this active Pearson of the salt

51:54 So, here's, here's the original building layer. The idea is,

51:57 start with this salt at a constant here. As basements of size sediment

52:06 , sediment fills in the gaps between salt bodies, drives the salt from

52:13 lows into these more dietary structures. top of the salt remains at the

52:19 relative data throughout this process until eventually salt is completely evacuated from the same

52:27 . You get a weld here where salt is completely evacuated, forced into

52:32 salt. Dieters on either side and continued subsidence and sedimentation. The salt

52:42 get squeezed laterally to form these to shaped light appears. So this is

52:49 conceptual down building model for di appears So molding of passive DI appears sand

53:05 exceeding a critical thickness, maintain the that they can't be penetrated by the

53:11 . The stiff okra burdens influenced the of the on the underlying passive or

53:18 dye appears in the deformation of the Di appears by the stiff sediments is

53:26 to as a process called molding. these factors influencing the dye appears,

53:36 , the rate of overburden growth and . The rate of salt uplift the

53:43 of original mother salt. The slope the basil salt layer, if there's

53:48 slope to it in the orientation dip abundance of false. All these influence

53:54 shape of the evolving sort bodies. an example of salt bodies in the

54:04 of Mexico in the allotment assault structures are termed mega flaps in the scientific

54:11 here. Oh, the mega flaps . These sections where the sediments have

54:17 uh huh. Abort too high or overturned angles adjacent to the salt.

54:26 the salt body is shown here, hmm. Original top finished mother salt

54:32 here. Now we have a totally in a snap salt later here and

54:40 these basins subsided on the flanks, salt here was evacuated and moved

54:47 carrying these sentiments with it up to now of sub vertical orientations.

54:58 so here's here's an example of how form starting here with salt layer here

55:08 these green sediments on top of it continued sedimentation assault evacuates from these

55:15 you get depot centers here and More sediments accumulate here in this continuously

55:22 to this, these mini basins sinking the salt driven by the weight of

55:28 newly deposited sediments here, working downward assault awkward in this direction, bringing

55:36 layers up higher and higher and continuing with a series of steps and still

55:46 eventually get to this step where the is is welded out here and nearly

55:52 get out here. The sediments are vertical on the flanks of the salt

55:57 and now, with this last continued the salt extruded laterally informs this overlying

56:04 wear or map two. Okay, these these mega flaps are important exploration

56:17 because they form three way closures against flank of assault. And the the

56:26 capacity within those is determined by the capacity of the salt. The salt

56:33 the ultimate octave and lateral seal for mega fat traps. And we saw

56:40 when we talked about mechanics and fracture that that salt sealed capacity is more

56:46 less equal to the fracture gradients. as again, this comes from studies

56:51 Oman where we can compare the pressures temperatures in fluid inclusions within the salt

56:59 to the fracture gradient and what we is that those pressures and temperatures reach

57:05 maximum that's bounded by the fracture So the seal capacity within these

57:12 These guys is determined by assaults. capacity which is equal to the fracture

57:20 , the minimum horizontal compressive stress. , so here's a sequence of diagrams

57:29 how these things can evolve. Starting an inclined salt layer here. Thin

57:36 , thick here, this thin then as served as a local depot

57:42 Yet more and more sediments here. you get more and more sediments

57:47 you love the salt assault moves up this direction, leading to pinch house

57:52 assault bodies here and individual pin shots the individual layers. Up here with

58:00 movement, The salt goes continues eventually welds out here you get a

58:08 flat with some vertical orientations here. salt of the crest extrude laterally,

58:15 hmm, forming an up dip seal these bodies and potentially forming a subsea

58:22 extruding out onto the sea floor on of these unwrapping layers. Alright,

58:34 here's here's an example of that from paradox basin, the in Utah,

58:41 gypsum valley die up here. So have to paradox salt here. Here's

58:48 seismic section across this. This is Unsure two d. seismic. So

58:54 a kid can expect very poor you can see the sentiments coming up

58:58 this direction. And then do you lose imaging around the cell body itself

59:05 in part that's due to the salt protest due to the verticality of these

59:11 . Does it come up onto the of the salt? Mhm I

59:19 So here's here's a restoration that working oldest to youngest shows how these things

59:27 . So, here we start with Mhm into pennsylvania are talking. Assault

59:36 here, we start to develop, to deposit sediments on top of that

59:42 to local depot centers of concentration of salt pillow or All right, You

59:49 , basically a pillow or a roller this location. With continued sedimentation,

59:55 salt evacuates, flows into the crystal location that happens on both flanks this

60:03 and this frank leading to the rotation the salt flying adjacent beds to steeper

60:10 steeper dips fault founded on this rotated passively by folding on this location

60:19 continued sedimentation. Um you get more more sedimentation here, assault evacuates eventually

60:29 layers progressed downward. So, what it thin here? Yes, Now

60:35 downwards, so it's deeper in the here, and you get it's thinning

60:42 the salt flank here, while the guides thickened onto the soft drink

60:49 and these beds on the opposite flank progressively rotated to higher and higher angle

60:54 adjacent to the salt as the sediments deposited here and forces underlying salt out

61:02 the dye appear. Yeah, so there are two to kind of

61:14 models for how these salt flying bodies ? Mm hmm. one is by

61:26 um limb rotation which is shown here you start with the limb here,

61:33 salt ISO is evacuated here. The are deposited here and this is progressively

61:39 to higher and higher angle where this point remains relatively constant through the evolution

61:46 the structure, eventually giving you this vertical them here with this king band

61:54 . The idea is you start the geometry, but now I'm going to

61:58 this on top of the salt and a vertical limb here and then move

62:04 limb downwards as I thickened sediments on flank. Uh huh, rotating this

62:14 um to progressively higher and higher angle it becomes vertical at this point.

62:22 . Now, with with this king migration, we would expect to see

62:28 lot of deformation deformation bands, things that resulting from the migration of this

62:36 fall through the sediments which is not . And so we think this little

62:43 model is a better Kinnah Matic model how these things evolve. Okay,

62:54 here's a physical model on the How do we get these softbank over

63:00 overturns sediments here. Soul body is here as in red initially, the

63:09 relief of this, inhibits sedimentation and burial. The sentiments on the flank

63:17 lap to talk about salt partially burying top of the dye appear and depending

63:24 the dip of the top of the appear. It may not be buried

63:27 on all sides. Okay with continued , this goes down relative to the

63:38 . This goes down relative to the . The salt states porter moves

63:43 Knowledge native to the sediments on That relative motion takes these sediments that

63:50 initially unwrapping the salt deposited on the and rotates them to near vertical positions

63:57 in your vertical orientation, suggestions of . Okay, alright, reactive dye

64:09 . These are ones that form in to extension. So here's a progressive

64:17 of how these evolved. We start a grommet here. Conjugate normal faults

64:23 , tipping out at the base of salt as these two adjacent blocks move

64:29 to get more and more normal enlarging the gravel structure and from below

64:34 salt moves in to fill that gap by the extension, eventually resulting in

64:45 moving up to the sub aerial Alright, so here's here's an example

64:57 a reactive dye appear to see the here. Top salt here, interpreted

65:06 here on interpreted line here. And you see all these. Mm

65:12 Normal fox cards, you get normal extending into and tipping out into the

65:17 body here. And so the sediments the shallow section here are moving apart

65:23 this direction, in this direction and salt is flowing in to fill that

65:29 that's created mm hmm. Just like like we see in this model

65:41 Okay, um so here's another This is from the 16 salt in

65:49 North Sea seismic section here, line interpretation of the seismic section here.

65:58 here, immediately below this dark dark layer. And here you see all

66:06 normal faults forming shallowing section. So this shallow section extended in the horizontal

66:15 , the extension he was accommodated by faults in the shallow section and by

66:21 of the salt upward to fill the gap is created in the in the

66:26 section. Okay, a lot on structures. So now we're going to

66:38 about these locked in assault structures where salt is no longer related to the

66:43 salt layer wherever it started from. . And here's an example where the

66:50 is moving up section in the downward . What over the crest of the

66:58 body. We get these normal or normal faults soling into the salt relating

67:05 the extensions. This whole thing moves dead as the sense that down dip

67:12 occurs, the base of the salt in a thrust kind of scenario and

67:18 these overturned sheared bets at the base the soul. So we have extension

67:23 features over the salt and contraction als features right adjacent to the base of

67:31 salt. So here's a the model how we potentially get these overturned

67:43 The idea is you start with a napa salt body like this or like

67:49 as it moves down there, sediments are initially deposited on top of it

67:57 rotated over to an overturned position below below the base of the song.

68:03 this thing is moving, moving down , carrying these overlying beds like a

68:09 a conveyor belt down dip and overturning at the toe of assault body and

68:15 them to create these overturned beds that see at the base of the

68:23 And this this seismic examples. Maybe unique example because you can see these

68:28 coming along like this and then becoming at the base of the salt

68:38 Okay, alright, so we're here the gulf of Mexico. We have

68:42 tectonic strata, graphic provinces related to salt here we have the shelves detachment

68:50 basins and die appears down dip. have the tabby assault bodies for the

68:55 basins with the many basements and a of salt. And at the far

69:01 , deep section in Perdido full belt the Mississippi fan belt here and here

69:06 have completely locked in assault forming contractual structures. Mhm. So, we'll

69:17 at a series of regional sections across going from up to down dog.

69:29 here's a section from offshore Louisiana. lot of vertical exaggeration in here to

69:34 the different orientations, a lot of fault extension. Up here. Mini

69:43 formation here di appear formation here assault bodies that will look at in more

69:49 in here related to the many basins then down dip. We get these

69:54 cord and declines and salt cord thrust going out into the Mississippi phantom belt

70:02 escarpment. This is a 1-1 version that so that you can see that

70:10 the true vertical relief on these is rather small. So some of the

70:19 discoveries related to the salt tectonics in gulf of Mexico are look to Atlantis

70:26 mad dog bodies here at the tip your locked in assault. Right the

70:37 way to solve evolves is through this of wedges And that's shown here where

70:44 looking at a sandbox model here with layers deposited here. Initially we had

70:51 body extending all the way up here those layers were deposited and progressively moved

71:00 . This way that moved the salt were down, dip into this fiscal

71:07 , translating and thickening salt here this this then forms the locust for on

71:17 normal faulting role of Randal clients rule sin clients adjacent of the salt as

71:22 moves up and and down down, and down. So here's a sequential

71:35 showing how that evolves. We start the gelatinous salt here with a slight

71:43 dip dip to it down, basically to it pinned up here, begin

71:49 deposit sediments up here on the up section as those sediments are deposited.

71:55 drive the salt basin word the salt and lifts the overburden here, deposition

72:05 here. Moving down basin in this here, still squeezing out the

72:13 forcing assault to move further down forming a rolling Monica klein here,

72:20 . Well here Shown, shown here the two dots in generating a depot

72:27 . Depot section session here. Um then becomes the locus of continued sedimentation

72:35 more loading of assault and progressive inflation the salt and movement of the salt

72:41 the down dip direction. This is example of that from the the santos

72:54 . We're here, there's the base here basalt here, normal faults soling

73:03 the salt here, and you see overlying sediments progressively rolling over into that

73:11 , whether in a position to track salt on progressively based word, with

73:16 and more segmentation, I think. now this this evolution and appropriation can

73:30 result in formation of salt sheets. we see the same models, but

73:38 the difference in that there are steps the basement below the salt stick assault

73:43 in assault here, even thinner salt as the sedimentary wedges pro grade basin

73:50 and deposit the salt deposit on top the salt here and cause assault to

73:56 the assault came down. We saw the first section, it also can

74:02 up to creating a passive wall or di appear and eventually assault sheet at

74:09 location where the salt has been evacuated this di appear enforced up to the

74:15 floor to form these little optimus So here's an example of the sheets

74:28 due to this appropriation from the gulf Mexico. We have all the sedimentary

74:34 depositing here, evacuating assault from this location, forcing it downward or forcing

74:42 basin word in this direction into salt . In this area with thrust and

74:51 appears to the down depend on that existing basement faults can have a big

75:00 on the salt geometries. So, an example from on the southern North

75:08 of for UK, the Netherlands. , we have the original assault

75:15 followed by basement faulting here that deforms overlying salt layer, resulting in constant

75:23 faults forming over the trade fold here progressive loading on both sides of

75:30 The salt is evacuated from the sites loading into these relative highs here,

75:38 from here. Well, to this here, creating an assault high over

75:44 this basement step right here's an a seismic section across an example of

75:54 from the southern North Sea. You the top basement here basement normal fault

76:00 . 16 solid here. Mhm and what was once a continuous layer across

76:08 is now deformed into a thick, thin here driven by the deposition of

76:13 And another six year. So as evolves the deposition of loading here creates

76:18 depot center. It captures more sediment and more loading the force of assault

76:24 its original layer into these flanking highs here in here. It's interesting because

76:32 get a realistic normal fault along the of the salt body, but the

76:38 souls into the salt body and doesn't up with the underlying basement fault.

76:52 here's here's another example on seismic Horse crap in here. 16 salt

77:01 the top of that, right? the the salt originally extended from here

77:08 this direction and in this direction below Triassic defaulting created deposition of lows here

77:18 here. That then led to the of these Triassic and Jurassic sediments in

77:25 pillaging settlements, loading assault, enforcing assault from this location up onto the

77:32 first floor. Okay, salt sheets sought sheets. We mean geology is

77:45 this. Here's a seismic section across sheets from there. Um Line drawing

77:53 of the science section here with the body here totally locked in a

77:59 No no obvious feeders leading into that being truncated by the salt party and

78:10 sediments overlapping the salt body in Matthew salt sheets have this semicircular extrusion pattern

78:20 these things are moving out from up , moving out down to both directly

78:28 , dipping in a lateral direction. . So, a structural evolution of

78:40 these things of all. Starting here the oldest. Late Miocene, you

78:46 a simple diet, your type section progressive loading into the mm hmm younger

78:53 younger miocene. The sediment. The from the mother later here squeezed out

79:02 the salt sheet here. Moving up dye appearance. Mhm. Until eventually

79:09 here welds out the salt pinches off di appear and you're left with a

79:15 totally locked in this salt sheet Okay, so here's an example of

79:27 coalesced salt canopies from the santos We'll go from Mexico basement here.

79:35 salt layer here. All these salt appears and manicures here and here they've

79:44 and coalesced into one continuous salt body three dimensions. It's interpreted to look

79:50 this where individual codes to all kinds structures devolved laterally emerged. Okay,

80:06 . Here's here's another example from the of Mexico from Milwaukee, a rich

80:10 . See the salt here top song here, basalt along here, basalt

80:17 moving up section in the down dip um in other sections resulting in thrust

80:25 out here in front. Fine but no obvious source, no obvious

80:34 no feeder dike into the salt body . Alright, so this this is

80:48 reactive dye appear over in a locked this sheet. Assault body is now

80:55 optimists like this guy and we're going form more pillows in maine basis by

81:01 at the top of assault body like . That gives us this geometry with

81:10 body here, evolving hi relief structure , depot center here depot center

81:17 But as this extends in a downward in the shallow section you get all

81:23 conjugate normal falls that we see that soul into the salt. Um

81:31 the salt is filling in the the created by the lateral extension in this

81:41 . Okay. And it's sold cord on things like this. We talked

81:45 these with the Listrik Normal falls where have a line drawing and some sandbox

81:52 here. The salt layer here. . As we as we load that

81:58 get these Listrik Normal falls that soul the salt layer here in the salt

82:04 here then becomes a detachment layer from overlying falls. So in the gulf

82:16 Mexico there's terminology around this that's called the Rojo encounter regional fault systems.

82:27 refers to the salt nap layer of original original bedding parallel salt layer typically

82:40 ballistic normal faults in many basins sold that, dipping in the down dip

82:45 to the south. In some areas the salt evacuation is up section like

82:53 here, we just developed false dipping dipping towards the towards the current.

83:02 up in the object regional direction giving to turtle structures and role of random

83:10 in the innovation here. But because are dipping against the regional de positional

83:18 , these are referred to as counter fault systems. Friends, southeastern tip

83:23 the down dip and down deposition direction to the south. These are called

83:31 homer regional fault, whereas these are counter regional force. Alright, so

83:42 an example of Listrik normal falls into salt and within the apply apply asinine

83:47 in the gulf of Mexico. So we're looking at in a locked in

83:51 salt layer here. This from the layer for all these Listrik normal faults

83:56 into it. Mhm. Here's a restoration of that where these overlying layers

84:04 subsequently restored to a horizontal data. , that creates a gap between the

84:11 of the salt here on the base the salt here, creating this gap

84:16 is assumed to be filled recently have filled by salt. So when in

84:21 forward sense we think he's evolved by it locked in assault layer here,

84:27 centers loading that salt forcing the salt the overlying beds down deep in the

84:34 direction, resulting in continued de centering, centering deposition of basins in

84:41 part of the section of the lion . Alright, so he's these counter

84:53 systems evolve as the as the football basin work. So here's a block

85:01 showing that pre faulting with the salt with extension and downward deco movement movement

85:09 the hanging wall along the salt. moves out to the right creates this

85:15 and decline and leads to generation of normal fault in this, in this

85:23 with assault mode here with continued This moves out to the right,

85:29 get a whole series of rollovers and regional faults developing in this orientation.

85:41 fault systems fault follow form analogous lee now it's the hanging wall that's moving

85:48 inward. So here's a block diagram that. The salt layer here,

85:54 basin, we're dipping faults flowing into salt here as the hanging wall moves

86:00 , it creates this space in here the salt to flow into from below

86:05 from sediments to be deposited here in hanging wall as more and more sediments

86:12 deposited here without loading drives this hanging further and further down dip. Mm

86:22 . So here's an example of a fault system in the gulf of

86:28 So this is north on this South on this side. Mm

86:33 The main regional fault extending down here into the top of the salt here

86:39 younger and younger district normal faults moving section here and here and conjugate collapse

86:47 a clone reforming over the crest of overall rollover structure. So here's um

87:01 interpretive model of how these things evolve . It is is present day and

87:07 here I am restored it to the , minimizing here of this up missing

87:12 to a sub horizontal data here and this football position fixed when I do

87:20 . I create a gap along Can we assume was filled with

87:44 So here's a seismic section from the basin showing the evolution of these

87:50 Series of turtle structures and roll overran here restrict normal for Listrik normal

87:58 The big Bass and we're here here here. So going into the salt

88:03 here. Mhm. In allowing this hanging all packaged to move in the

88:10 dip direction along the basil salt and Listrik Power falls. So many basins

88:23 the sediment catchment areas formed by salt in response to sediment loading. So

88:30 start with a salt layer down begin to deposit sediments locally. On

88:37 of that. That loading leads to of assault and movement of the salt

88:42 the into the pillows. Entire puree that creates more on. Okay,

88:50 de positional space in the overlying sediments more sediments in having a cycle of

88:59 and insult evacuation. Moving up into shallow die appears. No. When

89:07 get these landlocked finished, here's the process can repeat itself. So we

89:12 a lot of assault up here. secondary motivation here leading to loading of

89:17 and evacuation of the salt from the of the mini basin into the into

89:22 dye appears on either side. so that gives us this mini basin

89:31 that's so prominent in the gulf of , where this is a map of

89:35 sea floor in the gulf of Mexico you see all these all these little

89:43 , many basins and catchment areas in bounding salt highs. So here's an

89:57 of any basins of assault on assault off for Louisiana. Un interpreted seismic

90:03 here. Top salt clearly visible there , pretty clearly visible there interpreted salt

90:10 here and then false added to the here showing the sedimentary fix here and

90:17 . Many basins in these locations could to loading of assault and evacuation of

90:23 in the regional down dip direction. . So here's a reconstruction of

90:39 We're starting with an unlocked and assault here with still a feeder too.

90:44 mother salt layer here with deposition on of that. The salt body is

90:52 . The feeder here is pinched off the salt body moves down, dip

90:59 onto the eventually onto the sea floor with progressive loading of sediment catching of

91:08 . You form multiple many bases on of the salt by leading to more

91:13 of the salt and more down dip more down dip extension of the salt

91:23 . So here's an example of zoomed on a particular mini basin above locked

91:28 assault. So we have salt here here. This is an un interpreted

91:34 . This is the same section So we see salt body here,

91:41 salt here, normal faults sowing into sault body here, wells here and

91:50 and here and another small salt body here in the update position so as

91:57 sediments have been deposited here, they the salt at this location and forced

92:02 up into these two adjacent salt wow ! With progressive sedimentation, you

92:09 normal, normal faults along the flanks assault. More and more sediments are

92:15 here and the salt is progressively evacuated these adjacent salt highs. Mm

92:26 Okay. And and that gives you very continuous salt sheets within the mini

92:35 . This is a section between the and macaroni fields in the gulf of

92:41 were flattened on a date in You see all the size of horizons

92:45 representing representing different reservoir she appears and how they're they're nicely continuous across the

92:52 basin. They thicken in the core the mini basin in the center of

92:57 Mini, based on the keel on mini basin and then thin up onto

93:01 flanks of the salt in both Here's a schematic line drawing showing that

93:12 soul body here, somebody here many in between the sediments are deposited

93:19 They drive the salt out here, the salt out here cause it to

93:25 or well that this position and leading relatively continuous sheets deposited in the yellow

93:33 of the schematic section here. mm hmm. So one of some

93:44 the important things about this is that get these sand sheets within individual mini

93:48 basins, but the sand sheets are combination of amalgamated in layered sand sheets

93:59 combined fault and strata, graphic pinch traveling and subsidize. Mikhail shells within

94:05 sands result in strata graphic compartmentalization and in vertical permeability increase in vertical compartmentalization

94:16 you go up and down section, that salt body. So if you

94:21 back and although we have all these resource here pairs, there's a lot

94:31 sub seismic secondary shale draping. Then , that leads to both lateral and

94:38 compartmentalization within each one of these sand . So it's not on a production

94:43 scale is not good pressure communication, this being an overall really nice unity

94:53 . All right, so here's here's interpretation of this section, showing some

95:00 that, some of those geometries. , we have individual sand sheets shown

95:06 in yellow, but then Shelly layers here in the browner colors, resulting

95:13 both vertical and lateral compartmentalization of those continue with sand sheets, mm

95:27 And here we see the thinning of onto the flanks. So, if

95:32 zoom in here and look at this loop, that's only in the salt

95:37 , that single loop consists of the of sand and shell beds with that

95:44 in the northeast direction upon to the flank. Mhm. And with shales

95:51 those beds that limit the vertical communication each of those beds. Okay,

96:02 many basins and related fault geometry. here's a block diagram showing the salt

96:11 up section and the down dip direction , Up to 60 scarf here on

96:17 of that salt. We get the catchment areas that for many basins or

96:22 false bounding both the up dip and normal and the down dip side of

96:27 many basins as these catch sediment, sediments and load the underlying salt.

96:34 becomes a never ending cycle of salt , catching sediment and thickening of the

96:42 in the Mini basin here. All , Okay. And then the 6'

96:53 at the toe of the slope. get these overturned beds that we think

96:57 from this, the tank tread conveyor model of salt advanced, so the

97:02 are deposited on top of the salt here and as the salt moves down

97:08 , these beds are rotated, entering position of the total the slope.

97:19 , so you let's take a break take a few minutes you have this

97:23 an exercise. You know, assault , consult here with personally interpreted

97:32 showing them the the bright lines green, red, yellow,

97:37 brown. So what I want you do is extend these horizons onto the

97:43 of the Mini basin, interpret the of assault on the main basin here

97:50 over here. Don't interpret the base the salt here and extend it down

97:56 here and see how the the de access of this basin has kind of

98:04 back and forth as a function of and the salt evacuation. Let's

98:15 let's take Take 15 minutes. We'll a take a break. Work on

98:23 In 15 minutes, we'll come back discuss what the, what the space

98:29 like. So I left you with again. It's hard to interpret exactly

98:37 this, you know, on the of seismic. Um, but what

98:45 , what I wanted you to come with with something like this, where

98:48 from the top of the salt body along like this and then down

98:55 forming the Locusts and all the pitch around here. The .3 Mhz Horizon

99:04 across here. Let me get into set of constant normal falls over the

99:09 of this other salt body and the body here is not as well defined

99:15 here. You have the top of salt here and a basalt extending about

99:22 . The basalt is a little bit . You might have put the basalt

99:28 along here along this higher loop and little culmination of salt in here,

99:33 pillar of salt in here that all normal faults then right into the

99:43 The other horizons extend over like this like this, it was important to

99:49 this steeping increase in the dip up to the final assault from the 0.8

99:55 . A 0.88 M. A And then the point the three main

100:04 extends along like this, going up the normal falls here In the 3.8

100:09 . A Horizon extends along here. you try to follow the base of

100:15 to connect these into one salt you can't really do it because there

100:22 no salt. The salt body, top and the base pinch out coming

100:27 deep here. So you get a here and up along the base of

100:34 salt here to the connecting of the . So the shotgun over here.

100:40 on here, this salt has been evacuated to form a well now and

100:47 looking at the risk, the relative things within here, mm hmm.

100:52 the earliest phase of their position In in May, the basin thick was

100:58 here on the on the left hand going up to 3 to 3.8

101:04 A. The deposition of thick was here on the other flank of the

101:10 And then coming up again to the M. A. The deposition of

101:16 was over here on the basin, the the deposition of thick on the

101:21 kind of rock and rolls back and between the two different flags of the

101:29 . So here's here's a 1 - interpretation and restoration of that. So

101:34 the there's the .3 .5.8-3 in the M. A. Horizons. Somebody

101:43 , somebody here welded there mm hmm now to the .5 and eight

101:52 If I pull that up to a data, mm hmm. That comes

101:56 to here. These These players come . You see the relative thick here

102:02 here thinning on for this salt This stays pinned in place and you

102:09 the volume of salt to his present between on what is now the top

102:15 the basalt. So this part of salt body is greatly thickened in this

102:22 stuff. Going to the next race restoration step at three a.m. A.

102:29 going to pull this guy up to horizontal data so he's built up

102:35 This this comes up correspondingly the thick the basin now is located over here

102:41 this salt body. Pulling this pulls the top of the salt up

102:47 from further away from the base of salt here, creating the thicker salt

102:53 here along what is now well, doing final restoration, Final Restoration Step

103:02 3.8 M. A. Pulling this up to war zone. It gives

103:07 this geometry where we've got a fairly base and thickness with a depot center

103:14 the middle. We have greatly expanded difference between the top salt and

103:21 creating a relatively thick salt layer in and then the the final step pulling

103:35 top of the salt up to a horizontal data. Um you pull this

103:42 if you leave the if you pin at the two ends of the

103:48 When you pull this up to you extend these two blocks apart from

103:53 other and create space for what was the feeder dike into the salt body

104:02 . So all that comes from this . Yeah. Are there any comments

104:10 questions on that? Did you did get something more or less resembling that

104:15 not? I see like like Yeah. Yeah. This is um

104:27 it's important to get the concept. hard to do it on this side

104:31 section because it's just so reduced. if you get the if you get

104:40 concepts, we're good with that. . Okay. So um c format

104:53 of Mexico again, looking at some the identifying some of the sub

104:58 And in the post slope discovery. , cascadia, Tiber up here,

105:08 Nansen Shannon over here. All lucius and spartacus over here. Mm

105:16 . And so we look at So, those are formed by um

105:24 a lot from his soul bodies like where um we have somebody's here in

105:33 many basics in between many basins that deposited on salt bodies here and over

105:41 is they were deposited the salt was up into these the shallow and see

105:49 nap horizons here, but then form ultimate Topsfield or the salt basins.

105:56 very complex salt geometries and complex fault is related to the salt. So

106:09 details on some of these. They're within the meeting basin province south of

106:15 in mark depths of 4000 ft what produced from lower to middle Miocene

106:21 the primary mini basins Under a 10 15,000 ft thick salt canopy. The

106:30 Polo structure priests from Pleistocene sediments in secondary mini basins along the flanks of

106:35 salt canopy. All of these are in upturned basins along the flanks of

106:41 many basins trapped against the soul. geochemist suggests they were sourced from late

106:49 source rocks, mm hmm. And into the traps probably occurred along the

106:56 and secondary weld in the centers of so here's here's the K two

107:07 the locked in a salt layer that these guys down here reservoir seal horizons

107:14 and here, upturned against the salt here, upturn against a soft link

107:21 And overlaying by this 10 to 15,000 thick salt layer, with additional younger

107:28 basins forming on top of these salt , with additional potential reservoir shell pairs

107:35 there and then along the lines in here where we have wills between

107:45 different salt bodies. So initially we one salt body feed up here forming

107:52 a canopy here, another salt body off here, another salt body being

107:58 somewhere off here And as these grow migrate laterally, they merge and coalesce

108:03 form one continuous assault sheet of shallowing and the two green and red lines

108:15 here represent where in the middle of salt sheets we often find sedimentary rocks

108:23 sediments that represented in this case the roof of this Tabular assault body before

108:32 two salt bodies merged. All so just a simplified example of this

108:45 canopy system. The canopy up sediments underlying it here. Based on

108:55 salt here, these represent multiple seismic factory fractions from from the complex salt

109:10 within the salt body. They're not actual base of the salt. The

109:13 of the salt as shown here and well defined by the sediment terminations and

109:21 overlap. In here here we see relatively well imaged stock fed this

109:30 Mhm. Here's the line drawing interpretation that. The main salt body

109:35 You can see these artifacts here um the salt body, these guys are

109:46 , deep in the section. You these sediments coming and turning up steeply

109:51 the salt flanks on this side and this side as well, and then

109:56 truncated by and conformity that comes along . Mm hmm. And in trunk

110:04 these upturned does and subsequent sedimentation provides reservoir sealed pairs up here in this

110:12 part of the basin. Again, capped and trapped by the salt on

110:17 of the songs here. Okay, , shale tectonics. Um So to

110:31 sale tectonics with Shaler mud die appears very highly over. Pressured shale mud

110:40 appears geometrically can remember can resemble salt appears. Um and there's distinguished primarily

110:47 the known absence of salt from the geometrically they can resemble toe thrust In

110:55 in some cases they are distinguished from thrust by the three seismic data.

111:01 shale is most mobile, went over at depths of about 10,000 ft.

111:07 watering leads to rapid reduction in the mobility. Reburial may increase that mobility

111:17 , internal processes such as release of through die genesis spectacle, light clay

111:24 generation of hydrocarbons increases the mobility and deductibility of the shale. Mm

111:30 But they only increase the volume by few percent. So they're minor contributing

111:36 to these. She'll die appears in tectonics and so she'll deformation is more

111:46 during major over pressuring events. And so here are some mud diet

111:56 made from mud die appears for offshore . We see well defined thrust on

112:02 part of the section and then more diabetes type structures in here and and

112:09 over here a regional field ecole mont at about this level where all these

112:16 soul into and this regional shell Tacoma serves as the source layer for these

112:26 month. I appears here's some mud from onshore Venezuela and these actually

112:37 So you can find these mud die in out tropp with primarily shale in

112:45 mixture of different sized sediments, different cobbles in there in a in a

112:52 , oh, debris flow, light , hmm. And here's a seismic

113:01 and interpretation of that. So down , deep in the section we have

113:07 overpressure, overpressure shales that then feed into these die appears here and

113:15 See you here in here. And some places these lead to mhm mud

113:23 monday appears coming up to the surface we see these kinds of features.

113:33 right, here's a nice example of appears from the Zagros Mountains in Iran

113:40 seismic section. You see the money appear coming up here and you see

113:45 got this kind of christmas tree geometry it where mm hmm. It initially

113:52 up and then float out within your here was continued to be buried and

113:59 out, float out again here and was reburied foot up again here and

114:05 . It was reburied float up again and here by finally generating this

114:10 My volcano. So the these things have this seismic white hot zone and

114:20 of a christmas tree geometry that's generated subsequent by continued burial of these things

114:27 sequential mud die appears and extrusion on I appears near the sea floor.

114:36 right, so salt versus shale The salt mobility is a fundamental property

114:46 to the behavior of the salt and at over burdens of a few 1000

114:53 . The salt is primarily. light and has a constant density and

114:57 viscosity of 10, and 19 The salt mobility is limited by evacuations

115:06 well, they're touchdowns in the sink and rafts. Fault related flow is

115:11 . Die appears are common locked in sheets form large canopies and naps.

115:19 salt tectonics are usually confined to one unit and salt moves out slow rates

115:26 large distances. Shale is most mobile overpressure accepts About 10,000 ft or

115:35 So these originated much greater depth than salt structures. The shale is variable

115:43 composition and flow is related to over effects. It's the shell flow is

115:51 on de watering. The dye appears stop rising once once the de watering

115:58 . The episodic flow results from successive watering and burial and reburial events.

116:09 related flow is common but occurs only overburden approaching 10,000 ft. Die appears

116:15 common, but complete evacuation is uncommon the massive because of the massive deepwater

116:21 of death. Mm minor field tongues common. They may affect multiple horizons

116:28 they are buried to subsequent deaths and moves over short distances at relatively high

116:35 in geologic time. So, one of the examples, we

116:45 she'll die appears quote unquote comes from Nigerian toe thrust. So this is

116:53 location map. The *** delta shelf here with all the onshore and

116:57 fields and to throw stuff here on abyssal plain. So here's a seismic

117:10 of these. So thrust or die and you see there, they're big

117:18 zones are steeply dipping there, um symmetric in the seem to be related

117:31 this massive mother highly overpressure shale layer this region. Now, as we

117:39 we've obtained better and better seismic of , what we see is that these

117:48 really these are really detachment falls with fault characteristics with the detachment layer down

117:58 at the top of the over pressured leading to detachment folds and faults,

118:04 folds up here. So they're not shale die appears there really. But

118:10 thrust detachment forms. So here's an of so for example, from north

118:23 Borneo and here we have a number structures that were initially interpreted as Die

118:30 . Number here 1, 2, , 4 and five. With improved

118:35 data, we realized that these are that catastrophe from toe thrust that were

118:44 interpreted as shale die appears or mobile , but they're really just typical trust

118:51 attachment films. Okay, so summary this section, Physical properties of

119:03 The salt is denser than sediments at than one km depth. It's less

119:09 than sediments And that's greater than one . The factors influencing salt movement are

119:18 , inversion buoyancy. There's nothing from , from the change in density of

119:25 salt highway adhere the second greatest factors differential loading the thickness of the density

119:38 the overlying sediments loading the salt and it to be extremely in other

119:44 extension and contraction, and once the reaches and you're darn near near mud

119:53 , near sea bottom from gravity spreading an important process. Autonomous assault structures

120:01 these rollers pillars, die appears wells turtles and these increase on this.

120:12 creates the increasing vertical relief of these types of structures. So they're all

120:18 related rollers, pillars and die It's just that the vertical relief becomes

120:23 , much greater as you go from to die appears wells or where the

120:30 was president but now has been completely by loading right turtle structures are where

120:37 de positional center on top of salt been inverted by complete evacuation of the

120:44 . True. We have to talk an assault structure mechanisms active pierce

120:51 Where of assault moves vertically upward, hmm, piercing the overlying sediments and

120:59 di appears where the top of the remains at a constant rate and the

121:05 are deposited and subside along the flanks the salt mega flaps are one consequence

121:17 this town building and they represent sediments have been rotated up to near vertical

121:25 along the flank assault body Sub We also commonly see these overturned 4th

121:34 . There are a consequence of this tread conveyor belt type. Advance of

121:39 salt bodies reactive dye appears are those form where the salt fills gaps formed

121:49 extension. So these develop where we the go overlying beds are pulled apart

121:57 extension in the shallow section there extended conjugate normal faults. You get nice

122:03 in the deep section. You get reactive dye appears, filling in the

122:07 formed by that extension. Right. we get these locked in assault structures

122:13 sheets that are formed by extrusion of . So you get the that the

122:21 type teardrop shaped die appears and then of those die appears into one continuous

122:28 basement faults influence salt tectonics. Salt detachments are critical for where all these

122:37 faults. These normal Listrik faults And basic bounding falls. So 1 2

122:44 gulf of Mexico many basins or we all these little pop market mini basin

122:50 centers formed on top of the Whether it's off topic, finish or

122:54 in this and then shale tectonics, get vertical structures that have a superficial

123:01 to salt tectonics. They are distinguished by but knowing that there's no salt

123:08 in the basin. Mm hmm. by improved seismic data. We're seeing

123:16 more and more of these mud die . Are actually deep water tub

123:22 True. Alright. So we're done this section. Are there any comments

123:32 questions on what we've covered in this on assault and shale tectonics.

123:39 okay, okay, the next section on detachment faulting. I mean full

123:51 belts. So a big change in . We can, I think we

123:58 do it in an hour and still it. It's 5:00. So why

124:03 we take a, take a break . Take a 10 minute break And

124:07 start again promptly at 4:00 PMclock and change gears and talk about thrust

124:14 It's going to be an introduction to introduction to full and thrust belts.

124:20 the next several sessions, we'll look different parts of fold and thrust

124:24 Today, we'll look at an introduction the simplest type of full thrust related

124:31 fault. Ben were called fault. falls. Okay. Is this slide

124:59 up to court scheduled slide. Yes. Yeah, I had trouble

125:04 mind. So I wasn't sure if was showing. So today we'll talk

125:08 in the introduction of full thrust belt fault Ben folds. And then the

125:14 three sessions, we'll talk about different of full thrust belt structures and full

125:19 belt current hydrocarbon occurrences. So there two different types of compression all

125:29 these thin skin falling full trust belt and thick skin for them. Full

125:37 structures, thick skinned like the US structures, son. So these are

125:44 of two and members that we'll talk separately. Mm hmm. The thin

125:49 , um, have low angle detachments or near the top basement. We

125:57 them in conversion margins and passive Mm hmm. Tothe for us.

126:03 all have the same basic geometric They both follow critical table theory that

126:09 talk about in a second. And all follow this team of balancing concepts

126:15 basic building blocks required for balancing in basement. Basic building blocks for what

126:21 talk about fault, handfuls, fault . Full detachment falls in duplexes.

126:29 each of these key major thrusts are in the sink lines. The seismic

126:34 is inherently poor because these are onshore because these have steep dips. That

126:41 of things contributes to very poor seismic . In part because of that poor

126:48 any cross sections must be balanced and a ble. Because of that

126:56 The hanging role and the football cutoffs to match and the ramps and flats

127:02 to manage well. We've talked about that thrust faults conceal. Look at

127:07 examples of that, right? And we'll talk about the third dimension strike

127:13 in the hydrocarbon. Fresh areas that critically important to the amount of hydrocarbons

127:20 these things can hold. And then , we'll talk about football traps.

127:25 have to be unique saddle shapes in feature associated with them that can that

127:30 be used to identify where we have traps. So our favorite block

127:40 the Anderson Ian fault types, more theory, reverse faults, sigma,

127:46 shh max is horizontal sigma three DZ the minimum stress. And that's that's

128:02 . So here's a global location map the red dots showing the locations of

128:08 the major under explored phone belts with hydrocarbon potential. Um Gulf of Mexico

128:17 , Colombia, Falklands, east coast Africa and then all through the

128:27 um Iran Iraq chain through here and lastly deep waterfall belts in the Northwest

128:36 Neo and Iran. Not not Iran . All right, alright,

128:46 critical paper theory is the first order on full thrust belt structures and the

128:53 is that full thrust belts form wedges to uh snow in front of a

129:01 or stand in front of a The angle of the wedge is proportional

129:07 the friction at the base, the of the base of the wage and

129:15 proportional to the fluid pressure in the and the strength of the wedge.

129:22 ? The practical implications of this or already have salt based compression all structures

129:28 have a low critical taper angle, have a weak Tacoma, high fluid

129:34 folds and thrust with multiple versions is and thrust that are discontinuing so long

129:40 in more die appear IQ like structures you have shale based compression structures.

129:46 have a higher taper angle, take hormones folds and thrust verge consistently

129:53 the basin towards the foreman back thrust rare and folds and thrusts are relatively

129:59 long strike. Um In this schematic diagram we have a low critical paper

130:09 with a very weak to coma because that week Tacoma. All right,

130:16 sigma sigma three sigma, one is , sigma three is vertical. In

130:22 conjugate reverse faults that are associated with are relatively symmetric and that gives you

130:29 symmetric fault pattern that leads to faults folds verging both in the base in

130:36 forward direction and in the hinterland direction you increase that base with the common

130:44 , you get a greater critical taper created critical taper rotates um sigma three

130:53 sigma one. So they're more oblique the basil to Coleman. And that

130:58 in a set of conjugate faults where the set the verges towards the basin

131:07 I mean towards the fallen towards the is favored and you get um more

131:15 versions of falls and thrust in the propagation direction towards the basin and towards

131:22 fallen away from the hinterland. Okay, okay. So um occurrence

131:41 regional geometry, convergent margin fold belts the indian trend accretion eri prisons,

131:50 plate, full belts like the deepwater rust belts all follow the same fundamental

131:57 model. This critically tapered wedge model but the shape of the wedge is

132:04 to the strength of the Tacoma at base of the wedge. No,

132:10 we see this both in classic fallen thrust belts that we see on shore

132:16 we see it in the deep water thrust belts that we see at the

132:22 slopes in many de positional systems, all follow the same basic premise is

132:27 same basic rules. Okay, so stronger shell based congressional structures are associated

132:40 these features. A high critical taper and thrust first consistently towards the basin

132:45 the foreign land. The folds and are relatively continuous long strike. And

132:52 are typical of the Canadian us over soviet dictator Taiwan full thrust belts.

132:59 here's a typical typical cross section from Canadian full thrust belt. No,

133:05 is C the thrust influence all virg the right. They all verge towards

133:11 towards the forum. But there are back thrust in here. And that's

133:16 you have a shale based detachment and high critical taper to the whole

133:27 Okay. Where we have weak salt or highly over pressured compression. Als

133:35 compression structures associated with the load critical symmetric folds, folds and thrust verging

133:42 both directions but discontinuous folds and thrust strike in symmetric detachment fold structures.

133:49 these are the characteristics that we see deep water Nigeria Perdido, where we're

133:54 assault attachment. Mexican ridges and compensable where we have a salt attachment Angola

134:00 assault attachment in Pakistan, where you a salt based attachment. Thank

134:05 And here's here's an example from ah mexican bridges just offshore of Mexico,

134:14 hmm. See attachment located this Come on and it's it's a salt

134:23 attachment. The folds are symmetric. urged both towards the hinterland and towards

134:30 basin. And they're very discontinuous in out of the plane along strike.

134:37 this kind of symmetric full thrust belt tells you that you're in a section

134:43 highly over pressured sale or assault President. This kind of geometry tells

134:53 immediately. You're in a very strong Tacoma based system. Mm hmm.

135:02 shield attachment. Not not assault Okay, right. Okay.

135:13 um Mhm. Some of the assumptions we're making our interpretations are that The

135:23 and shortening is almost exclusively a 2D strain. So when you make these

135:28 sections, all the shortening and deformation in the plane of the section and

135:34 little occurs out of the plane section to the paper here, bed lengths

135:40 thicknesses remained constant during deformation. The for that are assault and overpressure sales

135:48 do not necessarily maintain constant length and , but they do maintain cross continent

135:54 sectional area thrust. Have a flat geometry. Um They ramp up

136:03 in the transport direction. Mm The styles shown in cross section reflect those

136:10 you actually see in maps and The implications of these fundamentals or that

136:19 deformed beds must be restored Hubble to original sub horizontal data. The original

136:25 lengths must be the same for all deformed beds. And um caveat to

136:32 . Is that a balance section is correct, but it is only one

136:36 many possible interpretations. And then I'm showing how it calculates shortening short

136:45 , remember is calculated as the difference length divided by the original length.

136:51 it's the final length minus the original divided by the original length. So

136:57 like this section of the brooks the final night Is 142 km,

137:03 km. The original length that you from a restoration is 215 km.

137:10 the shortening of the Brooks range then this 140 minus 2, 15,

137:18 divided by the original length to Which is a negative 35%. And

137:25 the shortening is a contraction of the length is less than the original length

137:31 this shortening percentage has a negative sign front of it. Right? Um

137:43 here's an example of a balanced cross on the bottom and the seismic for

137:50 Across the top here. And you you've got good reflections out here in

137:55 in the four line. When you into these more complex zones here,

138:00 seismic quality is very poor. When you get into these large over

138:05 , like the Brazos thrust here, get velocity inversions and basically seismic will

138:12 out sounds so because the seismic is poor, it's important that any interpretation

138:19 this, the balance double, so at least has a chance of being

138:24 of the correct interpretations. Mhm. . So here's here's an example from

138:33 Canadian rockies. You see everything verging the foreland. A series of wedges

138:40 here. Thrust hero version towards the , The final length. The present

138:47 length of this section is 17 If I restore this, if I

138:54 and restore all of this. All , The restored length is 39

139:01 So my final like is 17 My initial length is 39 km.

139:07 my take a minute and calculate the for this -0.5650. That's a red

139:35 man. Could you repeat what you said? -0.564 -22 x 39.

139:44 . And what percentage does that work to? Yeah, 56%.

139:59 So that that was right. The is this final length minus the initial

140:05 Divided by the final length or a 56%. And these numbers are sort

140:10 typical of what we see for onshore thrust belts. shortenings of sort of

140:17 or 60%. Not not hundreds of . No marge, not hundreds of

140:26 of translation, sort of tens of and tens of percents. Okay.

140:36 now, what I'm showing here are seismic section from the bolivian full thrust

140:46 . And the heavy black lines represent data constraints that we have from good

140:53 data and from well controlled everything else the middle here and in here,

140:59 pretty complex flee to form and it's well constrained by the surface data or

141:05 subsurface data. Yeah, what that is we can make five different balanced

141:12 sections of this single cross section We have what's called a duplex here

141:21 four long thin slices instead of fourth thin slices. We could have three

141:28 thick slices. We could have two as shown here. Three unequal different

141:36 or four thick thick slices shown So all of these things are balanced

141:42 and restore a ble. All And when you make a balanced interpretation

141:48 something like this, we need to cautious that that interpretation is potentially

141:54 but it's not unique. It's only of many possible interpretations. True.

142:07 . Alright. And to get a section, we have to relate the

142:12 shapes and the fault shapes and recognize there are dependent. All right.

142:17 normal faults. We talked about these Now for reverse faults, we're going

142:22 talk about these relationships where the thrust betting parallel. You only get lateral

142:29 of the hanging wall where the thrust to cut up section is the only

142:34 that you begin to get any vertical of those beds. Now, when

142:46 when we do a restoration on there 2 2 parts of the restoration.

142:53 me if I come back to The There's a vertical line in the

142:59 . outside the zone of defamation. called a pin line and that's kind

143:04 the anchor that we under form or everything to no back of the section

143:12 is represented by a vertical line that's the loose line. When we do

143:18 restoration, that loose line has to vertical as well. If all the

143:23 lengths in all these units are the , then both the pin line in

143:28 loose line are vertical. And that's that's a requirement for a balanced

143:38 So, when we look at get sections like this, quote unquote balance

143:45 like this from their their complex So, it's a complex problem.

143:51 if I do a restoration of the loose line in the back here

143:56 not vertical. The shallower beds are and the deeper beds. So that's

144:02 me that this is not a properly section. Similarly, here's another example

144:08 where if I restore this section, loose line back here has an inclination

144:14 it. Shown here. That's telling in this case, the shallower beds

144:19 too short. We have to make modifications to the interpretation to lengthen the

144:26 of these shallower beds relative to these beds. Um And here's here's another

144:38 where the loose line is not vertical in the restored state. So here's

144:46 deformed section. Here's my restoration of . The loose line here now is

144:53 quite jagged. It's quite non vertical on the the restored session. And

145:00 telling me that this is not a balanced section. That these the section

145:06 to be reinterpreted so that the bed are all equal within the section.

145:17 , this illustrates what's referred to as bow and arrow role. We're looking

145:22 a map view of Canadian full of thrust. She goes from a tip

145:29 to a maximum displacement here to a here. And the maximum displacement along

145:37 thrust occurs in basically the middle of salient here and so from this geometry

145:46 the thrust, this line connecting the lines and the thrust in the actual

145:53 here resembles it's analogous to a bow arrow. And as we call

145:58 the bolero role that the maximum displacement more or less in the middle of

146:03 thrust salient in the middle of the field. And this is similar to

146:10 we talked about in the QA QC about the displacement generally being the greatest

146:17 the middle of the fall. now we have different geometric full types

146:25 this this block diagram illustrates the full that we use. So we have

146:33 fold axis or the hinge line here represents the the line that if you

146:40 that through space would generate. This . The Crestor hinge here. one

146:48 here, one of them here, hint zone here at the sink Lionel

146:53 of the fold. The wavelength of fold is this dimension? The amplitude

147:00 the falls. Is this dementia In middle of the fold, you have

147:04 inflection point or an inflection line where sense of curvature changes along the

147:13 Where this hinge line is not perfectly . It's a boat like this.

147:21 this now is defines a non cylindrical . So I cannot generate this form

147:28 this single line. In this case can generate this phone by moving that

147:33 line through space. In this case can't do that. That's the difference

147:37 a non cylindrical fall in a cylindrical . The actual surface and the actual

147:45 are basically the by sector of the the soul. Okay, so this

147:58 different full types based on on dip cigars. So I have the top

148:10 the folded bed here, the base a folded bed here and then these

148:15 within the full connect areas of sides points of equal dip on the two

148:22 of the folded layer. And this . This one where we have a

148:29 strata, graphic thickness, this thickness to the beds. It's constant all

148:34 way through the fold. This is parallel form. And this is the

148:38 common kind of fold that we have deal with. Sure a similar fold

148:44 one that's shaped like this where the thickness is not constant as you go

148:50 the, As you go around the . This is what's called a 10fold

149:00 the the limbs are approximated by straight surfaces with just a sharp angular change

149:10 kink fold at the hinge of the . Now this also maintains the constant

149:16 graphic thickness similar to this. And it's it's mathematically easier to do

149:23 lot of calculations with this king full rather than with his parallel fel

149:29 And so you'll see a lot of you still have a lot of restorations

149:36 interpretations of food that are based on skin full geometry, even though they're

149:41 fools in real life, are in parallel fel geometry. And then

149:48 we have these concentric fools where you a constant strata, graphic fitness.

149:54 But now you also have a constant of curvature along the whole fold.

150:06 typically in geology we're dealing with flexible folding where these beds as they

150:14 slide past each other in that's represented by on the ends of these folded

150:22 being different on the ends of the along the bed. You often get

150:28 sides on the bedding surfaces, indicating this relative displacement has occurred between the

150:34 lands. Okay, now we also internal layer deformation within the folds.

150:47 if I take a series of layers this and I fold them into this

150:52 and I keep the bed lengths So I don't have the flesh will

150:57 folding. Mhm. Now I'm going get extension in the outer arc of

151:02 fold and contraction in the inner arc the fold with a neutral surface.

151:08 surface of no finite longitudinal strain through middle of the floor that separates the

151:15 areas of extension from the underlying areas contraction. Um As a full

151:23 this neutral surface moves deeper into the . And so you get over printing

151:29 the original contractual structures by the younger of structures formed as the fold is

151:39 and that neutral surface moves deeper into fold. Okay, so here's here's

151:51 example of a concentric form in on . And you can see the layers

152:00 and here and here, well defined here through here. They're all pretty

152:08 thickness. There are not exactly thickness you go through the fold, you

152:13 some thickening here in the in the of the fold, but it's approximately

152:20 as you go through the whole fold we see both types of folds in

152:30 crop. Often combined. So here the core of this form, I

152:36 these straight fold limbs with an angular geometry at the hinge. And so

152:42 got a kink fold here in the of the fold. If I go

152:47 in the shallow reception in the fold here on these beds have a more

152:54 configuration to the hinge, Indira. hear I have a concentric full different

153:01 the came forward that I have in core of the structure and this,

153:05 kind of variation of NFL is just what we see in geology.

153:14 here's a nice example of a king from seismic data. This comes from

153:18 potato foam belt. You see very limbs here here and here with sharp

153:27 formed here in the sin climb in in the antique line. So this

153:31 a really nice example of the king geometry. And this is this is

153:40 Matthew of the king fold on. see the birds training like this betting

153:48 dipping to the south here into the here. So it's to be in

153:52 core of the structure. So we're at a sin klein overall with a

153:57 straight limb here. A sharp pinch and a very straight limb here.

154:03 it's a in Math you were saying king. Full geometry with a typical

154:11 angular hinge here at the hinge and straight lands on the flanks.

154:27 thrust sheets in fluid over pressures. require high fluid over pressures. And

154:34 just a consequence of the geometry panics you take a slab of rock And

154:40 try and push it from one If it's just a try detachment surface

154:47 on the, the friction along the of that surface is greater than the

154:55 strength of the rock. And so , with this kind of geometry,

155:00 crush the rock rather than transport So we need to get these far

155:07 trust that we see, we have reduce this friction along the base of

155:12 thrust, and the easiest way to that. The most common way to

155:16 that is with high food pressure. with the same geometry and all the

155:23 stresses. If I have a high pressure in here, that reduces the

155:28 of stress at the base of the and allows this fresh sheet to move

155:34 being internally crushed. What? so all our compression structures must be

155:50 a ble and this is a cartoon four different types of but inherently restore

155:58 ble interpretations are inherently restore a ble . A duplex structure here, default

156:07 folds here, fault bend folds and a triangle zone here. And

156:14 . And the duplexes where we have thrust slices piling up at a

156:21 flat ramp, flat geometry, fault fold is whether thrust dies out into

156:28 blind trust in a fault bend fold where a fault is formed by movement

156:34 the hanging draw over a flat flat geometry. These four types of

156:41 are all inherently restore a ble. maintained constant bez length, constant bed

156:49 . The football ramps and flats matched hanging wall ramps and flats in.

156:55 slip or fall slip is not fault slip is going to die

157:00 Did you go towards the basin in this model? Hmm. And so

157:08 false slip is not a requirement for restore herbal section. In fact,

157:13 historical sections cannot have constant fox. . Our goal in making interpretations is

157:22 to restoring interpretation. It's too make potentially restore herbal interpretation without necessarily having

157:32 go through the restoration exercise. That is exercise. It's very time consuming

157:39 tedious. So if we can build restore a Ble structures to start

157:46 we can avoid this really tedious exercise the back end of the interpretation.

157:55 , now, when we look at we interpret seismic data, um,

158:01 typically interpret it as shown here on bottom and this is a result of

158:08 I'm just really exciting wipe out sounds we have these duplex structures. We

158:14 have a white predniSONE in this And what that leads us to do

158:20 take a thrust and and ramp it through the middle of the section

158:24 Through the middle of that. No zone fault propagation folds again. This

158:32 limb is a seismic wipe out So we typically take the fault and

158:37 them through the middle of that wipe zone. That's gonna give us unrestored

158:43 interpretation. Fall Ben feld is symmetric so, um, we typically interpreted

158:53 trust version in both directions as a of the sergeant wipeouts sounds. And

158:59 this gives us a non restore a interpretation. Right? If I take

159:05 interpretations and I try and restore All right. I get what's what's

159:12 here is the bottom on the I get all these gaps in our

159:16 within the section that in the restored telling me that this interpretation is

159:23 It's not restore a ble. But want to avoid going through this last

159:29 of the exercise if we can And avoid that, if we can get

159:34 good head start on avoiding that. we avoid avoid these types of

159:42 Okay, alright, now we're going talk about fault related folds and the

159:46 type of those which is a Ben folds. All right.

159:53 So, thrust faults are typically characterized a stair step geometry on the head

160:00 fall flat, flat section that follows very parallel detachment in the incompetent units

160:07 shells and salt evaporates. And then false step up through more competent units

160:15 what are called ramps. So, have this stair step geometry with

160:20 ramps and more flats. Movement of thrust sheet over each ramp produces rule

160:28 santa klein and passive sin klein. are the fault bend folds. And

160:34 was first proposed in 1934 by rich in the whole value decline in the

160:45 . So here's an animation of a man foreman. I'm taking the pain

160:49 is sliding into the right. You as it goes as it goes up

160:57 ramp with increasing displacement. Mhm. sin criminal hinge stays fixed to the

161:07 where the fault cuts up section. hinge in the hanging wall stays fixed

161:14 where the hanging wall section. The wall thrust goes from a flat to

161:22 ramp. Right? This antique Lionel at the front of the fold is

161:28 anchored to this step in the fault where we go from a ramp to

161:33 flat in the football geometry. the dip of the background here is

161:42 the same as the ah dip in fault ramp back here, the crest

161:49 the fold here is sub horizontal. And the dip here is essentially parallel

161:58 the cut off angle of the ramp here. The loose line in the

162:03 of the section is vertical. The line in the front section is

162:08 Mhm. And what else? Oh yeah. So on this section

162:17 the fault where we're following a bedding flat, there's no vertical displacement of

162:22 hanging wall. Similarly up here where following a bedding parallel section of the

162:29 , there's no vertical displacement of the wall. There's vertical displacement. The

162:35 of the hangar wrong. Only where hanging wall moves over this. This

162:40 ramp and here's an example of a bend full from the Canadian rockies,

162:54 ? She either ramp here putting parallel here and the hanging wall beds.

163:01 this geometry parallel to the flat parallel to the ramp here. So

163:06 geometries or or following this challenge that see here, flat and then parallel

163:17 the ramp here. Yeah, here's another example from outcrop where we have

163:30 fault bend full an outcrop. You see the hanging wall rolling over

163:35 Mhm. The flat for the fault located. Mm hmm. This essentially

163:42 bedding plane surface here, the ramp the fault cuts down section here.

163:48 the ramp here is parallel to the in the hanging wall of the

163:59 Here's another small scale example from Yeah, football here, hanging while

164:07 , fault ramp cutting up section here becoming betting parallel along through here.

164:15 we're going from Iran to a flat at the outcrop scale here. Another

164:27 scale example of a fogged and You see the football here, the

164:33 wall here hang naturally inclined, nicely here. Mm hmm. But section

164:39 here, ramp where the fault cuts section and then a flat section to

164:44 fall back in here. Yeah, can see from this section that that

164:55 ramp cuts across a more little section the deformed section, whereas the flats

165:02 in the shales that that bound that grilled session. Okay, here's here's

165:12 example. Football here, hanging on . Four. Coming up through here

165:21 , it's the ramp default is a cutting up section of about here and

165:26 here it goes. Bedding parallel out here. So, another example of

165:32 ramp, flat geometry. No, here's here's another example of this um

165:49 ramp, flat geometry. Tang will football here. The actual fault coming

165:57 here and then going bedding parallel So again we have this ramp,

166:05 geometry to the fault and the beds the hanging wall. First the dips

166:10 the beds are essentially parallel to the of the football ramp. True,

166:20 , so here's an example of a , inclined and full and we're gonna

166:26 it with this king fold geometry because makes things simpler to understand. So

166:33 my football, Here's my hanging The thrust is here, it goes

166:39 a bedding parallel, flat cuts up in the ramp here goes to a

166:44 parallel, flat up here in the . This here in here, I

166:53 a normal strata graphic sequence and there's vertical displacement of the beds in the

166:58 wall over the trailing flat or the flat up here. Between these two

167:08 , you get older over younger budgets , um from the, from the

167:14 of the bags. And this is only area in which you get or

167:18 vertical displacement of the Bennetts on the limb here, the dip of the

167:24 glam is parallel to the dip of ramp. So in the thrust cuts

167:30 section in the direction of transport is here and the actual surfaces. Help

167:44 understand this. These two actual services the trailing edge of the decline in

167:52 But in the hinge of the trailing coin here, these are tied to

167:57 nick points in the ramp. This is tied to where the fall comes

168:01 section. This one is taught to the fault goes back to a petting

168:06 flood situation. So we can use actually playing surfaces to identify where the

168:14 of the fault ramp seller. These leading actual surface locations are tied to

168:23 are tied to the hanging long and are going to move forward with

168:37 Mm hmm. So in terms of geometry, the sin Clennell huge is

168:45 at the leading edge of the hanging ramp here this and a little hinge

168:53 the hanging wall is tied to the edge of the hanging around in the

169:00 wall. This antique Lionel hinges tied the nick point in the in football

169:10 . This actual services tied to where fault begins to cut up section here

169:16 in between these two, the back dip is parallel to the dip of

169:20 ramp. So here we have a of defamation of growth of when his

169:35 controls here with a small displacement. just starting to get the symmetric an

169:42 here at the crest of the structure continued displacement. That an incline grows

169:49 moves out to the left in this . Mhm. Yeah. And then

170:03 characteristics just repeat the other things that talked about. There's no strata,

170:08 repetition here or here. The only , graphic repetition of thickening occurs in

170:15 vicinity of the ramp, where the wall cuts up section and then goes

170:19 onto the football ramp. Alright, we'll go over this again, remember

170:31 in the section, but we'll go it again here and this is to

170:35 a balanced herbal section. The hanging and football ramps and flats half the

170:40 . If the section is balance the ramp remembers where the fault comes

170:45 section. Mhm. And it's typically in the massive sandstone carbonates or mechanical

170:52 within the structure flat is located where fault is bending parallel, is typically

170:58 in the shales and evaporates within the section. So you know, section

171:05 this. If I live to hang the football, I can identify the

171:11 and flats in both sections. Two in the hanging wall on the base

171:18 the hanging wall, the fault is to The green bed all along

171:23 So this is a long one. hanging long flat here, the fault

171:30 up section in the hanging wall. here I've got a small ramp

171:35 The fault is betting parallel in the walls, one of another hanging wall

171:40 and here in the front the fault up section in the hanging ross.

171:45 have a hang broadband here. If looked at the foot long, I

171:50 the same corresponding gramps and flats. this ramp in the blue, in

171:56 hanging wall corresponds corresponds to this the blue or the football. This

172:03 at the base of the blue and hanging wall corresponds to this flat at

172:07 base of the blue and the This ramp between the dark blue and

172:12 green and the hang bro corresponds to ramp in the dark green in the

172:18 . And then this long getting parallel at the base of the green,

172:23 to this flat at the base of green in the football. So if

172:30 unfold this and restore this, all pieces fit back together. That ramp

172:35 on there, that flat fits on . Those two rams fit together in

172:40 flat fits on the flat back Mm hmm. Alright, so now

172:49 here's an example of a full bend from the Appalachians. Football here,

172:55 wall here. Trust here getting criminal . So that's a flat cutting up

173:04 here. So that's a ramp going parallel again down here, deep in

173:08 section, so that's another bedding flat. And overall the fault of

173:17 , the hanging wall dips here, the dips in the ramp here in

173:23 , reading the depths in the four unfold here on, give you a

173:29 off angle equal to the dip of ramp back here. The ensuing we

173:43 here, Football flat, a football and football flat. See all in

173:49 football, in the hanging wall I hanging around d corresponding to this football

174:00 . And then I have a long to basically orange here, hanging off

174:05 see corresponding to the football flat see and extending off the base of the

174:12 . So, this is an example the rams and flats on matched

174:18 Okay, All right, so let's do this one as as an

174:26 I'll take a few minutes and look this. Do the hanging wall ramps

174:30 flats. Match the football ramps and . You don't match 12. We'll

175:22 you one thing, yes. so, well, that's let's talk

175:34 one through. Um but it they do imagine this case. And so

175:41 , um this is the one we talked about where we have in the

175:44 wall here, I have a ramp one here. It corresponds to this

175:50 here. I have a flat here corresponds to this flat. Get the

175:57 between the dark blue and the And then I have a ramp here

176:02 the leading edge of the green that against this football ram in the

176:09 And then from this point on, have a long hanging wall flat parallel

176:15 the base of the green. That to the football flat at the base

176:20 the green in the restored state along . So in this case the ramps

176:26 flags do actually match. Okay, now let's um Here's a similar

176:35 Let's talk about this one. Through hanging wall ramps and flats match in

176:40 this section. No, they don't Right in this one. They don't

177:04 . Okay, so A tricky in one. So here in the hanging

177:12 , we've got one ramp here where fault cuts up section from the green

177:17 the white blue, That gives us hanging rail ramp here and then within

177:22 hanging wall all the way back, interpretive follows the base of the

177:28 So I have one long hanging wall at the base of the green here

177:34 the football. I have two football , one here and one here with

177:42 in between here here in here. here I've got to football ramps In

177:50 football flats that don't match what I in the hanging wall here. Um

178:00 I if I try and restore if I put Mhm this hanging wall

178:08 off against this hanging will cut I'm going to have duplication of the

178:13 in this area. Or conversely, I try and restore it by putting

178:18 screen back against the screen here, going to create a gap and in

178:25 the football cut off and the hanging cut off here in this part of

178:28 section. So the ramps and Don't imagine this is not balance

178:38 Gonna Do one More. Sure why through the rampant flats match in this

179:19 . No there's too many hanging wall and flats. Yeah. Yeah the

179:25 wall is much more complex than the here. So these guys don't don't

179:33 at all. Mhm. So if look at the football first because it's

179:45 . I have a football flat The football ramp here in a second

179:51 flat here in the in the hanging . I just I have hanging little

179:58 here, hang them all around. hang on flat. Excuse me.

180:03 hanging wall ramp here, a little of the hang roll around through here

180:08 the base of the yellow. The hanging wall ramp here between the

180:13 and the orange and then another long wall flat at the base of the

180:19 all through here. So In the the hanging wall here I've got 3g

180:26 three flats in football. I've got ramp into flats. So this is

180:32 restore a ble at all. The and ramps don't match at all in

180:36 interpretation. Very good. Okay. . Um one of the one of

180:46 nice things about this king ban geometry a fault and full model is that

180:52 these angular relationships are geometric really related each other. So the the co

181:01 of this angle theta which is the off angle here is equal to two

181:06 the co second of the angle which is where the data, which

181:12 this cut off angle here minus the tangent of angle beta. Which is

181:18 angle here in this angle gamma. by the half angle of the for

181:28 unfold here, that angle is equal 19 minus beta. Over to.

181:33 so from these geometric relationships with this . Full geometry. If I know

181:42 , if I if I do know geometries, I can use those to

181:47 with all the different cut off angles betting angles need to be in the

181:53 the interpretation. So that's that's one the benefits of this king. Full

181:58 geometry. All right, alright, they're furious modifications of this theme that

182:10 go through here. Now, here a full time unfold where the loose

182:16 here at the back is not Let's just push forward. And this

182:20 what's called shear fault. Man So, within all of these beds

182:25 the hangar, I have bedding pair little sheer increasing as I move upwards

182:31 the detachment. Um This is this commonly appealed to as a style to

182:39 understand and interpretation. And sometimes it's an artifact of not having a balanced

182:45 interpretation with a vertical loose line. , it's this supplies only in special

182:59 . Here's an example of an application that where my thrust faults here coming

183:06 section into a fault. Man cutting up section here again into another

183:10 unfold. And the if I do restoration of this, the hanging wall

183:19 here are much sure than the hanging beds here. Yeah, it's your

183:26 . Unfolding has been invoked as a explanation of that. But in this

183:32 this is a deep water toe thrust . These beds are just there.

183:39 mush, their jello. So they're they're not anything that mechanically can sustain

183:46 kind of bedding parallel share. So chair fault unfolding example. I think

183:55 is an example where the sheer folding is an explanation invoked for an unbalanced

184:04 . Yeah, so this just this talks through this. If you try

184:08 do a restoration of this, you different restorations of the loose line at

184:13 back of the section. Right. you can eliminate that by interpreting these

184:19 detachment folds rather than his fault, fools. Right. Um two other

184:30 in this. The sequence we've talked is where you have one single through

184:38 thrust fault where you go from a to a ram to a flat to

184:42 ramp. And the fault is there to the initial folding, an alternative

184:50 is that the um defaulting can occur initial concentric folding. So here I've

185:02 a concentric fold here in a concentric here formed by a thrust fault

185:08 A thrust fault here. But at point the faults have not propagated and

185:14 up to form a through going Okay with continued deformation. Once those

185:19 up, I get the same geometry as I get here, even though

185:26 the fools in this case predate the going fall. Okay, now we

185:40 do see overturns folk clams at the edge of one of these false

185:47 And this is interpreted to be due the um initial folding of these beds

185:55 the fault propagates through so that you a fault propagation fold. That is

186:01 faltered through in this steepened limbs and out on the flat, giving you

186:06 asymmetric fault bend for geometry. And is an example of that from the

186:18 Ian Powell Valley. And climbing the where you have to hang on the

186:27 edge dipping here, the crest of falcon flew dipping here, but now

186:33 leading edge of the fog unfold is vertical here. I'm sure you have

186:39 steep and geometry where the leading edge the fall pinfall dips much more steeply

186:46 oversleeping relative to the trailing edge of falls. Okay, and this is

186:57 restoration of that type of interpretation. , from the Appalachians hanging out of

187:05 thrust extending through there with um the here, beds in the beds in

187:14 hanging draw paralleling the dip of the here. More complicated because you have

187:20 second unit here. But then the here equals the ramp back here here

187:26 the front of the fraud. We this over, still over steep and

187:30 vertical from land. And if you that, you get you get this

187:40 with that requires betting parallel shear in , in this part of the

187:46 you have no unequal loose line here the back. So the shortening of

187:51 bed here is different than the shortening the rest of the section. So

188:02 here just refines the seismic section across same and decline. And you can

188:07 it really doesn't help you at You see you see the front wall

188:12 , hang on here. Things are continuous parallel to the thrust geometry

188:18 But up here where you have the up the phone and called outcrop.

188:26 . You just you don't have any data to help you constrain Yeah.

188:33 this area. Okay, so here's example of a balance section from deep

188:46 toe thrust in Nigeria. And this something that was published in a pg

188:53 . Mhm. Take a few minutes look at the fault geometries and the

188:58 off geometries along this deeper part of section. And see how they propagate

189:05 into the shallow part of the section ask yourself to the ransom flats.

189:12 . Are the throes consistent on each . Are the folds and faults,

189:17 related. And is this balance double restore a bill or not? So

189:24 a few minutes and then we'll talk through. Okay, in the interest

193:06 time, I'm going to wrap this . This is this is one of

193:11 all time favorite crazy cross sections and positive that you don't need to know

193:17 structural geology to be in a PG editor. If we look at the

193:24 along here, there's all kinds of business going on. If I start

193:29 this, this pop up block have a thrust here. An anesthetic

193:35 here in this. Through going thrust a normal fault deeper in the section

193:43 along some of the faults like this . And like this one the displacement

193:49 decreases with depth. The fault displacement need to be constant, but it

193:55 increase with depth not decrease with And the ramps and flats in the

194:02 them all in the footballs don't match all across these falls. Mm

194:06 Here, we've got moderate angle ramp a high angle ramp. And your

194:12 ramp in the football right? That vertical cut off angle itself is.

194:18 , he is t mechanically impossible. hmm. Here, we've got another

194:25 where the displacement decreases with that large up here, maximum in the middle

194:32 to zero here, as you get to the detachment and again the ramps

194:37 the flats across this guy don't I'm a hyena ramp here versus a

194:44 ramp cut off here. So the and flats don't match. The throws

194:50 not consistent, default and full shapes not related. And the punch line

194:56 this is not possibly balance double and a bubble, is it? So

195:04 it interpreted wrong? Yes, It's interpreted wrong. Mm hmm.

195:11 fact, the whole style of faulting folding here is is different and needs

195:17 be interpreted as on detachment folds that talking about later where you have much

195:23 faulting in a symmetric shape to the . The The interpreter is kind of

195:33 a Canadian style. Mm hmm. thrust built interpretation on this full thrust

195:40 . And it's just it's not correct it's not correct because this is mechanically

195:46 different than what we see in the rockies. Mhm. Okay, so

195:59 summary for full thrust belt structures, looking at a two D strain.

196:05 bed lines and thicknesses remained constant during except for salt and over pressured

196:13 And they're the they don't maintain constant and thickness, but they do maintain

196:18 cross sectional area. No, the beds must be restored. Hubble to

196:24 original sub horizontal data in the original links must be the same for all

196:29 deformed beds. And because of the loose lines in the restored sections

196:35 to be vertical and not inclined for . Penfolds. These are false.

196:45 form is the hanging wall beds ramp over the football. They ramp up

196:50 a transition from a flat to a in the football. Mm hmm.

196:58 the hangar. Old beds are rotated a new tip parallel to the thrust

197:02 ramp. The distance between this between . B. Y. Prime and

197:10 ex prime here are fixed to the of the ramp here in the text

197:17 the bank of Iran. Okay. cut off angles here between this actual

197:24 and this actual surface are tied to nick points in the ramp here and

197:31 . The hanging wall of birds, r constant elevation over the flat parts

197:37 the faults back here, you over here there's no thickening or no

197:42 in vertical elevation over the flat parts the fall and to get the duplication

197:48 the change in vertical realization only where hanging wall steps up over a ramp

197:54 this. And lastly, the hanging ranch and flats must match the football

197:59 and flats. Okay, okay. that's it for this section. That's

198:08 for today. Mm hmm. Any or questions on what we've,

198:15 what we've covered just this afternoon or rest of the day? It's been

198:23 been a lot to swallow today. a lot to cover. Um,

198:27 when are we going to receive the for the midterms? Um, I

198:33 , I'll send them to you in the next class. I haven't looked

198:38 them yet. So I haven't created yet. Um You know,

198:43 If need be you all got through . It looks like you got through

198:46 pretty well. If need be, go over the correct answers at the

198:50 of the next class. Okay. . Have a good week. We'll

198:59 you next weekend. Thank you. you. Bye.
