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00:14 why? Or is that like Come on now. That's not what

00:30 want. Where is that sitting sitting ? I can't and shake please.

00:56 the only solution. Mhm. There's still, that's the best we

01:21 . What about all this? You get rid of it. Never seen

01:29 gonna it's gonna be in the Alright, so in that case do

01:42 this way. Okay, so we here yesterday talking about the Wetherill Concordia

02:04 . The points on the red line equal in age to the two

02:10 Um But in some cases we will points that fall off that line.

02:17 And so how do we deal with ? And as I mentioned this this

02:21 less of a problem these days as talk about in a little bit but

02:26 lots of papers out there that will this. So if you're ever going

02:29 look at a paper that's more than years old, you're going to have

02:32 probably deal with this as well. have points which um as I

02:37 you know, we'll make Concordia here it's the discord e a. That

02:40 have to interpret sometimes if all the land right on top of Concordia that

02:45 not a problem. Well, it's a big problem. Um So as

02:52 we've got these two intercepts but unfortunately the upper intercept is the age of

02:57 of crystallization and sometimes the lower intercept the age of crystallization and I should

03:02 out that I'm saying age of crystallization because I'm talking about uranium lead in

03:09 if we were looking at uranium lead some other middle like appetite, it

03:14 be the age of crystallization, it be the age of retaining closure because

03:19 closure temperature of latin appetite is only 500 degrees. The closure temperature of

03:24 zircon is eight or 900 degrees, is essentially the same thing as

03:29 but you can date other phases as . Talk about and so age of

03:35 is really specific to zircon. And and and and the way of always

03:41 around that and never making a mistake never talk about crystallization, just talk

03:46 the time of obtaining a closed system this case they happen to be the

03:50 thing. So we talked about this here where we have a sample which

03:59 is perturbed and this determines can be growth of news er cons on top

04:07 old ones and what we have been that line is a continuum between fully

04:13 bits and fully young bits, you , and so we may have

04:17 you can have a grain, here's zircon and you can have an overgrowth

04:23 just sort of looks like that or could have an old bit and it's

04:30 overgrowth, it looks like that both these parts be referred to as the

04:39 component, um same concept going It's just that you have, you

04:44 , a different mix. So there's mixing line. Um and as I

04:49 , it can also you get a mixing line if you have an episode

04:54 what's called lead loss and I'll describe Los in a minute. But just

04:57 the purposes of this diagram, they the same. So That's what would

05:04 like if you had a zircons that say 1700 million years old and then

05:12 a an event like this, you all those points towards the origin.

05:16 if this event of lead loss or growth was over, then these things

05:22 continue to evolve as they would and they would move up to this

05:27 then you would have a line, discord a line that would go between

05:32 2800, 20 912:00 because it was hundreds when this sample was at 12

05:44 17, that this sample was down . So so the additional 1200 million

05:52 are is this And this notice that is a good point, notice that

05:59 distance on this line is not this is 500 million years. So

06:04 this again, that's because of the the unequal rates of decay. So

06:14 how you could, that's how it look if the upper intercept was the

06:19 age and the lower intercept was some event. Um I skipped over this

06:26 time I go ahead and mention there's another diagram. If we look

06:29 this diagram, this has 207 over 35 to 6/2 38 you can get

06:35 same information by plotting this diagram, is which is called the terra Wasser

06:41 diagram because it was first introduced in paper by Terror and Wasser Burg.

06:45 this is different in that here we the 2 38/2 06, which is

06:49 the Y axis of the other And here we have 20 6/2 oh

06:54 . And remember we showed how the genic 206207 ratio is also a function

07:00 the age, but we have two measures of the age here, just

07:03 we do on the other way. reason that this might be good in

07:06 ways is because we have eliminated from diagram, the isotope that is generally

07:11 hardest to measure Uranium 2 35 is small. Um So some people

07:19 will do this. So if you this diagram, it's equivalent to this

07:25 . Uh but this diagram, the , the weather will diagram is still

07:30 a great deal more often. Um the same, the same story would

07:35 up on the terra Wasser burg diagram just that the directions of them in

07:40 diagram, old ages go up this instead of this one. Okay,

07:50 now let's discuss this issue of lead . You might think, well what's

07:54 could I thought you said that the temperature of lead in Zircon was really

07:58 hot and it is and yet there evidences for what looks, you know

08:06 geo chemically like lead loss. And You know, I recommended a book

08:13 you all. I don't know if one of you picked it up.

08:15 a really good book, but you , it's $140. But they have

08:20 really interesting point to make about lead in this book. I love

08:23 They say that the the advances of lead geo chronology have not been made

08:30 understanding Led Los but by learning ways avoid it. So that you can

08:35 analyze samples that don't exhibit this very anymore because we can be much more

08:39 about which samples we choose. But not like anybody's figured out lead

08:44 Uh people have offered these various reasons maybe what you have is a change

08:49 the crystal because of radiation damage when crystal is um when when when radio

08:57 , when when uranium decays it shoots alpha particles and then occasionally it shoots

09:03 this fishing, which makes it all that damages the crystal. And that

09:09 the acidity changes everything about the And we'll see this really matters when

09:14 comes to heli update that can change closure temperature by a lot because the

09:20 you bombard this lattice with radiation, more it changes. And so maybe

09:28 and so once you lose the you know, led to the closure

09:33 of lead may go away. That's meta monetization. Um Another similar process

09:40 be called dilated C when you have pores in a crystal that are formed

09:45 filled at high pressure. When that is released, the fluid inside those

09:52 are still under the hydrostatic pressure that were formed at. And then they

09:56 crack open the crystal physically changing it again, perhaps changing the diffuse it

10:02 , changing the closure temperature. Weathering shouldn't be a big deal. You

10:08 lose lead but it's not gonna affect the isotopic composition of the lead.

10:14 And then some folks will say, maybe it's metamorphosis, episodic loss due

10:18 some thermal disturbance. But once again this sort of goes against the the

10:24 of the observational data and all of experimental data that says for nice,

10:30 zircons, the closure temperatures is super . So these are just thoughts about

10:37 to get lost out of a zircon a world in which you shouldn't have

10:41 at all. But apparently it might . Um we know that meta mechanization

10:47 something that's a real thing and if not looked at a lot of thin

10:52 , maybe you've never seen this but what this is is a bio

10:56 and there's a little zircon inside the type you produce these radiation halos around

11:01 Zircon and what this shows. And can, you know, look how

11:05 like several diameters of zircon away. this shows us is that bio tide

11:10 much more susceptible to radiation damage than is. You can but that's not

11:16 happening in the bio type that's happening the economy and moving out. But

11:22 we can see it better in in type is happening in the market

11:27 Okay, so let's look at some data. Now, here's again,

11:32 sample from the llano uplift. I you one from yesterday and this gave

11:38 same age, but this is zircons a granite from central texas. And

11:44 have 1235 fractions on here, and of them are recorded, but they

11:51 up a fairly nice low line Um And the upper intercept is

11:58 And lower intercept is something we don't see it down there and we can

12:04 the lower intercept because in this case a little consequence because we're not gonna

12:10 it to interpret some geologic events. Now you might say, well,

12:16 am I ignoring it? If if of the possibilities is the lower intercept

12:20 be the crystallization, but we can this lower intercept because of the regional

12:26 , this is a granite on which Canberra and sandstone. So how old

12:34 this granite be younger, older, got to be older than Cameron.

12:52 lower intercept is younger than Cameron. so that's just impossible from the,

12:57 the regional geology. And so clearly only option is to be older than

13:02 , that's our upper intercept. So by applying the, you know,

13:07 the cross cutting relationships or principle of , we know that this lower intercept

13:13 out of bounds. So yes, got oper intercept can be the answer

13:18 into the exception to the answer. if you were given this without any

13:22 context, you might worry a little . Now it is also the case

13:28 unless you have, unless you have on the Concordia diagrams, that sort

13:36 , is that which you never You generally have data? You can

13:40 down here or plot down here, lead loss or the inheritance.

13:45 sometimes, well, you certainly, rarely have data that. It's what's

13:49 up here. You don't have anything . And so that's a that's a

13:53 . Now, I'll show you an in a minute where we have more

13:57 down here than we might have one two points up here. But in

14:04 , the points cluster near the right , the the crystallization intercept. But

14:10 speaking, we have to consider But but by applying some geologic

14:15 that's usually easy. Okay, um that is an example of of this

14:25 loss or perhaps juvenile. This probably isn't juvenile. Now, of course

14:29 can examine your zircons in the in in the microscope and look for this

14:34 of character. And if you say like this, well then you're gonna

14:38 a mixing between old and young. don't think I would guess that if

14:42 you know, if we had access the zircons, we wouldn't see that

14:46 looks like a kind of lead loss . And I should point out again

14:51 this is a paper from 1992 using old data on purpose to show you

14:56 old things because again, you might see quite this much discordance these

15:01 But and and you know, these fractions were defined by some some

15:07 They decided in the lab probably magnetic , maybe some other hand picking choice

15:13 color or shape or size. Um they are almost certainly not one Zurich

15:18 at a time story mixing them And it's probably some of them had

15:25 of these problems that we discussed earlier that would pull them down this

15:30 Um In the simple interpretation, it pull them down to the to the

15:35 that the lower intercept would be the at which this array was developed.

15:40 know, they were all up here zircons, but they were pulled down

15:44 some towards some point. Well they pulled down towards the origin point,

15:50 happened. And then the whole thing evolved up to this. Now,

15:54 this couldn't be people down to the , it doesn't look like it.

15:59 But if it's pulled down to the , then we just say, well

16:01 most of the lead loss occurred Um but people didn't go all this

16:09 to figure out when the lead loss place in this granite. I want

16:12 know the geologic history of central not something fluid flow events, the

16:17 or the Jurassic or whenever. So one way to interpret things to

16:25 The other way, we have to a moment and look at this.

16:29 is a relationship that's been shown by that that shows that the dissolution of

16:36 in uh frenetic melt. It's not easy and it is dependent on the

16:43 and the composition of the magma. this is the equation that you get

16:48 this paper and what you have over is the log of the distribution coefficient

16:54 zirconium as it is partitioned in a or in a liquid. And uh

17:02 that means is that under certain zirconium will stay in the liquid and

17:07 sort or it'll stay in a Zurich Zurich on crystal or in other cases

17:13 will go to the liquid, This is a parameter that illustrates the

17:19 potential of a mineral and it's dependent temperature and it's dependent dependent on

17:27 this this this value. M whereas , some measure of the composition and

17:35 for for many compositions of frenetic Um the temperature has to be remarkably

17:41 in order for that distribution coefficient to to be less than one. And

17:47 it's not less than one, that that you're going to get situations like

17:51 because the zircons will not entirely they won't melt fast enough to where

17:55 move from melting conditions to crystallizing And so you can look at a

18:02 . If you have, if you you have the geochemistry of your

18:06 you can calculate the saturation temperature and even without looking at a microscope,

18:12 can say the likelihood of whether all zircons that were here before is melted

18:17 this grant. And it doesn't happen often. As I said, zircons

18:22 and are hard to get rid And in this case that can be

18:27 problem because if you're interested in the age of the current granite, you

18:33 want to be confused by by having come from the previous history but there

18:39 have it but we can get around . Here's an example of something where

18:44 have a bunch of points. There's point here, there's two points

18:48 12 and once again these data defined line which has an intercept upper and

18:57 . The lower intercepts about 66 and operator stepped is 1400. Um And

19:05 which is the right answer. How is this, granted? Well,

19:09 , we try to apply this Most of the data are down

19:13 so that's probably a clue that that's thing. But more importantly,

19:18 all you gotta do is apply geologic the the field relationship between this

19:26 which was collected in Southeastern Arizona, rock intrudes paleozoic sedimentary rocks. So

19:37 has to be based on that. granite must be younger than the rocks

19:45 intruding and music can't be this The paleozoic rocks are four or 500

19:51 old. This would make it older the rocks that intrudes. That doesn't

19:56 . And so, okay, it's late cretaceous plutonium which is intruding.

20:01 paleozoic rocks perfectly fine. And so you go. I mean, I

20:07 you this this this this diagram without geologic context, you'd have to

20:11 well, this is likely to be 66 million year old granite with some

20:16 in it. But it could be or granite that has uh, you

20:22 , a profound episode of lead loss , that's that's that's quite unlikely.

20:29 theoretically possible. Um Another good thing this diagram is if you look to

20:36 if you look to the older basement Arizona, you'll find evidence that most

20:41 those, you know, really bottom the crust. Rocks are about

20:46 Not all, but some of them of them are about 1400 million years

20:50 . There's a 1400 and there's a million component down there. And so

20:55 looks like the rocks that were melted the cretaceous to produce this granite,

20:59 of that 1400 million year component makes sense. And furthermore, it looks

21:05 that was the only component that was since we have such a nice straight

21:10 . So um None of these points concordant, but they might make a

21:16 line and combine that with the Graphic evidence that's a 66 million year

21:22 rock. Um Here's another example, comes from the Idaho battle if and

21:31 get the same story, although a bit a little bit more extreme

21:35 we have four fractions. Again, is old data, but the concept

21:40 still important. Um four fractions which a lower intercept of 47 and an

21:46 intercept of 1770. Again, we that these rocks, this rock isn't

21:52 because of the rocks that it intrudes layered, fan or rocks, so

21:59 can't be a protozoa rock. It's Eocene rock Which fits with the whole

22:04 geology and the Strata Graffiti. And , the basement rocks of this region

22:10 about 1700. So this shows that chemistry, we would predict that the

22:16 of this magma is one that is sufficient even at high temperatures or perhaps

22:22 competent for this temperature for this composition magma. We can put an upper

22:27 on how chaotic God because it didn't all the previous circum. And you'll

22:33 this a lot because it's hard and , it's hard to melt dessert

22:38 And that's why you'll frequently have uh inherited component. Sometimes there might just

22:44 a whiff of it, you may melted most of them and you might

22:47 only get something like this. Um you'll you'll you'll still have to deal

22:52 it. That is if you're analyzing whole zircon, I'm I'm pretty sure

22:59 have some pictures coming up, but in case, I don't know

23:02 you know, I keep referring to new data. Why why don't we

23:06 about, you know, the um most many laboratories now have the

23:12 to analyze not this whole zircon or not this holder con you can go

23:17 there and either with a laser beam an ion beam interrogate just that little

23:23 of the Zircon. And you that's the that's the great transition of

23:29 40 or 50 years ago. You not only could you have to measure

23:33 whole thing, you have to measure one and this one together with another

23:36 or 20 zircons to get enough lead measure. Now we can shoot that

23:41 a laser or an ion beam. stuff is is uh put into a

23:49 and analyze and get pretty good And so now, and this is

23:55 you don't have to worry about discord data very often because nobody's going to

24:00 the whole shovel full of their They're going to take a circle like

24:04 . And if they're interested in the earth part, they'll just avoid this

24:08 . They won't pick a crystal like . You know, you can see

24:12 in, in the microscope usually pretty . So they'll avoid that because even

24:17 you have a very thin rim, gonna be mixing the two together,

24:22 you've got a big enough rim. now you may want to shoot this

24:26 on its own to see what it , but you won't use it.

24:30 , and, and that will produce points that on a Concordia diagram might

24:35 , might be here and here or here. Um, and that means

24:41 may be interesting and valuable, but , you don't have to worry about

24:47 points. Um, Here's an example even when you have single crystals,

24:54 might get a complication. uh this a paper from 1998 and this is

25:01 a granite in near Mount Everest. well we see bunches or cons and

25:09 plot mostly discordant except for this one here. The rest of them are

25:15 , but they don't form a nice line. But if we, if

25:21 put the limits of how it is here. We see one sort of

25:27 that goes up to 500 and another that goes out to 2.5 billion.

25:33 they both come back to the single down here, just a wee bit

25:36 20. And so the interpretation of granite is it's a 20 million year

25:41 granite which was melting a variety of types that had a variety of previous

25:49 . And this makes sense from the in the Himalayas we have quite a

25:52 of or division flu thons, but also a bunch of our key and

25:57 as well, so To have a between 502 billion is not surprising.

26:06 And so you know here we have example where just one age of thing

26:09 melted. I read an example where variety of ages were melted and I

26:14 remember if every one of these crystals is single crystal, I don't think

26:18 is, I think this one was helps us see that it's on Concordia

26:24 but of course, well that means it's not only a single crystal,

26:29 it's one of its one of these of single crystals that maybe had almost

26:34 inherited but you know, and so can, when you can just because

26:38 have an inherited opponent doesn't mean every in your granite will have that because

26:43 you can just nuclear wait a new and grow a brand new user con

26:46 like you would otherwise. But if old zircons hanging out, it's more

26:52 for that new zircon to grow on previously existing nuclear nation spot. But

26:57 you get lucky and you find one didn't do that grow on its

27:01 you'll get that. Um, so next? Okay, Here's another

27:11 Um this comes from some work I'm right now and this is from

27:18 from a zircon. This is from relied dike in new Mexico and we've

27:24 two scales, one that shows all data and one that suits in the

27:28 all the data. We got a of points down here and one way

27:32 here resume. If we ignore that , we just zoom in on

27:36 We look at these points here and got a bunch of points here that

27:42 going off the gear and then this which plots pretty much at Concordia.

27:48 perfect, it's not on but a bit. And so you've got a

27:53 of a problem here. And what are you gonna define this? Because

27:57 mean there's not an obvious bunch of to put on here. I mean

28:03 , you know, this one has advantage of being concordant and these ones

28:08 the advantage of having nice straight This isn't concorde id perfectly and there's

28:15 obvious line among all those points. so what I said that we should

28:20 and it will take, we'll take point that along with this point produces

28:27 oldest age. We take this point might have an intercept down here.

28:32 we're gonna take the oldest age as most conservative. It could be younger

28:36 that, but it won't be older whatever this line is. That's why

28:39 two are colored in blue because they're only two points that define this

28:44 So this line suggests that we have million year, although it's 1200 plus

28:49 -212000 million year old inherited component. we have an age of about

28:59 Regionally. This was a bit of , but but the rock these dates

29:04 these rocks haven't really been dated. lot of people just looked at him

29:07 I think they called them. Can't what that map called them. I

29:14 it was a scene question mark. didn't know, you know, there

29:18 some other Ec rocks, you 100 miles away. So they said

29:22 were you see, well, it's easy. It's my A.

29:27 And this this this intercept here some between 3400. That makes sense for

29:34 region. There's quite a lot of for this 1000 million year olds are

29:39 there. The Grenville age cross where might be in 1400 million year old

29:43 12 seems a little bit hard. edges here are better, but you

29:47 , this is a fairly uncertain value on just two points that are themselves

29:54 . So you know, we we zircons as being the best and they

30:00 but they don't come without complications. are all these points spread out along

30:05 ? Probably this problem here. Um so this is a, you

30:12 some people would look at these data maybe come up with a different interpretation

30:18 that's fine, you know, but for you to know, is that

30:22 that sometimes things are complicated. This this is one of the more complicated

30:27 . Even with modern data, this this was collected just a couple years

30:32 . And so there's no sort of about old machines and millions shoveling the

30:37 here. These are these are ones cons at a time and still there's

30:41 complication. Oh well I already I showed you that. Okay,

30:50 here's some of the pictures of what was talking about. So here's a

30:54 a paper from 2000 showing a There's your scale, that's 100

31:00 So that's a typical size of a and you can see that optically there's

31:05 there's a there's a there's a core a rim on this thing And these

31:10 white circles show the areas that were with a laser. I think it

31:14 a laser, there's two kinds of , we'll talk about that. Um

31:19 it was these little bits observe con know if that's 100 million, that's

31:25 micron, this is maybe only like microns across how wonderful that we can

31:30 a good age there. And what see is the core of that

31:35 This is from some nice in The core of that crystal is 1900

31:40 2000 million years old. But the where they got a little bit bigger

31:45 and where we put this, put the laser beam right on the spot

31:50 . They get an age of And so that's a lot more information

31:56 analyzing this whole thing and getting an of what, what what do you

32:00 you analyze this whole thing, what you think? You get? You

32:03 an age of about 1800, And nothing, nothing happened 1800 million

32:10 ago to this rock. Now, you had enough of these crystals,

32:14 that they make some nice line, understand that 1800 didn't mean anything.

32:19 , first of all, it would 1800, it would be a discordant

32:22 . It wouldn't be 1800 concordant. but if you had enough, and

32:28 it was a simple case, you be able to see the mixing line

32:30 200 and and 2000. But with modern techniques, there you go,

32:38 , there are different things. And on what you're trying to sort

32:43 Well, you've learned it. Like said, if you're if you're if

32:46 was a volcanic rock, I think have my next example. Yeah,

32:51 get to that example in a Uh when you're, when you're doing

32:58 rocks for example, you're doing it to understand the age of crystallization,

33:02 so you don't care about this stuff in this case, maybe you're studying

33:07 metamorphic history of the Brazilian Shield. , that that might become very

33:12 but in terms of figuring out the youngest bit, using this granite to

33:16 you something about crosscutting relationships when this moved, all that kind of

33:21 The 1900 just gets in the Um Here's a picture that's really

33:28 It doesn't have any ages on but it just shows shows very well

33:32 this could work. Once again, a core and a more juvenile overgrowth

33:40 that core. Look at that course crystal there. Um Why do you

33:45 it's so rounded? Are Zircons derek start out rounded like that. What

34:00 make it rounded? No, You knew the answer to this when

34:09 were taking physical geology. Not, complicated what makes things round?

34:20 this is weathering and erosion. So that probably is is a zircon that

34:25 melted out of a sedimentary rock. was a Detroit als er con which

34:30 was melted or the sandstone was melted produced this new zircon is associated with

34:37 uh well, whatever rock this it's in the alps, it might

34:41 a might be a metamorphic rock, the block that was metamorphose was a

34:46 rock. See that because of the rounded zircon, but then a new

34:50 of zircon grew on top of If we were to analyze this whole

34:54 , we'd get a slightly older age the new than the than the growth

34:58 we were to be able to analyze two separately, we'd learn them

35:04 Um Here are some volcanic zircons that to have no overgrowth in them

35:10 And that's, you know, if looking for the edge of the graph

35:14 the, of the eruption, this great. You know, we

35:21 we don't usually care to have it way. It's just often that

35:24 But sometimes you get away without Um and these are the data from

35:30 zircons, no, no evidence of in them. But you still get

35:34 little bit of spread here from 3 to 3 80. Now they've gone

35:40 and taken the weighted mean of all those to get the age of 3

35:43 because they're thinking that maybe that spread just analytical uncertainty. Uh you

35:50 another option is to say that there lead loss and you take the oldest

35:55 77 or the other option is to that this is just a little whiff

35:59 inheritance and we're gonna take the youngest and say all the other ones are

36:03 . So you know, even with bunch of data which all fall on

36:08 you still are challenge sometimes with an . Are these is this just the

36:13 variation of a magnetic system? And should take the average or is this

36:18 magmatic system that has had some lead for some inheritance to it? In

36:22 case we should take the extremes of data. I can't tell by looking

36:27 this diagram these guys chose in the , I'm pretty sure to take the

36:31 of need and I think that was they were looking for this was a

36:36 rock that was at the I don't the devonian mississippian boundary maybe. And

36:42 think they already had an idea that cancer was. Well actually these these

36:48 , I can't remember why they um an example of of of a

36:58 the igneous core and an UN's own rim. You can see these little

37:05 here which these are these donations are small changes in chemistry of the

37:11 Um They're not individual overgrowth but maybe the magma is depleting in some

37:17 the crystal changes a little bit and up in these images. That only

37:22 in igneous systems. It doesn't happen metamorphic systems. And so we can

37:26 that that is a metamorphic overgrowth on of this and if you were you

37:36 , if you wanted to know something , you were looking at that Zircon

37:40 to try to study it would be . You might not, this is

37:46 kind of zircon that would only be looked at if you're interested in metamorphic

37:50 , if you're interested in sedimentary rocks even igneous rocks nowadays, you just

37:54 that one aside. Um Here's here's an example. I was telling

38:00 about another project I worked on a years ago, where we were,

38:04 were very interested in the age of rye light because it helped us um

38:09 understand the timing of deformation. This in a fold and we want to

38:14 when the folding took place. Um this was one of the uppermost units

38:19 the folds. We wanted to date . Um And and we actually dated

38:25 two ways. We may talk about other way, but this is we

38:28 it by our by five uranium lead on one place and then another place

38:34 the strata. Graphic sequence. We it by Argon 40 39. Um

38:40 here we got this age of million years, 34.7 and 34.7 plus

38:48 -4. I should point out that is not an outstanding precision. And

38:55 because we're using this technique. This the laser population of mass spectrometry dr

39:03 ablation, inductive lee coupled mass spectrometry talk about the techniques in a

39:08 And this technique has the advantage of fast and inexpensive but it's not but

39:14 not high precision. And remember, know in geochemistry as with everything in

39:19 there's fast, there's cheap and there's , you only get to choose two

39:23 those. Right? This is fast cheap. It's not outstandingly good.

39:29 another technique that gives you much better it's and it's also kind of fast

39:34 it's a lot more expensive. Um anyway this is this is okay for

39:41 technique and I'm sorry this is I'm turn these lights off just down so

39:45 can really see this better. Here the zircons and you see these little

39:50 in here. Those are the places that the laser went in and got

39:55 age and then that that curve over is the is the hist a gram

40:00 the probability density function of these Now you'll notice that you know these

40:07 this is all the data. I think I have pictures on my on

40:12 power point just now of of all other we had access to I collected

40:16 sample about this big and from there was able to get hundreds observed on

40:22 they had quite a range of color size and and many of them had

40:27 in them. And some of them evidence for uh for zoning Ignored all

40:32 are the 50 cons that were analyzed went into the paper. How was

40:37 not now it's five that we analyzed think like 16 times or something like

40:42 . I don't know, maybe not many. And you can see that

40:45 individual data aren't very good. 34 minus 1.6. 35 plus plus

40:51 you know, that uncertainty is But when you pull them all together

40:55 use the magic of the of the me, You get an average of

41:02 plus or -14. So this would a an example of a pretty modern

41:08 to certainly into dating a Riley. get some of the nicest crystals you

41:12 find after, you know, and can you can do that with a

41:16 about this big and you know I collected a sample about this big

41:24 I collected it on the road by truck. If I had to carry

41:30 for 10 miles, it might have this big. Uh but you

41:38 the point is that these are just five zircons we decided to look at

41:42 having had a look at a couple . That's the modern way Just and

41:48 and you see we zap trying to in some cases, the tip of

41:52 crystal here is here staying away. the points to the middle, that's

41:59 , that's 35 maybe. That's probably . So, but we we picked

42:04 that didn't have any evidence optically of . And then we made sure to

42:09 the tip of the crystals which is likely to be away from any core

42:14 . And with that we got a assigned an age. And this became

42:20 for our paper because But I said was all about the structure. We

42:25 know that that at least some of folding in this fold is younger than

42:31 . And that was valuable. And so there's, you know,

42:33 you're doing some sort of structural problem , knowing the age of the youngest

42:39 , is that, you know how problem with holding this is in southwestern

42:43 Mexico. And the problem with this part of the larger my progeny.

42:48 thing that affected the Rocky Mountains and Laramie Androgyny, you know, is

42:53 referred to as something that happened in Mexico in particular between about 40 and

42:57 million years ago, 80 and 40 years ago. But that 40 was

43:02 a guess because the problem was, that most of the rocks that are

43:07 in this region are cretaceous cretaceous rocks are folded that are thrust over other

43:13 rocks, you have cretaceous rocks that folded. But all that means,

43:17 course, is the defamation is younger predacious. How much younger? You

43:21 ? Well here we actually found a , there's cretaceous rocks that are

43:25 There's rocks that are folded. But in this place, there's also this

43:31 younger volcanic rock that sits at the of all these rocks that are

43:36 And so we were able to re how should I say, We offered

43:41 new interpretation of this geologic event? that at least in this place,

43:47 not 80-40, it's something to, , something less than 35. So

43:54 needs that sort of thing once in while. Okay, so that's

44:01 Um The there are other minerals and second probably the second most common mineral

44:10 you'll see dated will be mona's Um And this is usually because zircon

44:17 not available, but you can get out of the granite uh quite

44:22 And you may see this talked about it's also it's also a good example

44:27 the complications that we might have to about. It's a common accessory mineral

44:31 I said in in in fell sick . Um And it also apparently has

44:36 very high closure temperature. So it you much of the same information that

44:40 get out of here. Um Mom , you know, are a phosphate

44:46 , which means they're not as durable zircon, this nice silicate mineral.

44:51 So they're more likely to be measured you won't see modest sites in sand

44:55 very much they'll break down. But a rock like a highlighter of

45:00 That might be really good. You'll that they have Syrian lantana and neodymium

45:05 are all rare earth elements. There's a story um in there. Um

45:10 it so it's the thorium that's going be an interesting issue here.

45:16 Any mineral that that puts thorium in major chemical composition. That means that

45:22 can substitute the uranium because remember thorium were really close together, just like

45:27 can substitute uranium for meconium, we substitute uranium for thorium even better.

45:36 we're actually going to discuss mondesi in context of uranium lead dating. Not

45:41 lead dating. Even though there will more thorium in the rock than

45:44 Because as I said, we get to uranium to play with. Whereas

45:50 thorium is just the one thorium decays lead. Whereas now we get the

45:54 uranium to the two leads. So can use our Concordia diagram. Uh

45:58 other reason is because as I the geochemistry of measuring thorium is more

46:03 than measuring Iran. Um So we're not pay attention to thorium very

46:11 But but we are going to pay again. Let's go back and look

46:15 the decay of uranium 238. Got this going here and here's the part

46:21 the decay of uranium 2 38. to pay attention to to 38 decays

46:26 thorium 2 30 for for optimum to for uranium 2 34 and then we

46:32 to thorium 2 30. Now this is important because thorium 230 has a

46:38 life, 75,000 years pretty long. imagine we have a magma and it's

46:48 some uranium in it. Well that is going to be decaying. You

46:52 whether it's in the magma or Remember we said that radioactive decay is

46:56 of pressure or temperature magmatic magmatic temperatures change anything. So even in the

47:01 some uranium is out there and occasionally decays away and then it will be

47:05 that. That thorium 2 34 will the journey down to lead to a

47:11 but it has to stop in all places. Well what if we get

47:14 thorium 2 30 It's got a half for 75,000 years that thorium 2:30 is

47:19 be relatively long lived. Well go to mona's why does that really love

47:27 . And so when the Monocacy is it will incorporate whatever thorium is around

47:36 it will do it will like it story um better than uranium because uranium

47:40 not in the in the in the there. But because we've got uranium

47:48 the magma we're making this second kind story Thorium 2 30 came from uranium

47:56 2 32 is regular thorium it's just . If we're gonna do uranium lead

48:03 of this mineral we have to be to be concerned to this because man

48:07 it preferentially incorporates story um over there will be substantial quantities of thorium

48:15 30 at crystallization. If there's uranium the magma, we have to particularly

48:21 about magnets that have a high uranium ratio. If there's no uranium in

48:27 magma, then there'll be no thorium 30 to worry about. But the

48:30 uranium we have in this, the of thorium 2 30 to thorium 2

48:36 goes out. Why is that And well, I guess I just

48:39 just said that why is that Because what we would be doing then

48:45 gonna be gonna be crystallizing a bunch thorium 2 30 into the magma.

48:50 normally we think now that thorium 2 is eventually going to become lead to

48:55 . But normally when we calculate the of something, we take the amount

48:59 lead to six, the amount of uranium to 38. And we get

49:04 ratio, but that assumes that all the thorns of the lead to a

49:09 came from Uranium 2 38. That in this crystal, but in this

49:15 some of that led to a six from uranium 2 38 that was just

49:20 out in the magma never made it this crystal. So we actually gave

49:25 part of this story. Um part this led to a six. Got

49:30 head start, it's called unsupported lead it's not the lead that came from

49:35 uranium that was in this crystal, was lead that came from the uranium

49:40 was in the Magna that decay to 230 that then got into crystal,

49:45 ultimate parent is not represented in this . And so that will lead to

49:51 that plot up here. It's called Discordance because we have a we have

49:56 excess of lead to six, not its way up here. And that's

50:03 for the amount of lead to uranium 38 we have, we would come

50:09 we get an age that's much So how are we going to deal

50:14 that? Well, one option when see that up there is to just

50:20 it, ignore that and just use 75 a. Just pull it straight

50:24 and say that, you know, this should be is a matter of

50:29 , this this uh how much um Extra Dorian was jammed in.

50:34 it's hard to know exactly how much was. I mean, there's a

50:37 , so there's an equation, if know the the thorium uranium of your

50:43 and the thorium uranium of your you can calculate this stuff, but

50:48 don't always know this, you So rather than going to all that

50:53 , you just might say, here's the situation where we're gonna have

50:57 use the lesser of these to remember lead 2-35 is the isotope that's almost

51:03 . So this is the harder thing mention. But you do that,

51:10 I'm showing here are real data. is another granite from Nepal. And

51:15 just gonna use the the 207 to age in this case. And if

51:20 do then we can say, well this granite is about 24 a half

51:24 years old. And because we know closure temperature of lead in Montecito is

51:28 high, we can make all the interpretations we would have made as if

51:31 got the concordance their content. Um another example that's interesting because we've got

51:41 things going on in this. This the same paper that we looked at

51:43 minute ago from that granite from Mount . And here we go. Here

51:49 have the Montecito Zircons before. Here have Mona's eats. And if we

51:54 in on this, we see that are some points here that are reverse

51:59 discord there just a little bit above Concordia line, then we have this

52:05 that's kind of on Concordia. But if we actually zoom out, we

52:10 that there are more points. This , this one, this one form

52:15 line and it goes up to 4 plus or minus something And that's remember

52:22 is our same same granite where we the zircons down there at 20 going

52:26 to 500 and the other one going to two billion. Well, the

52:31 this was interpreted then is that this also evidence of a 20 million year

52:35 crystallization age because we're gonna take the age here, that's going to be

52:41 little bit above 20. And in because there's this and this other this

52:46 bit is an inherited component going up 4 71. So you can have

52:52 in mona's sites too. And in because this inherited component, we don't

52:59 let's go to Excuse me. So this because we're drawing a line

53:08 , we really don't know is this this uh is this only does it

53:14 any inheritance in this point? If doesn't then you can drop it straight

53:18 and get the get the But remember we got from the was value more

53:23 this. So maybe there's a there's slight bit of inheritance in this bit

53:27 this line should really go to here we drop it. The more

53:32 the more evidence we have for something this. Uh huh. So we've

53:37 reverse discordance and inheritance going on at same time. Uh But it's another

53:43 , it's got geochemical similarities. Got little complication because it likes thorium more

53:48 uranium but we're not actually measuring the . We're doing uranium. You

53:52 And none of this analysis here of granite was any thorium measured. But

53:57 became an important concern because because we a lot of thorium during crystallization and

54:06 more the more uranium is in the relative to thorium, the more likely

54:12 going to have this problem. Um , well we're almost done with uranium

54:24 . So I'll move on to that . So just an illustration of how

54:31 zircons are seeing through geologic problems and learning about the older events we turn

54:38 this rock which I referred to earlier the oldest rock or the oldest

54:44 Well, this is the oldest This is the casting nice from Northwest

54:49 in Canada. And these are the of a bunch of, of analyses

54:55 mostly spot analyses of zircons. Now is an old paper 1989. But

55:03 paper made quite a stir because it one of the first papers to be

55:08 using this new technology iron probe dating could do these tiny little spots.

55:14 then. They were using these other spectrometers, much less sensitive. You

55:17 to toss mini zircons in at a . And there was evidence from lots

55:24 reasons that this rock was very And so they wanted to apply this

55:27 technique to this very old rock because talked about all these ways in which

55:32 know, if you have metamorphoses um re gross, you're going to have

55:35 old rock look a little younger. if you can tease apart the zircons

55:40 look at them individually. Like I for those rai lights you can and

55:43 this case here, these guys are to figure out what's the oldest rock

55:47 know about. They care about the more than the rims. When I

55:50 doing that, doing that highlight I didn't care about the course.

55:54 want to know the ribs. So you choose to pay attention to,

55:57 depends on what your studies about this about. You know, oldest

56:01 And get your paper in the picture the paper kind of stuff. And

56:05 still the oldest rock. We know zircons. That this this was the

56:09 paper, there's some other papers that put some zircons more up here.

56:14 by looking at all of these zircons I think these these these these

56:19 these were the multi zircon analysis from papers. But then this this paper

56:24 in and looked at single points and to push points up to here.

56:31 um And they said a subsequent paper some more zircons that pushes it up

56:35 here. And so this oldest rock we know about has an agent of

56:40 4.1 billion. And it has come this more modern techniques of being able

56:45 look at little bits. And then is the paper, this is an

56:50 of the same sort of approach, through these are zircons, not from

56:54 the, not the oldest rock, the oldest stuff. These are individual

56:59 from the sandstone. And again, we do the individuals, we don't

57:03 them up and of course you would want to mix them up if you're

57:06 about a sandstone because that's, that's guaranteed of putting things together that don't

57:13 together. We'll talk a lot about . Maybe today. Um, you

57:18 , the ability to measure grains one a time opened up this whole new

57:22 of looking at sandstone, whole great to understand. But you know,

57:27 when back when the technology wasn't so . Well, we could just assume

57:32 all from the same granite. So know, averaging together makes sense,

57:36 ? They have the same history, have the same chemistry. We'll just

57:39 them together because we can't avoid They never did that with sand

57:43 They didn't say, well, we can't measure singles or cons,

57:47 we'll measure them together. They waited whole, the whole, the whole

57:51 approach of looking at sand stones had wait until the mass spectrometers got good

57:57 to look at grains one at a . Uh, here's what we

58:01 This is one of those first this is a sandstone. It's anarchy

58:04 sandstone, but they were again trying to work on this. What's

58:09 oldest bit we got problems and they some of these individuals are cons back

58:16 about 4.4 billion and this by picking out one at a time looking at

58:21 cores. Not worrying about the Um There's two groups that have worked

58:26 this mostly this is the group from and the other group from U.

58:31 . L. A. Have done more than anybody else. Um

58:34 C. L. A. Um The guy in charge from

58:37 C. L. A. Group my PhD supervisor and he's told me

58:40 you know they there's thousands, you they've looked at hundreds of thousands of

58:46 from this from this thing because now can automate it. They can set

58:49 up zap zap but nobody come home then come back in the morning.

58:53 500 zircons have been analyzed. Uh what they usually do is set it

58:58 to do it really fast And and precision and they you know they do

59:04 overnight and seven or eight of them older than 3.8. They go back

59:11 those and do three and do it well and find out whether it's 3.8

59:15 3.9 or 4.4. But only about of the zircons are older than four

59:21 . Uh but tend to so get of the old ones that had to

59:26 at literally hundreds of thousands of But you know nowadays they do

59:32 Okay I think. Oh so that's Zircons and old rocks. Just we

59:38 point out that you can date other by uranium lead. Here's a here's

59:42 example of a, of a paper looked at speen, although some people

59:48 call steen tight night. Um and should point out that the the substitution

59:56 spine has tight tedium in it. what uranium is substituted for is

60:02 titanium is also plus four. So can date scene and here's some here's

60:07 data that gives a from a from sort of granted I think from Argentina

60:12 an age of 4 76. you date other minerals like appetite and a

60:20 of others. Um Spin and appetite the more common minerals in rocks like

60:25 . It's been shown through some good , mostly that the closure temperature of

60:31 in spain and appetite is much lower it is in zircon. Zircons,

60:34 know, super high Speaking in the or around four or 500. Um

60:40 once again, if you're looking at rapidly cool granite or a real light

60:45 something like that, it's just fine date the scene. But if you're

60:49 at a metamorphic rock or a very cool granite, it's probably going to

60:54 you a different age than the Zircons gonna start keeping time at 800

60:59 and the and the spin's gonna start time at 500 degrees. And if

61:04 a slowly cool sample, that could a long time between. And of

61:09 if you're interested in the applet history this mountain, that's valuable information.

61:17 . Just a little bit about measurement . Um Nowadays you'll see three things

61:23 are done. Um the first is thermal ionization mass spectrometer. And that's

61:29 technique that has been used for 60 years. It's just that the

61:34 get better and better and better and . And so even now thermal ionization

61:39 spectrometry or Timms tIM's will um still you know, pretty good results and

61:45 don't need to put in, you , a shovel full of zircons.

61:49 can now do them one at a . But the disadvantage of tim's is

61:55 you have to take the sample and it in some acid and dissolve it

62:00 then treat that liquid. Certain way put that that liquid through an ion

62:07 column and you gather the uranium and lead and then you put it on

62:10 filament that then you heat it up analyze it by heating it up.

62:14 where the thermal ionization comes from. This has very high temporal resolution.

62:21 a very precise technique. This is you're going to get the really,

62:25 know, pleasure -10% sort of stuff the machine is very good and very

62:31 . And you can and if you you have a big enough sample you'll

62:35 really good results good and good in of precise. The disadvantage is you

62:40 to dissolve the whole crystal or you to dissolve whatever it is you're

62:44 you have to take that thing and it in there. So if there's

62:46 variation in that thing you're using it be averaged out. Um It also

62:52 more time. You know, you you gotta take your sample, you've

62:55 to dissolve it in acid, you to put it through the columns.

62:58 mean that that could take a couple weeks. Um And because of all

63:03 extra stuff, there's the cost of and the machine, the tIM's machine

63:08 pretty expensive to buy. So you say this has high temporal precision,

63:12 spatial resolution. It's not a fast , takes a lot of money to

63:18 the machine and keep it operating. . And another said that technique That

63:25 that concept of Tim's has been back years. It's just that they do

63:30 better now. But these other two are not old things. The

63:36 secondary ionization mass spectrometry that started in , started with that paper I showed

63:41 here that 1989 paper. But um didn't take off until maybe, Well

63:50 guess it sort of took off in 90s and there are a few of

63:54 but there and there are, you , you want to find a laboratory

63:58 does thermal ionization mass spectrometer, they're hard to find. Um because although

64:04 expensive they're not super expensive. You a machine that you might need a

64:08 this size maybe not not this size this size and you know some some

64:14 things and the machine itself might cost don't know five or $600,000. The

64:21 machines will take a room this size I don't think you're gonna get any

64:27 out of $3 million. So you've to be able to you know,

64:31 with a you know sort of $3 $4 million dollar outlay. Which is

64:35 there aren't very many of these around when we get to the cost of

64:39 last one. But why would you $3 million? Well because of the

64:44 high spatial resolution. The what we in the secondary ionization is a is

64:50 beam of ions either season or oxygen which are hitting the crystal. And

64:56 will cause the the um cloud of to come out here and they can

65:01 shot into a plasma. But the that that system can analyze. Just

65:07 tiny amount of material. And the of these beams to liberate. Just

65:11 tiny amount of material means that you really start looking at geochemical variations on

65:16 scale. Just a few microns. the what's the you know so you

65:19 might see what's the history of this as it grew or even if you've

65:24 just a teeny little rim, You like you're interested in the age of

65:28 right light but it's mostly core, if you've only got a 10 mil

65:33 spot, you know, so it it has unparalleled spatial resolutions um and

65:42 temporal resolution is still pretty good. precision on those ages. Not

65:46 Maybe not quite as good as tim's it comes with this other thing.

65:51 problem with secondary with sims is it's relatively slow. Maybe not as slow

65:55 tim's and as I said, it's high set up costs. There

66:00 you know, I don't know how sims labs there are in the world

66:03 days. There's still not very I mean you know people people have

66:09 here and there but you hear you know, you hear about laboratories

66:13 are trying to get sims. They on getting the money for sims for

66:17 , 15 years and never get it it's, you know, you have

66:20 convince, you know, your university your National Science Foundation or something to

66:26 . So there's one at U. . L. A. There's one

66:29 stanford. I'm not that all the States I think it might be.

66:37 they started in Australia, there's one Canberra, there's one in Perth the

66:42 that makes smokes of them now is paris. So there's several in

66:46 there's one in London or Cambridge. in Cambridge. Uh there's a couple

66:53 japan I think. But that's all there there you know $4 or $5

67:00 dollars just to just to open the and run. But they're nice then

67:06 the inductive lee coupled plasma mass spectrometry I. C. P.

67:10 S. And that is the data came from the pilot study I showed

67:16 was done here at U. Of . Uh And there are a lot

67:19 of these I. C. M. S. Labs around these

67:22 because um although the temporal precision is as good. You see that you

67:28 when we when we did that we some nice crystals and we zapped it

67:33 times. We still got an uncertainty about what was that? 35 plus

67:38 -15. That's one part in. ? Is that? One part in

67:48 ? Right. That's not a That's that's 1.5. That's between one

67:53 2%. Okay. Why do we up with that? Because these machines

68:00 pretty cheap? The cost of one these things is not three million.

68:04 not 600,000. It's like 250,000. it's much easier to say oh I

68:09 one of those and you can and the other thing that the other thing

68:12 really nice about it is it's You can get 300 of those little

68:18 in an afternoon. So fast. gotta and the spatial resolution is still

68:23 good. It's not quite as good sims. Sims might get down to

68:27 microns. Uh I C P. . S. It's more like 25

68:31 its best. And you can make bigger if you want. So it's

68:36 good. So if you were, know, had a sample and you

68:42 to be dated, you would go one of these kinds of labs.

68:46 If you're interested in fast, the . C. P. M.

68:49 . Is the way to go. you're interested in the ultimate precision,

68:53 the other two were better. Uh again you got fast, you got

68:57 and you've got good, you can't all three of those. Uh And

69:03 this this illustrates stuff. Um Well that there we already talked about

69:09 Oh this is just to point out I just said this this is the

69:13 is the I. C. M. S. Data and you

69:16 35 plus 9.4. That's okay. it was fast and cheap.

69:23 You want something else, You pay more money. Be more patient

69:27 get better. Um This just shows history of publication of these sorts of

69:33 . Look at the tim's. So have what we have in the red

69:36 are the reported precision of the The blue line is the reported sample

69:42 that was used And then on the we have the publication year. So

69:48 Tim's we go back to the 1970s you see that back in 1970,

69:53 were having to look at million micrograms analyze it and analyze a whole gram

70:01 material. That's a lot of And when they did that they got

70:06 reported precision of about one and a . So back in 1970 you

70:12 you know, you you know, 1.5%. Everybody said okay fine.

70:17 you have to when you look at data you have to remember they were

70:19 at you know, half a gram more of material. That means they

70:23 averaging stuff together and that comes with . But please we can analyze what

70:43 , today, that's because of the of the machines. They had they

70:50 to analyze this much weight up 10 to the 5th, 10 to

70:54 sixth range of my microgram. This a million micrograms for a grant.

71:02 . They had to they had to it wasn't the number of zircons,

71:06 was the weight of the circle. if they if you didn't have half

71:10 gram of material analysis was not likely be very good because of the sensitivity

71:16 the machine. We needed a big . And so that's why I always

71:20 shovel the Zircons in there because you , and and I mean if you

71:24 a single zircon that was an inch . That would have been fun.

71:28 garcons are generally small. So that you needed a fuser. Cons a

71:33 dozen, maybe 100 depending on what up to. Which means you have

71:38 collect samples that were the size of table, bring them home. You

71:42 , I had to get back to drawing and then process them. So

71:47 a lot more work to get all zircons because you couldn't analyze to reserve

71:51 or three zircons. You needed you a quarter of a gram of

71:54 If you were lucky. Now this that over time the amount of material

71:59 went down from half a gram you know, 10 micrograms nowadays.

72:05 that's you know, now you can at a single zircon and analyze

72:08 You still have to put it in , but you've dropped the necessary amount

72:13 material by a factor of almost a . That's good. And while doing

72:20 , not only because sensitivity went up the precision of the And now we're

72:25 about decisions that are a quarter of percent, pretty really darn good.

72:31 you don't. But compare that to sample weight on say sims. Here

72:38 go for a million down to Well, ever since the beginning of

72:43 we were starting at a value of six. And that hasn't changed very

72:46 . We need about shooting it's not . This nano here we're talking about

72:53 micrograms. Even in 1980. A machine. This $5 million machine was

73:01 analyzing just continue a little bit. got just a few nanograms and that

73:05 changed and the but but here's the off instead of this one or 1%

73:11 better. We started at about 4% now we've moved down about 3%.

73:17 by able to were able to analyze a tedious little bit of samples.

73:22 so that means you're not mixing anything and pick it right and then compare

73:27 to I. C. P. . S. And here we are

73:30 we're back to micro laser spot Not quite same as as a as

73:37 grams. But it gives you a of the size of things, laser

73:41 diameter goes from about 50 microns to 30. And the reported precision has

73:48 from from 15 back in the in in the mid-90s to a precision of

73:53 2%. And that's what I showed in the in the data that we

73:57 from you of age a couple years is about 2%. Um So there

74:02 your choices. Um And of course would only be talking about this.

74:07 can just talk about the modern here I C p M. S.

74:11 2% since two or 3% tim's quarter a percent. But you're not analyzing

74:20 same thing here, you're analyzing some of of of the equivalent of 10

74:26 here. You're analyzing the equivalent of nanograms but with a greater I'm

74:36 So as you consider your needs of project, you know, and you

74:45 I can film for these for these of things. Often I've dealt with

74:50 companies, I used to run an lab. I don't anymore. We're

74:54 talk about argon next. I used run an argon lab and they used

74:58 oil companies used to call me up say we've got a sample and I

75:03 learned far too late that you can oil companies just about whatever you

75:07 I don't care. You know, drilling a well right $100 million

75:12 And you say, well, would be okay if you paid $5000 for

75:17 ? Um so if you're an oil and you don't really have to pay

75:21 too much about how much is this to cost? This will cost the

75:26 . These will cost more. This , this is faster. This

75:31 you know, relatively speaking kind of but it might be appropriate. Plus

75:37 -2%. Might be plenty good for of lots of of problems. Um

75:46 then, and, and that applies data mostly applies to zircons. But

75:52 , as I said, we can , we can date other things I

75:55 seen already, I mentioned appetite you can also do root eel.

75:59 Delhi is a mineral that you'll find Mayfair rocks? It's a silica under

76:05 zircon? It's just zirconium oxide. If there's cilic around you make sure

76:10 but if there's not cilic around, less silica around like in a basalt

76:15 make uh and then Xena time is sort of phosphate that you might

76:21 You'll notice that all of those minerals either phosphates or they are silicates or

76:28 that have zirconium or titanium because that's and titanium are the things that uranium

76:36 substitute for. Think that's the end that. Yeah. Um Any questions

76:46 uranium lead dating. Zircons. um now I'm going through all

76:54 So that's our first main technique. go through some other techniques and then

76:58 go through applications. We'll talk you know, ideas and so I

77:03 to finish today, getting through all the, I will get through all

77:08 techniques and then probably talk about the dating today. And then next friday

77:14 be mostly all about applications about, know, let's and so next

77:20 you need, you know, you to come really knowing what the closure

77:23 of the systems are. You this is throwing a lot of information

77:27 you, you know, what's the champion of this. What do you

77:30 that that, that graph I showed had like 10 things on it.

77:34 you need to be studying this next are sort of, what are the

77:39 temperature of zircon, What are the temperature of feldspar and so forth.

77:44 when we talk about applications, that's stuff you have to know to know

77:48 which technique to apply to which but we're not, you know,

77:52 haven't given you all that information I'm just pointing out that's where we're

77:55 next. So that's the end of . Let's take a break. It's

78:01 what time is it? It's Um let's come back at 9:55.

78:16 , so our next topic, it's be the potassium argon system, although

78:37 we'll see that we're gonna use a of potassium argon dating that's not used

78:42 . This is a picture of what want. The best potassium argon lab

78:48 ever been to. I said I to have a lab um not as

78:53 as this one here at U. H but we shut that down a

78:55 years ago. This is the lab New Mexico Tech run by my friend

79:01 Heisler. We both went to graduate together and it's really anyway, it's

79:07 great lap. Um And that's how , that's the mess. That's actually

79:13 actually two different mass spectrometers put together there. Um So what's going on

79:20 ? We have um potassium. Now gonna pay attention to? There are

79:26 isotopes of potassium, 39 40 and 39 and 40 or 39 and 41

79:33 stable. See most and most of potassium is 39, but just a

79:40 little bit 100% of all the potassium there is potassium 40 and it's

79:49 has a half life of one and quarter billion years. Um The reason

79:55 put I put it in red because radioactive, I put 39 in red

79:59 we're gonna use it in a very way. Our potassium 41 plays no

80:05 here. Um there are two different in which potassium 40 decays um About

80:16 of the time decays by beta decay calcium 40. And about 11% of

80:23 time it decays by electron capture to 40. When we measure the amount

80:31 potassium, We have to take into that most of the potassium went to

80:37 else. But we know that it's a ratio of 89-11. And so

80:41 can account for that. But if just took the amount of potassium that

80:45 there now, and and the amount Argon was there. Now you get

80:48 very different answer because there used to , you know, back when that

80:52 that when that sample started it had more potassium 89% of the decays have

80:57 to something else that we don't measure we get the ar but we know

81:02 so we take care of that. because we've got these two decays,

81:07 the total half life is the sum the two different. Uh So the

81:15 K. Constant, you know, these values for these two things,

81:20 we put the whole thing together. the effective half life of the system

81:25 one in a quarter billion years. when we measure potassium and argon,

81:29 can use that, that decay And that's a really convenient uh Past

81:38 , half life, that's a billion has gone through only four, you

81:42 , only about 3.5 half lives since age of the earth. So we

81:47 really gotten down to that unusual but it's also not a super,

81:54 not a super short, I mean is, it is long enough to

81:59 be used for old rocks, but is short enough that you can use

82:03 for pretty young rocks. And indeed you, because it's potassium and we

82:07 minerals like potassium feldspar that are you know, full of potassium,

82:14 can date things that are really, young there, the eruption of Mount

82:19 , the historical eruption in 67, . Well known eruption that was dated

82:25 this technique And they got, it 67 a. D. they got

82:30 date of like 2000 plus or -300 . It's the rare instance where we

82:36 exactly what the right answer is and got it within uncertainty. So you

82:40 date rocks that are just thousands of old with this technique and also billions

82:45 years old. So that's very So, you know, we know

82:52 potassium 40 decays to Argon 40. gonna have to pay attention to the

82:56 isotopes of argon. Then There are other naturally occurring stable isotopes, Argon

83:02 and Argon 38. Argon 37 and 39 are not naturally occurring because they

83:09 such short half lives. But we're to make them in the nuclear reactor

83:13 use them to our advantage. But won't get to that for a

83:17 But just in terms of argon, argon dating 37 and 39 are not

83:24 . Um You see that we have all of our argon is Argon 40

83:32 of the argon. We're breathing right is Argon 40. There's a small

83:36 of 36 an even smaller amount of . So again, we have the

83:44 life of one and a quarter I said all this already because we

83:49 have up to 14% K. To insanity. I said this already the

83:54 . R. System can be used almost the entirety of Earth history.

83:59 right then Age equation same as before , daughters to begin with parents Atlanta

84:07 . Nice one. Um However, got a little bit of an issue

84:15 that we have to account for the of 40 that decays to argon.

84:21 So if we assume that there's no to begin with. And that's a

84:24 good assumption for a noble gas. We're going to look at the cake

84:31 here as a ratio of cake constant argon to the total decay constant.

84:37 with that we can just re arrange tea and we get the equation that

84:41 equals one over lambda times the log all this. Where this is what

84:45 measure in the lab to measure the of argon 40 radio genic. Uh

84:51 uh fantastic for it. Uh If like, as in other applications,

85:01 can do um an ice across. we will use the argon 36 as

85:11 state doesn't as the no normalizing isotope , well, we don't have much

85:17 . Um I didn't mention this but For art for for for Rubidium

85:23 , 86 ratios. Why didn't we rubidium 86? The reason we chose

85:30 , you know, there are other of strontium? The reason we chose

85:34 is it's the one that's closest in to most 87 samples. Remember remember

85:40 initial ratios we were talking about had about .7. Mass spectrometers are really

85:46 did talk about this maybe did mass are really good at measuring ratios about

85:51 . Uh And so we chose a isotope that will give us ratios near

85:57 . You can choose another one we don't have a choice. We're

86:00 have a ratio near 300 40-36 I . That's enough of that. So

86:14 potassium argon would proceed much like other . Except the problem we have a

86:20 in potassium argon dating that we didn't to worry about in any of these

86:24 things. And that's because the geochemistry potassium argon are very different. They

86:31 be measured on the same machinery. is a noble gas, potassium is

86:38 metal. Just can't be done. so you have to split the sample

86:43 . You have to use some of sample to measure the potassium. Take

86:48 of the sample over here. Different measure the argon and then get the

86:52 of the two concentrations. Remember I that Mass spectrometers are better at measuring

87:00 than concentrations. But here we have figure out a concentration of potassium 40

87:05 a concentration of radio genic art on . Make a quotient at the

87:10 So not only do we having to a quotient of concentrations, but we're

87:14 to do it by splitting the sample our And once we do that,

87:17 have to assume that the amount of that we measure on here concentration of

87:24 here that we measured is the same the concentration of argon. We measured

87:27 the potassium bit and vice versa. measured potassium over here. We have

87:31 assume that that's representative of the potassium over here. Now the samples are

87:36 and they came from right next to other. Well, what can you

87:40 ? But that that's a that's a . Right? Whereas in all of

87:44 other machines machines, we put the and strontium the same apparatus, You

87:49 measure them at the same time. you're measuring them of the same

87:54 You don't have to break the crystal half and put it over at the

87:59 least that there's not the sampling handling . Well, how are we going

88:02 break a crystalline or we're going to two separate christians. And that's a

88:07 issue of potassium argon analysis which will rid of very quickly. Um

88:14 they all and this goes back to to the various ways of measuring potassium

88:20 there never were very good and but but that's how you would measure protest

88:29 to measure argon, you heat, heat the sample up and argon will

88:35 be lifted from the sample and eventually have to melt the sample because in

88:40 some crystals particularly felt spars uh at the all the argon will eventually go

88:48 the vapor phase. And you can it. But but that's not until

88:51 melt it, you know, you For for for some minerals if you

88:55 to put it at say seven or Um it would take forever to get

89:01 the argon out of it. So just go ahead and melt it and

89:03 it gets out easier. Um But is why um you can't measure the

89:11 and potassium on the same bit because you melt the sample, the potassium

89:16 volatile ized. And it's not a melted bit that you've got the argon

89:20 , it's no longer a viable choice measure the potassium. You've changed the

89:25 too much, you've got the argon . That's good. But now if

89:28 changed it in other ways that you trust, so you could do the

89:35 thing as before. We did this rubidium. Well obviously there's more potassium

89:40 these rocks than than rubidium. Use same minerals do the same thing.

89:45 know, here we here in you know, the only thing that's

89:48 is we're done still parent normalizing daughter normal, this is the case

89:55 this blah blah blah. Great. , we can do this. Um

90:04 the problem is that the closure temperature these various minerals tends to be kind

90:10 different. Some some some cases quite bit different and this might be okay

90:17 a volcanic rock, but this won't for a granite or a granite or

90:24 shift because those things slow cool And if you're clocks don't start keeping

90:33 at the same time, they won't this assumption of having the same initial

90:39 . This this works because these things all broken all set in at the

90:42 time. But if the closure temperature these systems is very different and by

90:47 , we can mean, you some systems for are gone the closure

90:50 500, some it might be as as 150. And so if you're

90:55 cooling just like that, then they begin telling time at the same

91:00 And that's an assumption we make in ice upon approach. Probably not true

91:05 in almost any granite. That won't true. So you won't see potassium

91:11 ice icons very much in plutonic Um and so to get around

91:19 they chose this approach which was phenomenal in the in the frequency with which

91:26 kind of worked. But they did things, which really can be thought

91:31 one point Cron's. They said, , we're gonna measure our sample

91:36 we've got a point on the darker what we're gonna do with that.

91:39 , we're going to assume that the value of our system is equal to

91:44 initial equal to the atmosphere. We're right now, That ratio of

91:50 30 to 6 is about to And so they said, well,

91:56 just going to run the line through point and that point we got a

92:00 and it produced a series of data many laboratories over many years, that

92:07 sense other than it had to be on this ridiculous assumption. These

92:13 you know, we're looking at a type from a granite, it crystallized

92:17 there 100 million years ago. Why the composition of modern atmosphere be valuable

92:23 this? Well, they didn't have other choice because they can't use the

92:29 a Cron approach generally because we know closure temperatures are so different. But

92:33 all basically ran it through this one to this one point and it seemed

92:37 work. And that's all you can is it, it worked. The

92:42 news is we're soon gonna stop, know, I'm giving you this merely

92:46 historical context. If this sounds don't worry, we don't use

92:50 we don't do this anymore. But they did it, you know,

92:55 found some data that was okay. even back when they were doing

93:01 they began to understand that there was issue with, with ages being different

93:05 this is why and this is the understanding that I would have, you

93:10 about closure temperature of argon. These the Big Four minerals. There are

93:15 minerals that we can talk about. may mention a couple of other examples

93:18 or there, but these are the East horn blend, high closure temperature

93:24 500 muscovites closer to 400 by type bales. Park has quite a range

93:30 can be as low as one high street, all of these um

93:34 to be depending, you know, It's not 300, always 300 can

93:41 with lots of things. We talked the reasons it can vary because of

93:44 rate. It can also vary because composition. The iron magnesium ratio of

93:48 biotech matters a little bit. But , this is a broad understanding that

93:53 like you to start with. And we can illustrate that with what I

94:01 is a real classic paper of potassium dating. And it shows that even

94:07 potassium argon dating you can get some results and and prove that, you

94:12 , and all of these data were with that remarkable assumption that the uh

94:17 the one point ice akron was was by having the second point the modern

94:24 . And what this is what this is is a block of data at

94:45 at and away from the contact between Duluth Gay bro. Up in,

94:55 in Minnesota, the gay bro, is intruding some metamorphic rocks and these

95:03 not from the Gay bro, but the country rocks away from the context

95:08 these are all potassium argon ages. this paper was published in 1967,

95:13 really old. But again it's fine idea and what we see are different

95:19 plotted reference to the content is a gap bro. So those are

95:26 big thing, there's a lot of energy that's attached to the to the

95:30 rough. And if we look at data in some combination, you

95:35 we see the harm blends are plotted here in the circles and we plot

95:41 like that. We have a pattern that. The muscovites are in the

95:46 , the baia tights are in the square and the cape belts bars are

95:49 the red square. So you see we look at them with the lines

95:53 on there, we see a really pattern right at the contact. All

95:59 tell us that they were reheated about billion years ago and that is in

96:03 the age of the he'll lose But as we move away from the

96:13 we see variations for the horn We see that we move just a

96:18 100 just a few meters away from contact, we start to get older

96:23 and by the time we get up about a kilometer and a half away

96:26 the contact, we've got agents that close to three billion years old.

96:32 the other systems not quite so much muscovites, we don't have as many

96:38 , but the muscovites, If you to three km away from the

96:43 there is still not up to there are more like 2.3 And the

96:49 . And if you notice the bio we have going back here two km

96:53 , we still have agents that are much the same agency intrusion eight

96:57 But then they rapidly move up here they get to these old ages

97:01 But not until you get to be km away from the from the

97:07 And then the Cape Belts bars, stay very young even five km

97:12 They've only jumped from one billion to and a quarter or one and a

97:16 billion. And so this illustrates very with this sort of graphic approach how

97:23 is. These systems behave differently as country rocks were disturbed by this big

97:30 of thermal energy. Remember Gabe rose a high high temperature, big a

97:36 of energy goes in here. And but the horn blends except for the

97:40 blends right next to the contact. didn't really feel it for given ages

97:45 are, you know, the age you'll see throughout the region. Whereas

97:50 K. fell as far as you five km away and they're still profoundly

97:54 by this. What can we, can we conclude about these systems based

98:01 this uh, on this pattern? nice thing about these geologic experiments is

98:16 we can say that this whole all these systems have have experienced the same

98:21 event. Right. And whatever it and it's not like, you

98:26 I talked yesterday about how we we our we want our experiment to

98:30 you know, not like my oven home. We want the oven to

98:32 straight up and straight down. that would be nice, but that's

98:37 what happened here in geology land. the good news is whatever happened,

98:41 happened to all the samples the So, given that why are these

98:49 displaying such a different pattern in age distance? Yeah, that's because of

99:01 . Because of this, they have different sensitivity to being reheated.

99:06 the harm blends have to be heated hot in order for the you know

99:11 we do. What we don't have is a graph of temperature versus

99:15 Right? But in a sense, do because if we know the closure

99:21 of these minerals, we can say the rocks one kilometer away from this

99:26 probably never got heated above 400 degrees the horn blends seem to be undisturbed

99:32 them and the muscovites only slightly Whereas way out near five kilometers

99:37 we can tell that those rocks probably heated in excess of 200 degrees if

99:43 believe the closure temperatures that I gave earlier, These rocks were heated up

99:48 200° or more way out here somewhere 200. Yes, but below

99:55 perhaps because these minerals here are So this is just a quantitative description

100:02 the variation in these mineral systems, corresponds to the call. I said

100:09 , This is a qualitative approach Which to the quantitative numbers I gave you

100:15 ? Those numbers come from more sophisticated that weren't done in the 1960s.

100:20 this is the best sort of graphical distance one that I like to

100:26 Um Okay, now it turns out because of a lot of reasons nobody

100:34 potassium argon anymore. There's a couple labs in the world that exists for

100:38 special reason, which we'll get But we're gonna move on now.

100:43 for the rest of any kind of argon stuff, we're gonna be talking

100:48 this thing that's called the Argon 40 technique which completely supersedes potassium argon.

100:55 it has many advantages which will contrast a minute. It first started to

101:03 used in the 1960s when it was . And I think it was kind

101:07 discovered by accident. Although they might thought theoretically this was possible, but

101:12 was discovered by a guy in That if you put some potassium samples

101:19 a nuclear reactor in the right part the nuclear reactor, neutrons will be

101:26 out in that. And neutrons will in and some of those high energy

101:31 or the right kind of energy will the uh potassium 39 atoms and be

101:39 into Argon 39 atoms. And this the n key reaction I wrote on

101:46 board yesterday, neutron goes in proton out now. Why is that a

101:51 thing. Haven't slide here. I don't. Why is that

101:56 Because remember what's the problem with what's of the biggest problem with potassium argon

102:02 is you can't measure the potassium and on the same machine. Now,

102:09 have made a thing. We have a an Argon 39, which doesn't

102:16 in nature because it has a half of 269 years. That's a

102:21 That's a really short half life for , but it's plenty long for our

102:26 . 369 years. We're gonna, know, we've got plenty of we

102:29 have to worry about it going You know, if if potassium argon

102:34 had a half life of 10 the rest of this lecture wouldn't be

102:40 . We have to have this hanging , it's perfect. Um but why

102:46 it? What's so good about Because now, what we have done

102:49 we have made something that didn't exist , Which is a consequence of potassium

102:57 . It's a proxy for the potassium now. But the potassium 39 is

103:02 really the parent, you say That's because the ratio of potassium 39 potassium

103:08 isn't fixed amount. So with But with this technique we can figure

103:13 how much potassium 39 is in our by measuring the Argon 39. And

103:18 we know how much potassium 39 is the sample, we can figure out

103:22 much potassium 40 in the sample That's just a big ratio in

103:27 So now what we've done is produced by sending the sample a nuclear

103:31 We have tricked some of the potassium becoming argon and we can measure now

103:35 argon 39 which is a proxy for parent on the same machine that we

103:41 the argon 40 which is the daughter . So now we just need one

103:51 . Is that your happy face? bit what? Well, it's a

103:58 bit complicated, but I mean, understand the problem right? We've got

104:04 geochemistry. Can't measure them on the machine. But if we could trick

104:09 of the potassium into becoming argument now can measure two kinds of organ on

104:14 machine. So what we by sending to the nuclear reactor, we take

104:19 of the Argon 30 some of the 39 make argon 30. There wasn't

104:25 Argon 39 in our sample before. so. And what I haven't gotten

104:31 is how we can measure how we the amount of argon 39 that we

104:35 to the amount of argon potassium And in our sample There's there's some

104:41 more coming on that. But if can if we have if we understand

104:45 ratio of produced Argon 39 to targeted 39. We understand how that

104:53 Well then argon 39 is telling us three 1,039 is not the parent,

105:04 It's perfect. We know exactly what ratio between 39 and 40 is in

105:08 sample. Right? Let's just go to make sure I Oh right.

105:22 why this isn't red here. Because have a way of learning about this

105:26 immediately tells us about this because this is a fixed value. That'd be

105:32 comfortable. Now. That's the key . Is that learning about this?

105:36 it the parent? No, it's . But all you gotta do is

105:40 by this ratio. And that tells the concentration of the parents. And

105:45 with that we have now a wonderful deal with, in which we have

105:50 capacity to measure the parents and the on the same machine. And we

105:56 that's just the beginning of the Um But because we're measuring on the

106:01 machine, we a don't need to and be remember I said that these

106:06 are good at measuring ratios, but at measuring uh concentrations. We no

106:12 have to measure concentrations. We can stick with what we're good with

106:16 So we're way ahead. And then third advantage that we'll get to is

106:22 we don't actually have to measure all gas all at one time. We

106:25 to that in a minute. Um here's the here's the equation for Argon

106:33 production. The amount of Argon 39 we make from potassium is going to

106:39 related to the concentration of potassium 39 present. It's going to be related

106:47 how long you send this to the reactor. You know, do you

106:51 it in there for an hour or a week? Obviously, the longer

106:54 shoot the neutrons are, the more these you'll make. And then it's

106:58 to be related to these two which is the the flux of energy

107:03 these electrons are coming out at. that's some function of the uh of

107:08 nuclear reactor. And then it's also to be what's called the neutron capture

107:13 section, which is the probability of N. P. Reaction actually

107:20 And he throws some neutrons out of uh new nucleus. They don't always

107:28 . Okay, well um the problem is that these things are kind of

107:36 to know. Really hard though and don't they're not constant values. The

107:41 reactor can change its power settings and up and down and that's a real

107:45 issue. So we're not there But what we can do is we've

107:51 this, we've got this Argon 39 and we've got the, excuse

107:58 we've got the oh I did. just divide that equation by, we

108:02 the age equation by that equation and get this and you know, we're

108:08 not there yet. But what do have now is the radio genic Argon

108:14 provided by the Argon 39. That produced by potassium by this ratio which

108:21 that ratio of potassium isotopes in That's a constant. And this is

108:26 ratio of the total of the cake the art dot com. That's a

108:30 a constant. And then you've got of this stuff here from the last

108:35 which is difficult. We still don't what that is. And then we

108:37 got your standard one stuff. So gotten something this this we measure this

108:47 measure the constant. It's a That's a constant. That's the time

108:51 looking for. And this is a difficult problem. Good, how are

108:57 gonna deal with that the way we're to deal with that is that we

109:02 all of these things we don't And instead of calling it delta times

109:07 integration of lambda and v delta We just call it J. And

109:13 we've got one equation that that gets of all this stuff and we just

109:17 it J. And of course that's problem but it doesn't fix anything because

109:22 we're just calling it J. Um do we bother to do that?

109:27 the reason we do that is because get a simpler equation. Okay,

109:31 fine. But now we could take equation and we can solve it for

109:37 t the time they were interested in we can solve it for this

109:40 Thing. Why do we do Well the reason we do that is

109:47 Art on 40 39 technique requires us have a standard mineral to compare to

109:54 we're gonna do. When we send samples to the nuclear reactor, we

109:59 our unknowns, which we don't know . We also send some standards.

110:05 do know t from that, we're to calculate J. J. Is

110:11 this parameter of the radiation? And we know J. Put it in

110:20 . And so the 40 39 technique standards of known age. And this

110:25 why we still have some potassium argon because they can actually give you the

110:31 argon age of the sample and we use that as the known value.

110:36 are other ways to get the known and that's not always done these

110:40 But anyway, you have to have accepted value and you'll find. And

110:44 every time you do this you have , you know, you publish a

110:48 , you have to say the monitor we used was this, no,

110:53 mineral has got a name. You , we used G a 15 50

110:57 type. That's what we used fish tough sanity. You know,

111:02 and we assume when we used fish stuff tough sanity, we applied an

111:08 of 27.7 million years And you you report that because if it comes

111:14 pass later on that people decided that age of fish Canyon tough sanity is

111:20 than is not 27.7 it's actually Well all you gotta do is recalculate

111:26 old asians. Uh huh and anything that's fine. As long as you

111:33 what you did. So you take age, you take a standard that

111:39 think you know that would think, know the the age of and this

111:44 one fashion this, it can be other ways but but graphically this is

111:48 to show you will, you would a bunch of samples to the nuclear

111:55 and maybe in a fashion like this you've got like a two full of

111:59 minerals. These minerals might be wrapped in some kind of foil or you

112:03 , some sort of capsule or some sort of capsule that the neutrons

112:08 go through and you arrange them like with standards and unknowns and you might

112:13 to put these standards every centimeter or because the variation of neutron flux can

112:19 that much over a relatively short amount space. You can't just throw in

112:23 standard for the whole thing, which more work. But that's the way

112:27 is. So you put all these in here and it comes back from

112:32 nuclear reactor and we're gonna analyze all these. And the thing we do

112:37 is that, you know, because we know that this this this neutron

112:42 varies with position. We're gonna keep of where these were in position.

112:48 then we're going to plot out a that that comes from these unknowns.

112:55 standard calculate J. For each one these because we haven't accepted a 27.7

113:02 years or whatever it is. Go to that, go back to

113:08 You know, we know the time this, we calculate the J.

113:14 we plot the J. On a like this and it may have,

113:18 know, some variation like this, been a typical J. Curve and

113:23 and then we can then use that to figure out what the J.

113:29 for all our own donuts. all of that stuff that was hard

113:35 know is packaged into this one factor . And we just plug that in

113:40 we never worry about what the what what the, you know, the

113:44 cross section function looks like. It's all jammed into this one thing and

113:50 all, but it all depends on having a good sense of the age

113:53 the standard, the standards 27 million old. We're gonna get one age

113:57 the standard is 37 million years we're going to get a different.

114:01 you have to have some confidence in your standard ages. So a lot

114:05 work goes into that? And you know, fish canyon Tufts a

114:08 example in which people fuss for many about, you know, they started

114:11 27.7 and they've moved up to 28 oh five or something like that.

114:16 a little bit older than they used think. Um And so if you

114:20 at a paper that's published, you , a few years before this other

114:23 , you can't compare them unless you the same. And they and they

114:27 both using fish Canyon tough. If use fish canyon tough 27.7 and they

114:32 fish canyon tough 29.0. Well, agents are gonna be different just because

114:37 that. So if you want to them, you have to decide which

114:40 age to use for both of them . But this this is the foundation

114:47 the 40 39 technique. We can measure argon 40 40 and 39 on

114:54 same sample, That's better. But we have this problem of having to

115:00 what is the relationship between produced Argon And the amount of our potassium 39

115:09 your sample, which then tells you the amount of potassium 40 in your

115:14 . Because that that understanding is We have to send samples to which

115:19 know something about already. We know age. We can calculate the

115:25 So it's always relative to your But once you do that you're you're

115:30 and why? So why do we this? There's lots of advantages.

115:33 first would be speed. You you analyze it just in one you know

115:38 go. Although the speed is mitigated the fact that you have to send

115:42 sample to the nuclear reactor. And actually quite a bit of a

115:47 Because when you send your sample to nuclear actor you it would be nice

115:51 we could just shoot neutrons and hit potassium 39 atoms. But all sorts

115:56 other nasty nuclear things are made when shoot especially on on isotopes of iron

116:02 scanned iem and they make all sorts really radioactive stuff. And so your

116:08 nuclear radiation safety officer will be very about that. It's dangerous stuff.

116:14 good news about really dangerous radio activity is that they're they're dangerous because they're

116:19 active. But if they're highly active means they go away fast. So

116:25 on the size, depending on the of your radiation, um you may

116:30 to wait two or three weeks before will be before it's legal to put

116:34 in a Fedex bounce and send it to you. So the speed of

116:39 analysis is much better because it's just better thing. But it's that

116:44 Only happens after two or three weeks waiting. Uh The other advantages this

116:51 as I said, isotope ratios are more precise. And then the third

116:56 thing we haven't talked about yet is in the and the potassium argon

117:02 you have to measure all the argon all the potassium all at once and

117:06 get that ratio. We're gonna have do that here. And so what

117:11 gonna have is this technique called step . Where we heat the sample up

117:15 little bit and let some of the come out. We measure the

117:20 then we heat that sample up a hotter and we measure that ratio is

117:23 incremental step heating and oh I've got paragraphs on each one of these,

117:31 daughter and the parent are measured Yeah, so I said all this

117:37 but mitigated by the need to send sample of new brack. Um This

117:44 allows smaller samples to be dated. never have you know whatever you did

117:49 . The smallest thing you had had be split up and put apart.

117:55 I mentioned this already, the data with much more precise than the ratio

117:59 two concentrations. And then this did say this already the most significant advantage

118:05 is that this step heating which will into a lot more detail but just

118:09 is good. Um However, we to pay attention to the fact that

118:17 addition to the reactions on iron, just make the sample physically dangerous.

118:23 are some other reactions on potassium and that make the analysis of this stuff

118:31 . Uh and here's a couple of here. We have a neutron comes

118:37 to a potassium 39 nucleus and a is shot out. Great news.

118:43 made some Argon 39. Argon 39 a half life of 269 years.

118:49 perfectly usable. However, we're shooting to this whole thing. Right?

118:53 don't we don't have a neutron uh , you know, aiming gun that

118:58 just only shoot at the potassium 39 stuff. If we could just do

119:02 , that'd be wonderful. But the are going everywhere. And sometimes a

119:06 might hit a calcium 42 nucleus. in that case a neutron comes in

119:12 an alpha particle comes out. the consequence of that Is making Argon

119:22 . That's clearly bad. Right? now we're making Oregon 39 out of

119:26 different things. We only wanted to it out of potassium 39. But

119:30 made some out of calcium problem. are we gonna deal with that?

119:37 , in fact, that's not the one. Here are some other interfering

119:40 . I just mentioned this one, meant to just mentioned. Uh

119:44 here's the good one. Here's the one. I just mentioned this

119:50 We've also got this one from our calcium 40. We have another

119:55 This is an N. And alpha neutron goes in. Another neutron comes

119:59 and an alpha particle comes out. make Argon 36 which we haven't talked

120:04 much like yet. But that's also issue. Um There's also a reaction

120:10 potassium 40. You put a neutron approach on it comes out and make

120:14 40. Oh, it's getting All of that is taken care of

120:21 this other one thing. Look at . We also get an an alfa

120:25 on tests on calcium 40 neutron goes alpha comes out. We make Argon

120:34 . The good news is Argon 37 a half life of 36 days.

120:39 means the only argon wherever only Argon were ever going to measure this stuff

120:44 made in the nuclear reactor. Why that valuable? Because I'm gonna come

120:50 to that. Oh, I guess So why is that valuable? Because

120:57 we take our sample that comes back the nuclear actor, in addition to

121:03 off these santa, Dean's or bio of known age, we also have

121:08 put a couple other bits of standard in there. We put a like

121:13 bit of calcium sulfate or some calcium thing that has no potassium in

121:19 No argon. And in fact we make sure it has no argon in

121:23 by putting in the oven for a to get rid of all the So

121:27 maybe calcium sulfate or some other. then there's another thing you also put

121:32 potassium rich glasses which have no organ them. These are this material is

121:38 in potassium and has no calcium. material is rich in calcium and has

121:42 potassium. We send them to the and when we we get back we

121:48 the argon isotopes that came out of guys. There was no argon isotopes

121:52 begin with. And so we measure . But but now they've got argon

121:57 because this stuff We've made argon in samples because we've shot neutrons at the

122:02 and calcium in these things. But we know they didn't have any argon

122:06 begin with, uh we can measure ratio of 37-39 for example, in

122:15 that special calcium stuff. And that's because that gives us the the the

122:21 production ratio in our nuclear reactor for this much 37 we get this much

122:28 . And that tells us how much to subtract away because that's the calcium

122:33 39. But because we know that came from nothing else. We can

122:39 37 in our bio tied or in unknowns. We measure 37 And that

122:47 and then we measure 32nd and 39 these special samples. That gives us

122:52 correction factor. We take that and it by our 37 in our real

122:57 that tells us how much to subtract , understand. Got it.

123:03 we're fixing our problems now. Um we get the same thing by measuring

123:08 measure the 37-36 ratio, 37, . Both of those are problem

123:15 But because we have the 37 that comes from this and then there's a

123:20 approach we make for our for our rich material is we see how much

123:25 is made uh just on the P. reaction and that allows us

123:30 fix these problems. Um There's Oh and and no, but 11

123:37 then. I know that. I earlier that 39 has a half

123:41 269 years. That's nice. asking her. Uh Should be 39

123:49 a half life. 269. Here around 37 is a little less convenient

123:54 life, 36 days. What kind constraints does that place on a

124:04 40 39 laboratory. How Long is Argon? 37. Gonna be

124:24 Mhm. No, no. Half . This is the half life for

124:32 37. Half life. 37 Oh yes. Okay, well,

124:39 don't worry about 39. It's So what's the problem with 37 Something

124:52 a half life of 37 days. , it's not too short. It's

124:58 , but Well, it's it puts constraint on us. How fast do

125:02 have to analyze this stuff? You go a little more than one half

125:08 because I mean after 36 days, much is left? Yeah that's still

125:14 . After 75 days. How much left? Still might be enough.

125:20 about after 90 days? We're down about a quarter now. We're getting

125:27 be a little worried now we're a worried. So we Have to make

125:34 analyses when there's still enough argon 37 measure. And so that's gonna be

125:42 more than 3.5 4 half lives. you can't send this stuff the nuclear

125:50 and then wait a year to do analysis by then there's no 37

125:56 And so you can't make you can't multiply the 37 by some super correction

126:02 . Take away the bad 39. away the bad 36. Get an

126:05 . We've got an unknown now. only way that you can get away

126:09 that is if maybe what the sample sent to the nuclear actor didn't have

126:13 calcium. If it's a really high Ortho Claes has no calcium in

126:21 Well okay but if it's a horn it's got lots of calcium. You

126:27 analyze this in about a couple of because otherwise you got a problem.

126:32 and remember you have to wait three before it even comes back to

126:37 So unfortunately these these react these you the reactor will charge you for the

126:44 . You know you send your they're gonna want some money for

126:47 Um You can't take advantage of because they charge you by the radiation not

126:52 the size of the radiation. They say what service cost $1,000.

126:58 you can't economize on this service by them 100 samples Because then it's only

127:04 know, it's only $10 per The problem is you can't analyze 100

127:10 in in three months. You just there's just not enough time. So

127:17 active Argon lab is going to have have, if you want to analyze

127:20 every day of the year, you're have to be sending samples to the

127:24 every three or four months. Which that you know your radiation costs are

127:29 to be four times as much as you could send just one big

127:32 I got 1000 samples. I'll send all at once. Just $1000 per

127:36 for $1000.01 dollar per sample and I'll analyze them when I get around to

127:41 . You can do it. So a problem. That's just a quirk

127:50 the system. Right. You get Zircon, you know, you can

127:53 it whenever you feel like you know a sabbatical, come back two years

127:57 , it's still sitting there ready to analyzed. Not these guys, you

128:01 something to the nuclear actor, you be ready to analyze it when it

128:04 back. And I've heard stories of they send they send the sample

128:08 In the meantime there system breaks. got a problem with a pump or

128:12 got a problem with this is a with that. Those samples just eventually

128:16 stale, can't use them. So the thing that's absolutely Calcium 37 Calcium

128:30 Argon 37. That's our limiting thing . And and you know, the

128:35 news is is because it has a half life. We know that the

128:39 of the 37 we measure is from reactions only. And we can use

128:44 value and use that to say that we measure the 37-39 ratio in our

128:50 stuff in our standards. That gives the correction factor That we can because

128:55 the correction factor, you know, back to this problem here. We're

128:58 argon 39 out of the thing we plus out of something else that

129:03 Not at all to our situation, have to have a good way of

129:07 how to subtract this stuff away from stuff. Have a good Just so

129:12 as we analyze the samples before all 37 disappears. And that's gonna

129:18 that means analyzing the samples within about months, three months maximum, the

129:24 the more I mean, so that's issue. Um Here's another nuclear,

129:31 interfering reaction. You might have to about that. You don't really,

129:36 another on chlorine. If you have bunch of chlorine in your sample and

129:40 the only samples we're gonna have a of chlorine in would be the Micah's

129:45 the anthem balls where you have that . H. C. L.

129:49 . Part at the end You have lot of chlorine. You could have

129:53 end gamma reaction which produces chlorine 36 is itself radioactive two. And it's

130:02 that producers are gone 36. The news is that the half life of

130:08 , is 30,000 years. So it's slow. So the amount of bad

130:13 you're making for chlorine this is not issue because remember we have to analyze

130:19 samples in three months. So in months this doesn't change. Um We

130:26 produce a bunch of argon 38 from 38 37. We make up argon

130:35 this has a half life of 37 . So we get rid of all

130:38 right away. So we produce a of argon 38. That wouldn't have

130:42 there. If you have chlorine in sample, all that tells you is

130:47 sample had a lot of chlorine in . It doesn't it doesn't take part

130:50 any of the equations for calculating So that's a that's a reaction that's

130:55 really interfering reaction. In fact, know, it gives you it gives

130:58 more information. Oh gosh, this has a lot of chlorine in it's

131:03 really important, but you learn So this one is theoretically a

131:08 But if you've got a lot of in your sample, you probably also

131:12 a lot of calcium in your which means, you know, if

131:16 waited long enough for this to be problem, you have much bigger problems

131:19 worry. So I said that and I so I mentioned this already,

131:27 this is just the words we send potassium rich in calcium rich zero age

131:33 included with all the radiation packages. things my death himself, a calcium

131:41 glasses, whatever. One key thing that this must be done each

131:47 Some lazy labs will just take the factors and they say, oh,

131:51 nuclear reactor in michigan has this ratio , you know, and I've done

131:58 many times when I would be reviewing paper as a as a reviewer.

132:03 know, these people say, well just use that, we use the

132:06 factors as published by Dalrymple and and Fear 1975 You know, this is

132:13 30 years ago and I get out my PhD dissertation which used one reactor

132:21 three years and those, those correction . We, because we're, you

132:25 , my PhD had a lot of and we we analyzed a lot of

132:29 we had. I think during that my PhD used like 12 different radiations

132:34 those four years And those 12 different , some of these things would be

132:39 by a factor of 50%. So can't just say we're going to use

132:43 correction factors of Lamphere and downward from . Uh because that just gives you

132:49 vague note. And especially if you're at young stuff, all of these

132:57 , most of the things, most the problems that we're talking about this

133:00 one, we'll talk about another. of this really matters. If you're

133:04 at a, you know, protozoa Because all of these are little tweaks

133:11 on the ratio of the 40-39. if you've got gobs and gobs and

133:17 of 40, Not subtracting away a bit of 39 won't change that ratio

133:22 much. But if you're trying to something that's 10 million years old,

133:28 can make a big difference. You , you can take something that's 10

133:30 make it look nice. That could significant. Make it make it look

133:37 . Whereas if it's two billion and you use the decay factor, the

133:43 factors from Dalrymple and Land Fair, instead of what you really should have

133:49 , your two billion year old sample a 1999 million year old sample,

133:55 not different. But you know, the difference. That's one out of

134:00 is a lot different from one out nine. So the younger your sample

134:05 , the more all of these issues to be taken care of very

134:12 And so the actual equation for the 40 39 ratio, for example,

134:19 like this with all of these corrections uh you have to correct and when

134:25 measure this, we have to then for the decay of Argon 37.

134:29 measure it today, but there was as much to fix that. That's

134:33 this is about. So there's scouts changes. There's the amount that

134:37 you know, you got to work all this. So, but all

134:40 that comes from measuring the right correction . And then measuring the right things

134:44 our sample. We subtract this all way we get the right the thing

134:49 we wanted to begin initial that's the the ratio that we have in the

134:55 sample. So measure M stands for eyes. For initial calcium is the

135:02 factor based on calcium and land up a correction factor based on time.

135:10 . So, um This describes the of things we can worry about.

135:19 and sources of uncertainty if we look the uncertainty of our of our of

135:26 our work here. We've got uncertainty measurements of Argon 36. Argon

135:32 Argon 40. And for a young rich sample. Most of our uncertainty

135:39 from measurement Argon 36 I haven't described 36. Yes, yes. So

135:51 got, we talked about radio Janet gonna be um we are going to

136:05 that some of the gas we are is not radio. Probably in this

136:10 the assumption that it is atmosphere. better assumption. When we put our

136:14 into the machine, we have to it down, get rid of all

136:20 . We don't give him the ball we do. But we're going to

136:25 that the amount of part of is 40 that we measured. Hi,

136:33 , 95.5 times the amount of 36 that's the ratio 40 36 ratio in

136:48 hair. Now It's 2 95. we're gonna assume that there's some of

136:55 atmospheric, excuse me, some of atmospheric here, it's in our

137:02 in our system. And that's why need to measure our And again,

137:08 younger the sample is, if this a young sample, most of the

137:13 comes from being able to measure this very precisely because we're going to leverage

137:18 value by a factor of 300. this number is a very small number

137:24 we get this wrong, we've made wrong. This is a very old

137:30 . We don't care. Right. is this is a huge number and

137:34 also a bit. They won't apply by 300. But if this

137:40 so this is another example. This a little correction for how much

137:45 believe in our system. Oh, also the patient that there's some argon

137:52 maybe in the Crystal women's board and wouldn't be making compounds. But interesting

138:00 the interstitial spaces of the prison. our some of that might be,

138:06 know, and now we're gonna go the simple idea that we don't have

138:10 pay attention to how much organic anything compounds that knows no dramatic place where

138:16 are going to be. You can find explain little places in between.

138:21 , at some level, who But at the level of a single

138:27 of sanity is only two million years . And sometimes we can just say

138:34 there's extreme 95.5 things what we're but we have the ability by the

138:40 that I know how to discuss actually what that value not happened yet.

138:49 48 for a younger potassium four the argon, 36 becomes even more

138:56 . This this is a pie diagram the magnitude of the of the uncertainty

139:02 individual management. And you can see for an old sample that's potassium

139:09 36 becomes less important than getting the is pretty important because 39 is telling

139:15 how much potassium And for for a poor sample that's really old, 36

139:22 important. So 36 is the most measurement. Generally speaking, it's the

139:29 one and it has some leverage especially on young samples. Um So

139:37 are we? Oh yeah. So I said before, as I said

139:45 , we have a relative dating Known age influences in there. That's

139:55 . But we can take this a further Because in 40 39 analysis organs

140:01 by hitting the sample up, but don't have to do all that heating

140:05 at one time. You can have a little bit needed, some

140:09 get some more. And this allows to assess two important assumptions of,

140:15 potassium argon dating. The first is argon is uniformly distributed in the

140:22 That may not be the case. know, we just, we have

140:26 other, we have no other way worrying about the argon distribution. When

140:31 analyze all the argon over here and the potassium over here, we get

140:34 ratio. Well, we don't actually assume it's uniformly distributed. But all

140:39 get is an understanding of the this is the average amount of argon

140:43 the average amount of potassium. You have a distribution, we're looking at

140:48 distribution business distance and this is you can have something that looks like

140:55 or you have something that looks like . The potassium argon system can't tell

141:00 difference, but the consequences of the looking like this and this are quite

141:04 . If you go back to our of the Duluth bro, you've got

141:15 moving out and you can understand that you heat a sample up. If

141:19 heat it up a lot, you're to get rid of all the

141:22 you're gonna start with a nice flat . But if you just heat it

141:25 a little bit, you know, gonna affect the outside more than the

141:29 and you're gonna get a distribution that like that. You know, you

141:34 a blowtorch to that banana for two . It would be different if you

141:38 it in the oven for a right, But you might, if

141:43 only analyze the total thing, it be hard sometimes to tell the

141:47 So how are we gonna learn these ? Okay, so we'll get to

141:54 , I guess before we get to , let me just want to point

141:57 that I mentioned potassium feldspar by its , muscovite, horn blend. There's

142:02 a wide range of things in which 39 has been applied, uh,

142:10 , methylene are minerals that are high potassium that are found in volcanic rocks

142:15 low silica. You know, you know what all these other things are

142:22 temperature, We know pretty well for four, uh the problem with some

142:27 the potentially useful ones are generally pretty in potassium for salt ground mass.

142:33 maybe some examples of how this works well. Um And this works pretty

142:38 again because if we just make the really big, we can fix

142:42 Oh thank you. Um Anyway um people have even done plays to date

142:52 . And as I said here the problem is getting enough argon to

142:55 But we can do that. so now back to this testing these

143:01 , we've got two things we need worry about and we're gonna get around

143:06 by this step heating approach and we're display these data on a two on

143:14 diagrams that are sort of Um particular the Argon 40 39 approach. The

143:22 is this diagram called the age spectrum , in which on the Y axis

143:28 show the apparent age of the step the width of the box. There

143:34 the uncertainty in the age. And the Y axis shows the cumulative amount

143:40 argon 39 in the steps. And the width of that box is how

143:46 argon 39 was into that individual And then we we normalize all of

143:51 boxes to the total amount of argon that was measured in the sample.

143:57 why do we use argon 39 as cumulative measure? Because remember our ground

144:04 was produced in the nuclear reactor. it was produced predominantly on a reaction

144:11 the task in 39 Tax him 39 a mineral like K feldspar or but

144:18 abide. Or even in even in even in the salt glass, it's

144:25 uniformly distributed. There's no reason why , especially in a mineral, especially

144:32 potassium rich mineral, that's just that's , potassium is in the lattice

144:37 so it's uniformly distributed. So when shoot some neutrons at it, the

144:43 the argon 39 that is produced from , potassium 39 will itself be uniformly

144:51 . Wait, Remember we're trying to the idea whether the Argon 40 is

144:57 distributed. We don't know it might might be this, But the good

145:02 is is we have a pretty good that Oregon 39 was uniformly distributed.

145:08 we need variations in the ratio of 39. Well, because it changes

145:13 40, not 30 and so there's eight spectrum diagram. And if we

145:21 a diagram that looks like this, all the steps are about the same

145:25 , we can say, well, is a sample that's had a very

145:28 history. There's no variation in just a concentration with just with the

145:35 Um And remember we're generally don't, doesn't have to be this way,

145:41 we are generally going to heat the starting at lower temperatures and then eventually

145:46 up to melting. So the samples the left side of this diagram are

145:50 first ones and they move towards that and not only that, they're always

145:55 , we always plot the samples in order in which they are obtained

146:00 That will be in a mon atomically temperature approach that one's cooler,

146:06 hotter, hotter, hotter. And when we take a crystal or a

146:14 , if we heat it up at temperature, we should expect to get

146:18 argon which is on the edge of crystals and later on we'll get the

146:24 that's coming out. It had further go. We had to heat it

146:27 longer, heated up hotter. And this this gas is the gas that

146:32 resided in the interior of our This is the gas that resided at

146:37 edge of the crystal. It was to get down. It came up

146:41 because it was on the edge only up a little bit of temperature,

146:44 got it out easier. And so it's a nice flat diagram like

146:50 And because we assume that the Argon is uniformly distributed, this tells us

146:55 the Argon 40 is also uniformly I said all this, this is

147:03 describing the diagram. Um and so some people go a little too crazy

147:09 this, but they talk about these called plateaus where they see a bunch

147:13 bunch of ages that are all the and they think of this hope a

147:18 and they say we've got a plateau and we can treat them all the

147:22 . We'll talk about how plateaus might be the greatest idea, but that's

147:26 thing in some literature. Um But look at this a little bit

147:34 we'll see what time is it? 11 Sing. Yeah. Why don't

147:49 take a short break? Because this a good spot? Um It's

147:57 Let's come back at 11:15. so here's a little bit more about

148:05 age spectrum diagram. We're gonna be at presentations on the top here of

148:14 versus distance going from the rim to center to the rim. And on

148:19 bottom, the corresponding age spectrum diagrams we would get from heating these things

148:25 . Um If we imagine in the case we start out with a situation

148:31 which the argon 40 and the potassium be, Yes, the argon 40

148:36 the argon 39 are uniformly distributed in crystal. We would heat them up

148:43 we would get the ratio of 40-39 change. And so the apparent age

148:49 be the same across. And we a nice flat aspect. This might

148:52 the kind of age spectrum you'd expect get from a volcanic, well,

148:57 in which had a very simple history get, he he cooled rapidly.

149:01 got heated up. Let's now imagine sample which we um take from this

149:12 and we heat it up Recently. take it and we we we heated

149:18 enough such that the Argon 40 that at the edges of the crystal is

149:26 but not so much that we get of all the Argon 40. There's

149:29 some in the center. Now I'm the Argon 39 as a flat line

149:35 the Argon 39 wasn't there during this disturbance that only gets added later.

149:41 ? So don't confuse the fact that managed to move the Argon 39

149:46 Why did 40? We moved around some sort of, let's let's say

149:50 is a contact metamorphic ism event. come the Argon 39 didn't move around

149:56 gone because it didn't exist until we it to the nuclear reactor. This

150:01 the this is the thing that we to the nuclear reactor. This is

150:04 thing we made in the nuclear And if we were to analyze this

150:09 , it would end up looking like with the first step being at or

150:13 zero and then rising up to some very close to what we got

150:19 And um but if we took that and then we let it sit around

150:26 a while and then analyzed at some of years later, we would get

150:31 an eight spectrum diagram that looked like with the first step not being zero

150:37 the disturbance wasn't yesterday, it was time ago and then this going up

150:41 some value up here, which which is more than our initial value

150:46 we let it sit with more And so there's the advantage of the

150:52 spectrum diagram is that we can see things. And you know, for

150:56 first one straightforward, we would we have gotten the same answer from potassium

151:01 in the first example, but we got something very different in these two

151:07 examples. If we'd have done the one, we would have gotten a

151:10 argon age, that might have been in the middle. Let's let's just

151:15 convenience, let's say that the age this sample over here is 100

151:21 This then goes from an age you know, one or two million

151:25 to 100 million. The reason I show this as zero is because it's

151:29 very difficult to get gas from the edge without getting some in the further

151:33 go in, the more the average up to be non-0. But here

151:39 going from age is close to zero close to 100. But if we

151:43 a potassium argon approach, we would aged somewhere in here is like an

151:46 of like 60, right? What to the sample 60 million years

151:52 Nothing. We've got two events. is the eruption of this royal light

151:58 100 million years ago. The next is that the reheating of this real

152:02 yesterday. The average of those two end up looking like 60. That's

152:07 potassium argon would tell you. It 60. Nothing happened at 60.

152:12 why this is so much better because can look at this age spectrum and

152:16 ah ha we got some interesting things here. One is quite recent

152:19 maybe 100. Now, let's try figure that out. Nothing happened at

152:24 million. And that's the same problem were talking about here when we were

152:28 old and young ages in Missouri Cons , take this average, take this

152:33 and this value, get some intermediate . It has no geologic significant.

152:38 then this one is just the same we would get instead of instead of

152:42 60 million year old average here, would get 100 and 10 million year

152:46 average. But again, nothing happened 100 and 10 in this example.

152:50 relevant times are what, that would like 150 this would be 40 or

152:58 . Let me show you some Real data here. Um and

153:05 I ignore these ones on the We're not going to talk about recoil

153:08 much, but here's here's what an spectrum. You know that it's nice

153:12 simple might look like all of these about to say all these are about

153:16 same. That's fine. Um but think a little bit more about what's

153:23 on. As we heat something up , we've got a initial concentration.

153:30 , say He's 39. The dotted . Yeah, let's say 39 is

153:37 dotted line, and 40 is the the dark solid line. These are

153:43 concentration gradients. And in this case got X over R. R.

153:48 the total radius excess the individual So this is the this is the

153:53 of the crystal. This is the of the crystal. And if we

153:58 , this would be our age spectrum that we're going to produce over

154:01 Over here, we start heating the and we produce immediately. A variation

154:09 the argon 40 distribution because we start out the argon, excuse me,

154:15 . This is 39. That changes . The argon 40 has also sucked

154:20 a little bit, but it already a profile. We heat it up

154:23 little bit longer and we get this that's well along in the in the

154:27 the heating. And we're dropping everything and we're changing the slope as it

154:32 out. But the slope is not important is the absolute slope. But

154:37 relative slope of these two isotopes as coming out. And you see the

154:41 is very different when we get slope becomes the same because we are pushing

154:48 from here to here. And So the here's how the slopes would

154:55 . The two slopes of the flocks 40 and 39 are quite different when

155:00 start out, Then they become to more of the same and then they're

155:04 much the same on and that's why part is slapped. So an age

155:09 diagram then is a, is a of the relative flux is of 39

155:14 40. As they leave the they should approach a constant ratio if

155:19 go far enough back and see that their initial ratios were not changed.

155:24 initial concentrations were relatively constant with with . Um We can actually even determine

155:33 temperature throughout here if we work at , but we won't go into that

155:37 detail. But here's some more real of simple systems that we would

155:43 Here's a wry light from Ethiopia. is something I did in my

155:48 Um and it just shows two interesting the red data for the first time

155:53 analyzed it and I wasn't really happy the quality of the data.

156:00 a little bit bouncy there. And what we did is we sent out

156:03 second radiation with a much bigger amount sample instead of five mg. We

156:09 15, which meant that we were everything better, you know, remember

156:14 Argon 36 is hard to measure if if you make the argon 36 more

156:19 the uncertainty in Oregon. 36. down the uncertainty and everything goes

156:23 This is the same sample better analysis second time just because we had more

156:28 . But in both cases you get you expect out of a Riley.

156:32 flat spectrum good. Um you can in a really light, gives us

156:39 like this is spelled for them. should have potassium in it. Good

156:46 . But as I said, you , we could sometimes do other

156:49 And here's an example of again, was from my lab where we analyzed

156:54 assaults. These were from Argentina and knew the assaults were going to be

157:02 . So we were analyzing a lot I just, the amount of material

157:08 for this is not big in modern . If you have fewer, Like

157:13 muscovites from the Himalayas say Muscovite has lot of potassium in it. Himalayas

157:19 going to be about 10 or 20 years old. You can get by

157:23 doing a step heating experiment on as as say five mg of material.

157:28 some sprinkles of Muscovite will be We didn't use five mg here because

157:35 knew that was the salt and the doesn't have much potassium in it.

157:38 we needed more sample, I can't how much, but it was a

157:41 more, maybe 100 mg. The and again, if this was a

157:47 from the moon would have would be limited, but you know, people

157:51 people in Argentina, they knew how sample to collect that bring home a

157:54 like this, that's fine. What shows is however, is that if

158:00 have enough you can get perfectly good . This was a very big

158:03 which is why we ran it Because this was a study. This

158:08 was mostly dealing with with rocks which we thought they were going to be

158:14 million years old. We got a of seven or eight million year old

158:18 . This one turned out to be , noticed this this is the parent

158:23 in thousands of years, not millions years. We got ages that were

158:28 200,000 years old. And because you this was a surprise uh because all

158:35 other samples that were submitted in this were three or four million years

158:40 My first concern was, did we this sample mixed up with something

158:44 How come? So we so we the same bottle that said T.

158:47 . R. Two on it, it to the reactor a second

158:51 Got the same answer. So with sample you can get good results on

158:57 assaults that are quite young. So know the weighted mean of this rock

159:00 100 and 75,000 years. So this another example of, you have a

159:06 enough sample, you can go Uh you know, people have gone

159:11 than this, but this is it's pretty young. Um So that's

159:17 age spectrum diagram showing how it works well when we do with volcanic

159:25 Next problem we have to worry about this issue of, so I should

159:30 all of these steps on all of age spectrum diagrams are calculated with

159:37 with the with this the correction for argon that I've drawn over here where

159:45 multiply the amount of argon 36 measured 2 95.5 and you subtract that away

159:52 the argon 40 measured along with all other concerns, we make What if

159:58 the wrong number 2 95.5. We learn that by using this other

160:03 which is called the Argon 40 39 a Cron diagram. There are two

160:08 Akane diagrams sometimes get used once called because it was used first and the

160:14 one is inverse because somebody said, , wait a second, we should

160:17 this one. Nobody uses conventional I don't think, I mean,

160:21 don't, I don't know why they anyway. The conventional would have the

160:26 36 ratio and the 39 36 which is very it's conventional because it's

160:32 to like the rubidium stretch there. have a parent, there was the

160:38 daughter, the daughter, the normalizing . Same for start out like this

160:43 up this, people like to use X. Cron diagram because it takes

160:48 the problem that was also seen in Terror Wasser burg diagram while some people

160:53 that better is that we are using worst isotope less often here we have

160:58 36 in both axes. And remember 36 is the hardest thing to measure

161:03 . It's the smallest one. It more error to the system than anything

161:08 . Well, if we get a tricky here and instead of using um

161:14 36 39 36 if we use 36 and 39 40 we get an ice

161:21 diagram that looks like this. But only got 36. Used once instead

161:26 twice. When we when we turn around here, we have a different

161:31 point. We start with data. zero example is horizontal like before but

161:37 we rotate clockwise instead of counterclockwise. we're gonna be using this one for

161:43 for the rest of the thing. so if that's the case, what

161:48 should expect for some a simple like a like a highlight. We

161:54 expect some initial value in our sample some radio genic component and any gas

162:00 out of our sample should be a between the two 0.00338 is the reciprocal

162:07 2 95.5 Because this is 36 40 that's 40 36. So if everything

162:15 to plan, you should have a that goes through 00338. Uh But

162:23 if you have a line that's mixing some other value and your radio genic

162:30 ? If you just likely went ahead said we're going to use to 95.5

162:35 00338, you would calculate each one those points this way, you

162:40 you know, because we're basically what doing here is we got this 01

162:45 ice across which we're forcing through a intercept to 95.5338. So if we

162:53 our ice accretion of all these points go through these through that one point

162:57 there, we're gonna get different points this axis and this axis is what

163:02 read the H from. But really we should be doing in this case

163:06 say, well no, the mixing not between this 2 95.5. Between

163:11 other value. The radio genic component out here and all these points go

163:15 the same point. If we make line correct. So This diagram allows

163:22 to say, well wait a let's just run it through whatever it

163:26 through. Not forcing it to go to 95.5. Here's an example.

163:33 is a real life. Again, situation in which the data are mostly

163:40 along this line. These last few fall off of it but we're going

163:43 ignore them. But the data falls all this, you know, I've

163:46 a lot of data down here, some of these early points, these

163:49 early and in general when you're heating a sample like this, it tends

163:53 get more and more radia genic as move on. Because the non radia

163:58 gas is not found in normal parts the, of the crystal. It's

164:04 in the interstices where it's just got in and it's easy to get it

164:08 back out. So the first gas usually the least radio genic. So

164:13 would be those points over there. that would be the first one in

164:16 second and the third one in all down here. And if you draw

164:19 line through all that, you get 40 36 ratio, that is when

164:24 flip this value over, you get ratio of 3 61. That's very

164:28 from 2 95 But there's no reason it should be 295, that's just

164:32 air we're breathing right now. This point this this this sample says we

164:37 be using uh 361. And when do that, we run a line

164:43 all those points, we get a genic component down here, which corresponds

164:47 an age of 25.6. Now, we plotted that sample on the ace

164:53 diagram with just assuming the regular 2 , the first few steps up here

165:01 gonna be too old Because we're running , here's 2 95. Here's

165:09 I got that, I got it . Here's the sample. If you

165:15 you look at that, you it looks terrible, right? But

165:18 you look at it on the Akane dragon, you got a nice

165:20 ride. But this is assuming right? But just that little difference

165:29 . So in this point at this leverages this said, if you

165:34 you draw at this point here, get this and you see how much

165:40 we have on this sample. Because and excuse me, this is a

165:44 sample than this one. This samples sample. But that graph up there

165:50 the percent radio genic which is basically when you when you subtract away your

165:56 radio genetic component, how much did change by? Because it changed

166:00 You know, if you if you all of it away, that's non

166:04 jet. But of course, Whether radio genic or non energetic depends on

166:09 much you should tracked away, which on whether you're using to 95 or

166:13 other number. This graph says percent genic assuming to % 95.5. And you

166:19 , we start out at only uh or 2% rate identical points up

166:25 So those points, it's hugely Whether we multiply by 295 or 97

166:33 306. This is 306. So graph assumes 2 95 makes a graph

166:40 looks like that. But and you say, well why does it have

166:43 funky shape? Why does it get ? And then young? It's because

166:46 ages are calculated incorrectly. If we we look at this diagram, If

166:53 we change it instead of and we that line through, we get we

166:57 an age of 306. And but we had done it the other way

167:01 get this spectrum of ages from 3:00 shooting at an age of 12.8,

167:08 this is an age by 35. so if we if we were to

167:14 this, hey, I have, haven't done it redone it. If

167:17 will redo it instead of using 2 which which we did for this.

167:22 we used 306. We get a spectrum here at 12.8. Ah So

167:29 age spectrum diagram has an assumption in . The Cochran diagram does not.

167:34 when we see funky stuff like we we we we reference the ISIS

167:40 to say is that funky behavior of crystal or just an inappropriate mathematics that

167:45 chosen? In this case. It's the wrong algebra Because we fix

167:50 we get a nice, perfectly This is 12 million year old

167:57 Um What is this? Oh this shows the ability of really modern good

168:07 . I forgot about this why this shows how good you can do some

168:14 nowadays there's thousands of years. This this is moving from, This is

168:20 of an advertisement for the August six spectrometer. These are the same

168:25 you do one sample with this older spectrometer, the M. A.

168:28 . 2 15 50 or the G. 3600. Those are like

168:34 year old machines. These these are six are brand new machines. And

168:38 see this is an example of how machine matters And that lab I showed

168:44 the picture of from New Mexico, got one of these machines now why

168:47 it better because the electronics more Everything's cleaner. It's just now we

168:53 get here are ages now. Here's age of 6.25 million years plus or

169:00 . So that's one part in There's an uncertainty. And oh shoot

169:08 . That was for the M. . P. That's one part in

169:11 . They don't have the, well actually say that for this sample is

169:18 because you've got you've got a Um You know if you if you

169:23 you make the uncertainty really big it looks like the same thing. But

169:26 you get the uncertainty down here you say discord here for the M.

169:32 . P. We've got three parts 700 here, we do it with

169:37 newer machine, we get one part increase the uncertainty factor three, same

169:43 . Here we go from A factor 50 To a factor of 60

169:50 Uh so this is just an illustration how good the data can be now

169:57 to machines of just 10 years So this has the capacity to

170:01 And so if you're using, if interested in strata, graphic constraints.

170:08 you've got an inter bedded volcanic which is the, you know,

170:11 standard for figuring out how old things . This is a really good technique

170:15 use. It's reasonably fast, it's cheap and you can see with these

170:20 modern machines, you can get an of two parts in 202 parts in

170:26 for a rock that's only 300,000 years . Um That's for age spectrum.

170:37 another way people will date volcanic And again, this can be a

170:41 important concern if you're in some oil and you've got a bunch of of

170:47 rocks without fossils, but you really to know some age control. Maybe

170:51 drilling and you're running across something and did that once for an oil

170:56 they were drilling and they didn't know they had repeated the section or

171:00 Was is this a fault or we through the same rocks again, they

171:04 sure but they found a volcanic They sent it to me and they

171:09 tell us whether this is you know older or the upper, you know

171:12 this repeated or is this a much ? Um And so we dated it

171:20 this is a bit of an I'll get to this fit in a

171:22 . But it just shows you, know when you're dealing with somebody that

171:26 care about the money. Um This about the fast as you can deal

171:31 in argon dating. You know you to wait for the sample to come

171:37 and but you but you and one the reasons you have to wait is

171:40 you want to try and balance You know, they charge you,

171:43 think now it's up to like $3 $4,000 for radiation. That's how much

171:48 costs. So you know you want you want to make it as economical

171:51 possible. You want to put about months worth of samples in there.

171:54 can't put in six months because they'll stale but you put in about three

171:59 worth of samples so you get a cost per sample. But what if

172:05 got, you know Exxon willing to more because they're really concerned they drilled

172:12 hole and they want to know so were like how fast can you do

172:15 for us? So we said well can you get us the sample

172:20 They hand delivered it to us We did the mineral separation, we

172:24 the grains out, we sent it to the nuclear reactor the next

172:28 We just had one sample it because they were paying for it. The

172:34 and the good news is when you a very small mass. Well there's

172:38 a lot of you know Fedex doesn't so much right because you can put

172:42 in this big box and tiny bits radio activity. You know, they

172:47 able to ship it back to us about four or five days Because the

172:51 the radiation is dependent on the time also on the mass. If you

172:56 out 40 samples there's going to be sorts of nasty stuff going all the

173:00 they send it in one of these cardboard boxes. But anyway, so

173:04 smaller the smaller the mass of the less radiation there is, the

173:10 they can legally send it back to . But then you get into the

173:13 of cost per sample. But Exxon paying. They didn't care. So

173:18 at that time, you know, would charge them like We would charge

173:21 university for this sort of work maybe or $400. We charged X on

173:27 . Thank take care. All Um But and we were charging them

173:34 this was super rush service and we able to send it to the nuclear

173:38 and you know because we knew these were going to be tertiary. Um

173:45 said we don't need a lot of . Oh I didn't mention I'll get

173:49 get you that in a minute. don't need a lot of neutrons.

173:54 And they sent it back to us four or five days later we we

173:58 that the top priority of the lab we stopped everything we're doing and put

174:02 in the system and were able to them the report and send it to

174:08 . Um I think the total from time they handed us to the sample

174:11 the time we sent them the report about 16 days. And I told

174:16 of my colleagues about they go wow really fast. That's that's about.

174:20 when you're talking about this stuff you're you know if you're working for all

174:24 and you really need to know um is a great technique but you can't

174:29 about it in less than two Now if you could find a zircon

174:33 of the same rock and find somebody go you know do it in your

174:38 your I. C. P. . S. Lab you could probably

174:41 it in one day. The precision be as good. So anyway.

174:48 Another concern when you're dating these things doing this sort of thing. These

174:53 all be volcanic rocks, nice, flat age spectrum but flat just means

174:59 all the same. And this is is a concern that that you

175:03 we haven't talked about this much but you understand already that precision in accuracy

175:08 not the same thing. Right, is just how well, you

175:13 if I said I am absolutely confident are 1000 people in this room.

175:17 not 990 that's not 999. There's 1000 and one. It's 1000.

175:22 it. That's a statement of great . It is in fact raw.

175:28 , so they're not related. If said there's about 12 people in this

175:32 . Could be one, could be . That's a true state. Not

175:37 precise. If I needed to know many donuts to buy, it wouldn't

175:41 very useful. But it would be . Here's an issue is a nice

175:47 number. Is it? It's more than that data. What if what

175:52 looking at especially the sanity sanity is here. What if you're mixing.

175:59 if this is not a single crystal a group of crystals? Because we

176:03 more than one crystal to analyze to enough organ to measure. Well a

176:10 Riley is particularly prone to this If you have a very eruptive explosive

176:16 of eruption, you're going to bring all the crystals from the magma of

176:20 , but this big eruption, you , think of Mount ST Helens,

176:25 know, you've seen those pictures Surely in that cloud there's pieces from

176:31 the magma from the country rocks, is explosion blew the whole top off

176:37 mountain, some of the little bits that cloud could have been felt.

176:41 not from the magma, but from were just hanging around and then if

176:46 gather them together in your sample and carefully get them, listen felt

176:50 we need about 100 feldspar, put in there, look at the precision

176:55 in 300, I'm very proud. if you tossed in those felt

177:02 a few of the country rock felt that were older instead of getting an

177:07 300,000 plus or -40000 You might get age of 400,000 plus, your -40000

177:15 just tossing in 13 Cambrian. You'd tell by this because if all the

177:23 stars give off their gas in about same way, the average of everything

177:27 not going to change very much over course of this experiment. So the

177:31 is not going to be the true , it's going to be the true

177:34 plus this contaminant called Zeno kristic crystal chris not belonging and the age spectrum

177:43 is a difficult way to invest in recognize that. And so a lot

177:49 times in for real, I should to what's single crystal dating and here

177:55 abandoned the ability to do an ice Cron, we're just gonna use 2

178:02 because what we're gonna do is we're take this crystal and we're gonna heat

178:06 up all at once. Get rid all the gas right now. And

178:11 is often done with a different heating . I haven't talked about how we

178:15 things, but in the, in other system, the system in which

178:18 modulate temperature, it's in some sort oven, it's a furnace of some

178:23 where we have temperature control and we heat it up to 506 107

178:27 But in order to heat up your , you have to heat up the

178:32 , you have to heat up the of the furnace and the crucible of

178:35 material and that has little bits of sticking on it. And when you

178:40 it up, so that that's, what's called you, you have you

178:43 heard of something called the blank of geochemical system? You know what that

178:47 ? Blank means when we run through entire analysis without a sample, We

178:54 do it when we heat up to see what we get, There's no

178:58 down there, but we heat it , we can still measure some argon

179:02 remember we're breathing 1% argon, it's hard to get rid of all the

179:07 inside that sample, even if you for a week. Um, so

179:13 you heat up the sample and then rest of the apparatus, you'll get

179:19 argon you don't want. But with single crystal dating, we use a

179:24 beam to heat the sample. And that, you know, we are

179:27 heating the crucible and the whole thing , we're just using, we're heating

179:31 sample. It's just the same. so there's very low blank of that

179:36 . That's why we like single crystal . The disadvantages, we lose the

179:41 to do a nicer con because just point. So we're back to just

179:44 it through to 95.5. Why we that is because what we're really concerned

179:49 here in these explosive volcanic eruptions is scenic Chris stuff that might throw in

179:54 to throw it all off. And here we have an example of look

179:58 all these things that are right here about 87.9. Look at this

180:02 Look at that one, it's 92 years old. It's off here by

180:06 . We're just gonna ignore that Right? And of course we're gonna

180:09 any of the ones that are way . You get, you know,

180:12 get an age of 30 30 30 75 30 30 30 65 30 30

180:21 . If you were to put all together, you wouldn't have gotten 30

180:24 you, You've got like 30.2 or and that and that the level of

180:30 that we've got here, we can down to precision. Here's here's an

180:33 of 0.2. You can see. last example I gave you is

180:36 Here's the precision of points. Uh was it? Well, this is

180:43 of plus -2000 years. But if just tossed in, you know,

180:48 60 million year old grain in this year old rock, you know,

180:53 gonna vastly overwhelm your precision, your but now you're way wrong. You

180:58 from, it went from 26 to . So let's just say 296 could

181:05 significant for your studies. You'd never it. So that's why we do

181:10 crystals. No, you just have subtract away what you think the blank

181:22 . That's another correction we make for all this. And so what we

181:25 is we run through the run through analysis with no sample in there and

181:29 the blank. That's how much is that gets subtracted away from everything.

181:36 , it is the is the amount argon that's inherent in the system.

181:41 but then and that actually goes down time because we put these samples into

181:46 system and we start pumping the system it gets better and better and better

181:51 better because we're pumping longer. And actually the first sample that you run

181:56 should should be one of the older you're gonna work with because older it

182:00 , the less this matters. And might take if you put in a

182:05 of samples into a system like it could take two or three weeks

182:08 analyze them all by the end of three weeks you've been pumping during this

182:12 time or at least different parts of time and eventually you get down to

182:16 is probably your best blank of all to, you know, almost no

182:19 left. And that last sample you got really good blank and then of

182:25 , what do you have to Open it up and let all that

182:28 back in because you're done so, , but a blank is just another

182:32 of these corrections and the younger your is more important that blank is and

182:37 why we like to use the laser because the blank goes way down because

182:41 we're doing is heating the sample and just a little bit of a of

182:44 metal underneath it. If you're using furnace, you're heating the sample and

182:48 this furnace apparatus. The trade off the laser has glow blank. The

182:55 has temperature control. When we turn laser on, it's almost a sort

183:00 on off switch, you know, to modulate, you know, using

183:03 laser to say, I just want eat that at 300°. We don't know

183:08 . And it's hard to control. might be 300, and then you

183:12 up, there might be 500, 600 terrible temperature control. Really wonderful

183:18 . So that's why we have both in mini lab. You've got a

183:22 for when you don't care so much temperature control. You've got a furnace

183:26 when you do. Um, here's example of better a better illustration of

183:32 variety you might get from from looking single crystals in a volcanic rock.

183:38 is from the bishop tough famous eruption California. And these are the spread

183:44 crystal agents where you've got ages, agents here that start as low as

183:51 , these thousands of years, whatever really seeing the victim, very fine

183:56 here. This is about 762. of them come along here at about

184:02 . There's some older ones that he's to 778. And so you have

184:09 choose then what group of these you're use. Here's, you know,

184:12 these are different met uh, statistical . Method one gets away to be

184:18 a low different filters on here. you can get either six 6765.4,

184:30 or 7 64.8. You know, some level, you know.

184:36 these these guys overlap. This one overlap, but it's only overlapping missing

184:41 few few 100 years here, but just shows that clearly you don't want

184:46 guys, these are something else is on. What's going on here?

184:51 these are crystals that sat around uh are probably crystals that fell into the

184:57 chamber. Now, if they were the magma chamber for 1000 years,

185:00 would have lost all their arms, they fell into magma chamber, they

185:04 have an additional 10,000 years worth of . We don't want that. This

185:12 the age of eruption is about not 780, which is what this

185:18 looks like. So when you're dealing really precise concerns about this, you

185:25 , you will trade off this, concern about 2 95.5 for this business

185:32 . Um Here's another um here. that is, that was that was

185:38 study they did with argon shoes. these guys Then they did the same

185:45 , but they did it by zircons this is really pushing it for the

185:49 for using uranium left that, you , modern techniques you can get

185:53 they got for the zircons, they gone, they got 765 for the

185:59 , they got 767. Um and guess these are all different. What

186:05 this, I forget. Doesn't say will ignore that for now. Um

186:13 if there's a problem is the zircons 3000 years older. It could be

186:24 sir, cons in the magma chamber retain their lead closure temperature of organ

186:30 bladder con might be Might be 900°. magma chamber might not be 900°. And

186:38 as soon as this Circon is it starts to retain its lead.

186:43 magma chamber sitting down there for 3000 is quite reasonable. So the difference

186:49 the argon age and the zircon age be the difference between the crystallization age

186:54 the eruption age. Why doesn't the give the crystallization? You understand the

187:13 between the crystallization age and the which are two different events. We

187:17 crystallize some crystals. We went from to partly solid and then sometime later

187:24 mixture of crystals and liquid gets tossed in the air. There's a time

187:28 there. That gap might be these numbers here between 767 and 765,

187:36 or 3000 years. Why do we these two ice topic systems not agreeing

187:41 a volcanic rock, They should be same. What's the closure temperature of

187:54 in Zircon said it a bunch of About eight or 900°. What's the closure

188:12 of argon in Salzburg? Well, would be good enough, but it's

188:19 than that. It's probably about So crystals can form feldspar crystals

188:26 What what temperature do they form at 700° 600°. What if you've got a

188:38 in crystal that sits in this magma 3000 years, how much argon will

188:43 retained in those crystals during that They're they're in a magma close the

188:56 of the magma is at least 650 . Right, What's the closure temperature

189:02 this system? 200 degrees. So we keep a sample that's 400° above

189:10 closure temperature at that temperature for 3000 , how much argon will be in

189:16 crystals? We can do better than lot less. First of all.

189:24 lot less than what. But I want I want a number, simple

189:32 . The simplest number There should be . We're way above the closure

189:42 We're at 600° when these crystals are in Magma. But the closure temperature

189:47 our system is 200°. We don't start argon in a false bar until the

189:53 gets below 200°. So if that's not case for a for a zircon

190:02 it's hard to move out of the . We got a magma at 700

190:07 . Probably the arc. The lad said, okay fine, I can

190:11 out here at 700 degrees. Not problem. Every tiny little bit of

190:16 that's produced in that feldspar during that has gotten out of media, it's

190:23 . And so this is a measure crystallization time. This is not because

190:29 longer those crystals sit in the the longer there is a difference between

190:33 time of crystallization one physical process and process of eruption, a different physical

190:40 . This only tells us Whether it's it's a volcanic rock or a shift

190:46 whatever. When we date a rock argon in fells bar, we're learning

190:50 the last time the rock was in 200°. Now for this rock we know

190:56 can interpret that very simply. When that feldspar lasted 200°? No, it

191:06 at 700°. Crystallization does not occur at When was this crystal then at 200°

191:17 most recently volcanic rocks are straightforward and . Excuse me? Not before.

191:36 this isn't the lava. But I mean basically the answer is the

191:40 of the eruption. When this this is down there, we you've seen

191:47 of Mount ST Helens, right? think of that the day before the

191:51 we had magma down that magma is which means it's very hot. And

191:59 on the morning of May 18, happened to that material, They called

192:06 that very morning. Okay. But that it was at 700° and when

192:13 at 700° there ain't no argon in felt spot, there is lead in

192:21 zircon. So we're doing thermo chronology , even on volcanic rocks, if

192:29 have this level of precision Now, the uncertainty on these things is

192:34 you know, then of course they , You know, we expect the

192:37 age and the argon age to be same. But not when you have

192:40 sort of really outstanding precision. And is the kind of thing you might

192:45 from ice topic systems or volcanic systems or minus a volcanic system can sit

192:52 for three or 300,003,000 years. I really expect this volcano to be a

193:00 opportunity for for for thermo chronology, but this is probably the easiest way

193:06 think about thermo chronology because we know the thermal history is. We go

193:11 a magma through a bunch of hot to cold In a day or

193:17 Right? You walk up to that from Mount ST Helens a week

193:21 it was cold. So but yet so so we know the day that

193:29 ST Helens ash cooled off. If go to get the zircons from and

193:33 and so if we were able to . But if you were able to

193:36 the Mount ST helens stuff, we get an age of uh 42

193:42 Right? Because that's the day it 42 years ago. But if we

193:50 at the zircons from that very same , we might get zircons that looked

193:54 three or 4000 years old because that's crystals were forming The sanity and crystals

194:03 4000 years old. That the argon just give us 42 years because that's

194:09 long they've been cold. But the don't care about cole Zircons will tell

194:16 the moment they crystallize, they might an age of three or 4000 years

194:20 if you add 760,000 years would look this. understand that's closure temperature in

194:31 nutshell right here it gets it gets pronounced and more complicated when the cooling

194:36 slower. If we now we now this concept and apply it to a

194:43 range. Himalayas are coming up in Himalayas are coming up fast but they're

194:48 coming up fast compared to this. , Himalayas are eroding at a one

194:52 two millimeters per year which is so . That means they're cooling down in

194:57 few, you know, tens of per million years. This is thousands

195:02 degrees per year. Right, So but the concepts are exactly the

195:06 . And here we see this variation of these outstanding. This is a

195:12 published just a couple of years ago they're showing the top notch precision that

195:17 can now put on some of these . We couldn't we couldn't deal with

195:19 questions before. Now we can actually well how long was the magma chamber

195:23 there. Well look at the difference the argon ages and the zircon ages

195:28 3000 years. That could be the in which the magnets it's done.

195:33 it's longer anyway, that's what we here. And and we would never

195:39 that. We've analyzed all of these these are Xena Kristic. Perhaps these

195:47 the old ones that we want to . If we analyze all of

195:50 we get an answer of 767 and have no idea how long the magma

195:55 was down. We couldn't even get answer older than 767. I wonder

195:59 come that's the older one because we in some bad crystals because they were

196:04 a crystal. Um so that's you know, goes goes back to

196:13 . Different systems have different closure temperatures they're gonna show up like that.

196:20 It's now 12 o'clock gonna stop for now. Yeah, we've got a

196:29 bit more argon to do but I it's better to, I don't want

196:32 go until we just have lunch at . That'd be silly. So um

196:38 take about an hour for lunch or . Alright, let's meet back here

196:43 1:00
