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00:02 Welcome back, this is neuroscience. three, we're gonna finish talking about

00:07 history and move into understanding neurons and we stress last lecture how in the

00:17 three centuries the focus has been to different parts of the brain and different

00:24 of the brain that are responsible for functions, localization of different brain areas

00:30 their specific functions. In the light that we discussed expressive aphasia that is

00:38 by Broca's area receptive aphasia that is by vernon CAs area located here.

00:45 also talked about economic amnesia. global aphasia is. And so these

00:51 for with phases in the story, how broken dr Rocca has discovered Broca's

01:01 . We also talked about one of most famous patients in neuroscience and probably

01:05 psychology and psychiatry history, Phineas those science of psychology, psychiatry,

01:14 , they do have a lot of themes and so as well as neurology

01:20 neurodegenerative disorders uh and in this case because he needed to be patched up

01:27 well. The striking thing here and of the takeaways is that it wasn't

01:35 specific function that you would imagine like or sensory function like expressing something but

01:44 was more of a character, aggression being able to control yourself, changes

01:51 personality and those are the things executive that are related to the frontal lobes

01:57 the frontal lobe damage. And so then found out actually that there are

02:02 in the brain that are responsible for behavioral and personality executive trades and functions

02:13 the same time, we, like said, entering the world in the

02:18 century of cortical stimulation studies and that when uh different parts of the brain

02:24 being stimulated to discover whether responsible for motor functions or evoking a certain emotional

02:34 Charles. Darling of course, as know from your high school studies in

02:40 and also here or otherwise at the level is one of the big people

02:50 for the theory of evolution. And at the end of the 18 19th

02:57 , he has an ability to travel the Galapagos islands on expeditions and spend

03:05 amount of time in studying the local and fauna. And so he's very

03:12 in how different animal species and there subspecies and uh geography, local geography

03:22 the Galapagos islands, how they're all in the sense of how it affects

03:30 anatomy and behavior of the birds of turtles depending on the surrounding environment.

03:41 so this this this concept of this concept of adaptation, the survival

03:48 the fittest, the ability to adopt local environments. If you may,

03:54 anatomical plasticity and behavioral plasticity. In areas, you may need to have

04:01 longer beak to get to the If you're a bird. In some

04:05 , you may not need to have longer beat in some areas you may

04:10 to underwater show color to attract a and in other areas. Birds would

04:18 that also use color to attract their and turtles. He will start studying

04:24 migration as well in the islands may small changes depending on the local environments

04:30 the procreation with the generations and the entrenchment off the changes dictated by the

04:40 . So behavioral trades, some are , others are distinct of course.

04:47 what I mean by that is that animals that pay attention and whose brains

04:54 occupied with certain behaviors. So humans have very nicely developed visual system that

05:02 will learn throughout the scores the entire from the retina to the neocortex individual

05:09 . But so will have the non primates and monkeys will have very nicely

05:17 visual system and the anatomy there is certain map that actually represents a visual

05:25 of the world all the way from retina. A point by point we

05:30 it retina topic map a point by map of the outside world that is

05:36 in the exhibit a low been the visual cortex and there's a certain structure

05:42 accompanies that point by point representation of outside visual world that you're observing.

05:48 that is actually reflected in the circuitry the function of the primary visual cortex

05:55 . Now other animals may use different and for rodents and for cats and

06:05 other animal senses of smell, somatic maybe more dominant rather than vision.

06:12 vision and visual sense is not as developed and in rodents you will find

06:19 maps that we call barrel cortex or pads map and that is that each

06:28 of these dots here which we will in the Samata sense of cortex off

06:32 rodents and all of the other animals have a pad that has whiskers.

06:39 these whiskers are very important for others they feel the environment by whisking around

06:45 sniffing around and when they whisk around do it with a certain frequency and

06:50 certain frequency as it helps them find food as helps them made, gets

06:58 into their brains. And the You have this anatomy where each one

07:06 these dots, we call it a . Each one of these barrels actually

07:12 a distinct whisker on the whisker So if you have five rows of

07:19 and seven or 88 whiskers in each , you will have five rows of

07:24 barrels And seven or 8 whiskers in one of these roads. And this

07:30 at the level of the primaries amount sensory cortex. And so it's not

07:37 the beaks, it's not only yeah of some skin between the digits that

07:47 animals swim. It's not only it's not only these things that are

07:53 but also the representation of how an perceives an outside world, what senses

08:00 dominating the environment, survival appropriation of animal that's going to be reflected in

08:07 max in the cortical naps And the in the new york cortex. And

08:14 particular we're talking about the primary sensory provision and primary somatic sensory areas for

08:22 sensation which a lot of it comes whisking around. And uh indeed you

08:30 not find this map in humans because don't have whiskers and we don't have

08:39 of whiskers, we have facial which we don't really use it

08:45 find food or feel the environment around uh unless it's very intimate. But

08:55 than that you wouldn't have this map the human cortex. And that's the

09:01 point is that evolution is environmental, nature, it's the genes, it's

09:11 and what you see on the anatomical changes on the outside. You

09:15 have certain neuro anatomical maps, circuitry that is reflecting the life and the

09:25 of different species. Now we are starting to understand in the 19th century

09:35 there are different parts of the brain for different functions. But we really

09:41 of just take the brain and visualize inside of it. and that is

09:48 the brain tissue is translucent and prior 19th century microscopes are for optical

09:58 the first microscopes that are capable of , having a resolution enough to see

10:05 single cell Become available in 1820s. that means that uh soma or cell

10:18 . About 10 micrometers for neurons is 10 micrometers in diameter. He now

10:25 microscopes that have enough resolution to visualize 10 Michaelm cell. But you have

10:38 obstacle. If you just take the the brain tissue or neurons and plop

10:45 under a microscope, you really cannot very much. Especially in the 1820s

10:53 tissues rather translucent. And because most the people are looking at this translucent

11:02 , they're not understanding. And they're whether the brain, the cortex and

11:07 cns is made up of distinct individual cells or whether the brain is some

11:16 of a continuous cytoplasmic entity with millions nuclei interspersed underneath the same side of

11:26 Mick cover up. So you have camps the ridiculous theory that holds that

11:33 nervous system is a sensation. It's network multiple nuclei but has cytoplasmic continuity

11:44 one place in the network to So you would say that Green matter

11:48 just all one thing with these multiple spread around them at the same

11:55 You also have a neuron doctrine And biology it's also known as South Theory

12:02 it's happening concurrently. This debate of to understand how different organs, not

12:07 the brain, but how different organs . Look at this microscopic level.

12:16 neuron doctrine argues that neurons or brain are discrete cells, cold neurons,

12:23 with just one nucleus surrounded by its cell membrane and here come into play

12:32 of the most interesting people that were in the descriptions of neurons neuron doctrine

12:40 even synopsis of synaptic connectivity, the , cortical networks and such. And

12:48 you first start with Camelia Golgi who 1873 in Italy um discovers what is

12:59 now a Golgi stain. He essentially that in photography at the time.

13:07 you were taking pictures, the only that you were doing that you would

13:12 to have silver nitrate stains and you to develop the pictures using the silver

13:19 stains and photography. So he decides apply what is being used as as

13:26 chemicals and photography and photo development and , I'm going to apply these chemicals

13:34 the brain in a different way. that's the beauty of being a scientist

13:41 medical doctor can never do something like applied or do something in somebody's brain

13:48 several different ways to see what happens stained as human brain several times.

13:55 , postmortem, Yes, but in in living tissue. No. And

14:00 this is all done. And of in vitro, in viva is in

14:05 whole animal. In vitro is outside animal, it's an isolated brain and

14:12 slice prepared from that brain or something of that, a small network that

14:18 been isolated. Amelia Golgi then finds way that if he partially takes the

14:25 off the off the brain and immerses in the silver nitrate stain when he

14:32 the brain and develop said sort of similar techniques like in photography, he

14:41 these beautifully looking neurons with very complex . So he revealed the selma's of

14:49 neurons. He reveals all of the of these neurons, the dem rights

14:53 the accents in full, but only fraction of these neurons, one too

15:02 percent of europe's absorb the silver nitrate and developed. So what you're seeing

15:10 these pictures is just a fraction, small fraction percentage fraction of all of

15:17 neurons. Only a small fraction of get stained. Ra Monica. How

15:25 is probably the most famous stanish neuroscientist for Camelia Golgi. He's in his

15:34 studying and he's using the Golgi stain produces these beautiful images and beautiful drawings

15:41 neuronal networks. The very forward the interesting thing is that Camelia Golgi

15:52 actually despite having invented the stain that is very discreet anatomy for individual

16:01 Despite of that, Camelia Golgi is proponent of particular theory and Camelia Golgi

16:11 is a student as a proponent of neuron doctrine and even more so he

16:18 about how individual neurons connect with each and how these connections are plastic.

16:26 he's very, very forward thinking and doesn't exactly know how they connect.

16:31 Sir Charles Carrington is credited with going deeper and coining the term and describing

16:39 term called the synapse. And that's location where essentially communication between two neurons

16:46 place a very specialist location. So their rounds visible. You have Golgi

16:57 . Emilio Golgi publishes a method and really really advanced microscopes that can actually

17:08 the actual sin assets. I'm not until 1950s. So although those microscopes

17:16 had enough of the resolution to resolve cells to show you the hundreds,

17:22 processes axons, even external terminals. could not have enough resolution to visualize

17:28 actual synapse. You needed to have more powerful microscopes. Almost 100 and

17:33 years later, 100 and 30 years here are some of the drawings by

17:40 Kahala and you can see that his are still being published to this

17:46 His beautiful prom. It'll cells in cortex that have dem drives done

17:52 so depicted and brown and toxins are in black and think look at how

18:00 cool it is. So he postulates the signal somehow goes into the so

18:09 and then the signal comes out of Selma's. So he's postulating that most

18:14 the input is shown by these black coming in from the adjacent cell

18:21 You can see these black arrows are done rides and Selma's and then the

18:30 accents which are the outputs are carrying information to yet other cells with these

18:36 black Arabs there is a directionality in . There is a hypothesis that gun

18:46 and some absorb the information input received input and that the axons carry the

18:55 . It's actually true to this very detailed descriptions. He talks about

19:04 as well, 19 oh six Nobel given to both of them familiar Golgi

19:13 harmonica hall but they remain rivals to end and community Goldie still believes in

19:20 ridiculous theory. So I use this an example of how you actually,

19:28 you're doing research first of all, and research gives them an unprecedented ability

19:36 muck around and see what this team going to do to the brain and

19:43 discover something huge that is to this being used in the labs to describe

19:48 anatomy of neurons in the brains. science allows you to do that of

19:56 have a hypothesis and then that an lesson year to be learned is that

20:01 you're working with somebody you're respecting, say you're working with your mentor,

20:07 may have differences in how you understand science of how you understand the end

20:15 and that's okay too, especially if can win the Nobel prize for that

20:21 . So uh huh At that we still don't know that neurons generate

20:27 potentials. So although we know that have electricity by electricity, we now

20:35 these discrete units that seem to be with each other in a specific

20:41 We don't know what that action potential because we don't have a sensitive enough

20:47 until But middle of the 20th century detect that information, electro physiological.

20:56 nestle stain is another stand commonly used the brain. Uh yeah, discovered

21:03 France. And so and it's very for describing what we call the sites

21:11 architecture off the brain. And in case this you can see each one

21:18 these little blue dots, these tiny little blue dots is an individual

21:25 So why Golgi stain? Missile stain stay in all of the cell phone

21:32 , all of the knows all of glia. And when you see these

21:37 bands look like, that means that density of the south of these dark

21:42 is very high dancing and where you less of the darkness, that means

21:47 dead, there's less density and the the cells are stacked in that

21:56 And so this allows for another great . Barbadian Brotman to use missile stain

22:09 to describe the brain based on the of architecture and the site architect tonic

22:17 is that different functional areas are determined observing variations in the structure density,

22:27 architecture off the cells. So he's that if you come to a place

22:34 the brain that looks like good, has a different like one house That

22:42 three stories and six rooms in each . And then you come to a

22:49 in the brain that looks like it maybe six stories and it has 100

22:55 in each story. Then you would suggested those parts of the brain must

23:02 serve different functions. So when you your 1st 1st discovered it on a

23:08 scale by observing blunt trauma and injury missing pieces of the brain like in

23:15 area. Yeah or vernon cas area with Phineas gage massive trauma to the

23:24 . Now, instead of that, going on a microscopic level. And

23:28 saying, let me look on a level how these cells are arranged

23:34 Because that means a lot house with stories and 15 hallways and 15 rooms

23:42 one thing a house with three stories two Hallways and 15 rooms is a

23:48 different way that you navigate through the . It's a completely different way how

23:54 people may walk through that house in certain amount of time? It's

24:01 The rooms are two separated, maybe there is too many hallways and so

24:05 and so forth. And so you to think about that as an analogy

24:09 different networks in the brain and because have different structure packing densities,

24:18 they also have different wiring and connectivity they sub serve different functions in certain

24:25 of the areas of the brain described dr Brotman is still very widely used

24:31 every day, neuroscience and science and languages. So what we talked about

24:40 that standard light microscope later. go ahead. Well, your

24:49 What is the gold you staying actually ? Yeah. The Golgi stain.

25:01 don't know what exactly stains. Yeah a very good question. You know

25:08 answer. Let's look it up. so great question. I have to

25:17 back to him this one. Oh I want to say that it's non

25:27 picks up. It gets picked up neurons. Not certain if it finds

25:32 anything in particular. But I'll have get back to you because it doesn't

25:37 to one subtype of this neuron. just kind of a scattered throughout difference

25:44 that's the nerves. So. Uh . In other words it's not a

25:54 receptor that is finding to that would specific to one subset of subclass of

26:00 . But I have to get back you if somebody is looking it up

26:03 we speak about it you can you try him in Like Microscope has a

26:13 in advance times of about 0.1 micro . So originally you could see 10

26:19 and later you have 100.1. My increase the resolution by a lot with

26:24 space between neurons and the space and sin absence between the synapses. Because

26:32 actual physical space between one neurons. terminal and another neurons done dr for

26:41 This physical space and that physical spaces nanometers and you cannot visualize that using

26:50 light microscope. So instead of that go to like microscope. And that

26:57 get developed until Late in the 20th . Almost middle of the 20th century

27:04 electron microscope now allows you to visualize sin absence. And so what you're

27:12 here is you're seeing this that is dan which stands for dendrite and this

27:20 that you're seeing here right here, little bit in green. It's called

27:25 dendritic spine. In each one of spines is depicted here, it's like

27:30 little outgrowth that you see from the name dendritic shaft. And on these

27:38 spines you with C. PTSD which for possum attic densities which are synaptic

27:47 posson optically that will contain higher densities receptors. And these receptors are chemical

27:57 well educated receptors. They are juxtaposed the pre synaptic side shown here on

28:04 right and in red which is the terminal. And those red dots that

28:10 seen. This red dots are vesicles they contain neurotransmitters which are chemicals.

28:19 so you can see that the acts an excellent terminal comes to the past

28:23 density. That's where the neurotransmitters and vesicles will fuse preseason optically here on

28:31 right. The neurotransmitter will be released the synaptic cleft which is this 20

28:38 space between wonder on and another and the chemical will bind to the receptors

28:45 the bar synaptic density on the boston side on the down dried. And

28:51 as you can see this damn And dendritic spines come in many different

28:56 and forms some of them are Some of them are more mushroom

29:03 And so they're called a stubby a thin spine. The mushroom shaped

29:10 . The arrangement of these spines and synaptic connectivity in normal arrangement of these

29:17 is very important for normal brain Okay this is a view of uh

29:29 advanced microscopes. You have come focal . Now you have a way to

29:36 neurons without using the stain. But and still in many ways you need

29:41 different stains. Not to visualize the of neurons but to visualize where specific

29:47 specific neurotransmitters are located. And this a three dimensional representation of these dangerous

29:56 . And these days we can visualize using another technique that's called differential infrared

30:03 microscopy. Okay. Or I. . D. I. C.

30:09 IR microscopy. And in this case is depicted here is you place a

30:17 of the brain underneath the microscope and are the eyepieces through which you could

30:22 observing the tissue underneath. And if went directly into your eye pieces you

30:29 see much. It would be So you'd have to use a

30:33 And instead the signal through the mirror gets sent to the infrared camera and

30:41 infrared camera using differential infrared contrast and series of mirrors here and filters produces

30:52 where you can visualize individual neurons without any state. And so what you

30:58 here this is a setup that is in my lab another building. And

31:05 we used to do the slices and them underneath the brain, you're not

31:09 visualize the slices. But then you then use the micro electrodes, these

31:14 micro electrodes using which you could approach cells and record electrical activity or stimulate

31:22 cells and stimulate the networks of the with electrical activity. And so a

31:28 of times this is we're talking about technique which is infrared imaging of the

31:34 issue. But in general this type technique of recording from the south while

31:39 them or recording in vivo recording electrical is referred to as electrophysiology or

31:49 So the current view is of course have uh view that is trying to

31:57 all encompassing by that. I mean have a macro view and this macro

32:06 allows us to understand what different lobes responsible for. And we also have

32:13 micro view microscopic view in the molecular and even the genetic view and the

32:22 view is that inside different cells and different synapses. And then did experience

32:29 will have different molecules, you will different subsets of receptors, different subsets

32:36 neurotransmitters that different neurons use in different of the brain. The ultimate holy

32:45 of neuroscience used to non invasively understand on a single cell level while also

32:56 it at a whole brain or a level. We're not quite there

33:01 We can non invasively observe activity in brain using FmRI, which is functional

33:08 resonance imaging. We can also observe activity using what is shown here using

33:16 and emission tomography or pet scanning pet images. But those techniques do not

33:25 us a resolution of a single Those techniques do not give us a

33:32 of a single synapse and that's where you have to rely on basic

33:38 If you want to study activity of single molecule single sent out for single

33:46 non invasively, it is very impossible do in humans, especially when you're

33:53 about C. N. S. experimenting. So obviously this is the

33:58 science part in a in the What you want to do is in

34:03 clinic, you want to diagnose the cause of the disease because when a

34:12 comes in with symptoms, whatever the are, that's that's not the

34:17 This is an expression whatever causing these , whether it's genetic, chemical traumatic

34:28 the first thing that doctors will do of course, after they inspect you

34:35 at you superficially, they look in blood and if you're complaining of certain

34:40 in your head, are you having problems with pain and migraines or something

34:47 that. They may do one of cans and this is non invasive technique

34:52 look at what your brain is And of course to look if there

34:57 any damage in the brain grows damage not at the level of the single

35:01 . And so if you look at and a person is looking at words

35:06 the exhibit a low where the visual from the ice is going through the

35:11 of Logan, the primary visual cortex going to be most active when the

35:16 is listening to words, you will more of the temporal lobe and also

35:21 aphasia area, vernon cas area which be located right here. If you're

35:27 words, which area would you then expressive Aphasia would engage Broca's area,

35:32 also engage the motor cortex which is more, you know the front

35:38 And if you're thinking of words that can see the completely different areas of

35:42 brain get engaged. It's not allowing the primary sensory areas of looking or

35:50 , looking, listening, okay, speaking but it's actually different areas of

35:56 brain that we got engaged And quite get a question here. So does

36:02 mean that we can only use 10% our brain? And the answer is

36:08 can use only 10% of your friends you want to. You can use

36:15 of your brain. You can use of your brain and some really bad

36:20 , you can use 100% of the but that would mean epileptic seizure.

36:27 there is no such thing that we use 10% of our brain as its

36:32 90%. You just tap into that neuroscience and all the rest of the

36:39 and the reality is a different tasks all different areas of the brain and

36:47 we multi task, when you when you're listening to something, you're

36:51 and like your emotional and all of going on whatever efficient all of these

36:58 parts of the brain get engaged and They interact with each other and at

37:03 point it could be 10% over it's active almost. So yeah,

37:11 ultimate is to be able to walk the clinic and to get your Fmri

37:19 your pet scan done and to visualize noninvasive rent at a network level with

37:30 gross mouths while at the same time and computing with every salad, every

37:37 story, we're not there. But is I think the task that is

37:44 to get solved this century, we understand activity in the single synapse by

37:50 end of the century and we'll have tools to understand it at the level

37:54 the network noninvasive able to that's a . Mhm Okay, mm. The

38:10 year is Each function is observed by than one neural pathway. Okay,

38:34 so that means that there is redundancy the cns and that's for protected reasons

38:42 one pathways damaged others may compensate. in the beginning when you didn't have

38:48 sensitive tools that would make the localization brain function quite a challenge because you

38:55 several pathways that can lead to the result. And even several anatomical pathways

39:00 responsible for processing same or similar sensor , emotions also have localization. And

39:10 you have temporal lobe epilepsy or you micro stimulation of temporal lobe and certain

39:16 areas in the brain, you can vote the same emotions that you would

39:21 and you're experiencing joy or fear or sadness and the brains are smart and

39:32 mass that you're seeing this map is virtual reality and then the map gets

39:38 in virtual reality and it doesn't mean the map gets bigger but the activity

39:43 gets a little bit different and you see more right here on the ride

39:47 more orangey and more of a spread activity. So even even immersing one

39:55 virtual reality has an effect on the function on the brain maps that are

40:02 by these external stimulus. Okay. functions consist of multiple processes that occur

40:11 specific areas of the brain. We imaging studies that reveal different processes.

40:18 called an elementary operations such as looking words we have processing both in serious

40:24 in parallel. That means in It means that it's hierarchically more

40:32 Your retina doesn't understand the outside world way your primary visual cortex does.

40:39 there's a hierarchy and each synaptic junction is a complexity and the processing that

40:47 all the way to the neocortex and the association areas of the cortex and

40:53 parallel means that there are several There are two eyes there two

40:59 those basic examples of parallel processing. you make a right and left and

41:05 don't lose the entire half of the field visual that let me field,

41:09 you lose one, I In fact lose periphery on one side, peripheral

41:16 vision. Even simplest mental activity requires of processes and multiple areas of the

41:23 . Such processes appear introspectively seamless to . We don't often think about multitasking

41:31 how many parts of our brains are . And sometimes we just get tired

41:36 fall asleep and now our brains go a different rhythm and they're still

41:42 So if you measure brain activity and you look at the brain maps,

41:46 just the brain maps are still the motive function is disconnected. So

41:52 you're dreaming that you're flying, you're there in bed and fluttering yourself up

41:57 down. You're just dreaming. You're , the motors cut off the motor

42:03 . But all of the kid in brain and imagines of dreaming and replace

42:08 , you will see that we will it. So it's not like when

42:11 go to sleep. That's from nothing in the brain. Uh There's

42:19 specialists of the nervous system, There a couple of questions and I often

42:24 about that neurologist as an MD. interested in diseases of the nervous

42:29 It's a person that will for example you have a family member that has

42:36 that has Alzheimer's disease. Parkinson's disease neurologist is a person that is going

42:43 help you with a diagnosis of that . And treatment of that disease was

42:50 medications difficult psychiatrists is also an Is a mood personality disorder. Person

43:04 is the surgeon of the brain and cord. So anything to do with

43:10 cord surgery and these are by the 10 Year residencies to be a

43:17 Um you have to really train yourself quite often you don't get to do

43:25 surgeries in the hippocampus and you know and then in the spinal record and

43:31 typically specialist on spinal cord surgeries or stem surgeries for cancer surgeries like we

43:41 eliminating cancer tumor formations from the Um You're a pathologist can be an

43:52 or PhD and I know a couple very successful ph D. S that

43:59 departments at the hospital's pathology department because are now looking at the tissue taking

44:07 samples of the tissue to rely. say you suspect that there's a glioma

44:14 real blast um a tumor life information the brain and and uh and uh

44:24 the surgery, see that too much eliminated. You're going to take a

44:29 of that tissue and you're going to it under a microscope to understand that

44:36 better. Oh, so there's also of course that you would be studying

44:46 neuropathologist, not just the anatomy and in the anatomy and histology of the

44:53 , but also markers. And as said, the levels of analysis and

45:00 goes from molecular all the way to for molecular similar molecules cells, networks

45:10 systems that are made up of many behavior which is coordinated typically by several

45:19 and cognition, which involves many different of the brain. An experimental

45:26 you have many different areas to indulge and explore depending on what really interests

45:34 , whether it's a chemistry or whether electric, electricity, electronics and physics

45:41 whether it's psychology. So my primary originally as neurophysiologist, no pharmacologists.

45:51 you're anonymous. And that's how I trained as a classical nure anonymous and

45:59 poking brain cells, applying different understanding trying to understand brain function,

46:07 and chemical about brain function. Also quite a bit experience with molecular and

46:14 neuroscience in the past, but mostly collaborative projects. So I just put

46:20 there for you because neuroscience actually can applied in many different fields and it

46:28 not be listed here, but it be for example neuro rehabilitation. And

46:35 list is maybe a little bit longer you to see that even for

46:40 a nursing school. If you become nurse, you could have a specialty

46:44 neurology or specialty in neuroscience or nurse which will allow you to specialize in

46:51 specific area. So, uh there's careers that benefit from Neurosciences, occupational

47:01 , speech pathology drug re have artificial . There's a lot of neuro people

47:08 went into artificial intelligence because it's kind a lengthen away and trying to understand

47:14 way the networks and the brain work the way the networks and the computers

47:19 the way the brain learns, the the computers learn. Can we make

47:24 computers learn? And these computer networks and be plastic. The ultimate is

47:28 make them as plastic and as advanced the brain tissues that are so

47:34 But of course it's a rigid issue it doesn't really delete uh something by

47:42 unless I press the button. Not true. You should say that last

47:50 other stuff without pressing the Button. , so this concludes our view of

47:56 of the history of neuroscience. And we'll continue here. We can start

48:05 about neurons and glia neurons are like in a chocolate chip cookie. Mongolia

48:12 like the dough glia and greek stands glue. And I think that can

48:20 have a cookie without chocolate chips? can but it's just you know,

48:27 just a sweet dough is boring. But can you have a cookie without

48:34 dog. Yeah. Not at Right. You just have melted chocolate

48:43 . So You want to have Glia is 90% of what the brain

48:50 actually neurons is 10% of what the is comprised of, 90% of the

48:57 until probably last decades studied 10 Of brain. Maybe that's where the 10%

49:04 the brain comes from. Because 10% the neurons is, you know,

49:08 Smith of using 10% of the And then what we know about the

49:13 of how we visualize it now non in viva. And of course in

49:18 experimentally again and the brain is mainly the state. And we talked about

49:27 just like the the rain in spain family in the plane neurons. You

49:43 everything about them because you know everything cells. But there are certain things

49:48 are different in neurons, certain things you don't know about. Maybe it's

49:54 things that you're gonna learn about in course. Basic things that has a

50:00 soma as a nucleus, wow, in the main source of energy and

50:10 , wow. And that is That is very important. As I

50:16 to you, the brain, There's about 3% of your total body

50:22 It consumes about 20% of your total coverage. Yes, it sucks a

50:29 of a lot of goodies get sucked the brain to sustain the activity of

50:34 control center. Course you have other such as the golgi apparatus, smoothie

50:45 and expires. Make ridiculous pull the . Great. What is different about

50:51 cells is that these cells have accidents accidents in most of neurons are my

50:58 . So because neurons produce action potentials they produce electrical activity and that activity

51:04 generated at the acts on initial segment located very close to the selma.

51:11 accent is insulated just like any other . I mean the reason for it

51:17 you want information from this mouse to the information on your computer. And

51:26 I were to strip all of the off of it and expose the wires

51:32 touch the wires, I may get . But also part of that information

51:38 not reach the computer. It would unstable. And so just like with

51:45 wires, accidents are insulated and they're by mile and sheets that are flown

51:51 glial cells. And you learn their specifically by glial cells called ligo dangerous

51:58 . The other thing that's different about is that they have these dendritic spines

52:05 you can say well okay so hair while hair cells are sensory neurons but

52:10 have cilia, you'll say well there's other cells in the gut that will

52:15 micro cilia and that sort of it's of a different then that expands our

52:22 to neurons and dendritic spines. They plastic so you grow spines. You

52:29 them during the development. You strengthen make them larger. You we can

52:34 them smaller and get rid of them just during the development but also in

52:39 adulthood. There's one thing for sure that we have finite storage in our

52:46 . We cannot store all of the that would alarm in our lives.

52:51 a lot of that information to very . Very important information gets segmented into

52:55 we call a long term memory and term memory storage and a lot of

53:01 is intertwined with other senses. And may not have that long term memory

53:06 a long time until you smell something you hear the music and you're

53:10 oh my God, somewhere off You know like I remember this and

53:17 you have that event that happened that's to that song. You know?

53:22 uh but other things you'll forget forget the names of the people that were

53:27 . But the feeling maybe there and key people that maybe are still your

53:32 from 2016 you'll remember. But it's finite and and that's why you have

53:40 synopsis that are growing certain synapses that going away, The ones that are

53:45 for being strengthened and they're becoming more and the ones that are not,

53:50 going to win. So you have lot of plasticity at the level of

53:54 synapse system, You have these specialist terminals that will contact not only the

54:00 something that expires but also the soul of these neurons and that's where you

54:05 have the electrical output. The first here and then when it reaches the

54:12 panel terminal from a different accent that here it will cause the release of

54:17 neurotransmitter. So its electrochemical communication. This is just very basic review.

54:27 genes transcription, you have RNA you have export of RNA shuttles from

54:36 nucleus. You have a gene from transcribed into RNA that gets spliced into

54:43 journey. And then this is the or burdens for chemical lists all the

54:53 stuff. You know. Spice variances be an important or interesting subject to

54:59 up here because splice variants is what us sort of a variant of each

55:06 . There are plenty of normal splice . These areas that get uh excised

55:15 N tron areas and the Exxon areas placed into messenger RNA. So during

55:23 slicing process you have variants which are . We think differently slightly slightly different

55:36 but there's also pathological values. So you during the slicing process did not

55:42 the message correctly, it can become source or cause of certain pathology in

55:48 case neuropathology and neurological disorder. organize files, rough and the plasmid

55:57 polar ribosomes ribosomes and you have messenger that encodes proteins and some of these

56:06 audience become freely floating and other proteins numbering associated. So we're gonna talk

56:14 lot about the membrane associated proteins because will be our channels membrane channels and

56:21 receptors, G protein coupled receptors as as receptor channels. Yeah, it's

56:35 post genomic era. So we can profile differences in gene expression at this

56:42 scale. We can again take what called a micro array. And now

56:49 we know the code, we can a synthetic D. N.

56:52 You can see these advertisements. Hey want the sequence designed for you.

56:57 like some sense 11 cents for base will design the sequence for you.

57:02 you have this synthetic D. A. And you can take this

57:05 array that will have Little while. imagine that this tiny little while.

57:09 we'll have 30,000 of them. Each of them represents a specific synthetic DNA

57:15 . And it's like a sophisticated in way you can think of sophisticated piece

57:21 velcro, it means that if you something that is complimentary in sequence.

57:30 , this is specific sequence. And you put something onto that specific sequence

57:36 will stick to it. That means you have that gene expressed by that

57:41 of tissue by that brain. And will also tell you whether you can

57:47 you compare one brain versus another brain maybe one brain will have a lot

57:52 of that uh specific gene of And so you can use these micro

57:59 to get a bird's eye view on is happening. For example, you

58:04 to compare normal brain process of disease and you will apply samples from normal

58:11 brain one versus disease brain brain to you're gonna look and study this micro

58:18 And what is going to reveal to . Let's say you have 30,000 genes

58:22 interest in the as wealth. It say that 5000 genes changed.

58:30 that's a lot. 2001. Top . Okay, I want to look

58:37 the ones at one time. 10 them on top 30 times maybe.

58:45 interesting because one of them, my studies. Okay, I have to

58:50 at that one. So, And you will say, Okay, so

58:57 do you know that if you have change in 200 genes for 2000 genes

59:02 that changes, twentyfold. that that really important. In other words,

59:09 talking about a nonlinear system. The is nonlinear system. The diseases are

59:15 necessarily linear in any way that you think of. And and here you

59:21 this this this this this problem because gene that may be changed on the

59:26 bulb maybe is the most important one you're chasing the ones that change 30

59:34 because it's nature and things sometimes when change don't necessarily again represent linear

59:44 But overall, if you have a feeling, let's say that the gene

59:48 got exploded 20,000. It's also the has been shown in that disease to

59:53 involved and it's also this and God you're on to something. You can

59:58 it down let's say two Instead of genes now to five candidate genes to

60:04 candidate genes and maybe really get to to the heart of the problem or

60:09 of the main problems and they will again. Yeah that's very basic.

60:15 have smooth er protein folding calcium You have a lot of calcium that

60:20 released from smooth and the plasma in . So we'll talk about how you

60:25 calcium induced calcium release inside the South the calcium inside the South neurons is

60:32 only an ion is also a secondary , it is very tightly regulated how

60:38 of the sata solid or free floating . The South actually have Golgi apparatus

60:44 be responsible for post translational processing, sorting to his final destinations mitochondria and

60:51 Krebs cycle that you have learned about forgot. Yeah. It's important.

60:56 have to memorize Krebs cycle. Can imagine if you have to memorize Krebs

61:00 now for biochemistry? Uh That would difficult to be a real challenge.

61:06 at some point you have to do uh And you get in the end

61:11 T. P. Of all of goodies. Dietary and stored energy sources

61:16 and sugar fat gets transformed to peru acid oxidation produces A. T.

61:22 . And CO. Two and has specific structure of this christa inside on

61:28 double membrane has a very negative charge the membranes. But that doesn't contribute

61:36 to the plasma number in charge of neurons. But nonetheless mitochondria is extremely

61:42 because of what I was telling you . The amount of energy that gets

61:47 by the brain that gets used by brain in relation to its proportion overall

61:55 to the body size, its size proportion to the body size. Okay

62:04 I want to talk to you about lipid bi layer but I think that

62:10 this could be a good stopping point . Like to show you a short

62:15 and start talking about the fluid mosaic and in general how different aspects of

62:22 plasma membrane proteins and even large receptor in the plasma membrane a very

62:32 And we moved through neuronal membranes and move on demand and they can move

62:38 lightning speeds and changing the strength and and function of the synopsis.

62:45 so that's it for today and I see everyone on Wednesday either here or

62:54 zoom. Have a good evening.
