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00:02 This is lecture 19 of Neuroscience. today we're discussing hearing in particular the

00:09 system and to understand how we perceive , uh we have to first understand

00:18 sound is. And as when we about visual system, we said,

00:22 talk about some of the properties of and what we can perceive what is

00:27 range of visual perception for us, is is 400 to 700 nanometers wavelengths

00:33 uh of light. And now we talking about hearing, which is

00:39 sound is neural perception of sound energy travels in sound waves. And the

00:47 of sound is 343 m a second 767 MPH, the traveling vibrations of

00:56 and they consist of al regions of and rare faction of air molecules.

01:03 an example here that is given this a region of compression, this is

01:07 region of rare faction. So the compression and molecules, air molecules in

01:12 air become more dense and obviously in factor there it less dense. So

01:19 is a tuning form. So the form is just standing in the

01:23 nobody has uh touched it. And tuning fork is gonna have pretty much

01:29 the quiet room and even surround the of these air molecules around it.

01:34 the minute you tap and this tuning , it starts vibrating and these

01:41 what they do is the tuning fork . It produces these waves of rare

01:49 and compressed air waves that are the waves that are traveling in air.

01:56 the same principle is with the speakers you have in the car in your

02:04 or in your ears because ear buds headphones are speakers. And the principle

02:12 speakers is that there's a fire and speaker that vibrates and as it vibrates

02:19 moves the air molecules, certain amplitudes certain frequencies. And uh this is

02:26 recreates the sound, whether it's analog um record uh player or digital form

02:34 anything that you typically use as like cellphones and computers and such.

02:41 , and then there's a speaker someplace there's a vibration that produces that sound

02:46 any one of these listening devices you know, sound devices as you

02:52 , uh human audible range. we're limited from 20 Hertz to 20,000

02:58 . 20,000 Hertz is 20 kilohertz. is above 20 kilohertz infrasound is below

03:06 Hertz. Of course, there are creatures and animals in this world that

03:13 at different frequencies and they have the , we don't have that our ear

03:20 systems and the cochlea system is designed perceive the sound within this 20 to

03:27 for its range. But other uh , for example, dolphins herring,

03:35 can communicate at really, really high like 180 kilohertz. Not something that

03:41 cannot perceive. Even if it is us, we don't perceive that

03:46 We're just limited to perceiving what we given by the creation of the sensory

03:55 in the brain and the brain circuits the systems. That means that there

04:02 ultrasound and there is infrasound around us the time. We don't hear

04:07 Infrasound. We can actually perceive in ways. Infrasound would be a slow

04:13 and car vibrations are slow below 20 . The subwoofer, some subwoofers,

04:21 you read, actually, when you purchasing an audio system or a

04:25 like as speakers for your computer will some for low range 10 Hertz as

04:32 the hearing range, then it goes to four Hertz, some of them

04:37 for the speakers as below the hearing . So if you are at some

04:43 or concert and there's really powerful you can actually feel the vibrations of

04:52 molecules. So you will feel them some matter sensory system, not through

04:56 auditory system, but those are really vibrations. And it's just the fact

05:03 this world, the way that we this world, visual information, 400

05:09 700 auditory 20 to 20,000. That's what's in this world. That's what

05:16 perceive is this world, this world light and we saw sound outside all

05:24 the ranges that we can perceive and there are animals that live in this

05:29 that we depend on as a part the ecosystem that perceive this world completely

05:36 . We perceive it as heat They might perceive it as high frequency

05:40 , That means something that we don't understand what it means. So,

05:45 of the sound is loudness and intensity the sound, the sound waves will

05:49 reflected in the aptitude are uh in words, this is the volume button

05:56 your, in your, in your uh equalizer or in your car stereo

06:03 . So the low frequency and the frequency, this is the pitch,

06:08 frequency, high frequency. But then know how low frequency, low intensity

06:13 low frequency, high intensity, it's same, it's the same pitch,

06:17 . So these are the basically properties the sound waves that you're looking

06:22 Now, those vibrations in the outside the air, they're designed to enter

06:29 the of our air, be directed the auditory canal, also called external

06:38 . And the air vibrations are eventually to vibrate the air drum or the

06:45 membrane, which is on the outer . As this air drum vibrates from

06:51 air vibrations, we have obstacles, smallest bone in the body that are

06:57 to the ear drum, but they're in such a way that they can

07:02 and they have quite a bit of to move. It's all almost like

07:06 jointed together and they have these flexible where they can move. And that's

07:12 because then the movement of the air can be amplified through this torque like

07:21 of the obstacles and the obstacles which part of the middle here will be

07:26 the oval window and that oval the window into the cochlea. And

07:34 is a snail like structure looking This is the cochlea and this is

07:41 top of it is the vestibular para out of the cochlea, you have

07:47 auditory component of the Bulo cochlear nerve the cochlear component of the tibula cochlear

07:55 , which is the eighth cranial which you've learned in the second

08:00 So this is the information that will processed the sound information in the cochlea

08:07 then through the cranial nerve, auditory nerve. And in particular, in

08:14 case, the auditory component, auditory is the same as vestibular cochlea nerve

08:19 another term for it. Uh But this case, the cochlear component,

08:24 is all comprising cochlea and the organ corti what is called the inner

08:31 There is also uh this is uh air wax would be here. Uh

08:38 also most importantly, this is your tube in here, that kind of

08:44 if you can imagine in the, your ear, kind of in

08:47 in the back of your throat and station tube is for equalizing, it

08:55 into the back of the throat, the bar or equalizing the pressure between

09:00 outside and the inside of your And an example is when you're

09:06 your ears plug up or they start or whatever you wanna call it,

09:11 because of the changes in the air at the high elevation. You don't

09:17 have to fly. You can drive on the mountain or drive down the

09:21 fast in the car and you'll feel changes. And um, if you're

09:27 the plane, you'll see people, know, starting to yawn and move

09:31 jaws or blow their ears and that's to trying to equalize the pressure between

09:39 air and the outside. And this done through the, with the help

09:43 the station tube. And you can if you can equalize the pressure,

09:48 can be very painful. It can uh rupture the um, the air

09:53 and upset the, the, the, the auditory system for a

09:58 . So also it's a site in Two, you will have possibility of

10:05 infections. So this is a very site with ear infections in Children that

10:10 repeated ear infections, chronic ear So there's a consideration for surgery that's

10:16 tubes. So my child got the inserted. You will hear that.

10:20 my, somebody's uh, child is tubes in the ears dunked. And

10:24 because this becomes a breeding ground for and viruses. It's a mucosil

10:32 It's sweat, it's warm, it's the back of the throat. It

10:36 uh you know, a good way basically infiltrating him. Now, what

10:43 if the child has chronic ear Uh and they have to go to

10:51 . We talked about the critical period plasticity. I remember. So early

10:55 , early learning is very important. child doesn't hear as well. They

11:00 pay as much attention. They don't as well. They don't have as

11:03 plasticity in their auditory apoca in their , a poly potentially tube. So

11:08 tradeoff is to place these plastic, grade plastic tubes, replace them uh

11:16 the natural station tube and circus And that is not a very favorable

11:22 for bacteria and viruses to grow. that is a tradeoff and at least

11:26 have good hearing and they develop uh . So oss obstacle, as I

11:35 , they will amplify the vibrations, air vibrations that are eventually vibrating the

11:40 e when it's a panic membrane, you can see these arrows and you

11:44 the movement of the OTAs and eventually movement of the obstacles will be moving

11:51 oval window. And this oval window is going to move the fluid in

12:00 inner ear inside the cochlea. We'll that next obstacles are the smallest bones

12:06 your body. And mali as tinkers stabs uh cochlea is about the size

12:18 a P like green peak. that's in, in, in,

12:23 human cole is about the size of peak. Now, uh these obstacles

12:31 also you can see here there's tensor muscle and then there's Sted muscle

12:42 So just think about the location, of these muscles. If you contract

12:48 muscles, then you're contracting and making space smaller, right? If you

12:57 , if you're making the space you're not allowing these obstacles to move

13:04 as much torque, eliminating their to . Now, I wrote something down

13:12 that's called attenuation response. And I ask students. So if you hear

13:19 loud noise or persistent loud noise, is the first thing you typically

13:28 What's that? Cover my, cover , cover your ears? Ok.

13:33 tied your hands. Um maybe, don't know. I just don't

13:39 oh, interesting. We're getting Actually anybody else, John.

13:52 Well, both of you are kind like you're doing something different than just

13:56 your hand. So if you cannot your hands to block the sound,

14:01 you'll see people, even if they block the sound with their hands as

14:07 blocking, they'll also do this like of a squint, right? You

14:12 do it like, you know how , you know, but if you

14:16 that and squint, you can see the ambient level of sound that you're

14:21 in the room changes. Ok? that's because you are contracting these

14:27 And this is a protective mechanism for loud noise, not to activate the

14:35 as much because that can end up your hearing. It's a protective

14:40 a loud noise to stiffen up. the torque movement of these obstacles by

14:50 of these little muscles. We take cochlea which looks like a snail here

14:58 we roll it out. We have base of the cochlea here where we

15:03 the oval window and we have the of the cochlea that is also referred

15:10 as helicotrema. Otherwise it would be here. Um If we take the

15:17 section of Ronal section through this uncoil , we will see that there are

15:23 chambers, scala vestibule. This is one that is the closest on

15:29 the closest to the vestibular apparatus, media which is in the middle and

15:34 contains the organ of or the hearing that has the hair cells as the

15:40 receptor cells and the scala timy at bottom. So there are three fluid

15:48 chambers. And so the movement of oval window will result in the movement

15:59 here off the fluids in these chambers we're discussing in the cochlea. Before

16:08 get there, the three chambers have fluid inside scala vestibule and scala

16:18 they have parallel and parallel is very to what we've learned already as a

16:24 of a standard cerebrospinal fluid which is in potassium and high in sodium,

16:30 in sodium chloride. But Scalia which a stream of muscularis and this stream

16:40 Sculli establishes a very high potassium gradient using active transport where endo limb in

16:50 is dominated by very high external potassium , 150 milli. Now this is

16:59 where sound transduction takes place where this displacement of the fluids and mechanical displacement

17:07 the hair cells becomes an electrochemical potential receptor potential. So that suggests also

17:17 a lot of it is going to mediated by potassium uh conductance. In

17:23 case, another feature of this retina if you unroll it from the base

17:32 the apex, what we saw in in the retina in the retina,

17:41 saw retina topic map. Uh Remember said that there is a point in

17:47 looking over there point is looking over , point is looking over there that

17:52 point by point for presentation of the world we had it in the retina

17:58 G M all the way into the visual cortex. Here we have

18:04 these hair cells that are aligned along extent of the uh scala media.

18:15 throughout the whole cochlea and it has outer hair cells and the inner hair

18:21 . And these are the auditory receptor . And it turns out that the

18:26 cells that are located the closest to base and to that oval window that

18:33 being moved, they are most responsive the high frequencies. So 20

18:40 18 kilohertz, 16 kilohertz in the of the cochlea midrange frequencies and at

18:49 very apex uh of the cochlea, have hair cells that are most responsive

18:58 low frequencies. Uh one kg Hertz Hertz and all the way to 20

19:05 . One of the analogies that I to use is gymnast ribbon. So

19:13 uh Olympic Games uh are on, uses uh uh is uh usually uh

19:20 watches uh gymnastics and some of us the ribbons. But uh one of

19:28 uh numbers for the gymnasts and one the tools is using this ribbon.

19:33 so typically when they move the ribbon this is their hand. So this

19:37 a stick that holds the ribbon, ribbon will be flaring out like

19:44 So closer, this is not even good drug but closer to the,

19:55 to the handle where they're holding they're gonna vibrate or move this up

20:00 down like that. But as it out, it's going to be much

20:07 and also low frequency weight if you or low frequency. The other way

20:11 think about it is when you drop stone in the, in the water

20:16 an object in the water, the from that stone first, they're very

20:20 together and then later they spread and become slower and spread and spread.

20:25 this is sort of an analogy, closer you are to that window,

20:28 higher frequencies you will process it. is where the oval window would be

20:32 high frequencies and the further away you from that you'll be processing lower frequencies

20:39 the sound and that becomes important for cochlear implants. And this is referred

20:45 as tonotopic map. Again, this not a map of auditory localization signal

20:53 . In other words, we're not signal is coming from from there.

20:57 is the frequency map that is of course, there's sound localization map

21:03 we can recognize which direction the sound coming from. And we'll talk about

21:07 of the physiology behind that in a . But this is the frequency

21:12 And again, that means that the that are located closest to the oval

21:17 , those hair cells are going to most responsive to the higher frequency

21:22 Now, this is what's really neat that it when we talked about uh

21:28 potentials in the very beginning of the , we said that there are these

21:32 that are voltage gated channels. So changes and the channel opens, it

21:37 its confirmation and has these voltage sensors these the voltage sensors slide up and

21:43 . Then we talked about neural And then we said there are these

21:47 gated receptor channels and lien uh you , dupo coupled receptors. And uh

21:57 talked about visual system and we talked photoreceptors. And there the stimulus was

22:04 . It had the photo pigment and was a change in the G protein

22:10 signaling cascade resulted in a change in protection. Now, we're here in

22:15 auditory system and the stimulus is But for the hair cells, the

22:21 is what they're, they're not out , they're inside in the inner

22:27 So they're subjected to the movement of fluid and the displacement of the

22:33 And this is let's say a baseline no sound or quiet. And then

22:39 the fluid starts moving, it starts this basilar membrane. On top of

22:45 vasa membrane, you have the organ corti, the three rows of outer

22:50 cells, one row of inner hair . And on top of that,

22:55 CIA these are called stereo on top the hair cells are connected to the

23:01 membrane, tectum or Tector membrane. , to the roof membrane. And

23:07 as the fluid moves in these chambers displaces the basil membrane up and then

23:15 and down. And as it displaces basilar membrane, as it illustrated

23:21 what it does, it bends the in one direction. Here, it's

23:27 stereocilium to the right and here it's stereocilium to the left. OK.

23:34 if the membrane is steady, this the stereocilium. If the membrane is

23:40 , the stereocilium shifts to the If the membrane is down, the

23:46 shifts to the left. And this from what this is doing actually is

23:56 are mechanic contained mechanically gated channels. what happens is that this movement to

24:05 left or to the right or up down the leg encodes the receptor

24:11 So when the hair cell stereocilium moved the right, it actually opens up

24:16 of these potassium channels and causes influx potassium and it causes depolarization. So

24:24 would be depolarization and then it moves and then there is hyper polarization,

24:31 , hyper polarization left hyper polarization depolarization. So essentially the sinusoid wave

24:39 the sinusoid sound wave that we saw we have in the air becomes a

24:47 wave movement of the fluid and that waves becomes encoded as an electrical sinusoid

24:57 and the sense of the receptor So, depolarization or hyper polarization and

25:04 how you can have excitation and inhibition the circuit with displacement of one direction

25:11 another of the stereocilium. This is microscope image of the stereocilium. You

25:19 see how tightly and how well they're in the Tector membrane. So once

25:25 basilar membrane moves and you're attached to , you have to move to the

25:30 once you the right. But if are attached to that and that will

25:33 the signal. It also shows that spiral ganglion cells that comprise the auditory

25:41 of the vestibulocochlear ner are mostly inner the inner hair cells and not the

25:48 hair cells. So that means that sound processing really the organ of

25:54 most of the information is coming from inner hair cells, but you only

25:59 one row of inner hair cells and have three rows of outer hair

26:04 So for a while, it was that, you know, they're playing

26:08 role and call it kind of a up the roof with their stereo.

26:13 what's really interesting is that they also these motor proteins. So the outer

26:22 cells contain these motor proteins. And these motor proteins allowed to do,

26:26 serve sort of like springs, then stretch the lock of the membrane to

26:32 . So if there's a displacement of basin of membrane and the stereo cella

26:36 bending, then they're sort of like w like a spring exaggerates that uh

26:44 movement even further, which amplifies the and the displacement of the basilar membrane

26:53 respect to pictorial membrane amplifies the encoding the inner hair cells. Most of

27:00 output is being taken from inner hair . So if the outer hair cells

27:05 not just supporting that, but they're exaggerating the movement, they're allowing for

27:10 inner hair cells to encode that information effectively, the sound information. Now

27:17 there is a movement of the stereo , there's going to be an influx

27:22 potassium. And the way that these work is that they are mechanically gated

27:30 , they're called T R P A or trip A one. And these

27:35 gated channels will allow for the influx potassium. Because if you remember endo

27:41 loaded with potassium, and it's also that these mechanical gated potassium channels have

27:52 protein extensions that are called tip So when the stereocilium moves in this

27:59 and opens this channel, it also in the tip link and encourages a

28:06 stereocilium located the passing channel to open addition to just the movement of

28:14 So these tip links sort of like chain. If you open one

28:17 it's gonna encourage the opening of the channels, not just through the band

28:23 the stereocilium, but also through this like connection, the tip links to

28:29 adjacent channels on the adjacent stereocilium. the same way as if you close

28:35 , then obviously you encourage for all the channels to close. And the

28:39 links also to pull the channels to influx of potassium will cause the depolarization

28:47 will then open voltage gated calcium That's a scheme that's familiar to us

28:52 influx is necessary for neurotransmitter release. cells do not generate action potentials,

28:58 generate receptor potentials. Uh and the of glutamate will excite these spiral ganglion

29:09 cells in the nerve that will be the action potential. So now,

29:18 so potassium influx is here as depolarization by once the depolarization is there opening

29:26 voltage gated calcium channels. So potassium are mechanically gated and calcium channels are

29:34 gated. Um why is it not actual potential? So, in the

29:43 cells, if you recall, it's of a common theme in retina,

29:48 discussed that uh this whole circuit in photoreceptors, bipolar cells, they don't

29:55 action potentials, they're all graded receptor . And then when you came through

30:00 ganglia cells, the nerve, that's we we see the actual potential

30:06 So now why it's a it's a deep question why um one of those

30:15 could be that uh graded potential also of what analog information is or in

30:24 way an analog mode of neuronal Uh they're graded, they change in

30:31 . So they represent different amplitudes. potential is all or none. So

30:37 zero or 101 01. That is code that's a digital code,

30:48 right? So you can view this why is that maybe these receptor cells

30:54 processing the world as close as possible this analog graded like information that later

31:01 converted into a different all or non , which is more of a digital

31:05 representative code OK. So very good . But once again, I have

31:12 question here, what is the equilibrium value for potassium? And if you

31:16 we talked about equilibrium potentials, talked Nerds equation in the first section of

31:23 course. So I'm just reminding it's not really a homework question.

31:26 can go ahead and do it. if you're looking at the endo length

31:30 you're looking at the current length, equilibrium potentials for potassium is gonna be

31:33 different because Ners equation is RT Z log of concentration on the outside versus

31:41 inside from that given ion. And obviously here you have very high concentration

31:48 potassium. So it's gonna have a equilibrium potential for potassium. Um And

31:55 it's going to be influx and potassium than e fluxing potassium like we saw

32:01 the action potential generation influx and potassium having a very different reversal or equilibrium

32:08 for potassium. Yeah. Uh So the channel is open and then your

32:14 is released is that then after that's the action happens and that's how we

32:18 time. That's if there is enough this greater potential as for the

32:23 which is uh the spiral gang Uh This is here with the spiral

32:31 cells that are now a to essentially will generate a action potentials but not

32:39 . So this is like an equivalent reno gang cells that you saw the

32:45 one is the only output because there's output from these. So there's no

32:49 from photo bipolar cells like gang cells the only output and the action potentials

32:55 first generated there. This is only from the cop and action potentials are

33:01 here. So I'm glad you're asking because hopefully it kind of drives you

33:05 some of the what we call canonical of canonical connectivity in these senses sort

33:09 systems. So most of that information is coming from inner hair cells,

33:18 hair cells of course have the spiral cells connected to them. But as

33:22 see, most of their function is amplify the displacement of amplified the encoding

33:28 sounds. I'm gonna skip talking about experiment here. Just move to the

33:33 slide auditory pathway. It's very there's some similarities with the visual

33:42 but also there are clear differences. in particular, you have projections from

33:49 , spiral ganglia or auditory nerve will into the dental cochlea nucleus here.

33:57 the way that you read these diagrams this is number one. So here

34:01 the cut through the lower uh brain area. This is the cut coming

34:09 here to midbrain. And number this is a cut that you're looking

34:16 . Number three in this thal section through the thalamus in the cortex.

34:22 . This is how you read these . So the first one which is

34:27 the level of brain stem is the cochlear nucleus. And then these are

34:33 lateral projections and then from ventral cochlear , some of them remain eps lateral

34:38 others cross over and become contralateral. basically this is being cut off a

34:48 bit. Basically cochlea nuclei are ipsilateral all others from superior olive to inferior

35:00 and cortex, they already have by inflammation, but it's different. Remember

35:08 binocular in information only became binocular in primary visual cortex and only layers to

35:15 here by oral information for both ears already being processed at the level of

35:21 brain ST uh you recall that this here from superior of the inferior

35:28 It's a part of corporate quadri it has superior colliculus for processing sy

35:33 movements in the colliculus for processing auditory , superior colliculus and inferior colliculus,

35:41 to each other. So at the of the brain stem, there is

35:44 visual input coming in here and there's input coming in here. And you

35:49 have some basic reflexive auditor and visual processing at the level of the brain

35:55 . And that would be reflexive like reflex like because it's not really cognitive

36:00 of either auditor or visual signal at level of the brain stem.

36:06 brain stem neurons send feedback to the hair cell. So from brain

36:11 there is uh input and it goes into the outer hair cells and communication

36:18 the auditory nerve and that's very different there's nothing in visual system that was

36:22 back into the retina. Yeah. there's almost like a communication from thalamus

36:29 the colliculus go uh from inferior colliculus into the thalamus, medial geniculate nucleus

36:34 G M. It's medial to the gene nucleus and L G M is

36:40 visual information. This is processing Audi and from there it goes into the

36:44 auditory cortex. So it's different from visual system which was retina in the

36:53 cortex. So you have brain stem colliculus that are all involved. I'm

36:59 that information and auditory cortex will talk uh mediagenic nucleus and inferior colliculus and

37:06 stem neurons will talk to outer hair . And I had a good question

37:09 a student yesterday. What does that ? Does that mean we can somehow

37:14 uh tune in to certain sound? I said that's exactly what maybe we

37:19 do is that if you, for , are in a room and there's

37:23 music and you're talking to somebody, can still almost tune in to that

37:29 frequency to that voice. You use of your sensory inputs, auditory and

37:34 to, to follow that person uh the opposite when there's so much uh

37:39 in the grocery store and things like . But somehow you just just tune

37:43 out and, and, and listen somebody talking to you. OK.

37:50 tonotopic map that we describe this frequency . And the cochlea, it extends

37:57 the spiral gangland, it extends into cochlea nucleon and it extends all the

38:03 through the Audi fat into the primary cortex. And if you recall in

38:09 primary visual cortex, we have the specific the specific orientation of the bar

38:14 or direction. Here you have collections columns and layers of the cells of

38:22 regions of this primary auditory cortex that most responsive to 500 Hertz 1,005,000,

38:31 and so on. So there's this map that continues all the way into

38:36 primary auditory cortex. Are we good sound localization? We are pretty good

38:42 sound localization. But we typically use senses also to confirm where the sound

38:47 coming from. Uh when the sound our ears, it can hit our

38:53 slightly different. So if the sound coming from the right, it's gonna

38:57 the right ear first and then some of millisecond, maybe half a millisecond

39:03 , it's gonna hit the left ear same because it has to travel

39:07 It's a movement of air molecules. different angles is coming from the front

39:12 gonna reach the side, it's gonna the back some fraction of milliseconds.

39:17 , we can recognize where the sound coming because the sound wave is coming

39:21 the right, we'll first hear it the right ear and also our left

39:25 is gonna be in the sound so it's not going to be as

39:28 . So we know that the source sound is from the right. If

39:31 coming from the front or the it's likely gonna hit our ears at

39:35 same time. Uh And, and there's no difference there and if

39:41 from the front, then the shadow going to be in the back.

39:43 it's from the back, the shadow from the front. And this is

39:47 ale it's a sound shadow, our uh built in such a way that

39:53 we all have different, you looking ones, small, large different

39:58 . So they kind of uh inside anatomy is built to direct those air

40:03 of sound into the channel here into pathway into the external law. To

40:12 when you talk about sound localization, do you encode whether the sound is

40:17 from the right and to the left a cellular level or uh a physiological

40:23 ? And this is an example where have sound from the left side

40:28 So sound is coming from the initiates activity in the left cochlea nucleus

40:33 is then sent to the superior and you have this axon with cole nucleus

40:40 it's going to excite the cell one it is. And just when it's

40:51 to hit cell three, that same that came from the left within a

40:57 of millisecond later, just as this from the left is to hit cell

41:02 very soon as the sound reaches the here, initiating activity in the right

41:06 nucleus. And now the two will neuron number three. But this nucleus

41:14 going to know that my, I excited in this order 12 and then

41:21 . And that means the signal is from this side, it was coming

41:24 the other side and it would be and it would converge on one and

41:29 coming from the front or the it would be 12 or 32 and

41:33 would converge in the middle. So is how this structure knows where the

41:37 is located on the left or the . And both of these symbols can

41:42 reach the uh the synaptic potentials and eight in exciting the cell number three

41:50 will produce an action potential. And how it will know that the sound

41:54 coming from the left versus the This is a sound localization versus a

42:01 recognition which basically tonotopic map is a or frequency recognition, sound localization map

42:07 where it is the sound coming Uh Let's talk a little bit about

42:14 impairments which most of the hearing impairments uh conduction impairments are probably more common

42:24 sensory neural impairments. Conduction impairments have you know, have everything to do

42:39 you're mechanics. Mhm So ruptured eardrum probably one of the most common problems

42:50 hearing, uh calcified obstacles, Uh Something is wrong with attachment of

42:58 obstacles. Anything that has to do changing the mechanical, the conduct of

43:06 mechanical stimulus, which is air Ok. And has to do with

43:14 conduct dysfunctions, sensory neural dysfunctions have do with the death of hair

43:24 the loss of human. So no sensory neural perception, it's not mechanical

43:32 , not obstacles, not e it's loss of uh hearing. It's

43:38 of hair cells. When you lose cells, it's not like anosmia and

43:45 regenerate the factor receptor neurons. When regain the sense of smell and

43:52 if you lose hearing, it doesn't back. So if you have

43:58 that means that you've killed off some cells. And the very common symptom

44:06 partial loss of hearing is not only hearing things. Well, sometimes it's

44:11 a specific frequency. The way our is built and twisted and the snail

44:17 structure is human. Voice frequencies are perceived and protected, has lost frequencies

44:25 be protected and perceived because that's very for our survival. And quite often

44:31 damage may be at the high frequencies are very close to the oval window

44:36 that movement of membranes is exaggerated. therefore, a possibility for exci of

44:42 much excitation and excitotoxic or death of cells with calcium overload and glutamate

44:50 That we talked about in the air . So then another symptom of uh

44:56 hair loss is not only saying, , what can you repeat the question

45:00 myself? Uh I can't hear you can ring, it's called tinnitus and

45:06 can, you can hear it when ears ring and I can hear it

45:10 I lost a hearing partially in one . And I went to uh a

45:17 that had very loud music. It very high pitched frequency that was turned

45:21 loud. Even commented to our friends we were too close to the

45:25 I came home, you know, you come home and your ears are

45:28 up and you say, oh, ok, I'm gonna go to bed

45:30 wake up. It's gonna be It wasn't fine. I still couldn't

45:34 , it was, felt like I under water still with a, you

45:38 , like a, a snorkeling And, um, I said,

45:43 , well, I'll wait another day a week later, it still wasn't

45:47 away. So I went to see audiologist specialist for hearing and they tested

45:53 hearing and they said, sorry, lost partial hearing and high frequencies

45:58 in one ear. So I went uh Simpson mode into mode.

46:03 no way you cannot be, you , like you, you have to

46:06 me again. He says, I'm not gonna do that.

46:08 I'm gonna come back two weeks later he says, well, you

46:11 but you should maybe come back a later, see if there's any progress

46:14 went back a month later. And was like, hm, maybe,

46:18 3% improvement. But it's, it's going there. So they offered me

46:23 expensive, uh, uh, ear , $150 earplugs. It's like,

46:27 really cool and then I lost them week later and you cannot do

46:33 Is hearing, uh this tinnitus is is persistent and sometimes it's like uh

46:39 it's bad when I'm tired, I'm up. I have coffee, I

46:42 up, it's like ringing so It's like it's a, you

46:46 K GB torture chamber of pi pitch . So it, it,

46:51 it's true. Now, why would be happening? Right. Why is

46:55 , why can we hear the ringing look at that again? I'm gonna

46:58 you of the, of this and this image here. The anatomy look

47:04 going along the, from the Uh holding up the tutorial mere,

47:11 ? And now this is my hair here. OK. This is my

47:17 number and now I lost his hair . What do you think happens with

47:22 curl membrane? It's loose. So it's loose within the frequency that I

47:28 the hearing or somebody else is high . And that means that this uh

47:34 is almost like unattached fluttering. Um and, and constantly not being able

47:41 destabilize properly and fluttering creating this high oscillation basically and high frequency pitch noise

47:50 my ear. So we call, that's the reason for our tinnitus.

47:56 . Uh Now a lot of times people have hearing loss, partial hearing

48:03 , you will see people using hearing . A hearing aid is a big

48:08 put in your ear. It just the sound and we're gonna talk about

48:14 implants, cochlear implants are not hearing , cole implants. If you lose

48:19 hearing completely, it's not that you partial loss or suppression of hearing across

48:24 of the frequencies within one given frequency don't have hearing at all. And

48:30 cochlear implant is still a, you , it's a complicated procedure. It's

48:33 developing procedure, but where you would receiving antennas for sound that are typically

48:40 underneath your skin here and they're sending information that they're receiving. So outside

48:46 is coming and your ear is not working. So this is sort of

48:50 your sound receiver and it processes the of sound. And this receiver is

48:56 to an electrode and this electrode is here into the cochlea OK. Through

49:03 round window here, it's inserted and electrode is wound up inside the

49:09 So it's uh this is a, is a cochlea, let's say,

49:16 then you basically insert the electrode right the lines of the cochlea along the

49:23 of this electrode that surrounds the you'll have many different stimulating electrodes that

49:30 coming off here. Uh Now what are you stimulating hair salce are

49:38 . There's no hair, no stimulation foul gang. So, so all

49:43 still be one, remember the tonotopic . So now you can say,

49:48 , if this is the base, is the base and this is the

49:54 that means that the base I'm gonna all of these, you know,

50:01 very high frequencies. And here I'm have very low frequencies. So when

50:06 receiver is gonna hear high frequencies, gonna send the information to the electrodes

50:13 are located in this region of the to stimulate the spiral gang cells that

50:19 be receiving high frequency information. And it is receiving mid frequencies at the

50:25 time or low range frequencies, I'm gonna stimulate these different areas of the

50:31 and basically trying to reproduce the So you're converting this through like a

50:38 a listening device, a microphone sound , you have multiple, multiple hundreds

50:47 little electrodes along this one electrode that insert inside the cochlea and each one

50:52 them will be assigned a specific So if they hear that frequency of

50:58 kilohertz boom, this electrode gets activated kilohertz boom, this electrode gets activated

51:05 that's the cochlear plant. That's not hearing. Uh Now for the last

51:12 minutes don't have much time today, I'd like to share this video with

51:19 and this is one of the best for our localizing sound. That's barn

51:28 . It tunes into the empty The noise of wind and snowfall is

51:34 out. It's rustling that the owl interested in a false alarm but it

51:45 have to wait long from deep under snow. A Leming transmits a high

51:53 rustle and around here, the penalty rustling is death. The signals are

52:02 weak for our hearing. But this has the ultimate amplifier. Its face

52:08 like a satellite dish. The dish formed by a ring of stiff

52:15 They collect and channel sound inwards, eyes look central but the dish actually

52:24 on the ears. They are on side of the tiny skull next to

52:28 eyes. The dish is divided by lane of bristles giving stereo sound.

52:41 like having a giant cupped hand behind ear to pinpoint the lemming, the

52:56 must tune its receiver. The dish moved, the eyes automatically follow too

53:06 . Then back again, the lemming now being totally reckless sound and eyes

53:17 now focused from this point on. won't look away until the lambing is

53:24 its talons. The sorting begins, approach is absolutely silent, soft velvety

53:43 have serrated edges that simply caress the and behind each ear, the dish

53:50 moved too far. Again, the and its I thought there was an

54:00 of the of the house, not head on and the talons are raised

54:15 the line of claws on each talon extended two above and two below.

54:27 for catching cylindrical prey. The lemmings is up. Even if the lemming

54:35 moving, the owl can compensate. owl hovers. It checks signal

54:42 the body twists and the talons are . Yeah. Right. When you're

54:53 with senses, this sharp and specialized defenses, like snow can be

55:00 Pretty amazing. Simple
