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00:02 This is lecture three cellular neuroscience. will continue to talk about neurons and

00:08 dramaturgical signaling. We ended last week about gendered experience and we talked about

00:19 fact that normal development of connections, development uh precise structure and distribution of

00:29 gendered experience is very important for normal and normal brain development in general.

00:39 is giving me a bit of a . So I'm gonna stay in this

00:46 And we talked about this image and said that neurons are very complex.

00:53 their cellular anatomy is complex, their inputs are complex and they're multiple.

01:01 be tens of thousands of times 100,000 inputs and the cell has to process

01:08 information precisely. And the cell will a lot of glue dramaturgical excitatory synopsis

01:16 excited to encompass a lot of gaba inhibitory synopsis. The excitation and inhibition

01:23 to be balanced in order for the to function normally. If there is

01:27 imbalance in these conditions, this can to neurological disorders. But if you

01:33 improper connectivity and when we're born, mentioned that we have more synopsis when

01:40 newborns and we have a lot of things that are non specifically interconnected with

01:45 other. And then a lot of neuronal connectivity undergoes what we call anatomical

01:53 and specifications where precise neuronal circuits reform on the activity. And there's pruning

02:02 decrease in the number of the synapses pruning of the dendritic spines. Uh

02:08 a condition that I started mentioning last fragile acts and I don't necessarily want

02:15 go into great detail to this But this is where I actually

02:22 well, what could be maybe a kind of a clinical overview the

02:29 And this is where my google searches I do pub med leads me back

02:35 pub med. And sometimes what google it accept the phrases, the things

02:41 you search better than pub med that you to pub med articles. But

02:47 X syndrome is also known as martin syndrome. It's a genetic disorder.

02:55 , these are the features of It's inherited and it is severe intellectual

03:04 and it's the most common mon a cause of autism spectrum disorders.

03:11 fragile acts falls under autism spectrum Under that spectrum, there are multiple

03:22 and disabilities and disorders have fallen under general umbrella of autism spectrum disorders.

03:33 , there are certain what it talks is the Children that have this

03:39 There are images that you can look online have these very elongated and narrow

03:46 , very prominent big jaws. And just quoting basically this parliament description and

03:55 article and basically some abnormal physical features , that can be recognized, such

04:04 large errors and large testicles, uh apparent and older Children as you can

04:12 a third of these Children have features autism of delayed speech hyperactivity and seizures

04:21 very calm. So, when we about fragile X, that's a syndrome

04:28 a disorder we haven't gotten to talk the FM RP. Or fragile X

04:34 retardation program. But what we already mentioning is that these Children will have

04:43 what we call comorbidities and the co is another disease that is associated in

05:00 case with abnormal neuronal circuits, abnormal spine formation that leads to overall motor

05:10 but also brain hyperactivity leading to seizures epilepsy in many cases. And epilepsy

05:18 when you have repeated seizures, having seizure will not basically diagnosed with

05:28 So this is related to this gene is M. F. FmR.

05:36 or FMR one or F. R. P. The protein of

05:40 gene is the p the fragile Mental retardation protein. FM RP.

05:55 basically what it is is that if are missing this gene or if you

06:01 a mutation in this gene, one the features that are observed is abnormal

06:10 of these dendritic spines. So the on a cellular level that we're discussing

06:18 abnormal dendritic spines and abnormal connectivity by same virtue in the brain. Because

06:26 talking about seizures typically that means that is a balance of excitation and

06:32 Typically too much excitation. Too much on the body hyperactivity hyperactivity in the

06:39 means potentially seizures. So we're not get into treatment modes of fragile

06:52 But if you do uh fragile And seizures, for example how common

07:00 is, it will always hyperactivity of are common, You will see that

07:07 increased risk of seizures. So these comorbidities and we will talk about epilepsy

07:13 mechanisms of excitation and addition of balance the on the cellular level in this

07:19 and some of the features. But is something that basically is pretty

07:27 Uh And one of the most common mental recommendation on recommendations under autism spectrum

07:35 . It affects both um males and but it seems to be less severe

07:43 females and fragile X. There's a X side on the on the

07:52 So some notes as they relate to image and the processing of the information

08:01 excitation and condition the neurons communicate with other by virtue of releasing neurotransmitters.

08:11 if this yellow neuron we call pre neuron that pre synaptic neuron has a

08:19 input or other neuronal input. And it gets deep polarized enough and excited

08:24 it will produce an action potential in axon initial segment, the closest one

08:30 the selma. And that action potential be conducted down the axon. And

08:37 action potential will get regenerated at each here in the myelin nation and it

08:46 de polarize the external terminals and cause neurotransmitter release. So if it's excitatory

08:54 solves. It will cause the release glutamate. If this is an inhibitory

08:58 into neuron the action potential here will the release of Gaba and the post

09:06 cells response will depend largely on the of the receptors of that post synaptic

09:11 expressive now, neurons have to make decisions of integrating tens, hundreds and

09:22 of synaptic inputs within a matter of . And that's why neurons are unique

09:27 excitable tissues there the fastest ones muscular cardiac skeletal muscles that can produce action

09:36 there much longer in duration. So slower. The processing in neurons is

09:43 the fastest that we that we that can think of in the in the

09:50 and many of you know that neurons an action potential. And today we're

09:56 talk about some of the dynamics of action potential. So for example,

10:05 my undergraduate course I get into the of what we call the equilibrium potentials

10:15 nurses equation behind equilibrium potentials. And gonna leave out some of this information

10:22 I may not test you on of in ernst equation as as we discuss

10:28 particular diagram but with this particular diagram it has a lot of information that

10:34 like for you to understand and uh able to know and ask any questions

10:43 you have any questions, let's start the fact that Neurons addressed the resting

10:51 potential which is our M. which stands for resting membrane potential is

10:57 -65 -70 million. And when neurons this value here which stands for a

11:11 threshold or action potential threshold. So the neuron potential of the membrane changes

11:19 minus 72 approximately minus 45 million poles will produce an action potential. That

11:28 all or none. The action potential produced via the influx of sodium and

11:39 flux of potassium. And this is through ion channels. So last lecture

11:47 put some notes and I said iron types these particular channels that we're talking

12:01 , our sodium channels. And potassium . And these particular channels are gated

12:12 voltage. So a lot of times will see N. A. And

12:19 subscript of V. Okay subscript. V. And that V stands for

12:27 that indicates that in the literature or the textbook or in the diagram you're

12:34 at volt educated sodium channels, voltage potassium channels are voltage gated calcium

12:41 Now what does it mean that they gated by voltage? And how do

12:51 understand this? If we were to a diagram we went to draw,

13:11 and we have a protium and this is actually an ion channel. So

13:22 is abundance of sodium on the outside the cells and there's abundance of potassium

13:33 the inside of the cells. sodium have to cross through N.

13:41 D. And potassium ions have to through KV. That means that potassium

13:54 to go to find potassium channel that's for potassium sodium is going to commend

14:02 sodium channels that are selected through But we just talked about gates and

14:09 does it mean that they're gated and does it mean that their voltage

14:14 So let's talk a little bit about channel, sodium channel is as any

14:24 channel is comprised of amino amino acid and a lot of these amino acid

14:34 can have charges, negative charges, charges. And so both educated sodium

14:42 actually have a little sensor inside of . And when there is a little

14:49 of deep polarization on the inside, voltage sensor will slide up and as

14:56 voltage sensor slides up, it will open up the channel. This channel

15:02 typically closed with the gate right here nothing can pass through it. But

15:09 there is some positive charge build up , this voltage sensor will cause a

15:15 will change and will swing this gate so that the sodium ions can come

15:23 and sodium coming inside will be responsible the rising phase of the action

15:31 So the way that the sodium channels built is that as the census slides

15:38 and the gate open sodium channel has second gate and this second game is

15:44 activation gate. So the channel will from open two inactivated. So channel

16:02 inactivated because this other ball and swing mechanism will close this this channel.

16:12 , so the minute there is positive the sensor slides up, one gate

16:18 . But because of that gate the second gate actually closes. So

16:23 channels are open transcendently only for one two milliseconds. And that's why sodium

16:29 also responsible for the initial phase of action potential for the rising phase of

16:34 action potential. And this is how channels are gated by voltage with a

16:41 sensor. And in order for this to reopen again, you actually have

16:47 remove this gate and close the channel the channel will go from open to

16:56 it to closed to back again into mode. Uh huh. So these

17:08 the features of both educated sodium potassium both educated potassium channel does not

17:17 two games. It only has one . It only has the activation

17:25 And as soon as sodium channels start and they start closing uh during the

17:33 phase of the action potential and at peak of the action potential all of

17:38 sodium channels, most of the sodium have already closed. Then potassium channels

17:44 up. And as potassium channels open this gate also opens potassium ions go

17:57 . So there's the flux of potassium therefore potassium is responsible for the falling

18:04 of the action potential. So these voltage gated channels. And these bolt

18:22 channels, sodium and potassium voltage gated are responsible for generating the action

18:29 Then at some point the membrane potential is V. M. Stands for

18:35 number in potential number of potential VM find its way back to the minus

18:42 million volt value. And part of is going to be done by N

18:47 K pump and make a pump is pump that actually utilizes energy in the

18:53 of a T. P. To these ions across their concentration gradient.

19:00 a lot of sodium on the outside will keep putting more sodium on the

19:07 , potassium on the inside but we putting more potassium on the inside.

19:14 so this is voltage gated. be gated, podium channels.

19:25 Them in addition to vis gate it all educated channels, we also have

19:37 gaining. Okay. And these ligand channels, receptor proteins but they need

19:50 binding for example of glutamate in order open and allow for the flux of

20:02 inside and potassium to the outside of salary. So this is voltage

20:13 This is ligand gated. When we about glutamate or gamma and gamma glutamate

20:22 to receptor channel and the flux of , they need a chemical to bind

20:30 agonist antagonist. We get into those in the in the maybe trouble down

20:36 this lecture maybe next. So voltage channels ligand gated channels and there are

20:44 other types of channels that are ligand are mechanically gated. So what

20:54 what does that mean? That means there are channels that based on the

21:07 mechanics. Okay, so mechanical Now these channels are responsive to touch

21:23 pressure, actual physical displacement and the displacement ends up opening these channels.

21:34 they're mechanically gating. There's nothing there's no chemical binding, there's an

21:42 pressure. Okay then it sends us the membrane that has certain parts of

21:50 protein that allows for this protein to a channel and open. So mechanical

21:56 . We have voltage gated channels, have ligand gated channels and mechanically gated

22:03 . And we also have ligand gated that are not channels that will talk

22:08 lot about. And those are G coupled receptors. So there Ligon

22:23 there's no gate. They're like independent . Those are trans membrane proteins that

22:42 linked to G proteins complex to G complex that can influence nearby channels and

22:53 flux of aisles through these channels. they need the binding of the Ligon

23:03 order to activate the inter cellular signal the G protein coupled receptor And this

23:11 protein complex and activate either other channels affect cell mechanisms inside the cell.

23:25 Liggins gated can be channels and Ligon receptors also not channels but they can

23:34 other channels and they can influence other processes. So this is all that

23:42 would like for you to carry away the slide and to know for example

23:49 voltage gated sodium channels have two gates they're very transient, very fast opening

23:56 closing and then potassium channels up one , they don't open until the following

24:03 of the action potential. So they're activated. Um And they're responsible for

24:10 following phase of action potential. There's more information on the slide in

24:18 when neuron membrane potential or VM. . Polarizes. That's because neuron is

24:25 excitatory inputs, Ludin eight inputs. if it is hyper polarizing that means

24:32 getting inhibitory inputs or the inhibitory synopsis being activated. So the more deep

24:40 , the more excitation there is, more the membrane potential D.

24:44 Is going to be driven to deep potentials, the more likely this neuron

24:48 gonna want to fire. So if have too much glutamate and too little

24:54 then it will constantly want. The can lead to abnormal synchronization of neuronal

24:59 and seizures. And typically neurons don't that much. Even when they're engaged

25:07 fire a few patterns of action And for the most part they're

25:11 With the exception of one or two potentials here and there. Unless they're

25:17 activated by direct and strong stimulus. other than that if you were just

25:23 record from neurons there will be sparsely action potentials unless they have like I

25:29 , a direct input of activity exciting we're doing or inhibiting they would be

25:35 them, it would be completely It might be a little bit of

25:40 side question. When you talk about , it's not firing. Is that

25:46 same even for brain areas that on the time? I think the brain

25:50 things have to monitor your breathing all . They're still very slow pattern just

25:55 maybe that tissue doesn't need it Or I guess. No, that's

26:01 that's a great question because there are parts of the brain that will be

26:07 active and that will periodically produce these evicted it, then you're correct.

26:12 it concerns the brain stem centers for , for heart trade, there is

26:18 rhythmic constant activity that it is nonstop you want your heart to keep

26:24 You want your your belongs to be and that signal what's constant that's coming

26:31 . But if you were to, say polka brain and record a cortical

26:37 and just say, oh, attached neuron and you're like, well,

26:41 just fired a spyglass, You 20 seconds and then buy it or

26:46 . I don't know what it So a lot of neuronal activity is

26:50 and non synchronized and processing unless it to be jolted with input, get

26:57 or it has abnormal synchrony which then in seizures and epilepsy. So there

27:06 definitely what you're talking about. We those neuronal populations. Pattern generators.

27:15 for brain stem neurons as a pattern . You have a constant pattern generator

27:23 your heart to write the essay notes the atrial node constantly. Right.

27:30 there's control of these centers and the also are in the same pattern or

27:35 to the pattern for for breathing or rate. Mhm. Great question.

27:44 And then there are certain parts of brain that are more repetitive and rhythmic

27:48 certain loops that are more repetitive and like thalamus cortex. But then there

27:54 a lot of distributed activity in the cortex that sometimes you're when you're doing

28:00 E. G. Recording electroencephalogram you not pick up much activity for the

28:13 that are engaged directly into the Uh How much of it? You

28:21 ? It's also it's also a question going on here is being cut

28:29 Yeah so these are beautiful images. you're seeing is a note of ranveer

28:37 . And you see green is potassium 1.2. So you already know that's

28:44 volt educated potassium channel 1.2. Okay. And Casper a protein that

28:54 our paranormal junction between the Myelin ated cells and the axon. So I'm

29:04 in green you have the sodium channel here and potassium channel is in

29:14 But what it's telling you is that note of Ron veer and these are

29:20 notes of Ranveer. These are the and the Myelin nation along the axon

29:26 well as the axon initial segment. is both educated sodium channels here.

29:33 initial segment in particular. They're loaded these both educated sodium and both educated

29:39 channels And that's because each break in note of ranveer the action potential is

29:51 . So the actual potential originates here axon initial segment and then in between

30:00 break the nose of Ron beer before reaches the external terminal there could be

30:09 of these segments. The action potential get regenerated and it gets regenerated because

30:17 have high densities of these volt educated and potassium channels so it gets regenerated

30:26 the external terminal. It's the same but when it started at the actual

30:33 segment here so this is some labeling basically exposing the distribution of these

30:44 And obviously why you would have them to produce or regenerate that action potential

30:53 the action potential arrives in the external it causes the neurotransmitter release. So

31:03 there is a pre synaptic terminal deep , what it does, it opens

31:10 channel which is voltage gated calcium channel here Prison optically and the deep polarization

31:19 opening of the vault educated calcium channel two necessary things in order for the

31:27 that has no transmitted to fuse to plasma membrane and caused the release of

31:31 neurotransmitter exercise. Oh sis So one not enough deep polarization if you don't

31:42 calcium influx. If something is wrong vault educated calcium channels you're not going

31:49 be able to release the neurotransmitter. . If you have both educated calcium

31:56 but you can't de polarize, it's all terminal the action potential. They're

32:00 going to open because they're voltage dependent channels, they're both educated. So

32:07 channels are located uh and concentrated at pre synaptic terminals. And usually there's

32:15 densities of these calcium channels very close where the vesicles are located that are

32:21 with the neurotransmitters. The reason why need calcium is because the neurotransmitter of

32:28 look like this. They're very This is a cartoon of all of

32:34 different membrane associated to some of them some of them trans membrane proteins.

32:43 it turns out that these proteins that on the vesicles here, simplified as

32:49 secular sneer complex. And then trance near complex. This protein complex from

32:55 vesicles has to link up with the complex on the membrane so that the

33:02 membranes are both possible lipid bi layers vesicles confused with the membrane of the

33:12 and cause the opening of the poor the exocet. Oh sis ! And

33:18 exocet oh sis this piece of the gets pinched off buds off, gets

33:26 beginning the pre synaptic terminal through the of endo psychosis and gets refilled with

33:34 neurotransmitters again. So deep polarization is calcium influx to develop a gated calcium

33:43 . Protein protein complex interactions are all steps in order for the classical fusion

33:50 neurotransmitter release to take place, the major neurotransmitters. Excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate and

34:06 inhibit their neurotransmitter Gaba that we find the brain, their amino assets.

34:13 also have a third amino acid neurotransmitter . So glutamate is excitatory and gather

34:24 inhibitory. The difference between glutamate and is just one acid group C.

34:33 . H. And all of the that are inhibitory neurons that express Gaba

34:41 also express with tom a casa deco list. So if you were to

34:49 the tissue for like we talked about circuit and I said if you were

34:53 stain the cells you'll see 10-20% of cells that are God positive or inhibitory

35:00 . And then we talked about how do distinguish different subtypes of this inhibitory

35:05 and that's what we talked about. morphology, cell specific markers, connectivity

35:10 action potential patterns. So the major neurotransmitter is one reaction dicker box elation

35:22 from major excitatory neurotransmitter license in the cord replaces Gaba as a major inhibitor

35:35 . So in the spinal cord glycerine the major inhibitory neurotransmitter and not gabble

35:41 everywhere in the cerebrum it's gaba in cerebral glycerine is actually a co factor

35:52 excitatory glutamate signaling and we'll get into of these details in the second.

36:00 so if we were to look in brain and we were to stay the

36:10 grave man Gaba, you will see distributed expression of Gaba throughout the cortex

36:28 cortical structure cerebellum brand stone. So is God staying here and there is

36:43 of God expressing cells. Well billions a billion because if we have billions

36:50 neurons 10 to 20% would be God cells. So maybe let's say one

36:57 throughout the brain and then you'll have few billion uh glutamate positive cells.

37:17 so they need a different color. well we'll get around this is glutamate

37:25 glutamate expressing cells will also be everywhere . You see seeing any one of

37:33 sticks across access everywhere everywhere everywhere, is amino acid and then you're talking

37:41 glycerine, you'll have lice in the cord and you little made all over

37:46 spinal cord, everywhere, everywhere In addition to the Amino assets which

37:58 from day one described and my analogy glutamate is positive or on switch.

38:06 is inhibitory or off switch and there's in between and our neuronal activity,

38:15 can be quiet, they can be active, they can be partially

38:18 they can go through different patterns and activity is not only influenced by these

38:25 acid neurotransmitters but they're also implemented by mean neuro modulators with this with the

38:35 of acetylcholine which is one of the I mean neurotransmitters in the brain.

38:44 of the artists are Tony and cata means are only going to act through

38:48 protein coupled with suffers acetylcholine actually has ligand gated ion channels that it combined

38:58 and G protein coupled receptors serotonin. it's energetic like molecules include trip to

39:10 five hydroxy tryptophan and five hydroxy trip me. True serotonin and that would

39:18 your five H. T. Okay, which is the five hydroxy

39:26 10 mean cata cola mean classes of modulators include tyrus em di hydroxy phenylalanine

39:37 dopa dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. a lot of these molecules have their

39:52 distinct functions and a lot of these you can start viewing them as responsible

39:57 different controls of that on and off switch. So norepinephrine and epinephrine or

40:07 , it's sort of like adrenaline of brain. Hey Trip to fan and

40:16 HTP is sort of a like commerce the brain but also affecting of the

40:22 affecting of the appetite. Sexual interactions dominated by certain energy systems too

40:34 Again, it's like when you associate about dopamine or dopamine ergic, you're

40:39 about alert, engaged activity nor adrenal the brain fight or flight response.

40:51 each chemical has it sort of its color that is related to different behaviors

40:59 how it can influence the excitation and . Now the unique feature of these

41:08 and I will have to go back the first uh session here. The

41:19 feature of these molecules we already discussed that they're only expressed in a subset

41:33 cells. So unlike these amino acid that have wide patterns of expression throughout

41:45 . The norepinephrine is only expressed in cyril ius, these projections these arrows

41:54 come out of local civilians are all that distribute themselves very widely and release

42:03 norepinephrine and throughout the cortex and sub into the cerebellum and enter the spinal

42:11 . The same with serotonin. Central will be Raffy nuclei and then these

42:18 nuclei and green are supplying serotonin into cord into the periphery. Acetylcholine will

42:27 have just a couple of nuclei in brain. So I think we had

42:32 discussion maybe last semester somebody looked I said how many of these cells

42:38 you have and turns out that you have hundreds of thousands of these neurons

42:44 . So you may have hundreds of of these amino acid producing neurons.

42:49 contrast to potentially billions of these amino girls. Uh I'd like for you

43:00 think about this conceptually too light switch and off excitation and inhibition but it's

43:08 robust, it's very global. It's throughout and then you have this localized

43:16 and introduction of different behaviors and different all almost by these different uh you're

43:25 modulators that control your light switch. you have a dimmer, you have

43:32 and things that I analogize with that a light switch. Yes, but

43:44 I don't like dopamine and like be or some other place. So what

43:48 like. What does that mean that made from dopamine that comes elsewhere.

43:54 of just like travels to the Cornelius and then that's where the that

43:59 it into. Yes. If the would have that enzyme they can convert

44:04 into into another neuro modulator. You're . And a lot of times they

44:10 be located next to each other because can see these are brainstem nuclei

44:16 And what you're getting at is that of them is a precursor to

44:21 Right? And you're correct. So there will be uh synthesized using the

44:29 . And if the cell has an that can convert the dopa into into

44:37 or norepinephrine and two different. So diagram I hope that answers your

44:45 At least in part if the cell amino acid dicker box Alice it can

44:56 dopamine. But if it doesn't and has tyrosine hydroxy Alice it will make

45:04 and different Souths adjacent will have different to process these precursor molecules um into

45:19 know the next the next molecule. just generally speaking, like you expected

45:29 , might be a button with the ways inside of that area.

45:34 absolutely. If it is making if talking about norepinephrine exactly, you'll be

45:39 to stay in in fact the cells reveal the whole nucleus by using the

45:46 B hydroxy stain. Yes. And some of some of these things

45:52 some of the exchange of chemicals is we're trying to reveal they may have

45:59 . but if you don't have an , then, you know, it's

46:04 it's not turning into another molecule and don't if you don't have a

46:09 you also don't react to that other . So we're still I think is

46:14 modern nurse scientists trying to solve a of like especially like chemical exchange between

46:21 , it's not just communication of releasing , but it's also seems to be

46:25 exchange. And if you have another to synthesize and then you pass it

46:29 to something else. So actually talked a friend of mine and colleagues from

46:37 , Doctor chris Della, I'm gonna him, he's a very busy

46:41 But once we get through this we , maybe another lecture I would like

46:46 have him on for 15 minutes on zoom. He discovered a new mechanism

46:52 which we talked to neurons last year published a pretty groundbreaking paper. So

46:59 could uh maybe I could of course . Uh do me a favor and

47:04 15 minutes of this time. Just of like what do you think?

47:07 start degree, what do you think is going on? Because he's constantly

47:12 about things that are not textbook things that that are going forward looking with

47:20 , great questions. But yeah, can see certain organization of these

47:25 So they share the precursors, they the enzymes and then they're widely

47:30 Now you can ask me what the , what is this pattern of wide

47:34 and people will say it's like a system. What do sprinklers do

47:40 Right. Is it really specific now kind of a move a little bit

47:44 ? So and then so what does mean? So it's almost like para

47:50 signaling that's coming from this neurons and means that it has some specificity sprinkles

47:56 but then the response is going to just if the neurons will have the

48:00 somatic receptors to what is being sprinkled other stuff may get you know metabolized

48:07 cleared up and cleaned off. So , very good. Keep thinking about

48:15 . And so this is one of types of the exchanges that we're talking

48:19 . This is really a better representation the tri apartheid synapse and the exchange

48:24 glutamate in the sense that neurons pre neurons that have the ability to turn

48:33 glutamine to glutamate and they also release glutamate from the vesicles. And once

48:41 glutamate gets released it will target glutamate . Some of them are ligand gated

48:47 channels. Some of them are ligand g protein coupled receptors and that glutamate

48:52 have its own transport or pre synaptic neuronal transporter. G. Lm.

48:59 so whatever glutamate is unused here and fact glutamate once it gets released it

49:06 to the receptors boston optically and then gets sucked back up into the pre

49:12 terminals it gets reloaded into the vesicles gets ready for subsequent release again.

49:19 that's not them in the story. cells on the right here you have

49:25 , glial cells have their own O. G. Which is glial

49:33 transporters. And this glial glutamate transporters suck up glutamate into glia they have

49:43 taste so they will convert it into Jelen and then they will allow and

49:55 some of this glutamine back to And neurons can. Now with Tommy's

50:02 more glutamate and load up the So this shows that glia is very

50:10 involved. You're saying that if we're that the way to neurons communicate with

50:17 other through this neural transmission and glia in part regulating how much of that

50:26 is available. So if you have dysfunction in glued in eight glial transporter

50:37 let's say the dysfunction is transporter is working, it's not sucking out glutamate

50:41 the synapse. You can have a where there's too much glutamate in the

50:45 and has nothing to do with neurons neuronal signaling has to do with the

50:50 that leah is not clearing enough glutamate there's too much of it and you

50:55 hyper excitation and hyperactivity in the brain could be the opposite. The transporter

51:04 to open, it's too active and time we release glutamate and just keep

51:11 it all out of the synapse and not enough excitation. So that's lesser

51:18 a case that you would see. more common to have an impairment and

51:23 transporters that are associated with neurological disorders impairment of not being able to clear

51:31 properly to transport things in this case . So we come back to this

51:39 synapse again, leo will have a of different functions but they definitely,

51:47 with astra sides are involved in synaptic control and even in the early synaptic

51:54 or the formation of the synopsis because control them out of excitatory neurotransmitter

52:00 They're intricately involved in how strong this and qualifications is. Communication Can be

52:08 two neurons. Right? This is transporters, their co transporters of

52:21 So it's not unique to the fact if you release glutamate it also gets

52:27 transported back into pre synaptic terminal. same will happen with gabba. And

52:32 you see, glutamate is not only transporters back into the synaptic terminal.

52:37 also have to have exchange of glutamate exchange of gabba into the vesicles and

52:44 is typically done by using the high gradient. There's a lot of H

52:52 that gets loaded up into the vesicles gets exchanged for gaba or glutamate molecules

52:59 sort of like a secular co transporters a way that are driven by the

53:07 gradient. Okay. And next we're start addressing and talking about glutamate ergic

53:19 and the types of glutamate ergic signaling we're gonna get into more details about

53:26 nomenclature of glutamate receptors, structure binding of these glutamate receptors, things like

53:34 , antagonists and the neural modulators. I'm a little bit short of time

53:41 I keep looking at my watch because have to uh picked up my daughter

53:48 45 minutes on the other side of . So I will end a few

53:53 earlier today if you guys if you're with this but just introduce this is

54:03 will signal through Ambon MD and kinase and neurons those receptors. Glutamate is

54:12 natural neurotransmitter or endogenous neurotransmitter agonist. an endogenous neurotransmitter and when it binds

54:23 amP and receptors it will open those the same as with these molecules shown

54:33 blue AMP A. And M. . N. Cain. Those are

54:38 they're not endogenous their exogenous their chemical and each one of them is a

54:46 different chemical that will activate specifically AMP receptor or an M. D.

54:54 receptor. What kind of reception and three of these are what we call

55:03 gated ion channels All three of them they have different features and the biggest

55:17 between these channels typically ample and kind good group together based on their kinetics

55:28 based on their conductance properties and D. A. Is different and

55:32 distinguished because when glutamate binds to non . M. D. A

55:38 So none of them D. R. Ample and teammate when glutamate

55:43 to non NMDA receptors. That's all receptor needs. That's all ample receptor

55:50 is glutamate was released and bound and starts conducting sodium and potassium and causing

55:56 polarization personality. Excitation personality. But not the case with an M.

56:03 . A. And M. A. Receptor actually has a magnesium

56:08 is blocking it on the inside. is a magnesium pour that it combined

56:15 and this magnesium is sitting and blocking M. D. A receptor

56:20 So when glutamate is released and glutamate stein and M. D. A

56:27 that's not enough to open an D. A receptor. It actually

56:32 glycerine and this is a tricky I said the glycerin is the inhibitor

56:38 a transmitter in the spinal cord. is a co factor for an

56:43 D. A receptors in the cns the cerebrum and lie scene is shown

56:50 this little license molecule er co factor binding together with glutamate is still not

56:57 to open the reception. But what to happen is you need to get

57:02 of magnesium and the only way to rid of magnesium is to cause the

57:08 deep polarization through non NMDA receptors. once you have glutamate release ample is

57:17 sodium comes in that deep polarization now kick out magnesium block and will allow

57:25 an M. D. A receptor . So a lot of times an

57:30 . D. A receptor is referred as coincidence detector because it has two

57:36 detect pre synaptic neurotransmitter release and it two posts in optically detect deep polarization

57:46 this magnesium to leave the channel Alright so now they're both Ligon gated

57:59 channels but there are also glutamate receptors are G protein coupled receptors that are

58:07 gated by likens. The ligand binding this glutamate receptor will activate G protein

58:14 and they are not channels. This what we call metabolic tropic and metabolic

58:23 signaling. And this is I on tropic receptor channels because they allow for

58:30 flux of ions through them. So on the tropic. So when we

58:37 back on monday we will get into details of the medical tropic versus iron

58:47 tropic and delve into this glutamate receptors talk about more about glee and glutamate

58:55 and all of these interesting things And a couple of articles and the lecture

59:02 that I will be referring to. those figures that I'm showing two.

59:07 the articles and I'll open and remind of them. I also did not

59:15 the links from today's description of fragile syndrome but it's pretty simple and I

59:22 upload that as a as a link an item so that you can recall

59:27 of the key features that we talked fragile likes. Okay. All right

59:34 thank you for being here. It's beautiful, lovely, windy and paul

59:41 , and I'll see everyone on on
