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00:01 This is lecture town of neuroscience and we spend most of our time in

00:07 last few lectures we're discussing the membrane and action potential and ionic currents and

00:17 different rising and problem phases of action as well as the resting membrane

00:23 We talked about both educated sodium channels quite a great depth and we talked

00:32 how there are really two action So there is a forward propagating action

00:38 and that forward propagating action potential will deep polarization of the external terminal in

00:45 release. And this is where we study for the next three lectures and

00:49 there's also in addition to the forward action potential, there is back propagating

00:54 potential and that back propagating action potential a function and synaptic plasticity in particular

01:03 spike timing dependent plasticity and it's very in binding the pre synaptic inputs with

01:12 post synaptic response of the post synaptic produces. So have your challenge of

01:17 day do you think done drives prefer propagate deep polarization and forward and backward

01:26 . So let's think about this First of all dendrite. So dendrites

01:31 not accidents, signal is not being , it is propagating, it's probably

01:41 lost over distance right now the other is deep polarization and forward is towards

01:52 backward is away from selma because we're talking about inputs coming in to selma

01:59 hundreds. How would you test the of how dumb drivers prefer to conduct

02:09 which direction, what is the cage and what is in Cajun. So

02:19 you're talking about done drive here right it goes into selma. And I'm

02:32 this this signal, the polarizing signal to go and to soma away from

02:39 much. Why would it have any here? We saw this is done

02:46 at the level of the axon. saw that the is a preference for

02:52 over propagating spike in this direction Back despite a small one in this

03:00 So there's definitely a preference to conduct current major action potential into this external

03:07 direction. But gun rights are not same. Axons are my eliminated and

03:16 potentials will regenerate each note around Okay. Hundreds. Don't have

03:26 There are no nos of ranveer. if you don't have Myelin, you

03:31 have proper insulation of the membrane. means your membrane, given that the

03:38 are open. Can do what with current can actually cause a lot of

03:43 current to leak out over the And you are trying to figure out

03:50 direction does this number. I prefer conduct which what you've learned already.

03:56 will say. Well I have all these electrophysiology tools at my disposal.

04:03 I'm gonna use duel. No, actually gonna use triple dendritic recordings

04:14 1, 2, 3. What you do in this experimental setup?

04:21 can generate current and one recorded in quarter in three. You can generate

04:32 into recorded in three. Recorded in . We generated in two. Recorded

04:37 one and it preferred to conduct away the soma. Then you would record

04:42 larger current than one away from But if you'd prefer to conduct over

04:48 soma you would record a larger current three if this was the source of

04:53 challenge. Mhm. So Not But that's 1990s And we're in

05:06 And so the second part of that this challenge of the day is for

05:11 to think about. There's gonna be question on the quiz. Maybe maybe

05:15 exam about this. Well what are other tools that we have at hand

05:24 what we're really good at is, , first of all, apart from

05:33 electrical stimulations, we can bring an and we're interested in stimulating this dendritic

05:43 here we can bring an electorate with and let's say it will have glutamate

05:51 the electrode and we can apply it this spine here. What? So

06:01 will say, instead of electrical I can do chemical stimulation of the

06:08 that we call this? Uh synoptic , we'll get to that in a

06:11 slides. Affirm that. But what the problem here is how specific if

06:20 applying from the electrode, how specific is to just this one synapse rather

06:27 too many synopses in the area. do you know that most of the

06:35 is flowing in this direction versus in direction. So this kind of a

06:41 stimulation with application of a chemical, lends itself to dialysis, to the

06:49 of that signal, to the dilution that signal whereby the tip of the

06:54 will have the most concentration. You'll the most concentration maybe by this dendritic

06:58 , but you'll surely be affecting the spines as well. So it's not

07:05 precise and you still need to measure signal because this is just stimulation.

07:11 you still need to measure electrical signal it's not precise because you're spreading this

07:20 around a larger area than you would to. So I wanted for

07:27 have something that allows me to stimulate dendritic spines on the dendrite, it's

07:37 something is additional reading material in your supporting lecture holder. Well, basically

07:48 another technique we're neurotransmitters can get caged this case the neurotransmitters will be placed

08:05 a chemical cage and they will be throughout the solution. But these neurotransmitters

08:14 caged and they're not available to bind glutamate is not available to bind to

08:20 glutamate receptors and to de polarize these as long as it is caged.

08:27 now in addition to electrical stimulation and , we also have pretty powerful optical

08:36 , optical stimulation, optical imaging and cages. Chemical cages can be broken

08:47 photo license photo license is a little of laser that targets a very specific

09:00 around just one synapse and in cages in much more specific area, it

09:09 still diffuse a little bit but not much as from the electrode in just

09:15 and succeeding to activate a single dendritic after this. Blue debate has been

09:22 from the cage. So it gets by photo license. And the beauty

09:28 this technique is that the lasers are fast, lasers are going into the

09:35 second speeds these days for various applications scientific applications. So you can very

09:43 with the laser activate very small area dendritic spine. You can do multiple

09:49 activations, you can activate spines throughout three dimensions and connectivity that it has

10:01 the slice if you're doing it in slice. So this is a much

10:06 technique on caging neurotransmitters for activating single and imaging this in four dimensions.

10:20 X. Y. Z. Three . Tea time in the fourth

10:26 So one of the articles that I've for you and your course lecture

10:30 talks about uh Cajun neurotransmitters in four to understand how den rights conduct the

10:40 is. We were understanding how action are generated in the axons propagates.

10:46 gonna talk about how it reaches external . It regenerates each note around here

10:53 it has high densities of our favorite gated sodium and potassium channels. We've

10:58 about this is a different situation We're talking about synaptic receptors. We're

11:05 about receptor channels for neural transmission. receptor channels for glutamate or Gaba and

11:15 chemicals that will cause deep polarization or polarization. And so we want to

11:23 how these deep polarization in the dendrites distal dendrites will travel into selma's from

11:30 dendrites will travel into selma's. A dendrites will travel into distal dendrites.

11:37 why we want to apply all of techniques. Multiple dendritic recordings from selma

11:42 the way to the apex imaging or these caged neurotransmitter photo license for engaging

11:52 along very precise spatially and temporally areas the of the cell. Yeah,

12:05 example. In terms of the like if you injected, if you

12:16 current here, for example, And you will respond recording a response

12:22 one and your response would be this this amplitude. Right? And then

12:28 recorded the same response in in electorate . But that same response was only

12:35 amplitude. You would now think that something about the signal that is much

12:41 floods from this direction into the distal . That's what it would tell

12:47 Yeah, where it is spatially traveling along the you're welcome along the

12:54 You have these noses run beer, where the signals would regenerate. And

13:01 you don't have that, then the over time that travels. If it

13:06 not surrounded by this insulating sheets of part of that signals go to be

13:14 over distance. We finished the course about different ion channels are distributed and

13:24 expressed in different subtypes of cells. we said that different subtypes of

13:31 The reason why they can produce various behaviors with the action potential patterns is

13:38 of the certain expression of these voltage channels that we're talking about. Other

13:45 channels. And this is an example a parameter will sell which we learned

13:51 in hippocampus. They're also very predominant the neocortex side of theirselves. This

13:58 another type of external tough itself and you see a red staying here and

14:06 for this particular uh next time channel . C. N. One.

14:13 it says that in tropical selves this receptor this channel is expressed in the

14:18 very typical gun rights and theft This channel is expressed in optical

14:25 basal dendrites and all over the selma these cells. If we Campbell basket

14:32 , which is an inhibitor interneuron you expression of this channel only in the

14:41 . The different cells will express these . First of all different cells will

14:47 different subsets of different channels. And of all, if they express the

14:52 channel, they may express it in cellular locations, then drive versus axons

14:59 soma which will in the end influence output that they're capable of producing in

15:04 processing they're capable of doing because of variety of the expression of these

15:12 We discussed that there is a differences firing patterns that call these dialects of

15:19 neurons and that the diversity of these patterns, cells primarily from the inhibitory

15:28 cells in hippocampus and neocortex. Neocortex other areas that will be discussing,

15:37 , exam is not in two my office used to be in this

15:41 , I start to wear a long ago I left the slide because it's

15:45 a reminder that I used to have office in that building. My

15:50 email address is still the same. if you want to email me about

15:53 exam or set up a meeting the best way is communicating with me

15:58 that over email. So when we're about synaptic transmission now when this uh

16:05 potential arrives at the terminal terminal we that causes the polarization that causes neurotransmitter

16:12 and this neurotransmitter will go into the collapse. South Korea channels also allowed

16:19 the conductance is polarized synaptic neuron The post synaptic neuron. Now,

16:26 does this come about historically, while comes about from work off ramon

16:32 Sir, Charles, carrington and most , Otto Loewy is concerns the chemical

16:38 transmission. So Ramona alcohol postulated that is neurons are discrete and there's specialized

16:46 where they connect to each other and these connections are not rigid that they're

16:53 . Sir Charles Strengthen coined this whole of the synapse and communication between 2

17:00 neurons and not alone. We discovered neural transmission. What we know now

17:09 the cns communication of 100 billion They make trillions of connections. So

17:24 you think about that 100 billion, many people on this planet? Seven

17:30 . So times that about 15 times of connections. So one brain is

17:44 15 Different individual units. 15 Hundreds of billion. I mean with

17:53 . It's it's it's very, very system. If you were to take

17:58 brain and flatten all of the membrane surrounds neurons and laid flat and would

18:05 four soccer fields, laid all of one brain and laid flat all of

18:12 membranes and roll everything through the spine everything. That's the fabric of our

18:17 would cover about four soccer fields for fields. Story is fantastic In the

18:29 of Easter Saturday 1921. So 102 ago I awoke, turned on the

18:36 and jotted down a few notes on tiny slip of paper. Then I

18:39 asleep again. It occurred to me six o'clock in the morning that during

18:43 night I had written down something most , but I was not able to

18:48 the scroll that sunday was the most day in my whole scientific life during

18:53 next night. However, I awoke at three o'clock and I remembered what

18:59 was this time. I did not any risk. I got up immediately

19:03 to the laboratory made the experiment on frog's heart described below. And at

19:10 o'clock, chemical transmission of nervous impulse conclusively proved great story. One of

19:21 mentors used to say that sleep is the weak. Uh It's not

19:30 I mean if you don't, if don't sleep well, you cannot

19:33 However, if you are driven by by class and you need something you

19:40 to get done. You may have not sleep for half a night or

19:48 or something like that. You know you get older but your age,

19:51 know, all night or sometimes it's a thing to do because you're capable

19:57 doing that. But it's a lesson . Like what if you have some

20:02 of like vision, How many of have things that come up in your

20:07 as you're about to fall asleep while sleeping and you have a dream and

20:12 wake up or you're about to And you know, sometimes I have

20:18 in my head before I fall Not often, but there are

20:23 Maybe it's related to concerts or I hear music and it's not the

20:28 that I heard. But it's sort my own original music. I have

20:33 uh no way of getting it I can't even reproduce it, recreate

20:39 . You know, I can't even really. But it's all in my

20:43 . They're kind of a locked up sometimes you have something and you can

20:50 it out. You know you can it out and you put it on

20:54 piece of paper like he did. when you put it on a piece

20:57 paper you could get it out of head what it was and you didn't

21:01 to put on a piece of He didn't want to risk it.

21:04 went to the lab and did the . So the experiment that he did

21:09 he had two hearts. One of was called the donor heart. And

21:14 is from uh frog. So this a donor heart and this is recipient

21:23 , donor heart has a vagus nerve blue nerve attached to the vagus nerve

21:28 cranial nerve. 10 you will learn one of the nerves in this section

21:32 nerve town, it innovates the And what you did is they stimulated

21:38 vagus nerve. When you stimulate the nerve, the heart contractions or the

21:46 rate, it slows down the muscle slow down. And he stimulated this

21:55 and he collected the fluid around the point and this recipient heart has no

22:06 nerve attached to it. So it have the vagus nerve attached to

22:12 And he's not stimulating the vagus But instead he's applying the fluid that

22:19 collected from the donor heart. He's onto this naive and stimulated heart and

22:31 fact is the same. The heart also slows down. So there's something

22:41 in the fluid. There is some in the fluid you don't need the

22:46 nerve, you don't need the stimulation you need that chemical. That chemical

22:52 acetylcholine. And in 1921 that was discovery of chemical neural transmission Biota Louis

23:04 doing these experiments and the function of and the heart is the slowing of

23:13 heart rate, slowing down of the in the brain. We have two

23:20 of synopsis. We have chemical synopsis electrical synopsis. Chemical synopsis are the

23:26 that will spend most of our time about pre synaptic neurotransmitter release and post

23:32 receptor channels and G protein coupled receptors are located posson optically electrical synopsis are

23:40 also gap junctions that made from two proteins. Those two connection proteins actually

23:48 and merge between two neurons, specialized where Regular space and the synapses,

23:56 20 nm of space. But there some areas where two neurons come bring

24:03 membranes very close together and allow for any channels protein from this side that

24:11 on a protein from the other side form an opening the physical opening which

24:18 called electrical synapses or gap junctions. called electrical synopsis, they were first

24:27 in crayfish. So when the simulation produced in cell number one here and

24:34 recording was done in cell number There was an immediate, just a

24:39 itself. Signal recorded in stall number , But also without any delay.

24:46 was a small signal that was recorded Stall # two. The idea was

24:52 if you release neurotransmitter vesicles binds, a release of neurotransmitter. The chemical

24:59 across the synapse. It binds to receptor channels that takes a few

25:05 It's called synoptic delay. So chemical when you release a neurotransmitter to when

25:11 have a post synaptic response, there this few milliseconds of synoptic delay when

25:19 recorded from two neurons and they saw delay between the signal and cell one

25:24 cell to accept that the signal and through was smaller. They said this

25:29 be a chemical synapse because there is few millisecond delay here in the response

25:37 your second cell. And so they the electrical synopsis and the electrical synopsis

25:44 allow for the flux of ions from side to the other will allow for

25:50 passage of small molecules including cyclic So secondary messenger molecules can pass their

25:57 junctions. They're not voltage gated. don't really have the gate there either

26:05 always open or there are more open the way they are more or less

26:13 is they seem to have the sideway on it, which makes the channel

26:18 the two selves a little bit a little bit smaller, but essentially

26:23 almost police open ions. Small molecules as cyclic GMP cyclic mps, a

26:34 messenger and I answers the current. why there is no delay. That

26:42 current conflicts between one salad to the south. There is no delay.

26:48 this this is an important system. was a synaptic delay. We already

26:53 about several temporal scales in the First of all, we said that

26:58 can produce action potentials that are very , 1 to 2 milliseconds. These

27:02 large deep realizations. And we talked how glia do not produce action potentials

27:08 glia instead produced these slower calcium wage the order of 10s and hundreds of

27:18 . This is synaptic transmission. When talk about chemical transmission, you have

27:23 delay. The synaptic delay, a milliseconds, five, sometimes 10

27:29 Here you have no delay. So is a reason why these gap junctions

27:36 be very valuable for neurons if they formed between neurons and they formed an

27:45 network of neurons that has gap That means activity in one cell can

27:52 felt by interconnected cells without synaptic transmission a very fast fashion without any

27:59 which is a great way to synchronize . And that's what the brain does

28:06 lot is. Brain synchronizes excitatory and neurons to perform different tasks. And

28:15 synaptic transmission will come with certain It can also synchronize neurons but electrical

28:22 transmission is perfectly positioned for synchronizing adjacent or adjacent cells that are not unique

28:31 neurons. But this is their function neurons. Prison optical, the cells

28:37 have active zones. These active zones they will sequester the vesicles filled with

28:45 . Mr boston optical there that's going be boston optic densities filled with post

28:53 receptors. Another homework question which we probably answer in a few slides,

29:01 are dense core vesicles? Are they from neurotransmitter vesicles? So we're talking

29:05 neurotransmitter vesicles and when you look at neurotransmitter vesicles there seems to be two

29:12 of vesicles anatomically and two types of synapses that you can observe Most of

29:19 excitatory synopsis which are glutamate releasing neurons have asymmetrical differentiations, meaning that their

29:27 synaptic active zones are gonna be smaller to their post synaptic receptor densities and

29:36 vesicles are going to be around in . And we can see this using

29:40 microscopy and other techniques these days, inhibitory cells that release gaba inhibitory neurotransmitter

29:50 have these flattened vesicles but they will symmetrical pre synaptic and fast synaptic

30:00 So this is one way in which can visually look through electron microscope without

30:05 any stains such as stain for glutamate stain for gaba knowing, you

30:10 is the chemistry no histology and you still be able to predict if you're

30:16 at excitatory synapses or inhibitory synapses based some morphological differences in these two different

30:22 of cells. You will first go . Mhm. Okay. In the

30:33 structure there's a good explanation for that Yeah. So, so even though

30:52 schematics argues, it's not guaranteed their that are they are, they would

31:12 . That's a great comment. You're actually right that a lot of interconnected

31:19 we would call nuclei a lot of are defined as performing the same with

31:26 function. Collections of cells and nuclei cells that are responsible for the same

31:31 similar functions. So, yes. you will have gap junctions and you

31:37 synchronization. Now, the synchronization is because brain signals are pretty weak if

31:45 not performing a certain task or you're being stimulated by a certain sensory or

31:52 matter sensors, stimulus. Okay, in order to perform the task,

31:57 know, move the hand, move hand. I have to synchronize

32:01 myself, myself and myself and the ganglia in the motor cortex to produce

32:10 output into the spine to do So it's not just one neuron,

32:16 the collections of grounds. And so far as like as far as

32:27 Well, if one cell is seeing very strong signal, there is there

32:32 an there's not necessarily uniform amount of , it's only a fraction of that

32:38 that spreads into the adjacent cells. not I'm not sure if that's what

32:42 remember uniformity, but uh now how cells and it can be, for

32:49 , different subtypes of inhibitory cells, cells will have gap junctions too.

32:56 how they're doing the synchronization or what the response following a stimulus to one

33:02 that will depend on the subtype of cell that is involved in a particular

33:09 . And I mean and and and like to think about have cells in

33:19 heart actually to the cardiac muscle that gap junctions but you know why it's

33:27 important so that so that the muscle immediately. So once the signal gets

33:33 it spreads immediately that there is no and the contraction is failing and it's

33:42 and it's synchronized to ensure that it beating and that it is not failing

33:47 contract. So that's sort of an with with the brain and gap junctions

33:52 synchronization or two. The idea of and I also want or whether or

34:06 and also just synchronize Yes, for . And there are different frequencies for

34:15 and they're different tasks that will be by different frequencies. What we call

34:21 brain waves in our hand. So will be some slower frequencies that will

34:27 present when you're drowsy faster frequencies when learning something then then will be something

34:34 between as well. We'll come and about that when we talk about brain

34:38 in the very last section. So good questions if the chemicals analysis that

34:50 more common, more prevalent. very good. So now we have

35:02 . Sorry um signaling um usually like great question. Um it's mostly dominantly

35:20 sauce. Uh And it is not in all of the networks. So

35:29 is favoring the inhibitor ourselves to synchronize with ourselves but you'll find them on

35:35 parameter sauce as well. And there also a couple of different subtypes of

35:44 cells. Gap junctions and uh Okay you guys ask some you know when

35:50 go to some tropical countries there's a with malaria. Uh Tropical countries.

36:00 you go on sub Saharan africa if go to you know central south America

36:07 you may get malaria from the There's a lot of mosquito bites.

36:13 one of the drugs that is used chloroquine actually in part blocks gap

36:21 It's one of the actions of that . So um and uh there is

36:30 also a myth that if you drink water, okay uh tonic water can

36:40 you. It also potentially can affect little bit of the gap junction

36:45 To so typically people do it with as gin and tonic but tonic water

36:52 where the good stuff is in this . Okay so neuro muscular junction,

36:58 you're talking about the brain excited inhibitory before we go to neuromuscular junctions.

37:04 where can you form the synopsis and of the synapses I some of them

37:14 formed out to selma somatic. Huh of them are formed on axons

37:23 X sonic. You're forming a synopsis the dead dr or selma. You

37:30 affect the integrated properties of these Whether this neuron is going to fire

37:35 not, how does your handle subsided input In the fact that the cell

37:41 not going to fire the inside of input. You can affect that the

37:45 is going to fire. How the integrates. You're targeting the axon.

37:53 can no longer affect how this neuro for me. All of the emphasis

37:58 came in the Soma already decided to an action potential. Section potential travels

38:06 the action gets regenerated. And then been college is an inhibitory sent

38:11 So what happens here? So it affect the integration abilities of this neuron

38:17 it modulates the output. The output action control not the integration but it

38:25 modulates controls the output of this. not the integrated process. This is

38:32 for axa axonal selections. Alright so talk about uh neuro muscular junction.

38:43 is a part of that circuit that started to understand. Remember the sensory

38:52 root ganglion cell. Okay connect into neuron and motor neuron connects onto the

39:06 cell and causes the contraction of the cell. So the motor neuron is

39:16 outfit from the spinal cord and it into the muscle and when it gets

39:25 the muscle that acts on ratifies the into several large synapses. Each one

39:36 these referred to as murder and plate . Motor on play from motor

39:44 More radical inclusion what you have and motor neurons. In fact it's a

39:52 simple synapse because you have one neurotransmitter the synaptic vesicles and that's acetylcholine.

40:03 acetylcholine is in Davis nerve that was cardiac muscle through vagus nerve and a

40:12 Colin on a cardiac muscle had inhibitory that slow down the heart rate.

40:19 Colleen there's what here Siegel cooling causes of the muscles. So it's excitatory

40:28 why is that? It's two different cardiac muscle versus the skeletal muscle and

40:36 two different subtypes of a pseudo Colin channels in neuro muscular junction. This

40:46 along falls into the muscles are containing high densities of nicotine acetylcholine receptors.

41:04 is a subtype of acetylcholine receptor and a channel. So these junction along

41:14 will be loaded especially in the areas are close to the synapse are going

41:22 be loaded with nicotine nick Colin And when this synopsis here releases neurotransmitter

41:38 optically these acetylcholine molecules to acetylcholine molecules necessary to bind the one receptor and

41:52 receptor there's a channel. So release acetylcholine in the synaptic aly will cause

42:01 binding of the civil code into nicotine with south cursed and it will cause

42:08 influx of sodium causing the deep But these receptor channels will also conduct

42:20 . So sodium is going to be in and potassium is going to be

42:29 out. Okay, so these are channels that are permissible to to ionic

42:44 sodium and potassium which is different from we talked about when we talked about

42:50 selective channels. Both educated sodium channels a specific sodium vault educated calcium channels

42:55 calcium voltage gated potassium channel potassium. are receptor channels that are no longer

43:03 by voltage. Their gated by neurotransmitters by Ligon. So the binding of

43:08 acetylcholine molecules will open this receptor channel will cause the initial influx of sodium

43:17 initial D. Polarization at the level the muscle. Following this initial deep

43:24 deeper within the junction falls. You have a lot of educated calcium channels

43:30 are going to be contributing to generation the action potential in the muscle.

43:38 if the action potential in neurons is short on the order of one or

43:44 milliseconds, the action potential that the muscle is typically much at the at

43:53 muscle tissue. Cardiac including is much longer in duration. Okay so there's

44:04 big differences. But why is this simple synapse? Because deep polarization happens

44:12 through the clothing will suffer channels and is at the level of the

44:18 Because if we look at the level the brain and the C.

44:21 S. We would see that there two types of acetylcholine receptor channels.

44:29 receptors. One is the channel to because it'll go in receptor and another

44:33 is a muscular clinic G protein coupled . So in cardiac muscle it slows

44:42 the heart rate because it is dominated masculine acetylcholine receptors. It has inhibitory

44:49 and skeletal muscle year in the bicep have nicotine acetylcholine receptors and that's the

45:01 receptor shadow that you have. And synopses only excited. So between the

45:09 and the muscle there is no Where do we have inhibition? We

45:17 inhibition inside the spinal cord. Remember root, ganglion south, contacting to

45:27 neuron that comes out and also to inhibitory interneuron of the spinal cord.

45:35 this is in the spinal cord. . And at the level of the

45:44 we have no inhibition. And that's you want the signal from the spine

45:51 the muscle. This is your final output right? Anything that you're

45:56 you're walking, you're kicking, moving sports, picking something up. This

46:03 you want synchronized activity coming from the and forming a certain center, certain

46:11 of your spinal cord and that spinal once it's activated, you know and

46:17 wanna do something you know like start car that it's reliable. If the

46:25 problem is final according to the into muscle is not reliable. You will

46:31 start the car, start the start the car, you can't do

46:38 . That means there's something wrong with with the commands that are coming from

46:42 brain into the spine and that doesn't it's a very very reliable we call

46:49 high fidelity synapse And action potential in pre synaptic terminal equals a twitch of

46:57 muscle. Action potential equals a twitch a muscle. It's a very powerful

47:04 . And the deep polarization that is by an academic acetylcholine receptors is on

47:10 order of about 70 million volts. is called inflate potential because this is

47:23 . Plate E. P. Or template potential Is a very large

47:31 17 million volt change in the membrane . So the resting number and potential

47:40 -65 and the action potential threshold is . That's why the synapses very high

47:50 because it will always cause the deep to reach the threshold for generating the

47:56 action potential. And when we talked that you need multiple synapses in the

48:02 . N. S. This is potential in the neuro muscular junction in

48:06 C. N. S. You multiple excitatory synapses in order to reach

48:12 threshold for action potential to generate the potential in the neuro muscular junction.

48:18 always there deep polarization and play potential of a muscle deep polarization and play

48:27 twitch of a muscle. Where does play potential come from? Where does

48:31 large deep polarization come from? Nicotine receptor channels. Once the initial deep

48:39 through these channels happens down below there's gated sodium channels and voltage gated calcium

48:46 that will play into generating this very action potential. That's also very prolonged

48:52 part because of the calcium conductance is the muscle. Okay. But this

48:58 E. P. P. Polarization happens. The activation of the

49:03 receptors very reliable. There's a release neurotransmitter and play potential. Put your

49:16 here So the whole page where you draw and take notes and write down

49:24 of the information. So again I'm big proponent of drawing things and learning

49:31 by drawing things. People will say a visual learner for me seeing a

49:38 is not enough. It helps but not enough. But if I can

49:44 it down you know in whatever shape form that works for me you know

49:52 really helps me remember things. So recommend it. It's like movement.

50:04 I guess in the brain and the sympathize all the neurons. I guess

50:12 it goes to the gonna be um perceptive and it would be a chemical

50:17 these. It will be chemical everywhere be multiple synopses of being activated from

50:25 motor cortex into your um cortical spinal that go down inform your cerebellum cerebellum

50:37 tracts that go down and activate specific and areas of the body that you're

50:46 . So uh so this is all movement. The reflexive movement. The

50:53 thing that we addressed was the reflex . So it is still conscious because

50:58 will perceive a reflex if you get , you draw with your hands,

51:01 gonna know you get burned and you're adjust your further motor actions and

51:07 putting a band aid, putting it ice or something like that.

51:12 um but the fact of the matter that once that conscious command or even

51:20 stimulus has reached the synopses highly So if that command went to

51:28 motor neuron is d polarized, there's be that command that you're executing because

51:38 very large deep polarization. Yes, it's only excitation. There's no inhibition

51:43 to compete with this excitation. precisely because very good questions. We

51:50 a little bit of time left. see where it leads us to this

51:54 page. So neurotransmitter systems, it's whole system. Pre synaptic components.

52:02 neural transmitters are synthesized. They synthesize enzymes that will synthesizing synaptic vesicles.

52:10 synaptic vesicles will have transporters that will to transport the chemicals into the

52:16 Little organelles have their own number in envelope, then re uptake transporters.

52:22 once the neurotransmitter gets released, there's transmitter is not just going to get

52:28 . It's going to get really taken to the pre synaptic terminal reloaded again

52:34 the synaptic transporters. Once it is in the synoptic collapsed in addition to

52:40 recycled back recent topically. A lot it is also gonna get degraded.

52:45 you'll have degradation and sin in the collapse that will be chewing up essentially

52:51 of these neurotransmitter chemicals, boston you have transmitter gated ion channels,

52:57 in the neuro muscular junction you have you have CMS. A lot of

53:01 in gated transmitter gated ion channels have protein coupled receptors that are not channels

53:08 they'll exert their activity possum applicability by cellular cascades even transcription factors inside the

53:17 acting through G podiums And these Ukrainians they activated they can influence activity of

53:24 iron channels on the plasma membranes as as secondary messenger messenger cascades and the

53:31 amount themselves. The neurotransmitters have to produced and found within the neurons.

53:38 a neuron is stimulated to de the neuron must release that chemical.

53:45 a chemical is released it must act the cross synaptic receptor cause of biological

53:50 . So when on a low we the chemical and stimulated heart cause the

53:55 effect and slow down the heart rate by applying to the neuro muscular

53:59 it will cause an increase in the muscle contraction. It's a different receptor

54:05 the silicone. After a chemical is it must be inactivated. We uptake

54:11 or enzymatic breakdown has to be present the system for it to be a

54:16 system If chemical is applied on the synaptic number and it should have the

54:21 effect when it is released by a mimicry. So I stimulated using my

54:29 nerve stimulation onto the heart and collected fluid and I think that there's a

54:34 Colin and applied it to the heart expect that that heart will have the

54:39 effect will slow down the heart rate if it was stimulated through the Vegas

54:45 . So I'm mimicking now chemical synaptic . Major neurotransmitters. We're gonna introduce

54:57 today and uh don't worry we're gonna about these things a lot Throughout the

55:05 23 lectures. But I'm gonna in you know shape your understanding of the

55:12 and the scores. And uh the I think about the brain is uh

55:22 interesting at least to me. Um why it's interesting is because I tell

55:29 about different temporal scale. So tell about different dialects which neuron stock started

55:36 talk about synchronization. We're looking to and brain maps and smell maps even

55:43 the brain. All that. Look the brain here. So tell me

55:54 for instance, going to spinal And I asked where are the glutamate

56:03 were the selma's we're the neurons that glue to me the major excited to

56:08 americans. And he would say it's in the hippocampus. No it's only

56:15 neocortex. No it's everywhere. Yes everywhere. So if these were glutamate

56:24 and you had hundreds of thousands and and hundreds of millions and billions of

56:31 cells in the C. N. . You'll have the major amino acid

56:37 glutamate neurons will be expressing glutamate Just seeing spinal cord about Gaba.

56:53 man uh hippocampus. No it's Okay so I don't have a different

57:01 pan. So let me just use . So X. Is Gabba,

57:06 is glue made and this is But you get my point that everywhere

57:15 and to a lesser extent because there less of the hindu very small cells

57:19 excitatory cells with either Gaba or the cord is glycerine as a major inhibitor

57:29 . Also in the nino asset also distributed. So expression of licensing and

57:37 is widely distributed throughout the bread. then we have these other interesting

57:45 Like for example we already started talking acetylcholine and you will say well where's

57:52 ? So in the spinal cord you motor neurons that release acetylcholine. Okay

57:58 everywhere there is acetylcholine. Okay a we have a civil coding motor neurons

58:08 the spinal cord that it is released motor neurons right onto the muscle

58:17 So motor neurons have a lot of and then it turns out in the

58:24 there will only be two areas we're nuclei. This will have the cells

58:33 expresses it locally. So they're very . And this is another definition of

58:39 . Guys the collections of cells that responsible for the same or similar function

58:44 quite often release or process the same of chemical neural transmission. Dopamine will

58:53 have very specific nucleus D. That dopamine. Does that mean that there's

59:00 two nuclei that have a single choline the C. N. S.

59:04 one that has dopamine. No because projections from these nuclei they will go

59:12 throughout the brain and to the So we call these amine systems that

59:19 confined and expressed by specific nuclei sort like the sprinkler systems. There's only

59:25 few 100,000 neurons that release norepinephrine in release their atonement and they're only producing

59:34 nuclei in the brain. But the that I like to think about it

59:40 if glutamate is the on switch gaba an off switch inhibition and all of

59:50 different neurotransmitters and peptides they add all of control and color that you can

59:58 . So different chemicals also can be as responsible for different behaviors. Some

60:03 those chemicals are uppers norepinephrine dopamine. are molecules that engage you. The

60:13 or flight norepinephrine, fight or flight . Big bears coming at you or

60:18 in if you are in the it's serotonin okay acetylcholine will be responsible

60:31 muscular functions moving the muscles but in C. N. S. It

60:35 be responsible for a lot of cognitive cognitive information process. So this is

60:42 big difference between major amino acid neurotransmitters major neurotransmitters. We also have to

60:49 poses to kind and an orphan and and advice substance piece not attacking many

60:55 ones. And then we have a box and inside the red box we

60:59 start putting on a very interesting A. T. P. Is

61:05 under our kind of sweater 80 The core of the D.

61:09 is a denizen. It's a neurotransmitter goes up when you're sleeping and you

61:18 to sleep. And then every morning of you from the 90-plus% uh interact

61:28 your demos in receptors because caffeine interacts the devastating. So I understand the

61:36 how cafe max. What is cappy mineral bodies. No it's Starbucks.

61:41 a drug that's exogenous drug. It sold pretty much on every corner of

61:50 major city intersection that interacts with the interceptors, E. T.

61:55 A denizen, triphosphate, horrible. we have gasses as neurotransmitters, nitrous

62:07 , carbon monoxide. So the neurotransmitters means and you will notice peptides they're

62:17 in the vesicles or they're stored in done score vesicles. Gasses are not

62:24 in the vesicles. Gas is a and formidable. So it gives a

62:29 meaning to brain farts. You can a lot of gas in the brain

62:36 they're signaling through natural oxide and carbon . And they'll have their receptor targets

62:45 that a class of neurotransmitters that will in the scores are endocannabinoid mm.

63:05 another neurotransmitter will not study that simulates economic or economic acid which is a

63:12 to the economic. So and economic are molecules that are made endogenous li

63:20 molecules that are similar to molecules that found in Canada's plan. Under cannabinoid

63:27 , their precursors or Economic castle cannabinoids that's valuable, the lipid soluble.

63:36 they're like gasses that are not stored the vestibule Thailand we can cross the

63:41 , some very interesting function in the by signaling retrograde lee just like the

63:48 neurotransmitters, nitric oxide and carbon Can. Okay, I'll end here

63:54 . We'll review a little bit of when we come back on thursday,

63:58 your patients today and we'll discuss the for us. Next lecture trying for

