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00:03 Uh This is lecture 21 of Uh As a reminder, I ask

00:12 not turn on the closed caption. me make sure I actually disable

00:22 So this first slide that you see the material actually reminds us what we

00:27 about when we talked about the somatic system. And when we talked about

00:31 in the brain and we talked about paralysis as well. And this describes

00:37 experiment with the monkey hand where monkey were exposed to activity and the maps

00:46 the primary somatosensory cortex grew for those fingers. We talked about phantom

00:51 There is a description description there also very interesting description of how violentness that

00:57 left versus right hand will have a anatomical organization and uh different kind of

01:04 uh or or areas uh larger areas the brain dedicated to the hand and

01:11 that are more active over the hand is less active. So is synaesthesia

01:18 common than autism. It's somewhat of dated article from 10 years ago,

01:22 in that case, uh this article that uh synaesthesia and adults with autism

01:32 almost three times greater than the So that's something to keep in

01:35 And if you remember that had to with the cross wiring between the number

01:40 the color area or the sound area a particular structure in the brain.

01:44 those are the things that are gonna on the quiz uh tomorrow. Uh

01:50 that uh due to this cross it's typically was uh associated with the

01:56 component, the trimming gene. And , uh I guess in this

02:03 uh it, it is more prevalent autism um patients. OK. So

02:10 learned a lot so far if you , we looked at a version of

02:14 slide very early in the semester. you learned a lot about individual neurons

02:19 synapsis and synaptic communication and cell circuits cell structures and their functions and systems

02:26 systems. And we talked about how brain is capable of generating activity,

02:33 neurons are capable of generating activity, this activity has certain spatial temporal

02:39 how it has what we call activity or brain activity map neuronal activity

02:46 And that activity will spread through the neuronal circuits in the form of what

02:53 would refer as a brain wave. so today, we're gonna talk about

02:59 in the brain and to understand uh of the brain and rhythms of the

03:07 . Uh We have to understand how record activity in the brain in humans

03:13 what relationship this has with epilepsy. , in uh the beginning of the

03:22 century, it was Hans Berger in that used this electrical recording technique that

03:32 referred to as electrons of foo gram E E G. It's a measurement

03:37 electrical activity from the surface of the as noninvasive. So the electrodes are

03:44 on the skin of the skull. what Hans Berger noted using this type

03:51 electrical recording in 1929 that a person was awake had a very different E

04:01 G pattern or electrical pattern versus a that was asleep. And so down

04:09 here, you're actually seeing the first published traces of E E G recordings

04:17 . OK. And so this is significant. Now, E E G

04:22 of holograms have advanced over the last years in their application and uh recording

04:29 activity noninvasively in different rhythms as well using E E G for diagnosing uh

04:37 and epilepsy or abnormal rhythms is also advanced, taking some advances and we'll

04:44 about that a little bit later. , what's interesting is that when the

04:51 are placed on the scalp here on skull, these electrodes, this is

05:00 the E E G recordings are And what's been noted is that their

05:07 G recordings, they will produce these , electrical traces from the underlying activity

05:16 neurons in the brain and these electrical will come in certain dominant frequencies and

05:25 certain dominant frequencies, for example, as alpha beta delta theta gamma and

05:34 fast frequencies that we refer to as , they are dominating in certain behavioral

05:45 . So alpha rhythm, for is associated with relaxed wakefulness and it

05:53 dominant at about 8 to 10 That means that this rhythm, this

05:59 of the rhythm repeats 8 to 10 per second. Now, beta rhythm

06:05 a little bit beta rhythm is associated intense mental activity and it will have

06:16 different frequency and it has not just particular value of a frequency, but

06:23 rhythms actually have a dominant range of we call frequency. So it will

06:29 beta intense mental mental activity at 13 30 Hertz delta rhythm will be associated

06:37 drowsiness and it will be slow. is associated with drowsiness or pathology.

06:45 also it's very important rhythm for learning well as the gamma rhythm. So

06:51 of these different traces, beta alpha sleep spindles, delta waves, they

06:57 labeled excited, relaxed drowsy as deep sleep. That means that the

07:04 rhythmicity, overall rhythm in the brain . And when we talk about these

07:11 E G recordings that are taken from scal the rhythms that we can pick

07:16 represent synchronized activity of hundreds and thousands cells underneath a particular electrode in a

07:24 part of the brain where this grid grid is sitting on below here are

07:32 different type of recordings. These are that are done from the surface of

07:37 brain. These are very rare and only done in the cases when there

07:42 a surgical resection or surgery neurosurgery of brain. And the electrode grid is

07:48 that case, it placed intracranially inside cranium where the skull, the skull

07:55 removed, the scalp and the dura and the meninges are exposed yet

08:01 And the grid is placed in order typically identify very small areas of the

08:07 before brain surgery takes place. So not to compromise important functionally areas of

08:14 brain or otherwise, that may not involved in pathology. Um Being the

08:21 for a particular surgery when we think brain rhythms. This is a very

08:28 book that I would recommend for you have a read at leisure. Uh

08:33 of the brain by Yogi Boa. what he talks about is the intimate

08:40 between space and time. Spatial temporal packed into the concept looks X Y

08:46 T. So you have space three dimensions in space. Fourth dimension

08:51 time oscillations can be conceived up and in terms of either space or

08:57 the phase plane of a sinusoid This is like a sinusoidal away the

09:02 plane of the sinusoid harmonic uh oscillates circle. So if you think about

09:09 , everything repeats in life in the , what has been is what will

09:13 . And what has been done is will be done and there's nothing new

09:17 the sun. This is the circle life. And our walk on this

09:20 is measured as dislocation from some sort a perimeter, some sort of a

09:25 value as an alternative uh to viewing periodicity and this periodicity, this periodicity

09:33 nature periodicity. In this case, activity and neuronal rhythmic activity can be

09:41 of the universe display periodicity as a of sine waves and oscillations.

09:48 we can walk along the trots and off the line without ever returning to

09:53 starting point. Although we come back the same date the year later in

09:57 same calendar date, but things are exactly the same time here as a

10:02 with the cycle as its metric, cycles are identical in shape and the

10:07 and end points of the cycles form intimate path into the seemingly endless

10:13 OK. So it's a way to about periodicity in life periodicity in

10:21 But inevitably periodicity and fast rhythm These rhythmic oscillation, sinusoidal like oscillations

10:30 you would see in the brain as recording electrical activity using E E G

10:37 . So why uh why are there many rhythms? And here is another

10:43 that shows the table that there are very slow rhythms. So the slowest

10:47 on the in the brain are diurnal your uh day and night rhythm,

10:56 is dictated by the super cosmetic nucleus you learned about, which is the

11:00 body clock. And super cosmetic nucleus the night time will express certain transcription

11:07 and influence the sleep cycle. And the morning time and daytime, it

11:12 express a different subset of transcription factors be turned on and different molecules are

11:18 and therefore it was promoting the day . But in general, there are

11:24 rhythms, there are metabolic rhythms. we talk about neuronal activity, we

11:29 to feature these rhythms like delta theta gamma, fast and ultra fast and

11:36 at the ultra fast rhythms. 200 600 Hertz. That means that neuronal

11:42 that these hundreds and thousands of cells some point can synchronize in time and

11:51 , it's 200 or 600 cycles a . So these are ultra ultra fast

12:00 . Why would you have such a of these dominant rhythm frequencies? And

12:05 there a system in which we can all of these different dominant frequencies?

12:11 do these different rhythms come about? from the very beginning in this

12:17 we talked about how different neuronal subtypes slightly different dialect. And what we

12:25 that dialect as is the frequencies and patterns and the numbers of the action

12:32 that are being produced by different subtypes neurons in the hippocampus alone, we

12:38 a great variety of the inhibitor into in cortex, the same way that

12:43 capable of producing different firing or action patterns at different speeds, representing their

12:51 individual dialect. So a variety of cell subtypes would be contributing to having

13:00 variety of these uh network rhythms, and neuro modulators. So, we

13:10 about chemical neurotransmitters and we talked about some of them like Gaba and glutamate

13:15 have a fast effect on neurotransmission depo polarization. But then we talked about

13:22 modulators and we said how neuromodulator will a longer lasting effect but it may

13:29 slower. Therefore, a variety of of these chemical interactions and communications within

13:35 specific neuronal circuits will also contribute to of these different rhythms, external

13:43 which is the stimuli that we are . And the perfect example is hearing

13:51 we discussed recently where you have oscillation the air molecules, which translates into

13:58 oscillation of the fluids in the inner , which translates into mechanical movement and

14:06 of the uh potassium channels and the cells and those hair cells producing oscillations

14:15 are representative of the mechanical oscillations. their oscillations are in the form of

14:21 depolarizations and hyper polarization. OK. you have a variety of different

14:30 the stimuli and train our different sensory , visual auditory and so on.

14:38 we have to have brain activity to certain rhythmic activity that is dominant around

14:45 . Why would you need to have many oscillatory regimes, so many different

14:50 , multiple tasks, some tasks are , some tasks are fast. Sometimes

14:55 cells have to be fast. Sometimes have to take care of slow metabolic

15:00 . If you have really fast cells can synchronize in a very fast

15:04 for example, using the gap so they can perform very precise and

15:10 uh collective uh synchronized activity in the . And of course, by having

15:18 variety of these different neuronal setbacks by having a variety of these dominant

15:26 in our brain. This is what for our ability to have distinct levels

15:32 distinct complexities of computation and different neuronal from the primary secondary all the way

15:39 the association areas. Now, uh Buja at some point has placed these

15:47 rhythms here on their natural uh log here in frequencies and these dominant

15:55 delta theta beta gamma fast, ultra . They, they were uh separated

16:02 by a whole full integer on this M Hertz scale. Here, the

16:07 scale here is frequency and this is classes or descriptions of these different their

16:12 of these different rhythms. OK. here's an example of a happy student

16:18 with an E E G cap eyes . You can see alpha waves I

16:24 the E E G recordings from these change into a different beta wave rhythm

16:30 it's not as synchronized. Therefore, not as pronounced on the E E

16:34 recordings and the student close his eyes and again, the brain areas where

16:41 recordings are done are dominated by the waves. This is just enlarged image

16:47 what I was explaining earlier can feel to uh read on your own about

16:55 these recordings would be done for the cases for surgical resections or brain surgeries

17:01 general. Mhm And epileptic oscillations. talk now about epilepsy. For some

17:12 , this image is getting a little cut off. So maybe I'll exit

17:15 of this uh presentation so that we have a full image uh view.

17:22 . So why are we talking about when we're talking about rhythmic activity?

17:30 epilepsy in general is diagnosed quite often using E E G S. Epilepsy

17:39 abnormal synchronization of neuronal networks. And abnormal synchronization can be picked up using

17:47 E G recordings and epilepsy or epilepsies there's so many different subtypes of epilepsies

17:56 general uh are rhythmic brain disorders And when these rhythms become abnormal and

18:06 there is abnormal synchrony in the it can start over exciting the

18:13 driving the cells to accumulate a lot calcium, uh driving the sauce to

18:21 a lot of glutamate, driving glia release a lot of glutamate, thereby

18:28 what is known as glutamate excitotoxic and excitotoxic which both lead to apoptosis or

18:40 cell death. And this abnormal repeated activity is an abnormal synchrony can be

18:48 as sort of a electrical short circuits the brain, therefore, eventually burning

18:55 and destroying the regions of the brain seizures are generated. And these E

19:01 G caps, a lot of times be placed with the electrodes located in

19:06 parts of the scalp. Here picking activity from different parts of the brain

19:12 determine where the focus or the origin that seizure is. And as you

19:20 see here in a, the person sitting and she has a cap tied

19:23 her head. And indeed, this experiences quite often before a person has

19:31 pronounced seizure event, they would experience of something about to happen. Sometimes

19:38 a really bad feeling. Some people a euphoric very happy feeling of

19:44 And even during this period of or can already see that electrodes 12,

19:52 through 16 are starting to show what would define as abnormal synchronized electric

20:01 OK. And then, and see person is having a full blown

20:07 And now you can see at point that this E E electrical activity which

20:12 be started in these regions here. through 16. 1st, as this

20:18 synchrony and abnormal activity spread as a wave across all of the electrodes in

20:26 brain and created what is called a seizure, which basically is abnormal synchrony

20:32 abnormal activity, electrical activity throughout the cortex. And uh subcortical areas as

20:40 . Hippocampus, a structure that we well that we studied while is highly

20:45 to seizures is highly susceptible to And it can neuro degenerate if seizures

20:52 in the temporal lobe area or in limbic structures like the hippocampus, hippocampus

20:59 also be damaged with other neurodegenerative And it would also be damaged in

21:06 , but uh it is highly susceptible damage and epilepsy as well.

21:12 So this is a reminder how you the cells from Ramon Coal's drawings that

21:19 placed in certain locations within the cortex certain connectivity. There are different sub

21:24 that speak all of these different dialects the ability of the inhibitor and excitatory

21:31 to exchange these patterns and frequencies of potentials is what allows for these diverse

21:39 behaviors of individual cells and the synchronization diverse electrical behaviors of neuronal networks and

21:49 of the brain in general. So when you're recording, uh this

21:56 a recording uh example where you would these E G electrodes and you would

22:01 exactly the areas where they would play play. So you can see this

22:05 occipital lobe. OK. This is , frontal. OK. We have

22:11 three, temporal five. So this covering over temporal lobe. So you

22:15 the location and now you can identify origin of abnormal activity in the brain

22:21 how it spreads, spreads throughout the networks. So what in reality is

22:29 E G picking up this activity E G in reality is picking up activity

22:35 from the surface of the cortex and really activity from these excited to parameter

22:42 . And when they're very active, electrically active, they also generate magnetic

22:48 . And that information from the of parameter cells can be picked up by

22:55 E E G electrodes that are placed the scalp. They go through the

23:03 E G amplifier that will amplify that and allow us to detect these different

23:12 and abnormal rhythms in the brain as . But imagine this. So this

23:17 the electrode that's sitting on the So that means the signal electrical signal

23:22 is synchronized. We have to synchronize and thousands of cells for this electrode

23:26 pick up the activity here. So from a single cell is not gonna

23:30 anything for this E E G But then when you have the synchronization

23:35 activity of these thousands of cells that activity in these mag electromagnetic fields have

23:43 cross through P subarachnoid dura Aloma skull . Essentially all of this acts as

23:53 low pass filter and filters out a of the activity that gets picked up

24:00 the level of the G at the of the scalp. So that's why

24:06 preoperatively would wanna do these intracranial recordings the surface of the brain because they

24:11 be more precise in detecting normal or activity. This is exactly what I'm

24:18 about. So, if you have E E G recording and you have

24:22 activity amongst these six cells, and can imagine that there's six cells that

24:28 involved here in reality will be the or thousands of cells involved, let's

24:32 600 cells involved in this, but getting a different input, this inputs

24:38 in and it's uh exciting them at times. And each one of

24:42 12 through six seem to have their distinct pattern of depolarization and hyper polarization

24:49 activity. And therefore, in some E G picks up what you would

24:54 this some signal, which would be irregular signal. There, there is

24:58 a distinct or dominant rhythm. One argue that would be picked up.

25:03 once these cells, they could be a common input. But once these

25:09 and if they get activated at the time, so there's a very strong

25:15 coming in and 123456 is gonna be depo about the same time. And

25:20 synchronization across this network of cells now be picked up on the sun E

25:26 G recording as something that is meaningful relevant rather than something that is just

25:31 background noise or background irregular activity that have a dominant frequency rhythm to

25:40 OK. Now, neurons in those foci or in those the locations that

25:48 seizures have characteristic behaviors. Those character behaviors is that they produce intracellular spiking

25:58 and interictal spiking activity. So a of cells would synchronize and they would

26:05 these what are called spiking and bursting that are referred to as peral depolarizing

26:13 that typically last 50 to 200 they have very large 20 to 44

26:19 N S neurons depolarizations with a number burst of action potentials riding on top

26:26 this depolarization. So this repetitive synchronized . Typically, the bursts represent repetitive

26:36 activity. It comes about because of intrinsic neuronal membrane properties, such as

26:47 subtypes of voltage gated sodium potassium and channels itself express as well as their

26:57 connectivity and synoptic signaling Cytra versus inhibitor so on and so forth.

27:04 in epilepsy, you have enhanced There is too much or enhanced signaling

27:10 glutamate glutamate signals glutamatergic system. Ample A too much of glutamate release.

27:19 could be impairments also in Gaba B which uh could be lacking hyper

27:27 Other channels, calcium dependent potassium channels also involved. Glia may play a

27:39 roll here because glia if you recall buffering and spatially distributing abnormal rises and

27:50 concentrations such as potassium, they're also in neurotransmitter reuptake. In particular glutamate

27:59 and glutamate cycling, they produce calcium and they, they, they may

28:07 other uh things like glycine that serves an MD A co factor. Uh

28:15 gli again, is very likely very involved in these epileptic processes. If

28:22 have epilepsy or epilepsy is defined if having repetitive seizures. But these are

28:29 cellular mechanisms of the cellular substrates of activity. These synchronized bursts, Baros

28:36 polarizing shifts that represent synchronized activity, increase in excitation, a decrease in

28:44 and abnormal glial signaling epilepsy. In incidents of epilepsy cases for 100,000 on

28:59 Y axis and age in years. here on the X axis,

29:06 epilepsy affects 1 to 2% of the . It's most prevalent in early

29:14 And again, it has this U curve where it becomes more pronounced.

29:20 epilepsy is more incidences of epilepsy and elderly people seems to be rising again

29:28 the age of about 55 or Now, epilepsy is more common in

29:35 countries. Um uh epilepsy is very because there could be untreated childhood

29:47 infections or pre and post natal Uh And because it occurs most often

29:55 , in young Children, it's it's critical now to have all of this

30:00 post natal care and early childhood care well as elderly care where a lot

30:07 2nd and 3rd world countries do not the systems cannot afford or the elderly

30:12 afford to be a part of the homes and such to take care of

30:18 , which can then be where elderly go and shack them develop certain diseases

30:25 epilepsy. Childhood epilepsy is usually It's caused by genes or disease or

30:33 that is present at birth. Elderly to acquire epilepsy as a consequence of

30:41 and other disorders of conditions such as tumors or even Alzheimer's disease. So

30:49 with Alzheimer's disease are way more prone have epilepsy or seizures. And in

30:55 case, epilepsy becomes a comorbidity. disease is already killing a person and

31:02 now contributes to co killing that person as a comorbidity to potentially depriving this

31:10 of their uh future years of Epilepsy is more a symptom of a

31:17 than the disease itself. Uh Seizures really a symptom of the disease.

31:23 are many different types of epilepsies. can be caused by tumors in particular

31:30 , reactive gliosis, tissue scar formation to tissue blood vessels. So,

31:36 glial networks, trauma to the brain components, metabolic dysfunctions, infections,

31:45 disease, environmental and in many cases of epilepsy is unknown. So there

31:54 many different types of epilepsies. The different causes of epilepsies from infection to

32:01 to to genetic dysfunction and in many , it's unknown, but let's talk

32:09 this. There are several mutations, ? There's several mutations that are famous

32:18 causing epilepsy in childhood epilepsy in So here what is highlighted is mutated

32:28 channels. You can also have mutations potassium channels. You can also have

32:33 in calcium channels. But in this case, remember we talked about these

32:38 gated sodium channels early on in the while these voltage gated sodium channels,

32:45 is the remember they have four Each subunit has six transmembrane segments.

32:55 123456 S four is a voltage sensor S five and S six. You

33:02 the four loop which is the selectivity area of this voltage gated sodium

33:09 And what are all of these different . So everywhere where you see a

33:14 dot that means that a mutation in gene that goes for this channel and

33:21 mutation that would be represented in this in this particular location or that particular

33:26 in multiple locations on this voltage gated channel can lead in green to gaps

33:34 stands for generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures generalized epilepsy, febrile seizures plus.

33:45 if mutations on that same gene that the same voltage gated sodium channel occurs

33:52 the areas where there are amino acid corresponding to these red dots.

33:59 multiple red dots. A person is to develop a different subtype of

34:07 It's also a very severe subtype of , developmental congenital genetic form of

34:13 Again called severe mylo epilepsy of infancy sme I severe chronic epilepsy of

34:24 otherwise known as drive A syndrome. you can have this is sodium channel

34:32 sodium channel. And you can see if fortunately, a person has a

34:38 in the gene that codes for these channels. And there is uh mutations

34:46 these amino acid sequences in green or . It could lead to these two

34:51 severe forms of epilepsy, generalized febrile seizures, febrile seizures are actually

34:58 most common type of seizures that occurs many little babies. That's why it's

35:04 if somebody's temperature goes up, uh child's temperature goes up about 100 and

35:10 F to place them and even ice bath to cool them off. Uh

35:19 febrile seizures are hyperthermia induced seizures. means when the body temperature goes up

35:26 fever with infections. Uh A child experience febrile seizures and if a child

35:32 one seizure due to an infection and has a seizure again, they're not

35:37 . But the Children that are born these mutations here, they experience generalized

35:44 with feb seizures or severe Marchionni epilepsy infancy. And in both instances,

35:51 very sensitive to internal temperature rises. these Children, if they have just

35:56 small fever or 100 F 101 they start having a seizure. So it

36:04 them very susceptible to hypothermia. This mutation and voltage gated sodium channels,

36:11 are found in in the neurons into and exci cells as well. So

36:17 is an image of some of these . Unfortunately, some of them passed

36:23 or severe myronic epilepsy of infancy sme is a catastrophic form of epilepsy.

36:31 30% or about 30% of the Children respond to the existing pharmaceutical treatments and

36:39 medications. Uh, about 20% of Children die from what is called severe

36:49 or unexpected death and epilepsy, PSE unexplained death and epilepsy which typically happens

36:57 night. And that's why these severe of epilepsies that are very hard to

37:03 . Also referred to as intractable forms epilepsy because uh intractable, the patient

37:09 respond to pharmaceutical drug treatments and cocktails these treatments. It's catastrophic if the

37:17 dies and it's catastrophic for the whole . And these kids have a mutation

37:24 voltage gated sodium channel. Uh One these mutations that we're talking about that

37:30 in red here that will cause severe epilepsy of infancy. Now, these

37:39 are quite often given cocktails of drugs they're given cocktails of of many

37:46 And this is an image of a that is testifying in front of the

37:53 showing them what type of cocktails of and the amount of drugs some of

37:58 Children have to take in order to seizures and he had over 30% of

38:05 seizures would not be controlled by all these medications. Think about that.

38:12 we talked about different kind of a pharmacological and medication like approaches in this

38:22 already. But how difficult it might on that child to metabolize to process

38:31 different pills a day. What uh it may have on their liver,

38:37 effect it may have on their what side effects it may have on

38:41 digestive system and all of these And so this is where we start

38:47 discussion about medical phenomenons and medical calendars . And Charlotte Figgy pictured here was

38:56 girl and fortunately she passed last but Charlotte Figgy was a girl was

39:03 of the syndrome kids that were not to all of the pharmaceutical medication.

39:09 had quite conservative parents that were uh military both but they heard about medical

39:19 and they moved their family to Colorado Charlotte Figgy worked with neurologist Edward Ma

39:29 neurologist uh gave her T H C , which is one of the phyto

39:37 and cannabis plants and CBD or And the Charlotte seizure frequency from nearly

39:48 convulsive seizures per day, went to to 3 nocturnal convulsions per month.

39:57 is a huge, huge difference. this child in drive A syndrome was

40:03 to phyto Komal treatment. You see CBD over the cocktails of previously supplied

40:10 . And in fact, they, , they slowly weaned her off or

40:15 her off the pharmaceutical medications. most of the epilepsy drugs remember Gabba

40:21 receptor channel, it increases inhibition, promotes chloride flux. It has a

40:31 side for Gaba, it has a side if you recall for diazePAM and

40:37 lot of anti seizure drugs will be to Gaba receptors. And if you

40:43 Gaba receptor also has a binding side ethanol alcohol. And so when Children

40:51 these pharmacological preparations, the target Gaba like diazePAM, for example, or

40:59 the side effect, one of the is that they feel as if they

41:04 intoxicated, drunk, like state and act almost like drunk, uh

41:12 losing the gate and ability to, control their motor functions. So this

41:20 a very successful case. Unfortunately, I said, Charlotte piggy has

41:26 but she started something that uh allowed many United States States and also countries

41:35 the world to start looking at cannabis cannabinoids from maybe a more positive and

41:43 medicinal uh perspective. And there were number of articles since 2014 that uh

41:52 and corroborated that indeed uh cannabinoids in cannabidiol or CBD is very helpful for

42:01 treatment of seizures and epilepsy. And in this course, we'll also talk

42:06 then the cannabinoid system and pharmaceutical drugs CBD is a uh is an approved

42:13 preparation for treatment of seizures in particular syndrome and uh or severe myronic epilepsy

42:21 infancy. Now, the United States which is only now uh allowing sort

42:30 uh for the United States individual states decide their pathway for the use of

42:40 or medical cannabis in their different programs in the State of Texas um United

42:46 government, the United States of America of Health and Human Services has this

42:53 pattern published since 2003 that says that act as antioxidants and neuroprotectant. So

43:02 is not just a myth and all these, you know, probably what

43:08 states or 40 states now um uh to say hundreds of millions of patients

43:16 medical programs, not recreational, adult use, cannabis are seeing benefits

43:24 cannabinoids. And so we will talk the next couple of lectures about what

43:29 be developed as a future neuropharmacology treatments on the basis of cannabinoids, for

43:36 . But this is an interesting view have uh because while the government had

43:42 patent on antioxidants and neuroprotectant cannabinoids. here, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease

43:50 dementia um in a positive way, also is on a federal level.

43:57 as a criminalized substance, cannabis in , and it's only on a state

44:03 but it is allowed. And there's you know, some questionable issues about

44:09 uh whether cannabis is all positive it also has some negative effects.

44:14 for some people in certain conditions, cannabinoids like T H C are not

44:21 , especially in the cases of the negative effects of cannabinoids and cannabis

44:26 well. And the point is that really need to start understanding what these

44:31 combinations of T H C and different preparations, different methods of

44:37 taking it as a pill versus inhalation it into the lungs, how all

44:43 these different combinations of cannabinoids can treat specific diseases. And I think this

44:49 gonna be a question that gets slowly over the next 23 decades. And

44:53 going to be very exciting as the industries again and going to draw on

45:00 natural molecules, natural compounds and hopefully these phyto compounds in the final preparations

45:07 uh uh as final treatment products for . So if you want to learn

45:14 over the weekend, um you can watch a series that was produced by

45:22 Gupta. He's a chief medical correspondent CNN, but he's an interesting guy

45:29 in cannabis is, is not a issue. It's really a bipartisan

45:34 I think it's a health regulation, issue of anything and criminal uh activity

45:40 as well. Now Sanjay Gupta actually not believe in medical cannabis. So

45:46 story is quite interesting because he came this like everybody else. Oh,

45:50 heard somebody said anecdotally. Oh, heard it, it helps, you

45:55 , but you know this guy the president of the United States,

45:59 said, so I inhaled, I it. Um Montel Jordan here got

46:04 off is really famous for using it his condition. He has multiple sclerosis

46:09 Sanjay Gupta uh met all of these people and changed his mind on the

46:18 benefits of cannabis, not just medical cannabinoids, but cannabis in general and

46:26 up with this series called Weed Weed , I think it's all up to

46:31 now, if I'm not mistaken. it's something uh interesting to watch over

46:35 weekend if you fancy. Ok. this uh as I mentioned is gonna

46:41 a little bit shorter lecture. We'll back and talk about some of the

46:45 preparations from cannabinoids and the cannabinoid system the treatment of uh epilepsy in that

46:51 as well and other neurological disorders because interesting that cannabinoids are typically targeted for

46:58 nausea, uh weight, uh uh control, weight, uh wasting control

47:07 uh neurodegenerative or neurological disorders prevalent. And not surprising because you will learn

47:15 cannabinoid receptors. C B two are most abundant G protein coupled receptor in

47:20 brain. OK. So this will our lecture. Thank you very much

47:25 joining me with a short notice on zoom. This is very helpful for

47:30 . You can do that today. will see everyone in class live next

47:37 . We'll be ending the scores fairly . Good luck tomorrow on the quiz

47:43 I will see everyone back on Thank you everyone and have a good

