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00:02 Welcome to neuroscience. Midterm one If you recall this is a slide

00:07 I showed you early on and the was depicting a lot of information that

00:12 will be studying over the course of semester and in particular neurons synaptic transmission

00:23 neurons different centers, nuclei parts of C. N. S. That

00:28 responsible for different functions as well as cellular subtypes. So when we talked

00:37 history we said the entrepreneur nations were the original neurosurgery is to alleviate

00:45 pain or fluid build up inside the or something that could be done following

00:50 hemorrhaging of the brain. Imhotep was person that was studying initially the anatomy

00:57 looking at the traumatic brain injuries and to describe the anatomy of the brain

01:02 ancient Egypt. But the Egyptians believed heart is the most important organ of

01:07 brain. There's a difference here in Greece where ancient Greeks start believing that

01:13 brain is the major controlling organ of body and with the renaissance times will

01:18 start seeing the glimpses of anatomy. vesalius describes this ventricles here that are

01:25 in the center of the brain and predominant view of the brain is based

01:31 this ventricular localization of brain function. he also distinguishes between gray and white

01:38 , certain properties of gray and white and how different uh potentially different functions

01:46 these different parts of gray or white . Let me pause this for just

01:54 um we studied that basically uh since understood some of these concepts about

02:04 I may have failed to suppress some but talked about renada cart I think

02:12 I am soon the fluid mechanical model the body. The discovery that nerves

02:20 our channels but they can generate electricity our current generators and conductors. We

02:28 about major subdivisions of the C. . S. Cerebrum, cerebellum,

02:33 , spinal cord, peripheral nerves coming of here, major divisions of the

02:41 and to the frontal, parietal, temporal cerebellum and brainstem regions and from

02:48 spinal nerves. We actually talked about different subtypes. Later when we discuss

02:53 reflex arch of the dorsal root ganglion , the sensory component and the motor

02:59 as the motor component. Then we the chronology which was basically trying to

03:05 different brain functions in different parts of brain but they were looking for the

03:10 of these functions based on the surface the skull which was wrong and correct

03:15 of doing that. And finally with area localization of function came into light

03:23 broke. This area is responsible for aphasia Wernicke s area for receptive aphasia

03:29 we also discussed the gnomic and global and this gauge was a very famous

03:35 because she showed that a significant brain cannot necessarily affect vision. Of course

03:43 lost. I but he still has hearing but it can affect your

03:51 it can affect your control, your control and these examples. You're also

03:56 there's multiple areas that are involved in activity processing our brains develop on the

04:05 and the reflection of what develops on outside. How we develop on the

04:08 is very much based on this environment allows us to survive and procreate.

04:16 talked about Ramona ca hall, the theory, there's this neuron doctrine

04:21 believing ramon alcohol using golgi stain by mentor, believing that units neurons are

04:29 units, Charles, Sherington corning the synapse ra Monica hall, predicting that

04:37 flows into cells. Get processed into and get out, put it through

04:42 black axons onto the adjacent neurons. he initiated this belief the theory that

04:48 connections are plastic. They can change theory of elasticity. Nestle stain is

04:55 to stay in all of the south it's a really good way to define

04:59 cider, architectural arrangement and obedient Use them for these side architect tonic

05:05 to describe essentially different functional areas and functional areas. In part would be

05:12 by observing variations in the structure of or structure connectivity influences function. We

05:19 about live microscopes not being able to space between neurons, which is synapse

05:24 20 nanometers, but electron microscope being to do so and being able to

05:30 us different aspect neurons such as uh red ink spines. Uh You don't

05:38 . Please make sure you're muted. We these days we don't need to

05:46 and basically don't need to use We can use infrared microscopy to visualize

05:54 neurons and target them with micro And later we talked about how you

06:00 record using micro electrodes and the types reporting you can do like patch clamp

06:05 later in the course and the current at different parts of the brain responsible

06:10 different functions and experimental level. We a view all the way from a

06:14 molecule single cell, single dendritic spine cell networks, the macroscopic views.

06:21 in a clinical setting we're trying to the problems in the brain potentially in

06:28 activity of the brain. And by at the functional imaging um such as

06:33 emission tomography and there are different disciplines stamp from neuroscience. So this concludes

06:42 review of the history of the I've never seen the chart if there

06:50 any questions. Okay, I don't there's any questions. So I'm gonna

07:00 on to our next topic and actually next topic since we introduced the book

07:09 started talking about neurons and glia neuronal . I said, well, you

07:14 what it's really important for you to about Covid 19 because covid 19 infections

07:21 still present. A lot of us lived through Covid 19 infections experienced some

07:27 these symptoms that we've discussed. And was really important for me to point

07:32 that there are multiple ways by which virus can get in to the

07:41 And in particular we talked about Vira virus and blood can with a significant

07:48 load can reach. The brain virus also enter through the nasal cavity and

07:54 crib reform formation and through the openings in the skull that provide all the

08:03 receptor nerve endings to project right there the upper nasal cavity. And so

08:10 is a pathway to get into the directly through the nose into the olfactory

08:17 here that we'll discuss in the second Great reform plate and the olfactory

08:23 Now also there is a barrier blood barrier between the brain and the blood

08:29 with hypoxia damage. So if you infection in the lungs and you have

08:34 access to oxygen with hypoxia, you blood brain barrier and allow for further

08:41 . An entry of the virus of virus has to enter and hang on

08:47 these two receptors, neuronal tissues in brain. These two receptors are found

08:52 the body. The angiotensin converting enzyme receptors involved in blood pressure regulation.

09:00 so if you look at the afi here, the olfactory epithelium see that

09:06 olfactory receptor neurons and orange actually don't these through receptors but the other cells

09:15 spectacular cells so other cells in the epithelium but not the olfactory receptor neurons

09:23 these two receptors and so the entry the epithelium of this virus can infect

09:30 cells and these cells and how these receptors and are infected. The trans

09:35 means and other means can in fact a factor receptor neurons causing loss of

09:44 also known as anosmia. So the brain barrier as we discuss consists of

09:52 yourselves and also in the brain side have the astra acidic and feed processes

09:57 provide for one of the checkpoints into brain. This is compromised. The

10:03 junctions are compromised. If endothelial cells contains two receptors and glial cells get

10:10 with the virus, then there's another of transferring a virus into the

10:16 breaching the blood brain barrier or the infections a variety of different real cells

10:22 we discussed and we'll come back and about a little bit. Then we

10:26 about how there are different outcomes basically the C. N. S versus

10:32 . N. S. In the nervous system. The two major symptoms

10:38 an Austrian Negussie, a loss of , loss of taste and in the

10:43 . M. S. Most common and vertigo. But the major symptoms

10:48 the CMS which will focus here meningitis, acute necrotic and the

10:54 So information of the brain infection by virus can lead to encephalopathy can lead

11:01 neuronal degeneration and also emerging as it tied to the blood system. So

11:07 me a smell loss of smell and see is loss of taste. So

11:13 on the peripheral level you see mostly sensory dysfunction in the central level.

11:18 see that it can lead to breakage blood brain barrier apoptosis, accurate necrotic

11:26 emerging cerebral edema swelling, uh neural in the brain and neuro degeneration or

11:34 death. So these are some of key things that I'd like for you

11:38 know in this particular section. Let see if there is any questions on

11:48 not. And I'm moving on to and Greer and neurons and Greer We

11:58 about others about 10% of all of cells in the brain and neurons and

12:03 a lot of abundance as we all counting 90% of all the other

12:10 Some of the neuronal features are like cell features and then some others are

12:15 . Dendrites and spines. Excellent initial . Excellent initial segment two here Axon

12:22 for accident, initial segment and you some organelles, cell fundamental organ other

12:29 . But you also have the great eines which are pretty unique to

12:32 And then you have these axons that insulated where the conductors of action potentials

12:38 take place and the synapses that are specialized places of communication between the pre

12:44 external terminal and the synaptic receptors and pot synaptic neuron some basic genetic things

12:52 we are all well familiar with the micro race. We talked about how

12:59 they be used in detecting increased expression decreased expression in groups of genes and

13:06 rates could be designed to track thousands genes. And you could compare normal

13:11 versus diseased brains or normal brains versus conditioned brains and so on. Basic

13:19 . Also finding other um cells neurons a lot of energy. So eight

13:25 will be produced by mitochondria and situated the specific regions in the south.

13:33 gave a lot of emphasis to this of fluid mosaic model of the

13:39 Asthma membrane, which is a possible bi layer made up of the hydra

13:44 heads and hydrophobic fatty acid tails and formation of these possibilities violators, insertion

13:52 the cholesterol molecules, trans membrane trans membrane channels, membrane associated

13:58 glycoprotein, carbohydrates. They're all fluids this possible lipid bi layer. They

14:06 move within this possible lipid bi They can be inserted, they can

14:13 internalized. There's a lot of movement plasticity in the plasma membrane supporting the

14:20 underlying structure of the outer membrane boundaries the side of skeletal elements. We

14:26 . Micro tubules is the largest elements are involved and um external transport in

14:32 , cellular transport in general, micro highways, neuro filaments and the medium

14:39 filaments and microfilm is comprised of the molecules that are found in the outermost

14:46 of the architecture morphology of the plasma . Most mobile smallest units ready to

14:55 arise to extend their chains or deep arise and make them shorter as it

15:00 be And the side of skeletal elements underneath the plasma membrane. The structure

15:06 the plasma membrane can also rearrange the area can be increased or decreased.

15:13 this is very important because we discussed uh slide on the fact that if

15:25 have Alzheimer's disease, we talked about of Alzheimer's disease and we related that

15:34 the side of skeletal elements that we're . And in particular we talked about

15:40 things and the stores about the diseases particular, we talked about several diseases

15:46 they said you always have to think . Is it a developmental diseases?

15:52 a middle aged person diseases it caused trauma is caused by infection. Do

15:57 know the causes of these diseases? is it likely to express itself?

16:03 this is most likely to be most and prevalent? And what age population

16:10 a genetic component to that disease? so when we talk about Alzheimer's

16:15 it's prevalent and older population it has tangles and the tangles will start impeding

16:25 the plaza make and cellular transport and functions inside the cells inside the cells

16:31 the cells. And the formation of beta amyloid plaques and the formation aggregation

16:38 this abnormally cleaved protein. The formation these plaques can start physically impinging on

16:45 surrounding structure of neurons and synaptic communication advanced stages that we said that their

16:54 stages and we talked about some symptomology Alzheimers disease, loss of short term

17:00 , disorientation early stages. Advanced stages just loss of the ability to function

17:07 and the body and severe alzheimer's and gross level will present itself with a

17:13 growth philosophy, neuronal tissue and shrinkage the gray matter in particular. So

17:20 is the slide that goes along with uh following lecture to replace the

17:27 this following slide to replace the slide talked about synaptic transmission so that the

17:35 of the external terminal you will have vesicles that contain neurotransmitters that will buy

17:42 the pot synaptic receptors. There are types of transport and terra grade mediated

17:48 connection and retrograde mediated by dining. There is uh axl plasma transport that

17:56 slow and there is actual plasma transport is fast. And in some instances

18:03 can take advantage of these different modes travel by certain substances retrograde versus interrogated

18:13 in particular retrograde transport, horseradish These herpes virus rabies virus can

18:21 We travel from the periphery into the . So that's a really good tool

18:28 use these to understand for example what of the skin muscle or other part

18:36 the brain that's communicated that's connected to where the soma as that are coming

18:42 talking to this with their axons and if you inject it, it will

18:46 retrograde lee taken up, talked about importance of dendritic spines as the most

18:53 units and somewhat biochemical independent by containing polarized somo complexes and containing mitochondria under

19:02 spines that come in different shapes. precise arrangements of these spines is very

19:08 for normal development. And here we that there are some mental retardation in

19:17 fragile X syndrome and fragile X. you have is essentially a uh abnormal

19:29 of dendritic spines. The shape of pines and the distribution of these spines

19:36 what you also have is mental So we talked about fragile X syndrome

19:45 and we talked about the genetic We talked about how to develop mental

19:52 , how it falls under the umbrella autism spectrum disorders broadly. And if

19:57 have these abnormal expires, that's where lot of excitatory glutamate synapses are

20:03 a lot of inhibitors synopses are formed well and these spines are abnormal.

20:10 means the connectivity, the communication, processing, it's going to be

20:15 The neurons leading to this mental developmental , fragile X syndrome. General neurons

20:23 four units that input and integrated to on the output regions. Can then

20:29 classifying neurons based on their different What are some other properties. Well

20:34 of them look differently more theologically. you can classify neurons based on

20:40 When we talk about bipolar cell. about sudo, you know polar cell

20:45 unit polar cells ganglion cells or dorsal which is dorsal root, ganglion cell

20:51 there's a lot of multipolar cells. is a motor neuron, a spinal

20:55 and you need to know what types neurotransmitters the cell's release and whether the

21:01 inhibitory. And this is the parameter of the Hippocampus which we also

21:06 And you can see that some of cells like Kenji Salad, the cerebellum

21:10 contain up to 150,000 synopses to all this information has to be integrated very

21:16 within the cell body to decide whether axle is going to produce an action

21:21 and communicated to the interconnected cell So these action potentials will be communicated

21:28 certain different patterns. So some of cells we talked about are distinguished by

21:34 fact that their projection cells to project interconnect different areas of the brain into

21:39 are located locally. Cells are can some classified based on excitation glutamate cells

21:48 inhibition, Galba cells. Um They contain cell specific markers for certain

21:55 neuro peptides, calcium binding proteins and molecules that they express. Because different

22:01 subtypes express a slightly different subset of . In the end when we look

22:07 circuit like hippocampal circuit, we talked three predominant layers start already adam pyramidal

22:14 orients and we talked about that on excited projection sells the parameter cells we

22:21 have three different subtypes of cells live three different layers. Ready Adam medaglia

22:27 and some of them contain Calvin din their C. B. Plus

22:31 B. Positive and others do not co dependent. So the C.

22:35 minus, they do not express Calvin . And this was the three

22:39 If you make the excitatory cells will information from this area of the hippocampus

22:45 the interconnected regions. And here the shows that within the same hippocampal circuit

22:52 have About 21 different subtypes of inhibitory although there is a lesser number of

22:59 cells overall only 10-20% of the total population of these networks. These cellular

23:05 are dominated by the presence of the pyramidal cells but these inhibitory cells that

23:11 in at least 21 different subtypes that be distinguished based on their morphology and

23:17 location based on the E cielo Which is the synopsis the synoptic projections

23:24 they're formed in the prom. It'll where they are formed in the pyramidal

23:28 or where they are formed in the item layer on the dendrites of the

23:33 cells and finally by their specific cellular . So having all of this information

23:41 morphology of the cell connectivity with the cells or not. Whether the excitatory

23:48 projection sells all of these inhibitory cells inter neurons are staying locally and controlling

23:56 network activity and processing local network And if we look that the cells

24:03 receive the same stimulus but they will very different output of the action potentials

24:09 if we look in different circuits and which is the cortex we recall is

24:14 parameter cells will pretty much have one of dialect that they speak and as

24:21 as the frequency of action potentials and pattern of action potentials that they

24:26 And so the variety and this dialect the patterns and the frequencies of action

24:32 firing comes from the inhibitory into So parameter cells will be speaking pretty

24:40 the same dialect of action potentials and of these inhibitory into neurons will be

24:46 different dialects. And because of the of these dialects were able to process

24:52 lot of different information in the And later we talked that these action

24:56 patterns and these dialects are produced in certain way because these cells will express

25:03 voltage gated sodium channels with certain voltage . V. Voltage current properties.

25:10 . And that they're all going to slightly different channel kinetics in these vault

25:19 channels that will account for the ability some of the cells to produce very

25:25 rates, continuous rates of action potentials other cells producing much slower firing rates

25:33 the action potentials. We can study again using electrophysiology using patch climb

25:40 And this concluded our section on We next moved to glia. We

25:45 about several types of glia. The way to review this is to actually

25:50 at this diagram here talked about micro that's involved in neuronal repair following damage

25:58 is involved in cytokine and inflammation. about illegal emphasize in the cns are

26:05 for my elimination exercise. Are responsible synaptic genesis, synaptic transmission, control

26:12 neurotransmitters around the neuronal synopsis as well control of extra cellular ionic concentrations and

26:22 their empty to the blood brain barrier cells here we talk to this pluripotent

26:28 and the last type of cell that didn't mention. This radial glial cells

26:33 are involved in guiding neurons is they're and their processes are outgrowing and positioning

26:40 in their final destination as the brains developing. So if in C.

26:46 . S. We have my elimination liquid undersides in the P.

26:50 S. We have my elimination by cells, liquid undersides. One process

26:56 make one segment of Myelin and the . N. S. One Schwann

27:01 will become a single segment of Myelin these segments are separated by nodes of

27:08 . Later you learn that these nodes ranveer contained identities of both educated sodium

27:14 potassium channels and that's where the action gets regenerated as it is traveling down

27:20 axon to the axon terminal. We about the Myelin Nation and we talked

27:27 how there are several different proteins and interactions and uh certain levels of these

27:34 that control myelin compaction or normal Myelin and that if there is and follow

27:41 for example which can be caused by infection and which causes inflammation and d

27:49 Nation uh this is one way to myelin but we then focused on to

27:57 disorders. Multiple sclerosis, the currents which is typically in the 30 plus

28:02 of age which is in this We discuss uh mutations and chromosome 18

28:09 , certain symptomology, electrolysis and convulsions spasms in the muscles and the animal

28:17 by which it was reproduced what we've humans and partly recovered with the Myelin

28:24 using gene therapy and multiple sclerosis and immune disorders of the cNS axons violating

28:32 charlotte married to is A PMS disordered in the P. M.

28:38 Due to chromosome 17 gene duplication that's during early development muscles and the bones

28:47 growing and forming and can cause impaired bodily deformities by over expression of this

28:56 myelin protein in 22. And so um this is a good overview of

29:04 of the glial cells have already And one more time remember that astrocytes

29:09 play a very important role in controlling blood brain barrier. So this concludes

29:17 neurons and glia section. And let see there is uh do we need

29:25 know anatomy of the soma um Like nucleus and the major organelles Golgi and

29:33 plasma in particular. And I think just very basic biology. It doesn't

29:38 to know it. Um And some the features maybe there are more important

29:42 us that we emphasize. There's something neuronal specific like spines for example.

29:48 why there's an importance of normal densities spatial distribution of these dendritic spines along

29:57 axon dendritic access so that there is processing and normal development of brain

30:05 Um And all of the cognitive and abilities illegal then decides well illegal undersides

30:16 here. There you go. So formed the smiling sheets. Myelin units

30:27 the accents of nodes. Alright, neurons produce different action potentials. We

30:35 a variety of real cells. We the my elimination. So this that

30:41 talking about and then we want them resting membrane potential. Started talking about

30:45 number and potential. Before that. said, okay we need to understand

30:49 of the basic circuits and how things . So we use this as a

30:56 stretch jerk, knee jerk reflex, root ganglion cells. Remember the pseudo

31:03 neurons are going to excite modern neurons are multi polar, going to release

31:09 Seattle, calling on the muscles and a muscular contraction but for this muscle

31:15 contract properly during the stimulus sensory stimulation a mallet here, as we

31:21 you also need to make sure that opposing muscle and the hamstring flexor muscle

31:25 relaxed and the same sensory nerves can the inhibitory interneuron which will release inhibitor

31:32 rising. It's also a multipolar. we'll make sure that this motor neuron

31:36 not active and the muscle remains And so this is a very simple

31:42 . Eventually one synapse can cause a of the muscle. For the reflex

31:46 be effective, you have to involve synapses in them. It's still pretty

31:52 reflex, arch. It's all important understand all these three different cellular subtypes

31:58 mythology and neurotransmitters to release whether they're or inhibitory. So neurons have plasma

32:06 and plasma membranes are not permeable to and instead they will have channels specific

32:13 channels embedded in plasma membranes and there's to be a separation of charge between

32:18 outside of the plasma membrane inside of cell approximately, it says minus 60

32:22 minus 75. This resting membrane potential slightly different cellular subtypes. Now,

32:30 happens is that we have a lot sodium chloride on the outside, potassium

32:34 dominating on the inside. There's also lot of calcium on the outside compared

32:39 the inside. It's 10,000 times more on the outside and the inside of

32:44 cell. And calcium doesn't contribute that to change in neuronal potential because overall

32:51 isn't that much the concentration of calcium million 120 Of flora 145 of sodium

33:00 the outside. But it will contribute a lot of changes in the inter

33:03 functions and calcium can serve as a messenger and a lot of the cellular

33:10 calcium is bound up and buffering in to all of the specific channels,

33:16 potassium or calcium channels will also have pumps and A. K. Pumps

33:20 will use a TP to pump sodium potassium against the concentration grading. These

33:25 are made up of amino acids that bound with peptide bonds strong into um

33:35 tides. Secondary structures coiled tertiary ordinary structures to the trans membrane protein

33:44 channels and these channels of specific to ions and specificity is based on molecular

33:51 and chemical interactions. So it's based the size of the size of the

33:56 of hydration and also on the interactions the charged amino acid residues that will

34:05 sodium sodium challenge potassium potassium channels clog calcium calcium channels. So um now

34:18 law V. Equals ir conductance is inverse of resistance. Therefore you can

34:25 current equals G. V. We about that if you just had simply

34:32 gradient or chemical gradient, you had lot of sodium fluoride on one side

34:35 the plasma membrane and nothing on that you open these channels then if there

34:41 nothing else just chemical gradient, then will have this equal distribution of he's

34:48 and chloride on either side of the membrane. However, we know that

34:53 have a charge and cat ions are by Catto negative and repelled by positive

35:00 node and an ions are attracted by ode and repelled by cat toad.

35:08 what happens in reality is the separation charges at the level of the plasma

35:13 . And if you have a lot the concentration of potassium and that potassium

35:18 flexing from one inside to the there's now enough of the positive charge

35:24 up on the outside of the plasma that it starts actually repelling this

35:30 This force now is an electrical force addition to the chemical gradient driving in

35:35 direction. Now you have an equal electrical force repelling that charge in the

35:40 direction. And when the two forces equal to each other, that's where

35:44 have an equilibrium potential value, Librium for a given ion. And so

35:53 talked about equilibrium potential values for each based on their concentrations outside versus inside

36:00 the ratios and these concentrations outside versus and that we would use marist equation

36:06 calculate equilibrium potential for individual ions. 2.3 R. T over zf log

36:14 ion on the outside versus I on the inside of himself, which can

36:19 abbreviated collapsed here from unavailing catalonians into 54 million balls mon available and I

36:28 to minus 61.54 million balls and Duyvil cat tien into 30.77 million balls and

36:37 the log of concentration of each ion outside inside sodium outside, inside,

36:43 inside castle inside inside. So each of these ions and they will have

36:48 respective ionic concentration values. So you not need to have a calculator.

36:55 not gonna need to calculate but you're have to recognize the correct delineation,

37:03 arrangement. For the example chloride You should say that's the chloride that

37:09 be facility more potassium because the Value is -1. You should also

37:14 what R. T. And F. R. And you don't

37:19 to do the calculations but you need recognize different variables of this equation which

37:25 us to calculate ionic equilibrium potential values order to calculate member and potential

37:31 We use a different equation. The equation. Goldman equation still takes a

37:36 of our T. Over f 61.54 of one log but in this case

37:47 adding concentration of potassium outside versus inside sodium concentration outside versus inside. Before

37:57 we're introducing this term permeability and we that arresting number of potential potassium channels

38:04 leaking and open and potassium is leaking of the cells and therefore membrane potential

38:13 dominated by P. K. Permeability for potassium 40 times more so than

38:20 and the overall number and potential VM is much closer two potassium um equilibrium

38:31 than it is to sodium. It close to chloride. It is but

38:36 so you know at the wrestling number potential chloride is really not flexing.

38:40 channels are not open. So it dictated mostly by potassium. This is

38:46 main differences between the nourished equation and golden immigration that we see. Mm

38:59 jumping forward to to formula snow ernst Goldman equation here recall that that means

39:10 concentrations of ions don't need to change much as much as the permeability concentrations

39:17 ions change a little bit during sodium action and potassium action potential dynamics but

39:25 doesn't change that much which changes a is permeability. And by changing the

39:31 for potassium or sodium, you can very much the membrane potential value if

39:37 permissible, the potassium is going to dominant by potassium is going to be

39:43 to the equilibrium potential values for If it is permeability amount of the

39:47 and is dominated by sodium channels open sodium conductance is that means that permeability

39:54 going to be higher for sodium and membrane potential is going to be closer

39:59 the equilibrium potential value for sodium and , to prevent these abnormal extra cellular

40:06 concentration changes. We call upon aside selves and this shows that if you

40:13 the extra cellular potassium concentration here and the memory potential will de polarize significantly

40:21 will reach actually the threshold for action firing, making cells fire to avoid

40:27 drastic increases in local extra cellular Janek situations we have the astro sides real

40:35 that will slurp up these abnormally high ionic concentrations and will spatially buffer through

40:43 own very widely distributed spatially processes and within the interconnected cell networks and other

40:52 side. So they will very quickly try to buffer and prevent the abnormal

40:59 of ions like potassium and abnormal concentrations uh neurotransmitters as well. We discussed

41:08 Mackinnon as a person that used multiple basically to get to the answer to

41:15 this uh this potassium channel structure, just solid but to visualize this potassium

41:22 structure. And particularly he talked about shaker flies and side directed me to

41:28 or genetic mutations. He discovered this loop or the selectivity filter. We

41:35 that a lot of the sequences of acids and these proteins are conserved across

41:41 and understanding the structure of potassium channel the fly is just as important.

41:46 parts of that channel can be identical humans and human function. So would

41:53 eventually use this electrophysiology to see how mutations affect the flexes of ions through

42:01 channels. He used toxins to see different binding sides for toxins are important

42:09 not and where these toxins might be and that helped him deduce the three

42:14 structure of the channel. Eventually he to X ray crystallography visualized using X

42:21 , visualized actual production, general So what a quest, What a

42:27 quest to answer a question and the different techniques and skill sets and almost

42:39 become just a tool to get to ultimate answer that you were searching for

42:48 potentials. Rising phase, overshoot. face. Undershoot easy right rising face

42:56 following phase potassium undershoot potassium still But then going back to the resting

43:03 potential with the house on the pumps record these action potentials intracellular or extra

43:10 early. These action potentials. The can depend on the strength of the

43:16 and part the frequency of action potentials the strength of the stimulus until as

43:21 discuss certain cells will reach the maximum rates that are lower frequencies and other

43:28 can produce very fast trains of action . So the driving force we discussed

43:35 driving force is the difference between the potential and equilibrium potential for an ion

43:43 the greater is the difference the greater going to be the current for that

43:48 island. Okay, so when concerns driving force and the conductance and potassium

43:55 dominating, address, sodium is dominating the conductance is a dominating at the

44:00 phase, potassium again is dominating and phase and the resting membrane potential.

44:07 the best actually uh talk about uh always suggest that it is best to

44:19 this diagram as a real great study for the question since you may get

44:24 action potentials. And if you understand that's labeled here for example. RMP

44:30 membrane potential D. Polarizing inputs, polarizing polarizing inputs. Action potential threshold

44:38 there's opening of both educated sodium influx of sodium that goes through the

44:43 feedback loop more sodium, more more sodium, more deep polarization,

44:48 striving has a huge driving force here negative potentials which is the difference between

44:53 . N. A. And M. The membrane potential. And

44:58 the number of potential becomes more deep driving force for sodium reduces And the

45:03 force for potassium where equilibrium potential potassium here is a huge one. These

45:08 potential so deep polarized. And the reason why sodium never drives a number

45:13 potential all the way to its equilibrium reversal potential values is because of the

45:20 and the closure and activation of the channels. At this point, potassium

45:24 over potassium tries to drive remembering into own reversal potential values and the resting

45:30 potential gets rebuilt slowly with an Ak . You have the absolute refractory period

45:36 you have the relative refractory period as discussed as well. Okay, so

45:42 back to that other portion on the is here, we talked about how

46:03 understood the action potential recordings were recording voltage but we want to record the

46:09 and if we want to record the we can control the voltage and voltage

46:13 allows us to clamp or command the potential a different number of potential values

46:18 to isolate individual currents allowed Hodgkin and to isolate inward currents and describe them

46:26 fast opening and fast and activating or and the outward potassium current As uh

46:33 in opening, that prolonged in their . And they showed that for

46:38 what positive 52, you would actually seen any inward current coming from sodium

46:44 that's where the Librium potential value for is. This voltage clamp was necessary

46:50 experimentally demonstrate what was allowed to be by nursed equation as far as the

46:55 potentials. It also allowed us to individual current sodium and potassium currents.

47:01 you stood later, the sodium channels made up of four subunits, six

47:05 membrane segments. Each subunit as four voltage sensor between five and six.

47:11 have the selectivity filter the poor loop as for that has a voltage sensor

47:17 positively charged. The negative potentials of plasma membrane, that negative positively charged

47:25 acids inside this protein are attracted by charged membrane and it keeps the channel

47:32 but with deep polarization, with excitatory inputs coming in with deep polarization.

47:39 voltage sensor is going to actually slide because there's going to be less of

47:45 negative charge and more of a positive now on the inside and that is

47:50 to start repelling this voltage sensor. it's this. This basically channel will

47:56 the change in voltage that's where they to as voltage gated channels. And

48:02 the sensor slides up the gates of voltage gated sodium channels open. We

48:06 that voltage gated sodium channels as you polarizing will open very quickly. But

48:11 soon as that voltage sensor slides up channel, it also causes the inactivation

48:18 inactivation gates closing the channel and very Stopping the conductance is through these voltage

48:25 sodium channels. Now to deon activate to remove the inactivation gates. And

48:31 only way you can deactivate is that you release this deep polarization from -40

48:37 to resting membrane potential online in 65 then allows for that sensor to slide

48:43 down into its resting membrane potential position it is sliding down, it's gonna

48:49 activate move this ball and chain and the closure of the channels. Channel

48:55 to be closed open, inactivated Dean , closed open, inactivated Dean

49:03 closed open in this cycle. And the reason why the membrane potential during

49:10 potential doesn't reach the equilibrium potential value sodium. We talked about these really

49:16 techniques using micro electrodes and patch pipettes study different channels and different patches of

49:24 plasma membrane and several techniques that we as a cell attached recordings and also

49:31 inside out patch clamp recording which allows to expose the inside of the protein

49:40 of interest to the outside experimental environment the outside out recordings which exposed the

49:47 of the protein. The outside selling of the protein to the experimental

49:53 And we talked about toxins. We about TTX in particular. No it's

50:00 the slightest coming up blank. But talked about several uh important uh concepts

50:11 . Let me check one more time this is coming up. I may

50:18 skipped a few of these slides in recording but we talked about how there's

50:26 equivalent circuits and I want you to symbols for capacitor, what's a good

50:32 ? The pump um variable conductors or and each one of them containing their

50:40 batteries and the polarity of the battery the charge separation across plasma number and

50:48 ions. This is a capacitor charges lot of stores a lot of

50:52 And we talked about numbering property says resistant and capacitive properties. This is

50:59 I. V. Plot where positive amperes of current is outward current negative

51:05 convention nanogram paces inward current and this I for current and V for voltage

51:11 membrane potential. So small neurons will small neurons, small radios will have

51:17 input resistance, large cells, large will have large capacity to be a

51:23 capacity. I have to have a of numbering area store a lot of

51:27 charge up and discharge pretty quickly. so this is a good capacitor in

51:31 membrane permeability will change and switch so the cells and most permeability of potassium

51:39 during the action potential sells the most volta sodium and just by changing the

51:44 not much of the outside inside concentration you can have a significant alteration in

51:49 member and potential voltage. You know talked about voltage clamp the techniques to

51:55 these currents. Hodgkin and Huxley inward outward conductance is the kinetics of sodium

52:02 . The two gates open and activated closed patch clamp recordings and some

52:09 This is where we stopped where we about tetrodotoxin which is found in puffer

52:15 . It's found in some other organisms well. It's made by microorganisms that

52:24 live in the organs of these Saxon toxins. Found clams, mussels

52:32 cry toxin, Colombian frog. They target different parts of the channel activation

52:37 inactivation. But Toshio Narahashi demonstrated Tetrodotoxin a selective sodium channel antagonist. It's

52:46 reversible sodium channel antagonist but it's a sodium channel antagonist. So he said

52:52 to T. X. Blocks action by blocking the influx of sodium.

52:57 doesn't the fact that outward potassium conductance talked about. Tetra methyl ammonium is

53:02 matter of substance that is a specific or an antagonist for these channels or

53:08 that blocks is an antagonist blocker. ? So tetrodotoxin Saxon toxin,

53:16 We also talked about how lidocaine this S six trans membrane subunit of wealthy

53:22 sodium channel the lidocaine has a binding here and that's a common local anesthetic

53:28 was also used as local anesthetic in 60 that's as low binding affinity devolved

53:33 sodium channels. That's not what it's for now. Illicit drug Tetra Soleimani

53:39 specific to potassium. We talked about you measure these I. V.

53:45 and how I wanted you to recognize oneK I. V. Curves in

53:51 case from the acetylcholine receptor channel, also for potassium channels and for sodium

53:57 . I urge you to review these is a pretty impressions from the last

54:00 lectures or so talked about how some are linear and others are rectifying and

54:06 subtypes of cells will have collections. can express 12, 10, 9

54:12 types of voltage gated channels and these gated channels. The conductance is will

54:17 on the changes and voltages that will different curves. Therefore accounting for the

54:22 dialects that they can produce and different of action potentials that they can

54:27 Some of these cells are rectifying, means that they conduct more current.

54:32 direction over the other direction, talked how you can over express different channels

54:40 you can over express these channels because the small patches of the membrane that

54:46 you're doing the recordings, you may have one or two channels and you

54:50 not be able to pick up the very well from noise. So in

54:54 to amplify that signal, you can express it in simpler system like Prague

55:00 sides for example, there are large one millimeter and study the kinetics and

55:05 in this channel. And when you you understand the different sub tribes of

55:10 gated sodium channel also have different properties how they are opening, how long

55:15 stay open and so on. And very insightful. And then you can

55:19 that information back into more complex systems neurons, mammalian neurons, more complex

55:26 . So now what we talked about how this action potential is made.

55:32 once the action potential is generated it generated at the axon initial hillock

55:39 Okay. And this is a very area. And so this area will

55:44 high densities of voltage gated sodium potassium channels, nose of ranveer which

55:51 breaks in between the myelin segments will contain high densities of voltage gated sodium

55:56 potassium channels. Where action potentials will regenerated at each node around here and

56:03 that the amplitude of that action potential going to be the same and constant

56:07 its propagation down the axon and when reaches external terminal is going to be

56:12 same as when it was generated. axon. And a lot of this

56:16 area here the neurons will be receiving trade inputs on their gun rights,

56:22 their inputs. There could be hundreds of them could be simultaneous, could

56:26 separated by a few milliseconds and ramon predicted that there's this principle of dynamic

56:33 . So he was making the he says of all the inputs are

56:36 to come into the dendrites and some and the action potentials are going to

56:40 produced and communicated down the axles. this is directionality from selma to access

56:46 this is input processing and then the only gets communicated in that direction.

56:51 is called principal of dynamic polarization by alcohol. So if the cells project

56:58 the distal done rides, they have have very strong inputs and a lot

57:02 inputs activating in order for this accident segment to get deep polarized. And

57:07 the D polarizing stimulus will reach the initial segment, we talked about how

57:12 have inhibitory inputs that are very close the soma and excited. The inputs

57:17 are common commonly further away located more away from the soma and the excellent

57:23 hill log here we have two types local educated sodium channels. You have

57:28 threshold and low threshold and maybe 1.6 so once this deep polarization reaches this

57:35 it's N A V 1.6, they're a little bit further away from Soma

57:40 they are low threshold. They're the that are going to generate the forward

57:44 action potential and that forward action potential action potential is going to cause a

57:50 release effect terminal And as that there's also going to be now enough

57:58 enough of the threshold to open high and maybe 1.2 channels going to generate

58:04 propagating action potential. This back propagating potential is going to spread back into

58:10 soma and back into the den It's in the way challenging this principle

58:15 dynamic polarization. Where the forward propagating communicating synaptic information, neuronal transmission,

58:23 transmission and back propagating action potential is information back into the soma. Into

58:29 den rights. And so what is significance of that? And the significance

58:35 that is that the uh back propagating potentials are very important for learning and

58:49 . Very important for plasticity. And is happening is this is communication between

58:56 and there's certain spike timing that is , neurons communicate in a very fast

59:03 . And that means that if this prison optical is trying to excite the

59:08 and the cell response within a few and says this back propagating action

59:13 It helps to sell bind the pre synaptic activity. It helps to sell

59:20 plasticity in these active synopses based on spike timing, there's this concept of

59:27 timing dependent plasticity. So the back action potential is very important in plasticity

59:33 synaptic plasticity. Dendritic plasticity and spike dependent plasticity and forward propagating action potential

59:40 going to cause the release of the and synaptic communication that we will address

59:47 the next section of this course. this actually concludes our review of the

59:56 . Gonna check chat. Should we the ratios you should remember the approximate

60:09 of the four ions that we discussed potassium chloride calcium is the driving force

60:17 potential always sodium. The initial rising of the action potential is always

60:23 sodium will always happen highest driving force addressing memory and potential, the neuronal

60:29 of potential is far away from the potential for that ion as we

60:35 Um and then the following phase will dominated by potassium. So the driving

60:41 is going to be the highest for . Especially with these deep polarized membrane

60:49 . What are the circle symbols I'm sorry I don't um I'm not

60:58 what so called symbols you're referring Um Sorry if I didn't see this

61:05 . Do axon initial segments also contain levels of acetylcholine receptor channel.

61:11 Now they're specifically I want you to and know that axon initial segments and

61:18 over on beer contain identities of both sodium channels and potassium channels and that's

61:24 they're strategically positioned in the best way um regenerate the action potentials in the

61:32 . Over here. The circles and capacities background the circles of the capacities

61:41 . I think you're referring to the for the pump. N.

61:46 K. T. P pump if not mistaken. So there's a conductance

61:51 resistance for each channel then there's the . The pump shows arrows for ions

62:01 against concentration gradients and then the which is a charge storage across inside

62:10 outside of the number. Okay, , we're just on time of finishing

62:22 review, as I mentioned, if can use some of these tools to

62:28 the diagrams for action potential, do sample exam take some sample questions from

62:36 book at the end of each Review the sections that you may have

62:43 with understanding. Review those lectures on points and good luck to you on

62:52 . So you have a whole weekend study and wishing you luck take

